Suicide: permanent solution to permanent problems
- Feb 4, 2024
- 154
- The mind and everything it does is a desperate attempt to somehow still cling to life. The people who overthink death are the least likely to commit suicide because of their ego/survival script preventing them from doing so. For some people, the mind will paradoxically do anything to distract them from death. This is the self preservation script.
- They're too focused on other people and their ego rather than thinking pragmatically about how they are going to kill themselves.
- The mind loves to get lost in its own bs and I realised this about myself.
- Doesn't help that death is basically against the mind's survival script. The sober mind's script will always have a bias towards survival. There's also been cases known that when people do intensive meditation, sometimes they also commit suicide. Think of advanced meditators, monks and self immolators. They're operating on a level beyond their mind's script.
- Sure the mind can think of death abstractly but the lived experience of death is what the mind fears the most. That's why so many sedate themselves on a cocktail of drugs before going through with suicide. This includes drugs such as SSRIs, benzodiazepines, alcohol and other drugs I don't know of. These drugs bypass the mind's resistance to death. Many people also kill themselves while on psychedelics.
- The people who go through with suicide for real are actually kinda brave because they overpower their biologically programmed primal will to live and their own minds/egos that counterintuitively prevent them from their own suicide. It's either that or they have easy, accessible means to die peacefully.
- Suicide is easier to do in a hyper logical, detached state where you don't self sabotage yourself with fear and unnecessary thoughts or emotions.
- In the ancient world, suicide was actually praised and preached by philosophers. Stoic texts have a positive view of suicide. Japanese people did seppuku to preserve honour. The bible didn't really condemn suicide. Early Christians committed suicide to escape persecution I think.
- whatever the unaware sober mind does, even failed suicide attempts, is still an unconscious will to live. Even giving off signs of suicidality means that deep down, a part of you doesn't want to die in hopes of someone saving you. It's more of a cry for help and a cry for their life circumstances to change rather than for death.
- The sober unaware mind will unconsciously do anything to ensure it's own survival and you won't realise it until you reflect on it. The ego mind/self survival script is sneaky like that.
- suicide is such a shock to regular people because they have a certain life setup that prevents them from deviating from the script too much. They're too embedded in the social matrix. It's all a social matrix game. If you're too woke or too aware, you'll gravitate towards suicide more.
- The true self is beyond thoughts, emotions and script. Many people commit suicide on antidepressants because it gives them a certain amount of clarity, energy and detachment to go through with their own plans.
- The people who talk the most about committing suicide and make a show out of it are the ones who usually don't do it. The ones who openly talk about it are basically asking for pro lifers to psy-op them into living and thus adding extra resistance in their mind against experiencing death. In fact, they're probably the ones who cling to life the most. It's mainly the people who keep it a secret who do it.
- imo, Victim mentality is the worst mentality to have if you're seriously considering suicide. There are many ways to die it's just that there is resistance in the mind against death for real. There's always a way to die it's just my fault for being too scared. Yes, nobody deserves what you went through but you still have the power to choose between life (recovery) or death. At a certain point, you're at a crossroad choosing between both options after you've fully come to terms with the trauma and pain you've experienced. Choose wisely.
- Must leave this world with a light heart and not many regrets. Exhausting all desires. Bucket list type thing.
- Psych wards restrict the environment so much to make suicide as difficult as possible. Still, many desperate souls still manage to die. Now imagine being in a normal environment. The chances of dying are much higher
- My point is that suicide is always possible if u strongly need it. Psych wards even take shoelaces away from you since u can just wrap that stuff around ur neck and die.
- I myself am guilty of delaying my suicide but this is all of what I realized after reflecting upon it and being honest with myself.
- They're too focused on other people and their ego rather than thinking pragmatically about how they are going to kill themselves.
- The mind loves to get lost in its own bs and I realised this about myself.
- Doesn't help that death is basically against the mind's survival script. The sober mind's script will always have a bias towards survival. There's also been cases known that when people do intensive meditation, sometimes they also commit suicide. Think of advanced meditators, monks and self immolators. They're operating on a level beyond their mind's script.
- Sure the mind can think of death abstractly but the lived experience of death is what the mind fears the most. That's why so many sedate themselves on a cocktail of drugs before going through with suicide. This includes drugs such as SSRIs, benzodiazepines, alcohol and other drugs I don't know of. These drugs bypass the mind's resistance to death. Many people also kill themselves while on psychedelics.
- The people who go through with suicide for real are actually kinda brave because they overpower their biologically programmed primal will to live and their own minds/egos that counterintuitively prevent them from their own suicide. It's either that or they have easy, accessible means to die peacefully.
- Suicide is easier to do in a hyper logical, detached state where you don't self sabotage yourself with fear and unnecessary thoughts or emotions.
- In the ancient world, suicide was actually praised and preached by philosophers. Stoic texts have a positive view of suicide. Japanese people did seppuku to preserve honour. The bible didn't really condemn suicide. Early Christians committed suicide to escape persecution I think.
- whatever the unaware sober mind does, even failed suicide attempts, is still an unconscious will to live. Even giving off signs of suicidality means that deep down, a part of you doesn't want to die in hopes of someone saving you. It's more of a cry for help and a cry for their life circumstances to change rather than for death.
- The sober unaware mind will unconsciously do anything to ensure it's own survival and you won't realise it until you reflect on it. The ego mind/self survival script is sneaky like that.
- suicide is such a shock to regular people because they have a certain life setup that prevents them from deviating from the script too much. They're too embedded in the social matrix. It's all a social matrix game. If you're too woke or too aware, you'll gravitate towards suicide more.
- The true self is beyond thoughts, emotions and script. Many people commit suicide on antidepressants because it gives them a certain amount of clarity, energy and detachment to go through with their own plans.
- The people who talk the most about committing suicide and make a show out of it are the ones who usually don't do it. The ones who openly talk about it are basically asking for pro lifers to psy-op them into living and thus adding extra resistance in their mind against experiencing death. In fact, they're probably the ones who cling to life the most. It's mainly the people who keep it a secret who do it.
- imo, Victim mentality is the worst mentality to have if you're seriously considering suicide. There are many ways to die it's just that there is resistance in the mind against death for real. There's always a way to die it's just my fault for being too scared. Yes, nobody deserves what you went through but you still have the power to choose between life (recovery) or death. At a certain point, you're at a crossroad choosing between both options after you've fully come to terms with the trauma and pain you've experienced. Choose wisely.
- Must leave this world with a light heart and not many regrets. Exhausting all desires. Bucket list type thing.
- Psych wards restrict the environment so much to make suicide as difficult as possible. Still, many desperate souls still manage to die. Now imagine being in a normal environment. The chances of dying are much higher
- My point is that suicide is always possible if u strongly need it. Psych wards even take shoelaces away from you since u can just wrap that stuff around ur neck and die.
- I myself am guilty of delaying my suicide but this is all of what I realized after reflecting upon it and being honest with myself.
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