
Jul 14, 2020
Sounds like the typical self centred dad
why do you assume this person is a dad? They could be a mother.
easy way out
Who are you to judge what is the 'easy way out'? Have you ever lived one day in this person's shoes?
your living son will see your suicide as a punishment for him rejecting you. He will feel responsible. It will kill him
you have no idea what effect it will have on their son. You're just trying to guilt trip this person with wild and unjustified speculation based on zero knowledge of the actual details of the situation.
I don't care for the details of your relationship
ah, ok. You're not one for details. Got it. Just blanket moral condemnations. I guess that's easier.
You suffer for your child, end of. Grow up.
Who are you to say who should suffer for whom? Since when did you become a moral arbiter dispensing judgements and decrees? You should try imagining what some people have to live through. No one should have to live for another person just to please that person. What you're suggesting is nothing more than slavery.
A selfish dad just like you.

Call it projection I don't care. I see right through you.
Perhaps try a little more compassion and understanding.
What did you think you were going to achieve by making such a post?

You call others selfish, but it doesn't sound like you're completely free of selfishness yourself.
I appreciate your input
well done for not getting annoyed at that post.
The tone was pretty aggressive and judgmental towards you.
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Apr 5, 2020
For me the motivation is mostly economic failure and romantic failure. . The healthy, useful attitude is to try repeatedly until one is eventually successful, but I've a deep, hatred for the whole process. I'm totally jaded about it.

Being the bitter curmudgeon that I am, seeing others succeeding in these areas doesn't much inspire me, instead it only strengthens my resentment. I don't want others to fail, but it hurts so much to see them getting ahead while I lag behind.

I also have grave issues with many other aspects of life, including ageing, the competitive nature of current societies, the unpredictability of others and even myself, and the existence of suffering. All day, these problems and others bother me, anger me, depress me, to no end.
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Your Orange Crush
Mar 7, 2020
I step back and ask myself whether there is even a small possibly of achieving the goals I have in my life, that I have had for many, many years.

A good career, a loving partner with family, the usual mundane pleasures of life. For various reasons that cannot be rectified, those no longer seem possible, so I am leading a pointless life.

Perhaps that wouldn't even be enough of a reason for me, except that the trauma and pain of the past is so severe and intense that almost every day of my life is a struggle against an emotional battering ram.

The cost of living a pointless existence is unending emotional pain and suffering, it's not worth it to me, and I've reached the limit of what I can do to try and change any aspect of it for the better.
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Jan 20, 2020
I'm a mom. I have been here 3 yrs almost post the death of my older son just for my younger son. I appreciate your input. Sometimes others input can make a difference and help us see things we are to depressed to see. I don't see why you would be blocked by the site. Thank you for sharing with me. He has a job and I pay his cell bill- so he has no excuses to not call or text me. I text him at least 3x a week and get no reply. I call him every week he will call back when he has time usually only about once a month. Yes he is grieving the loss of his brother and his mother as he knew her. It was just me and the boys and his brother was the man figure in his life. I was not strong enough to keep it together when his brother died. My kids were/are my life. I'm so very sorry your dad has done things to make you feel this way. I am sending you hugs
I respect how well you reacted to that. It can't be easy to hear. I can only Imagine how crushing the pain of losing one of my kids would be. I see why you fell into such grief, and I know it was never your desire to lose your other child. Being parents doesn't make us super humans that have strength 10x that of the average person, but most people feel like it should.
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Sep 7, 2020
why do you assume this person is a dad? They could be a mother.

Who are you to judge what is the 'easy way out'? Have you ever lived one day in this person's shoes?

you have no idea what effect it will have on their son. You're just trying to guilt trip this person with wild and unjustified speculation based on zero knowledge of the actual details of the situation.

ah, ok. You're not one for details. Got it. Just blanket moral condemnations. I guess that's easier.

wtf? Who are you to say who should suffer for whom? Since when did you become a moral arbiter dispensing judgements and dictums? You should try imagining what some people have to live through. No one should have to live for another person just to please that person. What you're suggesting is nothing more than slavery.

I see you're very good at making assumptions.
Also very good at making blanket moral judgements.

Perhaps try a little more compassion and understanding.
What did you think you were going to achieve by making such a post?

You call others selfish, but it doesn't sound like you're completely free of selfishness yourself.

well done for not getting annoyed at that post.
The tone was pretty aggressive and judgmental towards you.

thank you @worried_to_death for sticking up for me. I spent my life being a single mom. I never even went to a concert because I was raising my boys. I had 2 friends because I didn't have time to socialize because I was raising my boys. I have social anxiety to thats part of it, also I didn't want any negative influences around my kids. I have been single for 10 yrs except hmm 6-8 months because I spent my time raising my kids. I'm not blowing my own horn but I devoted every part of me to my kids.I woke up for my boys- if it wasn't for them I would have CTB'd long ago. My younger son moved out a yr and a half ago to ex in laws. He has wanted to be with them for years, they spoil him insanely. What I can tell everyone is when that police officer came and said he died in a car accident I lost it. I died right than and there. I wake up in the morning and have to know my son is dead. I will never hear I love you Ma again. I will never hear hey Ma this is happening what do you think. I will never have a hug. I spend 24/7 in my bedroom most of the time in hysterical painful soul wretching crying for my kids. I look at my older sons picture and just yearn to hug him. I am in hysterics crying and talking to him. I can never put into words how painful mentally and physically it is to be here. I would give my life so he could have his. I lived for my kids and I died when my older son died in a car accident. I will never be me. I don't sleep well because when I try to close my eyes I have to wonder did my son suffer and when I can fall asleep I am awakened 20-30x and am reminded my son is never coming home because my brain just can't relax enough to sleep. I have to over medicate myself to sleep- and some days I do so for 14+ hours because being awake is just to painful physically and mentally and I hope I get a dream visit from J. My phone rings I get excited maybe it's my younger son nope it's a debt collector or a spam call. I exist in so much mental and physical pain- 1 foot in the grave looking forward to going to my older son and 1 foot here wishing my younger one would just call. My younger son has gone on with life and I am happy he is. He has no room for me in it only that once a month call usually because he wants something. Yes in my grief I pushed him away, life did not give me the skills to live through my sons death. He was the first love in my life. I was born into hell and until he came into my life it was hell. So having said all that my life is spending 24/7 in my room I go pee and grab a drink and feed my animals. I can't eat maybe once or twice a week I will eat. I sit alone in hysterics. So no, this life is not for me. I have hung on for almost 3 years for my younger son if it wasn't for him I would have gone the day my older son did. I am sure my death will have an impact on him, I only hope it isn't major. He is intelligent, stubborn, independent, introverted and has his goals he is striving for. Due to his personality I am sure my death wont cause him to much harm. After his brother died his words about 6 months later were Joey died but my life isn't going to stop. He has the skills and personality to get through it...
I respect how well you reacted to that. It can't be easy to hear. I can only Imagine how crushing the pain of losing one of my kids would be. I see why you fell into such grief, and I know it was never your desire to lose your other child. Being parents doesn't make us super humans that have strength 10x that of the average person, but most people feel like it should.

thank you @RoseyBird. No it wasn't easy to hear. I devoted so much of myself to my kids to give them a good happy life. I tried the best I could and they were never abused and shown nothing but love. I offer advice on here and in turn I must listen to others. If it's something I want to hear or not. Only one who is a parent can understand that depth of love we feel. Yes, many expect us to be superwoman all we can do is the best we can
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Sep 4, 2020
A constant cycle of feeling numb, pain, fear, dead already, rage, self-hatred. If I had to pinpoint a reason, I couldn't. I've found paperwork from when I was in elementary school saying I was "worried". Who knows how long I've been this way or what "caused" it. What I do know is I've felt like I was in a living abysmal hell for as long as I can remember and my mother was a huge part of that.
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Lost in transition
Jan 25, 2019
When you feel worthless
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