

Mar 18, 2023
Who will you write to? What would you say? Idk I just wanna hear others thoughts on this.


Jul 10, 2018
Nothing as I consider it a vanity and a caprice. but if needed, nothing that would taint your soul, no bitterness, no hatred.
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Just wanting some peace
Sep 24, 2020
I guess that after all, it's a personal decision deciding whether to write a note or not, but if I was going to ctb today I would write one to family members saying that death is what I wanted and how existing wasn't for me.
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My mind is filled with despair
Mar 18, 2023
I feel like a solitary figure in this world. With each passing year, I have witnessed my loved ones leave me behind. I find myself with nobody to reach out to, and nothing to say. It's a lonely existence. If only I could write a letter to my dog, the only remaining one in this bitter world that is there for me.

In fact, last month, I wrote a poem about this very topic:

In the solitude of my empty room,
I sit and ponder on my gloom.
I've lost them all, every single one,
Leaving me with nothing but memories undone.

I once had people to whom I could write,
But they're now gone, vanished from my sight.
I'm left with no one to address,
No one to talk to, no one to impress.

I long to pour out my heart and soul,
To pour out my thoughts and make them whole.
But to whom shall I direct my words,
When every loved one has flown like birds?

The only company I have left,
Is my loyal dog, the one I've kept.
But alas, words to him I cannot write,
For his eyes can't read, and his mind can't quite.

I feel like the only way I get feelings across is by writing, haha.
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Mar 14, 2023
part of me wants to just call out the people who wronged me, the people who drove me to this but idk. i dont want that be my final words. i guess it will probably just be a short goodbye and a plea to not bury me in a suit. and maybe an assurance that even though im doing this, i still had a lot of love and happiness in my heart.
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I hope my dead body traumatizes you all.
Mar 23, 2023
Who will you write to? What would you say? Idk I just wanna hear others thoughts on this.
Probably tell everyone it was their fault, and let them know how much I hated them. Specific people of course, my ex, my mother, people like that.
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Jan 16, 2021
I would simply explain my motives, apologise to my family and explain how I would like my possessions to be disposed of.


drowsy in a dark room
Mar 2, 2023
Probably tell my family I am sorry and will miss them. I would ask to be cremated and my ashes put into one of those tree pots. If it's before I'm supposed to see my favorite band, I would leave instructions to my friends who are going with me for the tickets and to tell them to take one of my other friends with them with my ticket. I'd probably list out my belongings and who I'd like to have them. I know listing that stuff out in a suicide note isn't binding but I don't think anyone would be unwilling to give my things to the people I want them left with.
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Budak Bunuh Diri
Feb 22, 2023
For me, the bare minimum would be to tell my family that I died by suicide. Hope it saves the hassle of figuring out what happened to me.

Extra: A will maybe? Telling them what to do with your stuff / saying things you've always wanted to say without fearing the consequences.


Mar 2, 2023
It's something really awful and sad, but I actually wrote one a year ago. It was a pretty boring letter. It had specific paragraphs dedicated to why my family and friends would be better without me. It also had the usual "this is nobody's fault", "you may be sad but it's the best long term solution" and "please respect my decision". I also wanted it to be straightforward with my motive, so my friends and relatives would suffer the least. It was like a document, a very cold boring letter.

I almost killed myself that time. I was struggling pretty hard.


Aug 23, 2018
I hope you don't mind me sharing what I have, but I've been thinking about writing a note to my partner, as she is the only one I feel deserves to have closure while she grieves. I don't have a final copy yet, but my note would read something like this:


I just wanted to tell you how proud I am of you. I'm proud of you for sticking with me through thick and thin, for celebrating the good times with me, and for comforting me through the bad ones. I'm proud of you for being such a positive influence in my life, and for helping me grow and change in ways I never thought were possible! My dear, you've done a fantastic job, and I cannot thank you enough for everything you've done.

I know it's difficult to feel like it right now, but you should be proud of yourself too. You are enough, you are more than enough, and I know that you'll continue to enrich the lives around you, just by being your beautiful self! I hope that someday, the grief will melt away, and that you'll be able to look back on our time together with fondness and pride.

Again, thank you for everything you've done, and thank you for letting me help you, just as you helped me. I know it seems unfair, but I believe that things will get better for you. You're incredibly strong, thoughtful, and resilient, and I know you'll be able to find your way out of whatever bad feelings you have right now. You believed in me, so it's only right that I return the favour. Thank you, (NAME). Thank you for everything. I hope I could make you as happy as you've made me.

Sending you a big hug! I love you!

- "Centremid"
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I deserve nothing but the worst
Oct 16, 2022
As someone who has drafted many suicide notes, most of them which were apologies and some of which were fuck yous to people in my life…

I think I would write instructions on how to take care of my fish. They don't deserve to suffer just because I'm gone. I might write quick thank you letters to some people (as they are less obvious than apology letters), but that will have to depend on whether I can muster them when I finally get to ctb.
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I'm at peace... Finally.
Mar 16, 2023
You know, no one cares about me or anything I have to say. If there was such a person, I guess I'd just explain why I decided to do this, my final thoughts, and my sincere apology if I hurt them. I'm glad I don't have to consider that.
Nemaki Arber

Nemaki Arber

Lost soul & chat lurker
Mar 24, 2023
I would have 2 letters, one for my family and anyone I know irl and one for the online communities I been a part of and my online friends. I would certainly go over alot of the past and the hardships that will unfortunately lead me to that point, go over my past mistakes but also things that have left marks in my life and address specific messages to people that I feel deserves to have a specialized message from me all while making sure my wishes for what to do with my belongings are written down.

But I'm also spiteful and will make sure that people that have pushed me as far as attempting (failed attempts of mine) before with their harassment will be haunted by the guilt of their actions that have severely affected my mental health without giving them direct names but just enough information so they know I'm talking about them.


update: found the 'change username' option lmao
Nov 26, 2020
i don't think i will have a note. if i do, it'll be something like "fuck off, you don't actually care" in spite towards my shitty family and friends.
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A Future Corpse
Feb 22, 2023
Writing a suicide letter is a personal opinion. Personally, I would write one to everybody in general, especially my loved ones. In the letter, I would address that I didn't CTB out of impulse but that I wasn't meant to be in this world. I'd also add my feelings and thoughts on my CTB and why I chose that particular method. Lastly, I would give them my sincere apology for hurting them and asking them to still keep their head high no matter what.


Mar 21, 2023
I would tell the reader to look after my partner - she'll need support after I go. I'd say it's no-one else's fault but my own. That I'm fundamentally broken and this is the only way any of them will be free. That I'm sorry I was never good enough. That they deserved better from me. That I'm sorry they never got it. That I love them all very much.


May 14, 2020
I'd like to make a video explaining my thought process that has led me to suicide. Life just isn't worth the pain. It's sad that those still alive may feel pain from my death, but I'm not willing to live decades more of a life I don't want for their sake.


Mar 24, 2023
I'd write to my family and friends that they shouldn't feel bad, as nothing they did pushed me to this. It was my decision alone and I don't want them to burden themselves with my death. I want them to feel as if I had a peaceful death and did it on my accord. I know they probably won't see it the way I want them to, but I hope they see with my writing that I did love them.


Jan 6, 2023
what an emotional thread.
guess i might write-
i shall tell mom why her daughter who has always been so lively and positive suddenly choose such a hurting way to leave permanently.
i shall tell my friends (though they are just so small a group of ppl) how grateful i am for everything they do for me during my life, and how much i will miss them, and that they shouldnt miss me too much since thatll be meaningless for them
i shall say i really want to donate my body to save those who have the will and goal to live. the body God gives me is a waste indeed, for im actually not cherishing it at all
i shall express my wishes to my beloveds, hoping they all will continue living strongly and enjoy the much better lives without me after my leaving
hugs to all
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please feed my pfp crumbs they are begging u
Jan 24, 2023
i've written three but they're all drafts: one "general" one that just has a bit of a sob story / its not your fault / i love you [friend names], a "family/close friends" one that goes more into why i did it, has funeral plans etc, and one for my online friend. i don't know if i'll use the third one, but it's a message just saying there's a scheduled post for when they turns 18 with the links to the stuff i bought for ctb, and that if they're still suicidal by then, i can't deny them it... as i said, dunno if i'll use that third one. it just feels wrong to have never vented back to them telling me they're suicidal and then go commit it myself. maybe i'll push it to when they're 21 or something. or rewrite it to not send them links in the future and just be a normal aplogy, lol.


Mar 21, 2023
i would just confirm it was a suicide and say i want to be cremated
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Death please
Nov 12, 2022
contact info for afterlife
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Mar 26, 2023
This is my last message to you. I know that I have caused you all a lot of pain, and I am so sorry. I can no longer take the guilt and sadness I feel. I can no longer be a burden to all of you, and I must make this decision to do what is best for me.

I hope you can forgive me one day. I hope you can find it in your hearts to remember me fondly.


Jul 12, 2023
what an emotional thread.
guess i might write-
i shall tell mom why her daughter who has always been so lively and positive suddenly choose such a hurting way to leave permanently.
i shall tell my friends (though they are just so small a group of ppl) how grateful i am for everything they do for me during my life, and how much i will miss them, and that they shouldnt miss me too much since thatll be meaningless for them
i shall say i really want to donate my body to save those who have the will and goal to live. the body God gives me is a waste indeed, for im actually not cherishing it at all
i shall express my wishes to my beloveds, hoping they all will continue living strongly and enjoy the much better lives without me after my leaving
hugs to all
Very caring and thoughtful
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Jun 6, 2023
I sat on a bench somewhere at night, snorted 4mmc so I just say everything that I think of and just recorded myself talking to the phone as if it was the person that the video is going to. my parents got a solid fuck you, it's your fault. best friend can get my stuff and told him he's the reason I was alive for as long as I was and my girlfriend got a whole conversation re-enacted just so she can talk to me if she ever feels like it, a last good morning and goodnight and a few words to thank her for everything
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Feb 28, 2023
Even though my parents never believed what happened to me all I ever wanted was to make them proud and that I love them more than anything


Jul 5, 2023
Tell them I chose to go out the way that I did, just so they know it absolutely was suicide. Tell my family and friends I love them. Explain to them that I really just don't want to be here anymore. It's all just been more of a struggle than what it's worth…


Waiting for my bus
Jul 12, 2023
I've recorded videos on my iPad before every attempt. Leaving messages for my immediate family, wife, and coworkers. Told them all I love them and I'm sorry. Leave a rough description of who should have what after I'm gone.

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