

Worthless, useless being.
Aug 15, 2024
When I say this, I mean people who believe that no matter what, life should be preserved- for example, a terminally ill patient wanting euthanasia, to end their pain. In that specific case, I personally feel that withholding the use of euthanasia, all in the name of "preserving life", is pure cruelty. Abuse, in my completely honest opinion.
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I'm late, i'm late. For a very important date.
Feb 12, 2019
Usually people like this are religious, and I don't think religion has any place in lawmaking.
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Life too shall pass
May 31, 2020
My view is the same as I view people who are staunchly pro-death. Narrow minded and often lack critical thinking.
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One day, ill be free
Apr 25, 2024
I think anyone with a extreme opinion in either side of the spectrum can be polarizing and often leads to generalizations of people which leaves no place for any amount of empathy or critical thinking on the matter. They will ruin the conversation for anyone else that has a mild view of the topic and leads to nothing good. I find that often their beliefs are not founded in reality but blindly following things they heard once and latched on to without a second thought and parroting the same.
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Aug 25, 2024
My question to extreme pro-lifers is; under what circumstances is it okay to kill someone? Soldiers fighting in a war? A homeowner defending his children from an intruder? A cop defending the victim of a crime? The list is endless.

They can't justify keeping people alive more than we could justify ending a life. The correct place to be is in the grey area. Some people die for various reasons and some people live for other reasons. Sometimes, the reason is irrelevant.
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Mar 11, 2019
Trust me doesn't make any sense, I don't see lying in bed with shit pouring out of you and your igcognicent a life
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Hypomania go brrr
Apr 5, 2023
Any extreme view shouldn't be forced on others. It's okay to be extremely pro life so long as you don't impact the lives of anyone who doesn't share your sentiment and keep it to yourself. The moment you start enforcing your ideology upon others is the moment you lose respect.
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Arthur Scargill appreciator
Sep 1, 2018
I have no real opinion, the views of others has literally zero bearing as to whether anyone on here kills themselves.

Euthanasia for the terminally ill and suicide are very different things and those who oppose euthanasia in literally every single case are very probably in tje minority these days.
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Look into my eyes and tell me who I really am
Jun 20, 2024
When I say this, I mean people who believe that no matter what, life should be preserved- for example, a terminally ill patient wanting euthanasia, to end their pain. In that specific case, I personally feel that withholding the use of euthanasia, all in the name of "preserving life", is pure cruelty. Abuse, in my completely honest opinion.
I think the main reasons for this are religious
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The sun rises to insult me.
Jul 15, 2024
I think there's very few genuine "extreme pro-lifers" and they must certainly either be very religious or very very privileged.
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Aug 23, 2024
When I say this, I mean people who believe that no matter what, life should be preserved- for example, a terminally ill patient wanting euthanasia, to end their pain. In that specific case, I personally feel that withholding the use of euthanasia, all in the name of "preserving life", is pure cruelty. Abuse, in my completely honest opinion.
I am absolutely pro-euthanasia. Why do we euthanise pet animals and not people? It should be up to the individual themselves. Every civilised country should have an organisation like Dignitas except better - to my knowledge, it is much more difficult to have assisted suicide for mental health issues as opposed to physical issues, hence why I'm saying except better.

I really don't see what the problem is with assisted suicide. It's an end to suffering. I don't understand how anyone can view an end to suffering as anything other than a very good thing.

I think that all those who are against assisted suicide have never suffered a day in their lives.
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Just wanting some peace
Sep 24, 2020
I also see so much cruelty in denying the option of painless ways to be permanently free from this existence, it's so horrific to me how there isn't a way to die in peace even know there is no limit as to how much one can suffer in this painful, torturous existence, it's so cruel how existence causes all this suffering, personally I'd always prefer to not exist, I only hope for non-existence as only then will I be unable to suffer in any way.
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Nov 1, 2023
Like anti-choice views in general, I think it's a very childish position to hold. I think taking it to the extreme crosses into the territory of needlessly cruel.
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Apr 15, 2022
I guess everyone needs to have a hobby.
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Aug 29, 2024
Many people who have extreme pro life views are very religious. They were taught to believe this from a young age and never questioned it. They haven't thought of what it would be like if they were the one who ended up like that.

Most people don't hold such extreme views. Most of the people I know hold a more moderate view. They are open to the idea of assisted suicide in some cases such as a terminal illness or someone who is severely disabled.
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Aug 28, 2024
I can't stand them because they only see their own perspective and fully believe they have the right to police other people's lives. They'd rather have people suffer horribly than just let them go.
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Jan 23, 2023
I think they are delusional
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|| What Else Could I Be But a Jester ||
Oct 21, 2023
Basically this:

Their view of "preserving life" is largely just based in religion, focusing more on keeping others alive for as long as possible over the bodily autonomy and suffering of others. It's an incredibly selfish position to have, but in their own minds they are heroes. I feel like they probably view the world from a very black and white perspective, seeing death as always bad and life as always good and projecting that sentiment on to others. It's funny, because I find that many of them are fine with things like the death penalty, but they can't stand that idea of someone who is terminally ill deciding to opt for a peaceful death. Then again, death is a bad thing to them, so they probably view it as a good punishment. They tend to be kind of self-righteous, so it makes sense.
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Oct 29, 2023
Annoying but well-meaning (or fearful of death, either one). I assume them to be the type of people who can only think in black-and-white or the type of people who are unable to have empathy for something they've never gone through
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Aug 1, 2024
I'm not very good with anyone who is an "extreme" anything because those kinds of people are so narrow minded that they will NEVER be able to have an honest conversation about anything.
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Aug 20, 2024
I guess everyone needs to have a hobby.
lol 😂
I dislike it when someone forcing their opinion regardless. I'm a listener and respect everyone's decision as long as they are not children. In some cases the reason behind suicide can be fixed or changed so it depends.
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Mar 23, 2018
When I say this, I mean people who believe that no matter what, life should be preserved- for example, a terminally ill patient wanting euthanasia, to end their pain. In that specific case, I personally feel that withholding the use of euthanasia, all in the name of "preserving life", is pure cruelty. Abuse, in my completely honest opinion.
I hope they suffer and wish for the pain to end. 🤬🤬🤬🤬 Then they can maybe understand what it's like not to want to be alive. 🤬🤬🤬🤬
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death will be my ultimate bliss
Oct 29, 2023
I hate them and I think that their views are absolutely shitty. These people are pro suffering and don't even care about the quality of life of anybody. They only care about a person being alive, that's it. They're extremely myopic in what they think and I have a feeling that they themselves don't even question their own views. Instead they blindly defend their views
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May 20, 2024
The kind of an extreme example mentioned in the first post could only make me compare it to any other extreme examples involving any other controversial topic society regularly discusses. And as with all the similar examples, I simply think such people are horrible, cruel, sitting in their own comfortable chairs, living their comfortable lives, and moralizing for everyone else, especially giving advice to people whose problems they themselves would never experience (or even could not in some cases where being of a different biological sex), and doing all of that under the veil of offering a so called "help" to entire humanity, or thinking of themselves as some kind of holy saviors.

Some other equivalent examples include:

1. Not wanting to allow any kind of an abortion to take place, not even the kind involving incest, rape, or a threat to the mother's life.
2. Trying to ban all contraception and all sexual activity not including procreation of a married couple.
3. Wishing to ban every single animal product for consumption, no matter how peacefully it was obtained.
4. Ordering to ban almost any kind of private ownership outside of owning a house and maybe a couple of other items.
5. Having a desire to ban all forms of porn.

And so on. Oh, and by the way, I could not stand such people.
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Aug 25, 2024
The kind of an extreme example mentioned in the first post could only make me compare it to any other extreme examples involving any other controversial topic society regularly discusses. And as with all the similar examples, I simply think such people are horrible, cruel, sitting in their own comfortable chairs, living their comfortable lives, and moralizing for everyone else, especially giving advice to people whose problems they themselves would never experience (or even could not in some cases where being of a different biological sex), and doing all of that under the veil of offering a so called "help" to entire humanity, or thinking of themselves as some kind of holy saviors.

Some other equivalent examples include:

1. Not wanting to allow any kind of an abortion to take place, not even the kind involving incest, rape, or a threat to the mother's life.
2. Trying to ban all contraception and all sexual activity not including procreation of a married couple.
3. Wishing to ban every single animal product for consumption, no matter how peacefully it was obtained.
4. Ordering to ban almost any kind of private ownership outside of owning a house and maybe a couple of other items.
5. Having a desire to ban all forms of porn.

And so on. Oh, and by the way, I could not stand such people.
The day they ban porn, we've got a problem.
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Extreme Pain is much worse than people know
Aug 12, 2019
if someone 18 or over is suffering unbearable pain and wants to exit by buying nembutal they can't becuase almost all governments in the world made Nembutal a controlled illegal substance a crime to buy own sell. the monsters arrested D who sold Nembutal for years over the internet and now D is facing prison time. so is Kenneth law who sold SN over the internet. How is this not a an extreme pro-life world and and extreme suicide prohibition state? Now in the U.S. the monsters are about to ban SN like they banned Nembutal and made it a crime and made anyone helping you with your suicide to escape extreme pain a crime.

D was selling nembutal online to those who wanted to purchase it and they were paying $750 and up . but if it were legal it would be about $30 or less. we all will die anyway. why do they want those of us that are suffering to keep suffering extreme torture? because they are evil.

In a somewhat free world nembutal would be available for purchase at least to anyone over 18 ,. suicide booths also , the sarco etc everywhere. anyone could assist you in suicide even a friend hitman or anyone you could pay. this would be the case except the evil monster politicians passed many laws to make nembutal, helping someone in suicide etc crimes. why does the government get to arrest anyone that could help you escape unbearable pain? who made these pieces of shit god?

this whole world is an extreme pro-life sucide prohibition state. at least the governments, politicians ,government burocrats are the same as any extreme pro-lifer in their stance on prohibition of suicide.

They made Nembutal a crime to keep us in the prison to control us

What the fuck do these corrupt peices of crap in government have to do with me ? it's none of their business if i want to kill these 30 trillion monstrous cells i'm inprisoned in they call a human body.

Here's an example opium and morphine were popular and legal in the 1800s and Early 1900s . As we know morphine can be also used for a painless suicide.

The US Congress passed a law restricting morphine in 1914 to prescription only. In 1970 the monsters in the U.S. made barbiturates including nembutal controlled substances crimes to buy and possess

This explains things. Everything was legal until these bastards passed laws to make them illegal as they are about to pass law restricting Sn in the U.S. who made these monsters god ?
There are many horrible things that can happen to anyone. Homelessness is one of many intolerable horrible nightmares.. the technology for people escaping such nightmares is there for example, nembutal, suicide booths etc but the governments made all guaranteed painless suicide methods into crimes

They purposefully made nembutal , cyanide capsules, someone helping you to commit suicide, suicide booths and other guaranteed suicide methods into crimes.

They have almost completely eliminated Nembutal from the world.

In the evil U.S. they are about to ban SN as they did all the other methods

We all will die anyway. But because they banned the most peaceful dying Nembutal now people have to die painfully and suffer extreme pain for years before they die anyway

That these monsters made these crimes is the most insane evil thing.

There is only a few reasons why they did this , including to stop us from committing suicide and to control us.

So these monsters are evil torturers but they have everyone thinking they are smarter than us know what's better for us, that they want what's best for us : and that's bs otherwise why ban nembutal etc if we are all going to die anyway and are suffering? It's completely illogical and evil.
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