
New Member
Nov 3, 2018
What do you guys think? If everyone is going to die and not remember anything what's the point of living then?
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Mar 22, 2020
Makes no sense!
I'm having a terrible existential crisis and can't get over it!!
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Autistic loser
Jan 26, 2021
The point is whatever drivel you can tell yourself that somehow sticks.
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Just wanting some peace
Sep 24, 2020
There is no point to living. We were forced to exist because of the selfish desire to procreate. We have no right to die so we cannot peacefully leave, and taking our own lives is hard. That is why I am on this earth. I literally feel trapped. Death makes all life meaningless.
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Am literally a rhododendron
Jun 9, 2019
There is no point to living. We were forced to exist because of the selfish desire to procreate. We have no right to die so we cannot peacefully leave, and taking our own lives is hard. That is why I am on this earth. I literally feel trapped. Death makes all life meaningless.
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Jean Améry

Mar 17, 2019
A subjective feeling of well-being, whatever the shape or form. Being in love, a beautiful sunset, a symphony or aria that moves you to tears, watching a statue, painting or mountainside that is awe-inspiring. True friendship or family actually worth a damn. Succeeding at something you truly deem worthwhile. Anything that makes you feel life is worth living after all inspite of the many downsides and the inevitable suffering and death it entails.

Objectively life has no apparant meaning but to conclude from that that it has no meaning at all imo amounts to projecting one's own despair unto the matter. I don't dispute that for some people life is completely meaningless given that they can't find any meaning however subjective in it/they are in so much pain it destroys all meaning in their lives but most people's apparently do find some kind of meaning in their lives or they wouldn't continue to live. The simple fact that we are able to effect our own death and people do it daily proves that nature's dominion over us clearly isn't total/complete.

Of course it's easy to claim those who say they find their life meaningful are deluded but why would one person's view or experiences be worth less/more than another's? This goes both ways of course. If someone claims they lack any reason to go on they're probably right: who's going to prove them wrong? At best one can hear them out and maybe provide a shred of meaning to them by offering simple authentic human contact. Which is a substantial source of meaning for human-beings and also a great source of pain if they lack it.

Ironically stating life has no meaning would imply that expressing that sentiment is equally meaningless yet it clearly is charged with emotional content.

We are finite beings obviously and yet we are able to contemplate questions that are pretty much beyond our capacity to definitively answer. It's possible that there is indeed objective meaning to our lives but we simply aren't capable of discerning it. Perhaps we ought to suspend judgement on matters of such complexity and vastness (agnosticism).

To me it seems deducing from the cosmic futility of life (which for all we know is true) that it must be worthless (a priori) is probably a rationalization of one's state of mind/emotions. There are levels of meaning and there's no good reason to elevate one above the other(s).

I highly doubt many people actually committed suicide because they figured life is objectively meaningless. As a species we simply aren't rational enough to call it quits for that reason alone.

Why would it matter anyway? Do we really need a god/objective source of meaning or immortality to create our own sources of meaning on earth? Sartre claimed existence preceeds essence and we are therefore free to determine our own essence so to speak. Of course this is but one view.

To be clear: this isn't meant to belittle anyone's suffering let alone a judgement on anyone's views on life or death. I merely stated my opinion on the matter.
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motel rooms

motel rooms

Survivor of incest. Gay. Please don't PM me.
Apr 13, 2021
I highly doubt many people actually committed suicide because they figured life is objectively meaningless. As a species we simply aren't rational enough to call it quits for that reason alone.
I wonder if anyone will attack you for saying that. It happened to me :haha:
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Narcissistic gay NEETcel
Apr 4, 2021
It's about the journey, not the destination.


we all go home eventually
Jul 4, 2020
Tell me how you know we don't remember anything.

I'm open to that as one of many potential possibilities. I mean, sure, maybe we do forget it all and conscious experience comes to a total stop. But it's also possible that this is a simulation. It's also possible that all of our experiences are eternal and being recorded to the memory of a collective consciousness. Anything is possible.
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Nov 26, 2020
Simply to enjoy your time while you're here, if you can.
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Broken and hated 7-14 years long overdue
May 14, 2018
What do you guys think? If everyone is going to die and not remember anything what's the point of living then?
It really is pointless, and makes no sense. Anyway if it makes other happy, live and let live however I have to get out of here. I'm too depressed, lonely, anxious and I'm faking it
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Jan 10, 2021
circle of life , meaningless , also it means life itself .
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May 20, 2021
I think you can only give life a meaning yourself.
And that it is "forbidden" to end one's own life prematurely is a social rule - not a law of nature.
Suicide is very rare in the animal kingdom. Our complex thinking enables us to recognise ourselves - with all the advantages and disadvantages.
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Don't Cry for Me, I'm Already Dead
Apr 7, 2021
there is no meaning. this world is a cruel joke.
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Jean Améry

Mar 17, 2019
I wonder if anyone will attack you for saying that. It happened to me :haha:

I don't see how I could have offended anyone by that statement. How a message is received depends in large part on the way of delivery and the context. Of course some people will take things personally no matter how they were intended or formulated.

I try to be respectful to others, especially here. Those who suffer are entitled to respect and understanding in as much as that possible given that our experiences as individuals tend to differ widely.
Lost Magic

Lost Magic

May 5, 2020
I guess we are here to love. That love could be for our fellow humans, animals or the environment. I may be suicidal but I still try to show that emotion when I can. I just wish I could love myself more.
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I predict...
Apr 28, 2021
this world is a cruel joke.
A cruel joke by the universe, but alas, the universe is indifferent and hence no one is there to laugh at the punchline.
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May 20, 2021
I guess we are here to love. That love could be for our fellow humans, animals or the environment. I may be suicidal but I still try to show that emotion when I can. I just wish I could love myself more.
If you think like that, why can't you love yourself or forgive yourself?


Apr 12, 2021
What do you guys think? If everyone is going to die and not remember anything what's the point of living then?
I'll be honest, I could never understand why some people consider this a reason to want to CTB. Yes, it's true that there would be no point to living, but there would also be no point in dying either, so it evens out either way. I don't personally care if there is a point to living or not. I'll live if I feel like I want to live and die if I feel like I want to die. It's not just that life has no apparent objective meaning but rather life is something that could never have objective meaning in a world with free will. Even if some figurehead calling themselves "God" dictated meaning to us, our minds would still be free to challenge that dictation.

Basically, the only point of living is because you want to live. If you don't want to live then don't. I'm not actually sure what type of answer people are looking for when they look for an "objective meaning to life." What would such a meaning even look like and how would we know it would to be the true universal meaning? In a way, it's freeing that there is no objective point to living because it doesn't make me fail some moral obligation to attempt to leave life when I don't want to be here in the first place.
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I want out
Nov 21, 2020
Death makes life completely pointless. If lethal amounts of pentobarbital were legal, widely available and inexpensive, untold millions of people throughout the world would shuffle off this mortal coil. I know I would.
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Death is vital
Mar 19, 2020
Death makes life completely pointless. If lethal amounts of pentobarbital were legal, widely available and inexpensive, untold millions of people throughout the world would shuffle off this mortal coil. I know I would.
Thats why they work so hard to legalize every easy method everyone would drop dead in like 1 week. :meh: But I feel like people who have suffered for a long time like us deserve free access not just people in temporary bad patches
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Jan 10, 2021
there is no meaning too at remembering everything


Nov 13, 2020
For me there is no point. We come to this world to reproduce (which I disagree because human being is the worst species in this world) and then die. If I don't enjoy being on Earth I don't WTF I'm doing here.
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Lost Magic

Lost Magic

May 5, 2020
If you think like that, why can't you love yourself or forgive yourself?
Good question. I guess I have never been comfortable in my own skin. Friends in the past, joked about having internal self loathing.
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we all go home eventually
Jul 4, 2020
There could well be a purpose to the universe spontaneously generating apparently individual consciousness beings. I say apparently individual because I suspect that the sensation of being apart from other people and the world, is a bit of an illusion or trick of the brain, since everything comes from the same ultimate source and at the smallest level everything is made of the exact same stuff.

It's likely impossible to fully appreciate the purpose from an individual perspective. But if I had to guess, I would say that life is a way for the universe to experience itself. I mean, the universe suddenly formed and a lot of cool stuff emerged, but until life emerged there was no way for the universe to know itself. To experience the world in any capacity you need at the very least a crude brain. Evolution happens and life keeps getting better at understanding and experiencing the world.

The question is, what is happening to all that experiential information? It may be impossible to know whilst walking incarnate within the material realm.
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Apr 5, 2020
I don't mind that it all vanishes since my life is shit anyway. But yeah if my life was good I'd be really annoyed by that. I do dislike being temporary and unimportant in the universe.
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Life was a mistake
Sep 12, 2020
There is no point to anything. Things simply happen because something before that caused it to happen in a chain of events, all influenced by randomness.

Most people simply don't care about whether there's a point or not and continue living because that's what they're programmed to do or make up some point for themselves they try to pursue because they haven't experienced the reality of despair.

It would be nice if those convinced of a purpose to life would allow those of us not convinced of such an ideal to exist or pass on in peace. It seems to be a threat to most of the human race to even speak of the meaningless of life.
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