

Jul 29, 2021
The more I look around the less point I see in living. Life is mostly a chore. You spend the first 20 years to study then the next 40-50 years to work then you die. While at school you're brainwashed into a perfect member of society, and are given a lifescript to follow. Chances are your parents belong to intellectual majority, or they might have a brain condition called religion so they brainwash or pass their not-that-ideal worldview to your too. Good luck getting rid of that garbage after years of abuse!

After school you go to university and get in debt for the next 20 years or don't go to university and become a retail slave. If you go to university, chances are you'd picked the wrong degree due to inexperience and your parents being stupid who couldn't help you with solid advice (tip: if your major isn't mathy you've probably made the wrong choice). So you now have debt and useless degree. Nice. What's next? Right, you go straight to being a corporate slave. Here's your desk, your computer. Lunch break? No, you must Work You Ass Off TM, little shit. Don't want to work overtime? But to be Successfull Respectable American, you must, are you what, LAZY gasp? Then you take shit and dick up your ass from your boss for the rest of your life.
And you also can't leave. Why? Because you have student debt to pay, appartment to rent and food to buy. You're lucky if you have any money left after that.
It gets easier with time, though, when your mental resistance is crushed entirely, your personality gets distorted and your asshole gets wide enough. All the while a corporation you work for pollutes the environment, bribes the politicians, furthers its monopoly, pecks off a little more of your freedom as a citizen. Oh, btw if you realise how bad your life became and get sad over it, society tells you it's not normal and sends you to a 'doctor' who gives you drugs to put a stop to any freethinking ability you might be in an unfortunate possession of.

If you're unlucky or stupid you start a family and create a kid who will turn your life into hell, takes 20 years out of your life, plus mental and physical degradation. Then your spouse and you get divorced. If you're a woman you're left alone with a kid to survive in poverty, if you're a man you're forced to pay money out of your salary. If you don't get divorced while a kid is underage, you most likely would divorce after he grows up due to all the accumulated tiredness of your relationship.
By that time you developed lots of health problems due to your job and raising the kid and it's just a matter of years before it kills you. You're old already and, having spent the last two decades watching the kid, you have an atrophied brain and no personality of your own. Chances are, you wouldn't be able to retire, you would work right until your death. You would probably even feel relief if you get to die at a working day, because you wouldn't need to go to work! So, after years of service, after you get useless you are discarded of.

How long would it take? If you're an American, it would happen faster or you'd go bankrupt due to medical expenses. If you're a European, it'd probably be better though. If you are neither (read: third world) then you'd either not get any medical help or would get shit medical help.
What's next? Right, eldely house and dying. Good luck with that. You might die from cancer, stroke, aneurysm, whatever. It'll probably be painful and miserable regardless.

Well, that is the real version of life they don't teach you at school. It truly is. Looking around I don't see any happy people. Only miserable, stupid or delusional (many of the later go hard on religion because ouch the truth hurts too much). Even those at the top probably are not that happy, because they live in constant fear of a peasant uprising and retribution, whatever form it might take. Humanity is the worst species on this planet and there is no escaping it. Once you see it, it's impossible to unsee. Even I was given everything I asked for at this moment, I still wouldnt be able to unsee it and be hapy - because in the end, no one gets to have a happy ending. Life is just a damage control, you either get lots of damage and die, or you get (born) rich and your life is easy with relatively no damage, but then you still die. And yet death is the best thing in this world, because no other thing managed to put stop to so much misery.
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Jul 8, 2023
And it's only going to get worse with time as the maggots of society keep reproducing. It's mind-boggling how so many worthless people in the world keep breeding.
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Oct 21, 2023
And it's only going to get worse with time as the maggots of society keep reproducing. It's mind-boggling how so many worthless people in the world keep breeding.
It's situations like what OP described in society where it feels almost wrong to have children, as if you're doing them a disservice...I feel like I've become insane for having this belief, but I'm starting to believe that we should consider just ending all human reproduction, let human civilization end in peace rather than continue to create the illusion of human progress while we just figure out technologically superior ways to be bigger assholes towards each other. It requires some incredible, near-delusional optimism to see the world and think, maybe my child in this world will be different in this world, maybe I can make them suffer less.
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Protesting the conditions of an inhumane world
Oct 2, 2019
There is no point other than to suffer and work so that the elites can make more money.
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Kill me
Oct 15, 2023
The more I look around the less point I see in living. Life is mostly a chore. You spend the first 20 years to study then the next 40-50 years to work then you die. While at school you're brainwashed into a perfect member of society, and are given a lifescript to follow. Chances are your parents belong to intellectual majority, or they might have a brain condition called religion so they brainwash or pass their not-that-ideal worldview to your too. Good luck getting rid of that garbage after years of abuse!

After school you go to university and get in debt for the next 20 years or don't go to university and become a retail slave. If you go to university, chances are you'd picked the wrong degree due to inexperience and your parents being stupid who couldn't help you with solid advice (tip: if your major isn't mathy you've probably made the wrong choice). So you now have debt and useless degree. Nice. What's next? Right, you go straight to being a corporate slave. Here's your desk, your computer. Lunch break? No, you must Work You Ass Off TM, little shit. Don't want to work overtime? But to be Successfull Respectable American, you must, are you what, LAZY gasp? Then you take shit and dick up your ass from your boss for the rest of your life.
And you also can't leave. Why? Because you have student debt to pay, appartment to rent and food to buy. You're lucky if you have any money left after that.
It gets easier with time, though, when your mental resistance is crushed entirely, your personality gets distorted and your asshole gets wide enough. All the while a corporation you work for pollutes the environment, bribes the politicians, furthers its monopoly, pecks off a little more of your freedom as a citizen. Oh, btw if you realise how bad your life became and get sad over it, society tells you it's not normal and sends you to a 'doctor' who gives you drugs to put a stop to any freethinking ability you might be in an unfortunate possession of.

If you're unlucky or stupid you start a family and create a kid who will turn your life into hell, takes 20 years out of your life, plus mental and physical degradation. Then your spouse and you get divorced. If you're a woman you're left alone with a kid to survive in poverty, if you're a man you're forced to pay money out of your salary. If you don't get divorced while a kid is underage, you most likely would divorce after he grows up due to all the accumulated tiredness of your relationship.
By that time you developed lots of health problems due to your job and raising the kid and it's just a matter of years before it kills you. You're old already and, having spent the last two decades watching the kid, you have an atrophied brain and no personality of your own. Chances are, you wouldn't be able to retire, you would work right until your death. You would probably even feel relief if you get to die at a working day, because you wouldn't need to go to work! So, after years of service, after you get useless you are discarded of.

How long would it take? If you're an American, it would happen faster or you'd go bankrupt due to medical expenses. If you're a European, it'd probably be better though. If you are neither (read: third world) then you'd either not get any medical help or would get shit medical help.
What's next? Right, eldely house and dying. Good luck with that. You might die from cancer, stroke, aneurysm, whatever. It'll probably be painful and miserable regardless.

Well, that is the real version of life they don't teach you at school. It truly is. Looking around I don't see any happy people. Only miserable, stupid or delusional (many of the later go hard on religion because ouch the truth hurts too much). Even those at the top probably are not that happy, because they live in constant fear of a peasant uprising and retribution, whatever form it might take. Humanity is the worst species on this planet and there is no escaping it. Once you see it, it's impossible to unsee. Even I was given everything I asked for at this moment, I still wouldnt be able to unsee it and be hapy - because in the end, no one gets to have a happy ending. Life is just a damage control, you either get lots of damage and die, or you get (born) rich and your life is easy with relatively no damage, but then you still die. And yet death is the best thing in this world, because no other thing managed to put stop to so much misery.
If all of the people they are giving pills and calling mentally ill actually fought back instead of killing themselves we would have already seen change.

Unfortunately everything we do is monitored by the people who are reaping the benefits of everything negative in this society so an uprising is impossible these days because of the "good guys.",

That's why I'm convinced that instead of a revolution we all need to ctb.
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Oct 4, 2018
I think the partial answer is we're being tested here on earth, and the best get tested the hardest.
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Apr 22, 2023
There is no justification for breeding given the state of the world. The human condition consists primarily of suffering that only those who can successfully ignore the constant struggles and pain of life will be able to tolerate. A dose of blind optimism with a bit of indoctrination is how this happens. Anyone who doesn't view life through the rose-tinted glasses is branded as 'mentally ill' and forced to continue an existence that they never asked for and never wanted.
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Sep 30, 2023
The so-called eliites who run this prison planet brainwash us in schools in order to become wage - slaves.
We are then expected to become " productive members of society " in other words just another sheep in society, blindly following the herd.
We are forced to work , or starve and become homeless.
We are brainwashed into buying things we don't need or will never use.
We are also expected to breed, even though we don't really want children, yet do it because it is expected of us.
Fuck this sick twisted society.
I was never a part of anyway.
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Jul 29, 2021
I think the partial answer is we're being tested here on earth, and the best get tested the hardest.
so much nonsence sounds like something a religious person would say life is the real deal what kind of test are you proposing

Bad things happen to good people all the time, for no reason at all. Life's cruelty is indiscriminate.
Life also doesn't care how much you've sacrificed or how hard you've worked. Just because you earned something or deserved it doesn't mean you'll get it.
The universe is cold and uncaring. It operates based on the random collisions of molecules, not a sense of purpose or destiny. There are no guarantees in life, no matter how carefully you plan or how diligently you work. Life's cruelty is arbitrary and meaningless.
Life can be cruel; there's just no getting around it. Bad things happen to good people all the time. You could be the most virtuous, generous soul on the planet and still get dealt a bad hand.
It's not fair, but it's reality. You can work hard your whole life and still end up with nothing to show for it. You might suffer a terrible illness or injury through no fault of your own. Someone you love and trust could betray or abandon you unexpectedly.
The world is indifferent to the suffering of individuals. As much as we like to believe in karma, there is little evidence that the universe bends toward justice or that good deeds are rewarded. While life has moments of beauty, joy, and connection, it also contains immense suffering, and there is no rhyme or reason for who experiences what.
Some people live lives of relative comfort, while others endure immense hardships through no fault of their own. Children get cancer, natural disasters strike, and famine and drought ravage communities. There is no cosmic reason why some suffer more; it is merely the result of a cold, random universe. The truth is that the distribution of suffering is wildly uneven and unjust.
Life can be cruel in ways we don't expect and often can't control. Hard times happen to us all, and while we can take steps to influence our circumstances, we have limited say over many of life's hardships.
You may do everything "right"—work hard, treat others with kindness, make good choices—yet still face difficulties. Loved ones get sick, natural disasters strike, jobs are lost, and relationships end. We can't prevent all of life's troubles, as much as we may try. Some amount of suffering and setback is inevitable for every person.
Cruelty is an unfortunate part of human nature. We all have the capacity for cruelty, which is the willingness to inflict physical or psychological pain on others. Some argue cruelty is a byproduct of things like greed, hatred, or the desire for power over others.
Life can be cruel and unfair. There is no cosmic justice or karma—bad things happen to good people, and good things happen to bad people. It's random and indifferent. The universe doesn't care about fairness or just outcomes.
Don't expect that if you live a virtuous life, good things will come to you—or that if you wrong others, misfortune will befall you. Karma is a comforting idea, but there's no evidence it operates in real life. Chance and randomness govern the world, not some mysterious moral force.
Life can be cruel—there's no way around it. As much as we try to avoid pain and suffering, it's an inescapable part of the human experience.
Heartbreak, grief, stress, anxiety, depression, loneliness, failure, rejection, guilt, regret—the list of sources for emotional anguish is endless. Our complex minds and relationships mean we frequently face mental and emotional struggles. The truth is, if you live long enough, you will experience deep emotional pain at some point.
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Just wanting some peace
Sep 24, 2020
I could never see one. Existing is nothing more than just waiting around to die, existing is just a process of slowly dying where existing beings suffer so senselessly and meaninglessly in the process. I wish that humans were aware enough to leave the non-existent alone in peace to prevent all human suffering in this hellish existence that only ever caused harm in the first place.
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Ready to have my forever date with suicide
Oct 6, 2023
You stated a lot of truth in this post. There was a story of a guy who graduated high school and went to and graduated college. He found a great job in his field, worked his ass off to get to the top. When he retired at 65, he vowed to enjoy life. A year later, he passed away. He didn't even get the chance to enjoy his retirement. You slave and work your ass off and for what? I'd rather end myself now than to deal with that.
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