motel rooms

motel rooms

Survivor of incest. Gay. Please don't PM me.
Apr 13, 2021
Fuck off you would, all I'd get is you disputing me or saying "stop being so negative".
But she'd buy you an ice cream & a stuffed unicorn first
Whoever wrote that should have a revolving door of people going to their house so he could listen to their stories. See how quickly he changes his mind after one person.
You can't do that to a 14-year-old who just wanted her Instagram followers to know she's an angel trapped in a dumb girl's body :))
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the stars will aid my escape
Dec 18, 2019
"Stop being so negative!"
"But my life has been nothing but negative experiences."
And then watch as the prolifer tries to argue with you about your own experiences in life as if they're the ones who have had to witness/experience them.
It doesn't even matter how "objectively" negative the experiences are. As if someone who hates certain experiences is going to be convinced by some random saying "it could have been worse" or a vague "it gets better". It can get better, sure, and it can also get worse. And it can go up and down, or stay mostly the same.

Not to mention "better" doesn't mean "good".

If you're going to tell me "it gets better", walk me through how. I'm actually fine with advice. Recommend a plan of attack that worked for you or a tip or even a fucking app. And if I tell you I already tried that, don't get defensive. And if I'm too tired and depressed to execute what you've done, don't try to make me feel guilty about it or blame me for not being good at being alive (I didn't chose this). And if you had shit advice or no advice in the first place, if you were just saying "it gets better" because that's what you heard someone say on Reddit, STFU.
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Green Destiny

Green Destiny

Life isn't worth the trouble.
Nov 16, 2019
Looks like virtue signaling to me.
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Jean Améry

Mar 17, 2019
Whoever wrote that probably meant it too. It's indicative of the current prejudice: suicide always springs from emotional imbalance and a warped view of reality. Never from actual cruel, irrepairable and hopeless circumstances.

It's true that talking about one's problems can help to some degree in lessening pain and maybe even finding new ways of dealing with a problem (we are a social species after all) but if talking 'cures' your problems you didn't have real problems to begin with.

That note is fairly ironic, isn't it? If that person were to actually go to your funeral she obviously knew you but not well enough to know what was going on. It also indicates the nuisance that a suicide would cause to the person: whatever you do don't bother others but if you must he/she'll chose the lesser evil (an irksome conversation over self-imposed guilt and an inkling the world isn't all roses, sunshine and lollypops). If they don't simply alert the authorities to get you off their hands. After all suicide is a serious mental health issue best left to professionals, isn't it?

Psychiatry started as a way to get bothersome, strange and imposing individuals who didn't want or could play by society's rules off the back of others and it's still it's main goal today. To my knowledge there aren't any actual cures in psychiatry and no real understanding of the misery that leads to suicide except for the vague inkling that it's probably true that we simply are our bodies/brains and that experiencing bad shit in life will probably alter brain chemistry to some degree. That however doesn't imply those circumstances aren't very real and painful nor that their ill effects on the body and brain can be removed easily by chemical means but it's easier to dole out some pills to put people into a stupor than actually help them deal with their problems. If that's even possible.

Whoever that person is I doubt he/she would actually want to hear some of the very real shit that people who visit this forum go through and went through. Optimists are allergic to any evidence to the contrary and people in general have enough trouble dealing with their own problems and petty projects or so they think. It's a rare occurence that someone is actually interested in what you have to say and actually cares. At least in my experience.

If you do find someone like that hold on to them and care for them as well for they are infinitely precious indeed.
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:Professional Hypocrite:
Nov 19, 2020
What an incredibly selfish statement. I'd take the whole "life is precious" shtick rather than this.
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Meowing to go out
Dec 27, 2020
Having to share a miserable life story is not going to magically make someone want to live for another 50 years is it?

But I will assume that the person writing the note has the best of intentions and just a bit naïve. And in fairness, there are no doubt people who are troubled by suicidal thoughts and desiring help, in which case there is a legitimate market for the do-gooders. It's not going to do much for us hardcore SS-ers though. :)
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Nov 4, 2019
Something tells me that this person actually would listen at first, but stop listening when the topic of suicide is brought up.
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Mar 13, 2021
The world is divided between those who never get to experience how it feels to just want to be free of life and those who see thinking like this as heresy.
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Eat my arse, Pain&Sh*tness & Mindf*ckitation Grift
Mar 1, 2020
It's nice when someone does want to hear my story, but it's not like that suddenly takes away my plan to eventually kill myself. So the person offering would listen to my story and then attend my funeral. In reality they probably wouldn't even care to do either one, they're just trying to feel better about themselves without doing anything but writing a note.
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Meditation guide

Meditation guide

Always was, is, and always shall be.
Jun 22, 2020
That is an empty phrase which is meaningless. It's a slap in the face to a suicidal person.
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All Things Must Pass

All Things Must Pass

Apr 14, 2021
You can talk until you die of dehydration, last time I heard it won't regrow limbs or organs... seriously why are normies like this? Do they think we are how we are because we got an undersized jacket or the wrong haircut or something?
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May 1, 2021
Despite this being totally pointless and something that isn't going to solve anything, I personally wouldn't criticise whoever wrote it. People are conditioned to treat suicidal people like severely ill people who are unable to make decisions for themselves, so if you're a 'good' person, society tells you this is how you behave towards those who are suicidal.

I have no doubt that they care because I'm sure most people do, but having the best intentions in the world doesn't solve the problem when you're wrong and you're trying to prevent something that need not be prevented.
motel rooms

motel rooms

Survivor of incest. Gay. Please don't PM me.
Apr 13, 2021
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May 2, 2021
I have seen this on insta with the same note hung around a dogs neck. Like WTF? Why would your dog want to hear about my childhood abuse and what will he do? :D :'D I think this is so performative! Most people that understand mental health or have been through some heavy shit are not writing little happy stickers or posting little positive memes on insta. They doing the real lifting and too busy helping others. Morons.
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Aug 16, 2019
There is no phone number or anything. That kind of contradicts The statement that she/he is available for help. It's more like self congratulatory goodness.
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Apr 16, 2021
Why the hell would they attend to r funeral when they don't know you?;
I hate people like this, they are not walking in my shoes!
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My time is coming.
May 17, 2019
Yeah well I would rather shoot myself in the fucking head than tell my entire shit story to some asshole pretending like they care. Spare me your self-righteous platitudes.
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Apr 2, 2019
This kind of self-serving, do-gooder, phony, meaningless 'positivity', and all the platitudes and cliches memes that get plastered all over social media, and the fake 'friends' who post shit like this or tell you directly how "they're there for you if you need to talk or need anything" yet fail TO be there when you do need them/need to talk (they sure disappear like genies when you actually contact them to take them up on their selfless offer/s) make me SO ANGRY. I've heard and read and been told this meaningless lip service for decades and now all this kind of thing does is make me mad and think the person posting/saying this shit is an attention-seeking asshole looking for likes and praise on what good people they are. So tired of it.
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Apr 16, 2021
"they're there for you if you need to talk or need anything" yet fail TO be there when you do need them/need to talk (they sure disappear like genies when you actually contact them to take them up on their selfless offer/s) make me SO ANGRY. I've heard and read and been told this meaningless lip service for decades and now"

I have had this so many times. Only one out of dozens actually followed through.
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Learn to fly
Jan 11, 2021
Nice sounding words but ultimately meaningless. I am sure whoever left this note patted themselves on the back extra hard that day.

What a croc of shit. People = cunts.
Looks like virtue signaling to me.
Had to Google the meaning of that. Pretty accurate
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the haru that can read
Apr 27, 2019
Despite this being totally pointless and something that isn't going to solve anything, I personally wouldn't criticise whoever wrote it. People are conditioned to treat suicidal people like severely ill people who are unable to make decisions for themselves, so if you're a 'good' person, society tells you this is how you behave towards those who are suicidal.

I have no doubt that they care because I'm sure most people do, but having the best intentions in the world doesn't solve the problem when you're wrong and you're trying to prevent something that need not be prevented.
They don't care. Their definition of "care" is moot. We should criticize and educate them on reality so they have a chance to see the light and change. I think their intentions are a lot less admirable than you give them credit for, most people pull this shit for selfish reasons, someone who truly appreciates the pain others experience would never say or do this.
Maybe they're young and dumb and haven't matured to be able to give a proper shit, or maybe they're just a douchebag with a hero complex, or a privileged priss who doesn't know life outside of their own asshole, who knows..whichever way you slice it, I still would not be able to come to the conclusion that they give an actual damn about our suffering.
It's surface level bs, absolutely thoughtless.
We must strike it down or it will continue to fester.
Something tells me that this person actually would listen at first, but stop listening when the topic of suicide is brought up.
Selective listening. I loathe it.
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Jul 8, 2018
Oh wow I really hate that people think that suicidal people always have problems that can easily be solved or that we just act on impulse. What about people who have tried everything to get better but nothing works? What is your conversation going to fix? This makes me so mad.
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Nov 30, 2020
Oh wow I really hate that people think that suicidal people always have problems that can easily be solved or that we just act on impulse. What about people who have tried everything to get better but nothing works? What is your conversation going to fix? This makes me so mad.
It's like telling some poor sod with terminal cancer that a chat over a cup of tea and digestives might cure them. It's infuriating.

Edit: that's a gorgeous cat in your picture, is it yours?
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waiting for the bus
Mar 24, 2021
I wonder what this person would say to all these comments.

I think you either understand or you don't. I don't blame normal happy people for not understanding.

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