
work, love, and learn
Feb 25, 2021
What is you next goal?


lose 5 kg (not a big deal, i know)

find new clients, work despite my neurosurgical conditions which I have had since childhood, and progressing.

Travel to Russia (maybe by train through siberia) , Thailand, Nepal or South Korea. I usually went to thailand before covid. I want to go see the elephants again, they make me happy. I used to go to countries while taking heaps of opioids, it was worth it, I only fell about three times (during 11 trips) in Thailand, one serious fall down a staircase, and only visited a clinic once while i was overseas, showed up for a flight at airport, but i felt immense pain, so i went to airport clinic and they said i am not fit to fly. The dr ask me why I travel alone when I have so many problems, i almost told her that I do everything alone in life.

This might be my last attempt in life, if i cant work, then there is no point. I can get funds from family, but money is not the only motivation, it is about being productive, meaningful tasks. Currently i only work on Tuesdays (remotely).

Love to hear about your goals
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low-wage worker
Oct 29, 2020
1. Get my sleep schedule back to being in a normal range of at least 7 h :(
2. Being more motivated at work, stop browsing the internet during work hours
3. Also losing those "last" 5 kg to get ready for my friends wedding (to have a set date to finally do it)
4. Setting more boundaries and actually saying no sometimes
(All short time goals concerning this year since I don't want to plan too much ahead in the future)
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work, love, and learn
Feb 25, 2021
1. Get my sleep schedule back to being in a normal range of at least 7 h :(
2. Being more motivated at work, stop browsing the internet during work hours
3. Also losing those "last" 5 kg to get ready for my friends wedding (to have a set date to finally do it)
4. Setting more boundaries and actually saying no sometimes
(All short time goals concerning this year since I don't want to plan too much ahead in the future)
you have good goals. sleep is important. One thing i did when i got a new phone earlier this year, i turned off all social notifications. I will check it when i decide to, not after every beep.
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Autistic loser
Jan 26, 2021
Not sure, I've said it several times in this thread: https://sanctioned-suicide.net/threads/say-one-word-about-how-your-feeling-today.7380/
My life is very aleatory, I need luck to not end up roping at this point. The things I can work toward (gym, stopping NEETdom) are unsatisfactory and have not come close to touching my suicidality in the past. I still do them, since they improve my quality of life--but I see it as a form of palliative care.
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Feb 27, 2021
Go back to work. Even if the job is shitty I'm at least familiar with it. I have to learn how to deal with people first before I get a better one. I have really bad social anxiety so this will be a big and important step. And from there on I'll see how things go.
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work, love, and learn
Feb 25, 2021
Not sure, I've said it several times in this thread: https://sanctioned-suicide.net/threads/say-one-word-about-how-your-feeling-today.7380/
My life is very aleatory, I need luck to not end up roping at this point. The things I can work toward (gym, stopping NEETdom) are unsatisfactory and have not come close to touching my suicidality in the past. I still do them, since they improve my quality of life--but I see it as a form of palliative care.
I like the Gym part. I bought dumbbells, but it is very painful to workout, I am doing it anyway, as much as i can. Keep going my friend.
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Eat my arse, Pain&Sh*tness & Mindf*ckitation Grift
Mar 1, 2020
Beat Stardew Valley 100% and then find another game to obsess over. I have to have something to fill these long lonely hours of these days that blend together.
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Oct 12, 2020
1-Find someone to love and who loves me.
2-Find a job.
They are my two non-existent pillars that I hope to find before my little patience runs out.
There are other secondary ones such as traveling to Japan, having a better diet, being more sociable and positive...etc.
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bad luck

bad luck

Memento mori
Mar 2, 2021
Getting drunk in a tavern of an Irishman who established his business in my country. When my hangover wears off go to a hotel and drink SN. That is what I have in mind. Prepare some things for some members of my family and say goodbye correctly in writing. Apologize to some of them and of course make a list of all the events that made me suicidal.
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Nov 4, 2019
My goal is to live, not die. At some point it may become unbearable to live, but I'm not there yet. My first step towards living will be to try to repair my social life and love life. The odds are very bad, but it's not impossible.
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Mar 22, 2020
-Lose 21 kg (46 pounds).
-Get more money
-Date a girl
-Learn more japanese

The hardest one will be to lose weight! I just love junk food and sodas :aw:
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Ctb - temporary solution for a permanent problem
Aug 29, 2020
Getting high or drunk is often high on my list of priorities tbh
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bad luck

bad luck

Memento mori
Mar 2, 2021
-Lose 21 kg (46 pounds).
-Get more money
-Date a girl
-Learn more japanese

The hardest one will be to lose weight! I just love junk food and sodas :aw:
I lost 20 kg in 3 months with a routine called p90x. On the Internet you will find it hacked. If your heart is healthy and you can endure this discipline of both exercise and eating, I assure you of a change in your silhouette and a lot of strength. So I managed to do bicep curl sets with 25 kg in each arm. And from not being able to do one pull-up to do 12 strict, I also managed to do 50 strict funds.
Getting high or drunk is often high on my list of priorities tbh
Lately i do that too
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Mar 22, 2020
I lost 20 kg in 3 months with a routine called p90x. On the Internet you will find it hacked. If your heart is healthy and you can endure this discipline of both exercise and eating, I assure you of a change in your silhouette and a lot of strength. So I managed to do bicep curl sets with 25 kg in each arm. And from not being able to do one pull-up to do 12 strict, I also managed to do 50 strict funds.

Sounds awesome! Gracias por compartir la info, amigo.
I'm gonna have a look at it!
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Apr 3, 2019
1.) Maybe finish a painting I started, it would be my biggest project, and a lot of work.

2.) Keep focusing on ED recovery and maybe work myself into a place where I can walk at the park and enjoy it without intrusive thoughts. I want to do that before I CTB at least, maybe sit in a tree. I've never climbed a tree before.

3.) Pick a CTB date, or a few dates or whatever. Just roundabout.

4.) Sell whatever I can of some clothes I have in bags to get them off my conscience, and give that money to my mom along with whatever else I have left.

5.) Make Mother's Day extra special for my mom, just in case it's the last one.

6.) Maybe write a letter for my mom and sibling.

I could think of more, but those are some of the main ones that could possibly be attainable. 1 and 2 would be a challenge for sure.
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bad luck

bad luck

Memento mori
Mar 2, 2021
Sounds awesome! Gracias por compartir la info, amigo.
I'm gonna have a look at it!
It's hard, don't think it's miraculous. I ate a lot of protein and was sore with incredible pain. Sometimes I would do hard sets and it made me want to throw up. I was exhausted. In two months you get used to it and you are seeing results, but I already warn you that it is hard.
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work, love, and learn
Feb 25, 2021
-Lose 21 kg (46 pounds).
-Get more money
-Date a girl
-Learn more japanese

The hardest one will be to lose weight! I just love junk food and sodas :aw:
i think many if not most people know what they need to do to get better, it is just finding the motivation while you have no support, while you depressed, having bad health, or while bankrupt. One thing I learned the hard way is that most of the time your bad circumstances dont give you any privileges, you still need to do what the rest of the world is doing, it is hard.
i think many if not most people know what they need to do to get better, it is just finding the motivation while you have no support, while you depressed, having bad health, or while bankrupt. One thing I learned the hard way is that most of the time your bad circumstances dont give you any privileges, you still need to do what the rest of the world is doing, it is hard. I am cripple, still want get ripped, hahah
IMG 0133

this is my "setup". You could also replace sweets with protein shakes. Some of them taste like cake, without carbs. When i crave sweets i drink a vanilla or chocolate protein shake and i am thickening it with agar.
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Dr Iron Arc

Dr Iron Arc

Into the Unknown
Feb 10, 2020
This is actually so inspiring I almost think it should be in recovery! Though maybe my goals will fix that:

My main goal right now is to find the elusive girlfriend who probably doesn't even exist for me. I feel like without that I wouldn't be able to focus on any other big goals such as losing weight, finding a job, etc. I genuinely don't care about those things without someone like this in my life to try for. As I've mentioned before, I'm on four different dating apps which I use daily but I'm not holding my breath anytime soon.

If this goal fails, which I'm expecting it to, then in about a year I'm gonna start preparing for my CTB by setting up my suicide note, scoping out a place to take my SN, and trying to convince people to let me go and that they don't want me around by acting like even more of an annoying piece of shit.

My other smaller goals for now are things like binging as many series as possible or to finish my hellhole of an Animal Crossing Island before unleashing it to the world.
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Bootleg Astolfo

Bootleg Astolfo

Glorious Bean Plushie
Oct 12, 2020
Just doing that is already taking up all my energy.
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Jan 17, 2021
I'm waiting for covid to pass so that I can go to Brazil and start a construction business there. I'll either become filthy rich or get killed. No middle roads for me.

Everything has been ready for some time and the plan was to do it 2020 but then, well, 2020 happened.
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work, love, and learn
Feb 25, 2021
agreed, now is not a good time for new business ventures. I wish I knew when it will be over, aka vaccinated.
I'm waiting for covid to pass so that I can go to Brazil and start a construction business there. I'll either become filthy rich or get killed. No middle roads for me.

Everything has been ready for some time and the plan was to do it 2020 but then, well, 2020 happened.


Jun 29, 2020
Gain some muscle
Get into and go through a pre-employment workshop
Be nicer to siblings
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Jul 12, 2020
-Try to enjoy the time I spend alone
-find the personality that I do not know where I have left
-gain some muscle and have a healthier life
-fix a couple of things that sometimes get on my nerves

I know they aren't great things but being realistic is what I can do in short terms and I'm sure that if I leave the state in which I find myself right now I can either finally end my life or move to a less boring place.
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