

Humans come one step closer to self destruction.
Mar 26, 2023
The title is self-explanatory, Let's have a tiny bit of positivity and look back.

For me my favourite person called me "name - pie" and some other cute pet names and its left me flustered and happy recently!
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Apr 19, 2022
I guess competing in a competitive hobby of mine. Lost interest in it + every other thing a year ago, but trying to get back into it just as something to do until I am ready to CTB. I go back and forth between kind of looking forward to it, and just wanting to CTB immediately.
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Dead Horse

Dead Horse

Hopeless, but literally
Nov 14, 2018
A trip to Prague with my school many years ago. Centuries now, seemingly. 5 beautiful days. I have it well documented in video, but I have never watched it. And I never will.
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Just wanting some peace
Sep 24, 2020
None of them. I personally don't see any benefit to existing, it's only an unnecessary harm. I've never wished to be here and existence is certainly not for me in any way. Existing in this world is completely unappealing, I will always prefer the sound of eternal nothingness and of course it's very unfortunate how I even existed in the first place, it's a punishment to be burdened with the ability to exist.
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raging nihilist
Apr 25, 2023
Whenever I'm at the beach. Looking at the horizon and seeing edge oddly satisfies me.
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Fell on black days
Feb 1, 2023
Long walks in the fall as the leaves are turning, European vacations, going to the Opera/concerts and visiting museums, sharing meals and laughing with loved ones, and snuggling with pets.. loved all these things while my spirit was still light and hopeful
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Mar 23, 2023
Before I got sick it was achiving my academic goals. It just gave me something. Since then my priorities have changed massively (and I'm here lol) - now, honestly, my favourite moment(s) in life are with my gf. Just doing mundane things like cooking or watching a movie, driving around in our car. Just enjoying the good times while they last
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Apr 7, 2019
Wow, nice thread
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In Transit waiting for the bus
Apr 12, 2023
My favorite moment is a memory with my late fiancé,drinking wine at the terrace outside,talking about nothing important ,cuddles,hand holding,cracking silly jokes.We were so happy,i just want to be with him.
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Apr 25, 2023
I love coffe, art and paint, melancholy, the grass.. and nature. I love broken people
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Apr 12, 2023
A brief period of a balanced equilibrium.
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Angst Filled Fuck Up

Angst Filled Fuck Up

Sep 9, 2018
I can't really remember. As I've gotten sicker, my life has become worse and more embarrassing with each passing year so it's kind of like whatever good there was has been fading into the recesses of my mind more and more. Any positivity I clung to back in the day feels like a dream now.
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Nov 25, 2022
My favorite memory is one morning in 1994 standing on my porch in the sunshine wearing my favorite outfit at the time. I don't know why I always go back to that. It was after I was in the hospital for a week after I almost died from a medical issue. I used to be very happy and peaceful. There are other happy memories but they sort of make me sad.

I'm sorry I read the question wrong. My favorite moments are so infrequent. That is how they are though, similar to the way I described my favorite memory and sometimes doing ordinary
things thinking this is nice. Living with this, no matter what I enjoy I'm still so depressed.
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Forever Sleep

Earned it we have...
May 4, 2022
Feeding a stingray in an aquarium. It was so gentle and beautiful. That was such a lovely day with my Dad.
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Source Energy

Source Energy

I want to be where people areN'T...
Jan 23, 2023
My favorite past moments? Christmas as a child. The smell of the tree combined with grandma's fresh pies...mom pulling my sleight in the snow.
My first step out of the plane on US soil many years ago. Such a dream came true! My first years here and all that traveling and experiences...
My beloved's loving gaze...having learned what unconditional love really means...

Favorite things in general: sitting anywhere by the water, with few people around, enjoying the peace; laying down in my bed; a nice bubble bath; feeling productive and accomplished at work
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the same
Mar 30, 2023
Vacation, or otherwise experiencing other cultures at any time. This is all I want to do in life and is the basis of my core interests, but sadly I am prevented from doing so or going to college/getting a job that allows this because of american society and my lack of money.
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Don't you listen to your heart? (Listen to it...)
Oct 26, 2019
My sister bought (I think a lady was giving them away on the side of the road actually) this cute little puppy (it was a brown and white Boxer) and it woke me up by sniffing and licking at my face. At first I was annoyed because I was under my blanket...but then I pulled back the covers to reveal this perfectly cute adorable little creature. I lit up like a Christmas tree 🎄 and started smiling and laughing and petting this little being. I'm sure I picked it up and kissed it as well... puppies are kinda ridiculously cute or can be. I was 14 or 15... this puppy was the cutest ever... We wound up naming him Bailey.
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fading innocence
Apr 27, 2023
that feeling when you've just woken up and when you're about to fall asleep. there's something comforting about the vulnerability that comes with it.
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Sep 19, 2022
Making art, playing with cats, falling in love with fictional characters.
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too much
Mar 29, 2023
At times when the weather is good, I'd walk around a field near my apartment with my partner. We'd hold hands, locked fingers. Sometimes we talk and other times we don't. A moment where I wish time could be put on hold.
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“Is there no way out of the mind?”
Mar 27, 2023
Whenever Im not anxious, thats my favourite moment, when I could go outside without feeling ill, when I could enjoy many things without thinking too much... Anxiety is killing me.
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Dec 4, 2020
The day I got my SN.

Just kidding.

I love my first memory... because it was a funeral. Now I'm not kidding :pfff: But this in my mind has nothing to do with the fact that I now want to CTB. If my life wasn't struck by so much physical and mental trauma it would still be one of my favorites. It is kinda ironic now but.... Nevermind.
My neighbor died. I came down a little road holding my grandma by the hand and we watched the procession. I didn't have a clue what was it all about, I was 4. All I saw was people walking in a row. Everyone was quiet and the music of the marching band was beautifully melancholic. I was calm just like everyone else. I even remember that it was mid autumn because the sun was about to set in an hour or so and the atmosphere was a bit gloomy, the leaves barely hanging on the trees. I wasn't sad at all but this was some somber shit.

I remember when I got my first bicycle. On the way back home I held it like it was my baby.
Drumming on my pillow with two random pieces of wood to tunes that I loved was my key spare time activity for a while. My brother eventually got me real drumsticks.
Discovering music. I have clear recollections when I first heard a song that I've become enamoured to.
I collected stamps and I enjoyed organizing.
I took long drives with my new bicycle into nature, roaming around and being amazed by little things, bumping into snakes and fucking with them with a sticks. Childhood was the best.

School wasn't a happy time. There were moments, but mostly just anxiety.

I had a brief moment of enlightenment one time, reading Siddhartha by Herman Hesse below a tree. Just like the Buddha 😇 A bit after I started smoking pot I got all into philosophy and theology and literature. And there I was, sitting below a young oak tree. Fresh springtime air. The sun on my skin. Birds are chirping, insects buzzing, a light breeze humming through the forest, moving the grass in front of me. And I'm reading about oneness and openness and soon I was gone. Nature took me home. And this stayed with me even to this day, this feeling that I once had in a way affected my entire belief system, I would say even changed my personality. For the better.

My wedding night should be mentioned. That was some otherwordly sex after the party. And a trip to a beautiful little town with my ex just before we got married. We sailed on a lake, climbed a pretty steep cliff while I was wearing slippers, ate excellent food, shopped like we have money, went to a jazz concert. Seven days of heaven.

After that, things went to shit. I have nothing. I don't form new memories.
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dead dreams, false hopes
May 3, 2023
Mostly stuff from my childhood when I still enjoyed life. The most recent moment tho was probably last year in december when my parents visited me and we went to a christmas market together. They have been divorced for over 10 years now and this was the first time we did something like that since then because recently they started to get along with each other again. At the end of the day I was still sad and cried tho because when they left I had no one to talk to about my day and to tell how nice it was.
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the world is full of noise
May 6, 2023
The title is self-explanatory, Let's have a tiny bit of positivity and look back.

For me my favourite person called me "name - pie" and some other cute pet names and its left me flustered and happy recently!
it's hard for me to pin down any specific moments, for me it's more so times when i feel carefree. when i was still a kid for example, meeting up with my friends by the lake during the summer. or going on holidays abroad with my family. and as for recently,,,,, it's hard to think of anything because my memory is kind of clouded but i attended this work related seminar a few months ago and one night we ended up playing monopoly together until 2am. we were cussing each other out the whole time but it was actually pretty wholesome, that was the first time in months that i had fun with people my age again.
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Mar 12, 2023
Perhaps when I'm shown that I'm loved and valuable to someone. I remember a specific moment where I was at rock bottom, unable to find a way out and unable to call for help. But my favorite person successfully made me speak my mind, and I never felt so relieved. It's a wonderful feeling when you could get all your negativities out. They told me that I'm valuable to them, and that they want me in their life no matter how negative and depressed I could be. It was genuinely heartwarming. I had a great sleep that night.
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𖣴 nadia 𖣴

𖣴 nadia 𖣴

Dec 15, 2021
Can't pick specific moments but my favourite memories would be the Christmas trip to Oslo with my friends, the trip to France with my bf especially the beautiful beaches, most of my time during uni when I wasn't studying, house parties, and a bunch of memories with my brother and sister.
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It's spilling out of me
Nov 10, 2021
My ex and I when we were young, years ago. Like 2007. We both were broke, starting out in life. That year the government was giving out stimulus packages and we got $700.

We caught a bus to small coastal town my parents used to take me as a child and stayed at the same resort. We spent the trip drinking, making love, being young.

I remember the both of us on the beach, tipsy, embracing each other and laughing as our feet sunk into the wet sand. I found a smooth, oval shape rock on the beach that day and gave it to her. She kept it in her handbag for years. Until we split up.

I know I won't ever feel that feeling I had on that day again. There's no point in trying to find it in anyone else. That was the one that got away.

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