I'm a fucking loser. I'm depressed, bored, frustrated. I have to deal with a lot of anger. I don't enjoy anything. I'm lonely. I have very little security.
When I was 6 I had my first thought about not wanting to exist. I was bored, lonely, frustrated, unfulfilled. That much hasn't changed much through the years.
When I was 19 I first tried to kill myself. I'd just failed uni, was lonely, isolated. I had nothing to live for. I'm now 41. I've failed an additional 3 university courses in that time. I've only worked for a year in my entire adult life. I'm a loser. I depend on benefits. I get a paltry £15 a day to live on. Saving up for anything significant is very hard. It doesn't help that the govt only allows me to save £5k before they cut off my money. If I want to save more I have to hide the money- give it to a relative to look after, or buy gold or crypto.
I don't get enjoyment out of anything. Every day is an exercise in wasting time. I'm not good for anything. I'm fucking useless at making money. I've tried many things but I fail miserably. I usually end up just losing money instead of making it. I'm so fucking fed up of existing. Fucking fed up of feeling frustrated. Fed up of being useless. It's fucking unbearable.
Please someone shoot me. If I'd had a gun I wouldt be alive anymore. But we're only given the most atrocious methods for dying. Fuck society. Fuck this cruel existence. I wasn't meant for this world. I so desperately want to die