
Jun 29, 2023
I've been thinking about this lately. Personally I wouldn't want to be one because that's too much pressure, and I wouldn't like the power. But if you had to, what would you do?

For a while I got to thinking that if god was real he just must be some unpredictable, unstable narcissist asshole who gets off on seeing his people suffer with all the unjustness that goes on in the world. So I got to wondering what I would do differently? I think pain is just an innate part of life and being a thinking, perceiving conscious person. I am not a nihilist and I'm not totally anti-life. Balance is important and of course there is a lot of beauty to be found in life, we can learn to be kinder and accommodating because of pain. but in the end I feel like the only true mercy is death. There is no way to predict how one person is predisposed to coping with life, or the kind of traumas they are going to encounter or whether some painful accident will happen to them. And whether you want to live or not, if you hadn't been born it's not like you'd feel like you were missing out on anything.

As a joke I got to thinking I would just put everyone in a state of equilibrium or like, nirvana or something. I even gave it some light of day, but now I'm thinking it would feel wrong to force people into it against their will. In the end, I think I would probably give people the choice of whether they want to be reincarnated or whether they want to be put to rest.

Anyway, sorry for the rant. Just wanted to vent my ideas and am genuinely curious in seeing your ideas too.
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Jun 30, 2023
If I were god it take away suffering - illness, poverty, war, climate change etc
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Mar 19, 2023
Sleep and not wake up for a long time.
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Jul 29, 2021
1. I could control my own emotions at will, existing in a non-habituating state of sheer ecstatic wonder, hyper-motivated joy, and undiluted intellectual fascination. Any other emotional state would be accessible as well.

2. I could exercise creativity with unprecedented scale and complexity. The cosmos would become my canvas. I could paint with the medium of life, sketch with the medium of any form of matter, and build infinite utopias with each being more majestic than the last. Any construction of beauty would be in my reach, from the smallest of quantum phenomena to the largest of galactic supercluster structures.

3. I would obtain a perfect understanding of all there is, an unrivaled intellectual experience. I would revel in the limitless wonder of my intricate universe. The subfabric of eternity, the stuff of life, and the logic of existence would be mine to explore.

4. The ultimate in altruism would be within my capabilities. The Holocaust could be obliterated from reality, factory farms rendered ghostly fragments of nothingness that never existed, the sufferings and deaths of trillions of beings undone and replaced with the same joy that to which I myself have access, and pain itself be destroyed. Everybody would live forever. Because I would decree it, the lack of misery wouldn't cause anyone lose motivation to shine brighter, to discover, and to create their own art and invention.

5. I could be anywhere and anyone. If I decided to, I could live the life of one (or lives of many) of my own creations.

6. Nothing would be boring because I (and the entities within my universe) would have overcome the limitations of the human brain that cause such tedium to exist.

7. If I was the God of just one universe, I could act as a scientist, using my infinite power to research technology that could allow me to travel to other universes and experience them as well.

8. I could watch civilizations grow and change, telling their own unique stories. (If I wished to temporarily not know how the stories would end, I could alter my mind to accomplish this).

9. Perhaps I could even build new universes before allowing my creatures to connect them all into a glorious network of perfect artistry.

10. I could experience infinite love.
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Forever Sleep

Earned it we have...
May 4, 2022
I'd actually start listening to the complaints coming from the planet(s) and being(s) I created and I'd help them out more! I'd make my presence known to everyone. No more of this- leaving it up to humans and extremists to interpret whether I'm real or not and what I want. I would want my 'children' to be happy- so- I'd scrap suffering for one. Maybe we could have visual health bars like in computer games- rather than experience pain. I think I'd make plastic biodegradable and clean up a lot of the other damage that's been done.

As for the 'wicked' people on this earth- that's when it gets tricky... Should I punish them? Is it their fault though? Should I re-educate them? Should I just segregate them off from everyone else? Maybe- that's tempting- just let them fight it out between them. But then- I wouldn't want to be that kind of God... I wouldn't want to be a God at all really- if it meant trying to manage this mess. Could you just leave it though?

Would I create a new, better world? I don't know. I like the idea of autonomy- free choice but- doesn't that just lead to chaos and exploitation? Maybe I'd just wait till everything I had created died off- helping them out where I could- and then- kill myself- this was all clearly a mistake!
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Jul 16, 2023
I would succump to the temptations of unlimited power and do a lot of crazy shit.
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S like suicide

S like suicide

Apr 29, 2021
I would take all humans and animals back to heaven, where there is no suffering, pain and misery of any kind but only beautiful things, love and everlasting joy and where we will all live happily ever after.
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Just wanting some peace
Sep 24, 2020
I would wish to erase existence so that there is perfect, peaceful nothingness for all eternity, I believe that in the first place existence was just a tragic disturbance in what would otherwise be the most ideal state of non-existence, existence truly is so evil and hellish as it's the ultimate cause of all suffering, I believe that existence itself is just a tragic and harmful mistake. Only nothingness is acceptable for me, it's so horrible to me how this endless cycle of senseless cruelty and endless suffering continues so unnecessarily.
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If my name is crossed out, hopefully I'm dead.
May 28, 2023
I would wish to erase existence so that there is perfect, peaceful nothingness for all eternity, I believe that in the first place existence was just a tragic disturbance in what would otherwise be the most ideal state of non-existence, existence truly is so evil and hellish as it's the ultimate cause of all suffering, I believe that existence itself is just a tragic and harmful mistake. Only nothingness is acceptable for me, it's so horrible to me how this endless cycle of senseless cruelty and endless suffering continues so unnecessarily.

Same as FuneralCry. I would totally and permanently erase the whole of reality, and for the same reasons as her – because existence doesn't need to be created in the first place and it has the potential to cause huge, bloody amounts of agony, which is absolutely unacceptable.
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May 20, 2023
I would remove all humans and restore everything where there are only plants and animals and insects etc.

and let the Earth just be my personal terrarium
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Jul 10, 2023
I would kill myself, since gods have control over everything, i have full control over my life, no one's feelings would matter.


Jun 20, 2023
I would probably have an existential crisis
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Aug 22, 2022
If I were a omnipotent god I would erase all humans
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Jul 5, 2023
I'd be hoping I am not immortal
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Professor K

Professor K

your eyes vacant and stained
Feb 9, 2023
First off, questions:

What exactly do you mean by god? And in what context? Before the Earth and humans existed or right now? Or even before anything existed? What does it mean to be a god anyway?

Now, if it means not being a human, not having a body, organs, bones, not feeling not being sad or happy... but be sort of a floating energy among space and the universe then i'd kill all humans and elevate them to gods.

To me the idea of a god being a human like superior specie that has the capacity to control everything and has created everything is such a human concept.
I don't know what you mean by god therefore i can't quite give you an answer.


Life too shall pass
May 31, 2020
I'd tell everyone I didn't exist, then enjoy my peaceful life sipping cocktails next to the other non real Gods


Jul 24, 2023
I've been thinking about this lately. Personally I wouldn't want to be one because that's too much pressure, and I wouldn't like the power. But if you had to, what would you do?

For a while I got to thinking that if god was real he just must be some unpredictable, unstable narcissist asshole who gets off on seeing his people suffer with all the unjustness that goes on in the world. So I got to wondering what I would do differently? I think pain is just an innate part of life and being a thinking, perceiving conscious person. I am not a nihilist and I'm not totally anti-life. Balance is important and of course there is a lot of beauty to be found in life, we can learn to be kinder and accommodating because of pain. but in the end I feel like the only true mercy is death. There is no way to predict how one person is predisposed to coping with life, or the kind of traumas they are going to encounter or whether some painful accident will happen to them. And whether you want to live or not, if you hadn't been born it's not like you'd feel like you were missing out on anything.

As a joke I got to thinking I would just put everyone in a state of equilibrium or like, nirvana or something. I even gave it some light of day, but now I'm thinking it would feel wrong to force people into it against their will. In the end, I think I would probably give people the choice of whether they want to be reincarnated or whether they want to be put to rest.

Anyway, sorry for the rant. Just wanted to vent my ideas and am genuinely curious in seeing your ideas too.
growing in a religious household and a religious society in general this has been something that i often think about, instill haven't came to a conclusion but i think i'm slightly leaning towards being an atheist cus in my opinion if god does exist then this is a powerful god, not a good one, not one i feel should be worshipped. not only bcs of the immense suffering of "his creations" but many other things.
one thing that stands out to me is that in this religion it says that "god burdens no soul beyond it's capacity" which if so then why suicide? and when i question that it's always bcs "they don't believe in god enough" rather than some of the things people go through are beyond their capacity.
i understand that suffering "gives meaning to life" to some degree but this is an unnecessary amount of suffering, and if i was a god who's definitely capable of absolutely anything, i wouldn't have made suffering a necessary part of the human experience or life in general.
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Apr 15, 2022
IF I were god and I realized I created this freaking mess of a planet, and caused all of it's inhabitants to suffer so horribly, I'd blow my freaking brains out!
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Mar 12, 2023
I would make sure nothing ever exists anymore , nothingness forever. No gods , no atoms , nothing.....forever.
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Mar 7, 2023
I probably wouldn't do anything because being a god would mean being something else entirely possibly with perfect prediction abilities so my human worldview wouldn't apply. Perhaps it's simply what we asked for originally as collective consciousness and we're paying the price of our autonomy and idiosyncrasy. If those who want to return to heaven have to prove that they want to act like a program then I imagine divine intervention would be of a similar nature, it might strip us from our identities. So it's likely that if I were a god I too would respect the choice of humankind to remain independent.


Living in misery
Jan 23, 2022
Fix myself so I could heal and fix others


Hypomania go brrr
Apr 5, 2023
If I was born god? Idk probably just do some ego god shit.

If I became god with my current beliefs and experiences? I'd Thanos snap all life into nothingness. Shit was a mistake from the start.