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Feb 4, 2024
Seriously, what is the point? To some extent, I feel like the world would be better if I had never existed to begin with. Why must there be something rather than nothing? If everything comes to an end, why bother? If I have suffered this much, why should I keep going? Why was I born and what's supposed to keep me going?
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they say it’s darkest of all before the dawn
Sep 13, 2023
There is none
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She wished that she never existed...
Sep 24, 2020
I don't believe there could ever be a point to something so futile as existence, I believe that humans only ever ask this as they have the ability to be conscious and aware unlike animals. I just see existing as a meaningless process of waiting around to die, eventually no matter what this existence will permanently disappear into nothingness and all will be forgotten about.

I see the existence of life as a terrible tragedy, it's an abomination that causes so much senseless harm and cruelty all with no deeper meaning or purpose behind it, to me existence itself is nothing more than a virus that has so tragically tormented existing beings all throughout history. What repulses me is how humans actually choose to impose existence even know existing truly is nothing but pointless suffering, to me existence is the exact opposite of having a point, it's useless, unnecessary, existence doesn't achieve anything rather it so harmfully creates problems there was never a need for.
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Doesn't read PMs
May 20, 2021
We have to make our own purpose in life. If we want out, that's ok and that's our choice.
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Jul 8, 2023
I think there might be a point if people weren't so damn weird these days. I STG, it's hard to encounter simple, normal people. Coexisting is such a struggle. So many people make life more difficult than it has to be, for no good reason.

Take my neighbor's dumbass kid for example. Every fcking time he starts up his car to go somewhere, I have to get jolted out of my thoughts because he wants to be an attention-seeking asshole POS with his maliciously-loud modified exhaust.

I could understand if having a loud exhaust offered any kind of useful value. But 99 percent of the posers that modify their mufflers don't even get any real significant increase in performance or fuel efficiency that is worth waking elderly people and infant babies from their sleep.

And these types of people are just one example of many. There's also people like my one co-worker who keeps using the fact that he has 4 kids as an excuse for everything from leaving early to just not plain showing up. So the rest of us have to pick up his slack because he thought it was a good idea to quadruple his useless genes by sticking his worthless dick inside some worthless skank that sits at home and does absolutely nothing besides live off his his barely sufficient paycheck.

People these days just want to dickheads just for the sake of it. No consideration for others. I feel like all the normal people are in the world are here, on this side of SaSu. We are here because we suffer as normal people in a sea of jackasses. Because to me, I find it abnormal that anyone would want to voluntarily stay alive on this shit planet full of shit people.
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I use google translate
Aug 21, 2023
Life has no meaning, everyone has to give it their own meaning. There is no objective answer.
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Dec 1, 2022
Right now I dont see the point in my own life but there have been periods where I have felt I had a purpose, but that ship has sailed i dont think I will be able to find a reason to carry on again.
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Jan 1, 2024
I don't think their is a meaning . It's to enjoy the little things in life but with depression the little things in life are meaningless to
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Mar 8, 2024
One day all of humanity will become extinct. That's just a fact. Noone knows when . Until then we just delay the inevitable with this procreational pyramid scheme we have going on
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Dark Moon

Sep 21, 2022
It's no point for me because I've mostly had bad experiences throughout my life from bad people and I don't really fit into society like that.
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Jul 15, 2022
None. You give your own meaning to your life
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There's nothing here..
Apr 30, 2023
There is a natural point of living, in the animal sense.

The point of life is to consume and grow, your point is to destroy and obtain as many resources as possible. This means performing many morally questionable acts in order to fufill such purpose.

The society you were born into was created and designed by those that understood this idea and went with it, consumeing the chaff and ensuring their families and offspring would enjoy the benefits or their conquest.

The morality we live by was created by those in power to create a "Good moral" class that wouldn't revolt, this keeps them in power.

Whether or not you care, i personally don't myself and can't wait for death.

That is the truth.
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Control what you can and let go of the rest
Feb 16, 2022
Not really a point imo. We make it what it is. We try to find meaning, we live to work, and work to be able to have nice things, or do nice things. Some people find meaning in other people.

The world will be around long after we're gone and everything will keep on keeping on just like it always has.

Weather or not you or I are here will have the same effect. The world won't be better, and it won't be worse.
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Lost, broken, empty, fragmented.
Mar 4, 2024
Death; everything in life leads me to it. The real point of existing, I believe, is to end it.
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hate it here
Oct 18, 2023
there isn't a point, most people just live because someone told them to and are too distracted to question anything beyond that. that's what the human brain has evolved to be, just doing tasks until you die.
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Feb 22, 2024
You should enjoy the time that was given to you in the best way possible. Unfortunately not everybody have this luck.
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they say it’s darkest of all before the dawn
Sep 13, 2023
You should enjoy the time that was given to you in the best way possible. Unfortunately not everybody have this luck.
What if you never even wanted the time anyways? It's not like I asked to be alive
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Feb 22, 2024
What if you never even wanted the time anyways? It's not like I asked to be alive
Life is a gift. You can accept it or not.
If the gift is poisoned is even worst XD
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Forever Sleep

Earned it we have...
May 4, 2022
There's no set point that we know of. But, having life creates a dilema for each of us because we don't live in isolation. What we do will affect others. Of course, in some ways, just by living, we cause or create the circumstances where other creatures suffer- both animal and human. So in that regard, I sometimes wonder if it's for the better that we go.

But, most of us concentrate on relationships closer to home. I think many of us try to go through life trying not to hurt others. Especially our loved ones. That in a way is the purpose imposed on all of us. That's where suicide is the problem though because it does upset others. More than natural death I would say.

Of course, there's a kind of counter antinatlist argument that we didn't initiate this problem to begin with. We've just been handed it to solve. If our parents really didn't want to bring the possibility of premature death into the world- they shouldn't have risked having children to begin with. Doesn't seem all that fair to bring a being here that is capable of choosing and then, berate it for the choices it made.
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Dec 11, 2022
There's a point as long as you are alive, that's not to say that its a positive thing, humans are hardwired to leap from one desire to the next, say you thought your life was objectively not worth living, you'd still find some illusory abstract reason to go on to the next moment and fill the blank space, until you're brain has stopped functioning. Desire has no interest in justifying its own existence but making sure that it keeps going, this process is purely instinctual. If you had no capacity to have a point to go on, you'd no longer be alive or you'd no longer have the capacity to perpetually desire like humans do, in other words, if there's no point in life, one will be made up for you anyways
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Jul 23, 2022
Technically to pass your genes on. hat's the biological imperative. Even though since all individual organisms' lives are finite in duration, it doesn't matter one bit whether any individual succeeds in that! But that's the central drive in life, around which all life activity ultimately revolves, as attested to by the fact that many organisms essentially drop dead after mating.

I didn't make the rules. If you could tell.
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Mar 7, 2024
None really
It's pointless
We all die and turn into dust
Nothing matters
Life sucks

Sorry for being negative but just my opinion
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Mar 17, 2024
Seriously, what is the point? To some extent, I feel like the world would be better if I had never existed to begin with. Why must there be something rather than nothing? If everything comes to an end, why bother? If I have suffered this much, why should I keep going? Why was I born and what's supposed to keep me going?
That's up to us to determine for ourselves.