I assume in are in USA. Almost any hotel will accept mail for you, you just need to make sure the seller will deliver there. On the order, page change your delivery address to the hotel street address where you will stay, and if that seller won't ship to that address, the order page will tell you that. If it shows it will deliver, just note how long it would take to get delivery, and plan to order the item so it will arrive while you are at the hotel. However, if you cannot get to the post office because of parents, I don't know how you can do the hotel. You said soon you can move to another state, that sounds like a plan because there you can get a PO box, or use a hotel there, or a UPS store to receive your package. Some mail receiving stores will allow accept a one time package for you for about $5 and you don't have to rent a box. Just call mail forwarding companies, say you are traveling but need to receive a package while in that town, and they will say yes if they do that. By the way, you can try the "traveling can i send a package to you" story with a local UPS store or mail receiving store in your town, if you can get away once the package arrives. If you are watched so much, you may be concerned that someone nosy will find your package searching your room, so you have to consider whether you have a dry cool place to store it. Sounds like you should wait till you are on your own in another city. You may have so much relief not being under the thumb of others, you may want to think then if your life is improved with the move.