I initially wrote a long note explaining the entirety of my life (like 1-2 full pages), but now I've changed my mind... I've realized that it was way too much fluff. They will also not truly understand most of it. This new note will just be me apologizing for such a selfish act, stating that my mind was beyond repair for a long time and telling them how I love them all so very much.
When I get emotional, I also want to tell them that if they weren't so absent and were at least a little bit more firm/competent to notice me going off the deep end early on, I wouldn't turn into such a freak of a human that I am today. Turns out that being alone in a room, on the computer for 10+ hours per day since 11, getting no sleep + failing at school because of it, and being completely disconnected from the real world doesn't turn you into a good well adjusted human being after all...
I decided to skip this since nobody benefits. I will be dead anyways and my parents already had a very tough life, so reminding and giving them even more burden to live with would be the most disgusting thing I could ever do. I really do genuinely think though that without this severe isolation/addiction and more firm parenting, I would turn out to become a radically different person and not this selfish narcissistic delusional heartless monster that requires screens to not going insane.
At the end of the note I will once again apologize for being the way that I was, tell them that I will be watching over them on the other side in complete peace and that I want my body to be cremated.