🎵 Be all, end all 🎵
- Apr 17, 2023
- 3,279
"I rather accept the cold, hard truth than believe a comforting lie."
-carl sagan
-carl sagan
A slow mulling over as the fruit is being chewed. Realization after realization coming into focus.I really love the question, but thinking about it, I have absolutely no idea when I realized that this world truly sucks. I think it kind of came into focus over time, bit by bit, one horrendous story in the world after another, multitudes of death of family and friends, disappointment after disappointment, failure upon failure, lie after lie, blow by blow.
Sorry to hear that. I grew up in a narcissistic family. You really should be proudI started getting bullied and ostracized in elementary school for being gay; That's what started my negative worldview perception. My first relationship was with a narcissist as well which was hard to get through and walk away from but I did and I'm proud of myself for that
Same I think for meWell, I had taken a bite but didn't chew until recently. Like I knew but chose to ignore everything like a fool.
From the beginningI guess I learnt about the precariousness of life via lots of deaths in the family early on- age 3. Then, I got a lesson in narcissistic behaviour. I developed a cynical mind with regards to society pretty early on too. Not so sure where that came from. By age 10 though, I'd worked out how shit this life can be! How about you?
I was forced into a situation outside of my control where humanity could show me whether it was good or not, a last chance if you will. Despite all the abuses of life I managed to overcome it unfortunately... The answer is that the world is pretty shit. I see no redeeming qualities."I rather accept the cold, hard truth than believe a comforting lie."
-carl sagan
life , consciousness, pain , suffering , existence, this world , this animal body : They all get worse and worse the more I research and think and reason about these things."I rather accept the cold, hard truth than believe a comforting lie."
-carl sagan
Same feelings I had. Being born into hell. ctb should be easy. We'd be escaping this hell. But it'd be easier if death was a better place and not just a void. Seems sadWhen my dad beat me so much as a child that because of the pain, I was forced to become self aware at too young an age. Even if I didn't have the words, my first thoughts and self aware feelings were "what is this hellhole and why is that monster hurting me? I don't want to be here!" It was so strange and alien to me.
I think you would like this poem by, Charles Bukowski, entitled The Crunch If you haven't already that is.