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Aug 9, 2018
So all this recent media, and everyone seeing our "secret world" noone has tried to help any of us or reach out. Just proves my point they act caring, but underneath it all it's a lie. Sigh.
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There's a difference between existing and living.
Sep 3, 2018
They can't help what they don't understand. They continue to choose be ignorant of the simple fact that not everybody likes living.
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Aug 9, 2018
They can't help what they don't understand. They continue to choose be ignorant of the simple fact that not everybody likes living.
Also I think it is them pushing us aside. I will gladly give all my documents from the government stating denial, denial, we forgot about you but we will get you another hearing date in a year, SSDI taking 11 months for an inital decision when MySSA.gov states "I am entitled to monthly disability benefits". This will never hit the news, I have the proof who wants to see how we are treated? I would never hurt a soul in my life, never had any charges, or participated in any illegal activity, and I'm not a drug addict and dont even use THC! I do not leave home even because I cant. Talk to your own CE psychologist you hire to help decide if we are disabled about my appointments I will gladly sign the ROI to release this information to the world.
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Apr 3, 2019
Mostly is thanks to the great job the staff does filtering that kind of people. Although we know that every now and then a troll gets through the cracks. That's why we must remain widely awake.
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Aug 9, 2018
Mostly is thanks to the great job the staff does filtering that kind of people. Although we know that every now and then a troll gets through the cracks. That's why we must remain widely awake.
It isnt illegal to have mental illness, suicide, or be a member of a forum on the internet.
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Apr 3, 2019
It isnt illegal to have mental illness, suicide, or be a member of a forum on the internet.
For prolifer who want to eliminate choice, they'd ban anything they can.
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Jun 30, 2018
So all this recent media, and everyone seeing our "secret world" noone has tried to help any of us or reach out. Just proves my point they act caring, but underneath it all it's a lie. Sigh.

People are always looking to point their fucking fingers at groups of people they don't understand or who make convenient scapegoats. Look at how the Jews were treated in Europe. Every time something bad happened... "It was the Jews!"
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Nov 1, 2018
So all this recent media, and everyone seeing our "secret world" noone has tried to help any of us or reach out. Just proves my point they act caring, but underneath it all it's a lie. Sigh.
Unless you count WideAwake, our new pet pro-life troll.
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Take me with you
Jun 4, 2019
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Nov 1, 2018
@VeraEllen --ah damn! I have a bad feeling this place is about to be overrun with trolls. I hope the mods have a plan in place for weeding out the "missionaries," but I suspect we're in for an ugly game of whack-a-troll.

You said it more directly than me lol.
See? I'm dense: I didn't catch it. Yours was better than mine.
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Jun 12, 2018
@VeraEllen She is browsing this website 24/7...
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Jun 2, 2019
I have sympathy for her loss I've experienced loss in my family like that. But some of us have made a choice I never met your daughter but what I do know and I know this isn't easy to hear is if she didn't see any other way she would have committed suicide with or without this website. This website isn't some pro suicide cult. This is Pro choice this community would have been there for her but the information here is for those who have made a choice and to prevent it from being a disaster I'd rather know my daughter was surrounded by people who understood her and that her passing was relatively quick compared to a suicide that goes wrong and lasts for days or vegetable because a lack of information I know that's not easy. <3
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May 28, 2019
I think we scare "pro-life" people because they know countless people commit suicide everyday, and it would be painful to imagine many of them make the choice in a sane state of mind and are happy with it.
If they accept that, they have to accept that life can also be unbearable, cruel, and utterly hopeless for many people. That conflicts with their own world view. People will always find explanations that support their world view, not contradict it. Accepting that death can be better than life is accepting the true pain that people can be helpless too.
I believe suicide always must be a last resort, and I'd even (hypocritically) say that suicide shouldn't be an option (for people with mental illness, not terminal disease) under 25 (when the brain is fully developed).

The ironic part is, the only people that have ever reached out to me and truly helped me were fellow pro-choice, suicidal people via other groups similar to this. People like the recently banned "Wide Awake" just make me want to ctb sooner LOL :wink:
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Jun 30, 2018
I think we scare "pro-life" people because they know countless people commit suicide everyday, and it would be painful to imagine many of them make the choice in a sane state of mind and are happy with it.
If they accept that, they have to accept that life can also be unbearable, cruel, and utterly hopeless for many people. That conflicts with their own world view. People will always find explanations that support their world view, not contradict it. Accepting that death can be better than life is accepting the true pain that people can be helpless too.
I believe suicide always must be a last resort, and I'd even (hypocritically) say that suicide shouldn't be an option (for people with mental illness, not terminal disease) under 25 (when the brain is fully developed).

The ironic part is, the only people that have ever reached out to me and truly helped me were fellow pro-choice, suicidal people via other groups similar to this. People like the recently banned "Wide Awake" just make me want to ctb sooner LOL :wink:
How about they just fucking mind their own business? It's not like, we are going door to door and trying to convince people the benefits of committing suicide... Nobody is forcing them to search the internet for sites like this... They can easily ignore communities like this, no problem. And if they get butthurt enough, they can just make google remove it from being listed...
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Aug 9, 2018
I just want my rights as a human being. Is that to much to ask?
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My soul is awakened... and I’m f*cked
May 29, 2019
..... I've no words
I wonder... has this person struggled with depression and suicidal thoughts?


Oh, then go save the sea turtles... please. We have a voice, they don't.

Let us find a safe community... hopping off my soap box. <insert mic drop>
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May 27, 2019
Grief affects everybody differently obviously. But, what I personally find odd is the way the bereaved here are straight on their 'injustice' campaign.

I've lost members of my immediate family, on more than one occasion there were elements of injustice about their deaths. Each time, I thought it better to grieve and allow myself time before jumping to any knee-jerk decisions about how to proceed.

The fact is, a brief study of this site would show that there are untruths being said about it, in some media and social media. It's not like the truth's hiding, it's in plain sight.
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Jun 2, 2019
..... I've no words
Blunt truth time, without this website I'd still ctb because I have decided it's time my life is done for me the difference is without this site you'd have my landlord/Emts etc walking in to my apartment to find a horror movie esque scene but with this community I have found acceptance, acceptance instead of the Same bs dismissive platitudes, on the flip side if I decided to give life another shot these brilliant people would support me and give me all the support possible but they accept my choice I've found a way to ctb that is quite peaceful. You have no right to tell me what I should do with my life it's a waste? Oh well my choice i have full capacity. This isn't some crazy suicide cult it's a pro choice platform I'm not going to be here long term but I think this place is important and I'll defend it up until I leave to catch the bus.
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Feb 15, 2019
Some people have tried to reach out, but in obnoxious ways.
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Dec 9, 2018
@VeraEllen --ah damn! I have a bad feeling this place is about to be overrun with trolls. I hope the mods have a plan in place for weeding out the "missionaries," but I suspect we're in for an ugly game of whack-a-troll.

See? I'm dense: I didn't catch it. Yours was better than mine.
LOL whack a troll
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Dec 18, 2018
Also I think it is them pushing us aside. I will gladly give all my documents from the government stating denial, denial, we forgot about you but we will get you another hearing date in a year, SSDI taking 11 months for an inital decision when MySSA.gov states "I am entitled to monthly disability benefits". This will never hit the news, I have the proof who wants to see how we are treated? I would never hurt a soul in my life, never had any charges, or participated in any illegal activity, and I'm not a drug addict and dont even use THC! I do not leave home even because I cant. Talk to your own CE psychologist you hire to help decide if we are disabled about my appointments I will gladly sign the ROI to release this information to the world.

Sounds like you and I are in the same boat friend.
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Aug 5, 2018
@VeraEllen She is browsing this website 24/7...
You're right but this isn't suprised since she just lost her daughter. That women is looking to blame someone except for herself. That's pretty normal among those who were left behind when someone commits the act. People never care about the real cause. The origin of suffering is ignored, they just want to point fingers.

When animals are in pain we euthanize them, when humans are in pain we do everything to prolong the suffering. Maximizing profits....
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Lost in Aokigahara
May 26, 2019
@VeraEllen I think it's best to cross the grieving mother's name off that post.
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the haru that can read
Apr 27, 2019
Hmm, unfortunately the kind of "help" she's trying to send is not the kind I wish to encounter any longer.
It is empty and meaningless.
It comes from a place of ignorance, myopia, and a need to pat oneself on the back.

She's right, they don't know our stories. Nothing written here is even enough to ever know.
None of these people have walked in my shoes. And they never will.
Just as I have never experienced the lives of others on this site, and never will.
The difference is, I respect their decision and their response to their own personal hells. Rather than tell them that their suffering is not severe enough to warrant the ending of their lives.

The type of help she wishes to procure for this site has been nothing but detrimental to me.
Also, prayer does nothing. Whether a person is religious or not, that much is pretty apparent.- IMHO & experience..
As tragic as it may be, her daughter took her chance and made her choice.
We should all be allowed to be free to make that same choice.

I already feel trapped by my own body, I don't want this safe place I have found to be intruded upon.
I don't want to feel suffocated by these people's words on a site where I have finally found freedom to emote and be acknowledged, not having to worry about the common anti-choice ideology being shoved down my throat.

This new post, this may seem like a good thing, but I would caution others to realize that she may just be backtracking so that she is not grouped in with the fb bullies that were rounded up by her previous posts.
Although most media reports have been full of cherry-picked responses and guilty of twisting reality,
I think people are realizing that it's only a matter of time until the opposite side of the story comes out. The actual truth, and all the posts that CANT be used to defend the take down of this site. Which is most of them.

She should put her focus elsewhere, where there are people who want the kind of help she thinks is right for everyone.
Don't invade this community.
If anyone wishes to acquire whatever help she wants to contribute, they can go and do so of their own freewill.
Her existence is known. Anyone can go reach out to her and whatever community she is rallying of her own.
No one is chained here.
She has the whole world to advocate for what she is, there is no need to poke and prod this tiny little corner of the internet and force our backs to the wall.

If you want to do what's best for us, leave us alone.
I have been as respectful as one can be given the cirmustances, but things have gone too far. (This isn't just a personal grief stricken family's blame game anymore. Actions to take away a basic human right are being put into place.)
For a site of hopeless and depressed people, most here have proved to be the better and bigger person in this situation. Even when life has been nothing but unkind to them.
I don't want anyone who has said such disgusting and vile things about anyone here, to come wave a hand at me.

My only hope out of all this is that some of these people miraculously do a complete 180 and have an epiphany about the right to die.
That would be wonderful.
But also unlikely, as many of us here cannot even get the ones who love us the most to understand.

I do not think it regrettable that this much spoken about member was allowed to make her decision without anyone here barraging her.
I only wish that she did not have to do so in secret and alone, that she could have told her family and friends and allowed them, and herself, to give their proper goodbyes. The absence of which is definelty a lack of closure I can sympathize with.
If only the world was different and society accepted the need for every person's right to die.
And if only life itself didn't have to be so unapologetically unfair in the first place.

From this side of the argument, this particular subject has gone through many attempts to allow it to peacefully fade and belong only to those close to this user.
But these people are pushing it past an acceptable and understandable stance of lashing out.
I try not to speak on it but it never ends.
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Jun 30, 2018
..... I've no words

25 year old woman = not a child...
Hmm, unfortunately the kind of "help" she's trying to send is not the kind I wish to encounter any longer.
It is empty and meaningless.
It comes from a place of ignorance, myopia, and a need to pat oneself on the back.

She's right, they don't know our stories. Nothing written here is even enough to ever know.
None of these people have walked in my shoes. And they never will.
Just as I have never experienced the lives of others on this site, and never will.
The difference is, I respect their decision and their response to their own personal hells. Rather than tell them that their suffering is not severe enough to warrant the ending of their lives.

The type of help she wishes to procure for this site has been nothing but detrimental to me.
Also, prayer does nothing. Whether a person is religious or not, that much is pretty apparent.- IMHO & experience..
As tragic as it may be, her daughter took her chance and made her choice.
We should all be allowed to be free to make that same choice.

I already feel trapped by my own body, I don't want this safe place I have found to be intruded upon.
I don't want to feel suffocated by these people's words on a site where I have finally found freedom to emote and be acknowledged, not having to worry about the common anti-choice ideology being shoved down my throat.

This new post, this may seem like a good thing, but I would caution others to realize that she may just be backtracking so that she is not grouped in with the fb bullies that were rounded up by her previous posts.
Although most media reports have been full of cherry-picked responses and guilty of twisting reality,
I think people are realizing that it's only a matter of time until the opposite side of the story comes out. The actual truth, and all the posts that CANT be used to defend the take down of this site. Which is most of them.

She should put her focus elsewhere, where there are people who want the kind of help she thinks is right for everyone.
Don't invade this community.
If anyone wishes to acquire whatever help she wants to contribute, they can go and do so of their own freewill.
Her existence is known. Anyone can go reach out to her and whatever community she is rallying of her own.
No one is chained here.
She has the whole world to advocate for what she is, there is no need to poke and prod this tiny little corner of the internet and force our backs to the wall.

If you want to do what's best for us, leave us alone.
I have been as respectful as one can be given the cirmustances, but things have gone too far. (This isn't just a personal grief stricken family's blame game anymore. Actions to take away a basic human right are being put into place.)
For a site of hopeless and depressed people, most here have proved to be the better and bigger person in this situation. Even when life has been nothing but unkind to them.
I don't want anyone who has said such disgusting and vile things about anyone here, to come wave a hand at me.

My only hope out of all this is that some of these people miraculously do a complete 180 and have an epiphany about the right to die.
That would be wonderful.
But also unlikely, as many of us here cannot even get the ones who love us the most to understand.

I do not think it regrettable that this much spoken about member was allowed to make her decision without anyone here barraging her.
I only wish that she did not have to do so in secret and alone, that she could have told her family and friends and allowed them, and herself, to give their proper goodbyes. The absence of which is definelty a lack of closure I can sympathize with.
If only the world was different and society accepted the need for every person's right to die.
And if only life itself didn't have to be so unapologetically unfair in the first place.

This woman is a nutjob. You can tell because she could literally blame society, her daughter's job, a lack of opportunities, a lack of proper healthcare etc or the cost of colleges and universities or a lack of friends but she blames this site instead. Because her brain has been infested with Christianity and the whole MURICA is #1 religion. Therefore everything would have turned out great for her daughter if it weren't for this "evil" website in her mind... These people are like religious fanatics during the middle ages but shunned by everyone else for being way too fanatical... Any law enforcement officers and/or politicians would simply embarrass themselves by joining her insane crusade. It's one thing to go after someone who went into her room and killed her after she begged him or her to end her life... But a website with a user or two simply posting some info and wishing her good luck? Then they will be participating in a crusade to bring Chinese like censorship to the Western world. And of course, they will be taking a dump on the constitution of the United States Of America as well. Besides, parents can demand their daughters or sons to not use the internet or demand the option of being able to closely monitor the internet activity of their sons or daughters as a condition of letting their daughter or son live in their house... OR even put a fucking CCTV in her room...
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Jun 2, 2019
Hmm, unfortunately the kind of "help" she's trying to send is not the kind I wish to encounter any longer.
It is empty and meaningless.
It comes from a place of ignorance, myopia, and a need to pat oneself on the back.

She's right, they don't know our stories. Nothing written here is even enough to ever know.
None of these people have walked in my shoes. And they never will.
Just as I have never experienced the lives of others on this site, and never will.
The difference is, I respect their decision and their response to their own personal hells. Rather than tell them that their suffering is not severe enough to warrant the ending of their lives.

The type of help she wishes to procure for this site has been nothing but detrimental to me.
Also, prayer does nothing. Whether a person is religious or not, that much is pretty apparent.- IMHO & experience..
As tragic as it may be, her daughter took her chance and made her choice.
We should all be allowed to be free to make that same choice.

I already feel trapped by my own body, I don't want this safe place I have found to be intruded upon.
I don't want to feel suffocated by these people's words on a site where I have finally found freedom to emote and be acknowledged, not having to worry about the common anti-choice ideology being shoved down my throat.

This new post, this may seem like a good thing, but I would caution others to realize that she may just be backtracking so that she is not grouped in with the fb bullies that were rounded up by her previous posts.
Although most media reports have been full of cherry-picked responses and guilty of twisting reality,
I think people are realizing that it's only a matter of time until the opposite side of the story comes out. The actual truth, and all the posts that CANT be used to defend the take down of this site. Which is most of them.

She should put her focus elsewhere, where there are people who want the kind of help she thinks is right for everyone.
Don't invade this community.
If anyone wishes to acquire whatever help she wants to contribute, they can go and do so of their own freewill.
Her existence is known. Anyone can go reach out to her and whatever community she is rallying of her own.
No one is chained here.
She has the whole world to advocate for what she is, there is no need to poke and prod this tiny little corner of the internet and force our backs to the wall.

If you want to do what's best for us, leave us alone.
I have been as respectful as one can be given the cirmustances, but things have gone too far. (This isn't just a personal grief stricken family's blame game anymore. Actions to take away a basic human right are being put into place.)
For a site of hopeless and depressed people, most here have proved to be the better and bigger person in this situation. Even when life has been nothing but unkind to them.
I don't want anyone who has said such disgusting and vile things about anyone here, to come wave a hand at me.

My only hope out of all this is that some of these people miraculously do a complete 180 and have an epiphany about the right to die.
That would be wonderful.
But also unlikely, as many of us here cannot even get the ones who love us the most to understand.

I do not think it regrettable that this much spoken about member was allowed to make her decision without anyone here barraging her.
I only wish that she did not have to do so in secret and alone, that she could have told her family and friends and allowed them, and herself, to give their proper goodbyes. The absence of which is definelty a lack of closure I can sympathize with.
If only the world was different and society accepted the need for every person's right to die.
And if only life itself didn't have to be so unapologetically unfair in the first place.

From this side of the argument, this particular subject has gone through many attempts to allow it to peacefully fade and belong only to those close to this user.
But these people are pushing it past an acceptable and understandable stance of lashing out.
I try not to speak on it but it never ends.
really well said. Agree with everything
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Apr 3, 2019
25 year old woman = not a child...

Doesn't she realise WE are all children too to our parents.:aw:

She wants to shut down this website as revenge, not as help. As long as she can focus on the scapegoat, she doesn't have to question the actual reasons of her daughters decision. They could have also put all this effort in raising awareness to mental ilnesses, one of the actual reasons of her daughters decision. This website is not the cause of suicidal tendicies, it is the result of it. All the information this site offers can be found on the internet. Shutting down this website solely means taking away the support suicidal/pro-choice people offer to each other. The support that I've reached from people on this website has helped me way more than a pro-lifer ever did. They don't care about this. They don't care about actually supporting us. They just care about the way this website makes them feel.
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