Take this as "free internet rumor advice" but I had heard regarding payments on debts that as long as you are paying something they can't get you legally. ***This is something I recall hearing, don't plan your financial life on it. It didn't matter if you weren't making the minimum payment and the payee is legally able to jack you on interest and all that but it would keep you out of court since you are "paying" just very minimally. Probably a bankruptcy lawyer would know more on that. Watch for the "we get you out of debt" guys who sometimes just don't pay anything to payees, then come back to the payee with "we're going to BK you so give us a deal". The debt will be less but you are kind of giving up control of the future financial ramifications of the action.
{Ranty me, I apologize in advance and it's not my intent to derail}
Obamacare was supposed to be "free for all" but that's not how it was written, how it was structured, or who would be covered (read: who was losing coverage of their own). There were loopholes for groups to not have to take it and of course the insurance companies wouldn't be needed if it was all free for everyone, right? Yet they're still around and cranking. I totally agree something has to be done but last minute dog-pony shows for the masses isn't it and neither party has any interest in really dealing with the problem, the solutions, the winners/losers, and how to deal with those suddenly out of work, and the massive shift in funding, taxing, coverage, payments, etc. The tax code is maybe more convoluted but party tag-lines "repeal obamacare", "free for all" don't do anything but cheerlead. It would really be nice to have a worry-free healthcare system and would probably do more to help people than all the stimulus checks and hugs, but I can't see it ever being implemented. Another in the list of problems nobody talks about like grown-ups that keeps us in the BS way of life.