
Sep 1, 2020
Went on two large online retailers and they are no longer selling SN. I should have acted when I had the chance. Went on LW site and that too doesn't have it anymore. What now :( I I couldn't find it spoken about anywhere on this site to at least see what other people are saying about it. Is there any other places to obtain, or any hints?
  • Aww..
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Global Mod
Oct 12, 2020
That's disappointing, a lot of the SN has been taken off of the jungle site.
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Can’t do this anymore
Jan 28, 2021
I just checked the jungle site in the US and there is another brand of SN available, but not LW. There are two negative reviews, interestingly enough one from nodscene, a former member of SS from Canada who used it to ctb just a few weeks ago.
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Sep 1, 2020
I just searched LW is gone in the USA . or at least i couldn't find it. it was there all the last few years. The old saying is true : "Don't leave for tomorow what you can do today" like ordering something. The enemy is on the move.
So, so true
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Mar 6, 2021
It still seems fairly plentiful online with a google search. Should I buy some now just be to sure?
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Sep 1, 2020
It still seems fairly plentiful online with a google search. Should I buy some now just be to sure?
Yes, I would definitely do that and quickly. I have been getting confused online because there are different grades and such and I don't know the right one that will also work. From reading it's best to get Lab grade so I am not sure. It's all so confusing no matter how much I read about it.


Apr 3, 2019
Oh my fucking god, I just had a panic attack reading through this, my heart is going crazy. I ordered this a couple days ago as well, I hope it still goes through, fucking hell.
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Dec 20, 2020
If it's banned on clearnet by major corporate vendors it will probably always be available by darknet seller in US. And also remember it's not even illegal - so it would still be cheap .

america is overpoliced in many aspects but this is not one of them
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Sep 1, 2020
That's disappointing, a lot of the SN has been taken off of the jungle site.
Would seem to me that what is left on the site isn't the right stuff being it's still on the site. I went ahead and purchased one of the two that I saw on there, but I am sceptical. It says SN ( filmerine) analytical reagent. I don't know if I have the right stuff.

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Nov 22, 2020
Would seem to me that what is left on the site isn't the right stuff being it's still on the site. I went ahead and purchased one of the two that I saw on there, but I am sceptical. It says SN ( filmerine) analytical reagent. I don't know if I have the right stuff.

Obviously it's good to be skeptical but according to this site:

filmerine seems to have SN as an active ingredient, and it is used as an antidote to cyanide...so perhaps it's the same thing? Or the label is saying that SN is an active ingredient in filmerine?

Also, it seems there is still SN in other places online, big knock on wood though, lol.
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Global Mod
Oct 12, 2020
It could be that LW has ran out of SN because we keep on buying it all up. Not sure how hard it is to procure more SN unless it came from either Vietnam or China.
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Sep 1, 2020
It could be that LW has ran out of SN because we keep on buying it all up. Not sure how hard it is to procure more SN unless it came from either Vietnam or China.
I was hoping that was the case, but being they have taken everything off the Jungle and the Bay and not even the LW is on the Jungle anymore and also not even on the actual LW website so all of that combined I don't think LW has run out.
Obviously it's good to be skeptical but according to this site:

filmerine seems to have SN as an active ingredient, and it is used as an antidote to cyanide...so perhaps it's the same thing? Or the label is saying that SN is an active ingredient in filmerine?

Also, it seems there is still SN in other places online, big knock on wood though, lol.
I've never heard anyone on this site ever mention this Filmerine and there isn't much about it online. One place says it's a synonym for SN but didn't see that anywhere else so I have absolutely no clue what the heck it even means or if it is the right stuff. I had seen that the site you mentioned prior to my post but still didn't get any clarification and left me more confused. How can it be when every other one was taken off the big site but that one and one from India remains.
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Global Mod
Oct 12, 2020
What else causes MetHB? We know SN does, benzocaine as well:

An overdose of benzocaine topical applied to the skin can cause life-threatening side effects such as uneven heartbeats, seizure (convulsions), coma, slowed breathing, or respiratory failure (breathing stops). Avoid eating within 1 hour after using benzocaine topical on your gums or inside your mouth.

Nitrobenzene is highly toxic (Threshold Limit Value 5 mg/m3) and readily absorbed through the skin. Prolonged exposure may cause serious damage to the central nervous system, impair vision, cause liver or kidney damage, anemia and lung irritation.

Another chemical that causes MetHB.
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Nov 22, 2020
I was hoping that was the case, but being they have taken everything off the Jungle and the Bay and not even the LW is on the Jungle anymore and also not even on the actual LW website so all of that combined I don't think LW has run out.

I've never heard anyone on this site ever mention this Filmerine and there isn't much about it online. One place says it's a synonym for SN but didn't see that anywhere else so I have absolutely no clue what the heck it even means or if it is the right stuff. I had seen that the site you mentioned prior to my post but still didn't get any clarification and left me more confused. How can it be when every other one was taken off the big site but that one and one from India remains.
Again it's obviously good to be cautious, but here's a website from the US Department of Commerce:

That says

"Examples of names commonly used to reference sodium nitrite are nitrous acid, sodium salt, anti-rust, diazotizing salts, erinitrit, and filmerine." [Emphasis mine]

I would assume the department of commerce's website is reliable but again one should be careful..

EDIT: Here's another website (the US NIH) that lists filmerine as a synonym for SN

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Sep 1, 2020
Fix the sixth, whatever they call themselves have no right to make everything harder for people. Oh its my life's mission to make people live in absolute torture just so I can feel better that I didn't do anything with my own loved one. They say they care about those people now, but most prob could have treated them better when they were alive. Those people wanted go and who are they to be so utterly selfish and make them live a life of misery, just so they can feel better. No help in the world can change things for some people. People are going to do it anyway why would you want them to feel more pain because your on a mission to butt into everyone else's lives. I've seen some things that they have written, they aren't a group of empathetic, kind, caring human beings, they are bullies who deliberately try and hurt people. What kind of group is this...let's screenshot helpless people's posts and degrade them group, let's bully suicidal people group, let's push people more over the edge group because they certainly aren't a loving group of people. They are hateful and hurtful and dangerous. Why try and take away a site that is the only outlet some people have. I feel that something more should be done and to not let anyone in unless you have a certain amount of posts or not allow screen shots or something because it's far to easy for them.
Again it's obviously good to be cautious, but here's a website from the US Department of Commerce:

That says

"Examples of names commonly used to reference sodium nitrite are nitrous acid, sodium salt, anti-rust, diazotizing salts, erinitrit, and filmerine." [Emphasis mine]

I would assume the department of commerce's website is reliable but again one should be careful..

EDIT: Here's another website (the US NIH) that lists filmerine as a synonym for SN

Thank you for the information
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The 21st century is when everything changes
Aug 8, 2020
Obviously it's good to be skeptical but according to this site:

filmerine seems to have SN as an active ingredient, and it is used as an antidote to cyanide...so perhaps it's the same thing? Or the label is saying that SN is an active ingredient in filmerine?

Also, it seems there is still SN in other places online, big knock on wood though, lol.
Filmerine comes up on searches of this site, or it used to. It's mentioned amongst the early pages of the SN Megathread.

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