

soon in the other reality where we come from ༄
Mar 13, 2021
I would like to share my point of view with yours, what do you think happens after death by suicide ?

It is obvious that without even talking about religions, the act of killing oneself is not necessarily well seen karmically speaking, but I think that it can be part of the soul contract.

I think everything is written, our destiny is written, what I mean is that we have the power to rectify the path that we take in our life but that despite everything our destiny is predestined. what becomes of the soul of a suicide, who will have been good most of the time in his life, but just misunderstood, rejected, and who will have done everything in spite of everything to fight and find his place in this cruel world.

I don't believe in god, but I believe in something much stronger than us (spiritually speaking).

the three things that are holding me back from ending my life are my 3 year old son, my mom, and what will become of my soul.

I needed to talk about this with you and get your opinion, which will be important to me, please write what you think on this subject.
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Global Mod
Oct 12, 2020
This is one of those question that has no answer unless you want to pull out an Ouija board and summon Kurt Cobain during a seance. All you're gonna get is funny and wrong answers.
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soon in the other reality where we come from ༄
Mar 13, 2021
This is one of those question that has no answer unless you want to pull out an Ouija board and summon Kurt Cobain during a seance. All you're gonna get is funny and wrong answers.
beyond a funny or devoted answer of meaning, I would like the opinion of each one.
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Jun 26, 2020
I do NOT believe in organized religion, as it is focused on money and earthly power too much. I am a ULTRA firm believer that each and every one of us is on a journey and this is 1 stop of many. We may be blessed and/or cursed with intelligence and the evolution of us and this existence BUT, BUT, if one takes the time to slow down, take a deep breath, close one eyes and just be in the moment, one can have a twofer maybe just maybe a sense of where one is now and in the future. Now everyone has their own ideas, opinions and the like, which is GREAT, as it affords everyone the opportunity to glean a"shared" vision. Walter (yes Walter is my real first name, never ever anything phoney about me ever)
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broken spirit
Mar 12, 2021
i think we would wander the earth as spirits or get reincarnated. unless the soul is too old, then it rests peacefully.
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Jan 10, 2021
there is nohing called soul irl simply , just y wont exist anymore
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soon in the other reality where we come from ༄
Mar 13, 2021
I do NOT believe in organized religion, as it is focused on money and earthly power too much. I am a ULTRA firm believer that each and every one of us is on a journey and this is 1 stop of many. We may be blessed and/or cursed with intelligence and the evolution of us and this existence BUT, BUT, if one takes the time to slow down, take a deep breath, close one eyes and just be in the moment, one can have a twofer maybe just maybe a sense of where one is now and in the future. Now everyone has their own ideas, opinions and the like, which is GREAT, as it affords everyone the opportunity to glean a"shared" vision. Walter (yes Walter is my real first name, never ever anything phoney about me ever)
nice vision and I really like yours.

I think that our beliefs make what we become, I do not think that life is on earth as it is conceived, everything is equilibrium on this earth but also in its opposite, day night, black white, cold hot, good and bad.

I imagine that this existence is like a kind of purgatory, in which the soul that directs the body must do its best to make its place and move forward.
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Last chance

Feb 6, 2021
It returns to the state that it was in before we are born. Non-existence.
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soon in the other reality where we come from ༄
Mar 13, 2021
i think we would wander the earth as spirits or get reincarnated. unless the soul is too old, then it rests peacefully.
I think like you that if we decide to leave by suicide, the soul can stay some time on earth, some mediums say that the soul remains in an invisible world on earth for the time it should still have lived on earth if there had been no suicide.

I believe in this possible theory, as I mentioned above I also believe that the karmic aspect is considered for the soul and the time it will stay in this invisible dimension on earth.
It returns to the state that it was in before we are born. Non-existence.
it is a possibility but I don't think it is indefinitely. it does not seem logical, for a soul, that it is not of existence at all or that it does not inhabit a body.

there are too many possibilities, too many places, too many ants, flies, bees who reincarnate.

Our mind is bound to go somewhere.

Concerning me, when I was little, I sometimes had flashes of a former existence, and it was not human. I am convinced that I have once been a four-legged animal.
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Callie Arcale

Callie Arcale

It’s a tale told by an idiot signifying nothing
Feb 10, 2021
I was going to say that I don't believe I have a soul, and that whatever consciousness I may have is the result of cerebral activity which ceases to exist once my heart stops pumping blood.

But I've pretty much been wrong about everything in my life thus far, so... the fact that I don't believe I have a soul, probably means I do...

I guess I'd better shut up now he he he.
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Global Mod
Oct 12, 2020
Our soul is reincarnated and forced to live an existence that is equal to the one we lived previously over and over again. It is our so-called "hell" loop. Luckily free will enables us to break free from our loops and gives us the chance to change for the better in order to transcend to the next level. So if you didn't CTB and died of old age, at least your next life will be more favorable.

That's one theory I have. I have another one that requires more writing.
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Autistic loser
Jan 26, 2021
Same thing that happens to the tooth fairy :sunglasses:
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soon in the other reality where we come from ༄
Mar 13, 2021
Our soul is reincarnated and forced to live an existence that is equal to the one we lived previously over and over again. It is our so-called "hell" loop. Luckily free will enables us to break free from our loops and gives us the chance to change for the better in order to transcend to the next level. So if you didn't CTB and died of old age, at least your next life will be more favorable.

That's one theory I have. I have another one that requires more writing.
very logical and I like to read you, this vision is close to mine, when you say that the soul will be forced to relive an existence with the same difficulties and the same trials to overcome, do you think that this existence must necessarily be human ?

or could the soul be reincarnated in a lower level like the world of animals or insects ?

which in contradiction, would not leave the possibility of experiencing the same difficulties and the same trials. your vision is very relevant, and it speaks to me.
Our soul is reincarnated and forced to live an existence that is equal to the one we lived previously over and over again. It is our so-called "hell" loop. Luckily free will enables us to break free from our loops and gives us the chance to change for the better in order to transcend to the next level. So if you didn't CTB and died of old age, at least your next life will be more favorable.

That's one theory I have. I have another one that requires more writing.
by the way, your second theory interests me
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Global Mod
Oct 12, 2020
I don't think we would be reincarnated into animals or insects because our psyche is complex. Ants are simplistic, they follow a queen to build a nest, when the queen dies, the ants are aimless and die of starvation, unable to fend themselves or receive instructions. Our souls have memories, you see them in your dreams, you have past lives. My past life, I've either died heroically or as a suicide. I've died a lot. I feel like I'm going to die the same path in this lifetime, like it's preprogrammed in me to do so. I'm only strong and able to transcend if I break the cycle and set my own destiny for the next life to be more favorable. If not, then I repeat it in human form, over and over.
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soon in the other reality where we come from ༄
Mar 13, 2021
I don't think we would be reincarnated into animals or insects because our psyche is complex. Ants are simplistic, they follow a queen to build a nest, when the queen dies, the ants are aimless and die of starvation, unable to fend themselves or receive instructions. Our souls have memories, you see them in your dreams, you have past lives. My past life, I've either died heroically or as a suicide. I've died a lot. I feel like I'm going to die the same path in this lifetime, like it's preprogrammed in me to do so. I'm only strong and able to transcend if I break the cycle and set my own destiny for the next life to be more favorable. If not, then I repeat it in human form, over and over.
very interesting, but then do you think that the soul of an ant will never have the chance to reincarnate as a human being, or do you think that an ant will reincarnate itself indefinitely as an ant to overcome the same difficulties and the same experiences?


Global Mod
Oct 12, 2020
very interesting, but then do you think that the soul of an ant will never have the chance to reincarnate as a human being, or do you think that an ant will reincarnate itself indefinitely as an ant to overcome the same difficulties and the same experiences?

I think it's going to be an ant for the rest of their eternal life till the end of time.
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Apr 3, 2019
This is just my opinion and what I think about the subject, though I can't say for sure.

I believe that we are all one consciousness. You and I are facets of that consciousness, living each and every life in order to observe itself for the sake of experiencing all there is, both good and bad. There's a world beyond what we're witnessing in everyday life, beyond the veil, if you will. I think it's a realm of spiritual energy, like infinite waves that we're not always attuned to. Humans are a bio-electromagnetic, dipole antenna that both receives and produces waves in this world of both tangible and intangible energy. That is to say, we're tuned into "real life" and our ability to tune into spiritual energies is partly inhibited by the endless radio waves that surround us, keeping us "asleep" and out of touch with our spiritual selves, as well as toxins (such as fluoride) in our environment that calcify in our pineal gland.

So, I think that when we die, we return to that field that is all around us, into that realm of spiritual energy and consciousness. I'm not entirely sure what suicide means spiritually, and how that would affect things. I can only hope that it's the same.

I think DMT is a glimpse beyond the physical realm of "real life" based on research and what I've learned from people I've met and know. It isn't the only way to "see", but one of many. I could say a lot more about it, but that's a "short" sum-up.

Typing it all out makes me think I probably seem batshit crazy, but that's what I believe.
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Mar 22, 2020
Soul is an interesting term. I prefer to call it "consciousness".
However, science studies seem to show that without a brain there shouldn't be any consciousness so, maybe there's just eternal nothingness once we die and it doesn't matter if we ctb, were shot by a hitman, had a heart attack and so on.

Still, this wouldn't make any sense because life and the universe would be pointless. How did we end up in this world? How can something come from nothing?

For these doubts I have, I think we're living in a simulation and our "players" controlling us are actually ourselves. It will all have a meaning and purpose once we're out of this world.

I wonder why the hell I decided to come here lol.

Anyway, I might be wrong and maybe there are such things as souls, a heaven, hell (we're already living in one, though.), etc!

I'm open to all the possibilities. That's the cool part of being an agnostic haha.
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soon in the other reality where we come from ༄
Mar 13, 2021
This is just my opinion and what I think about the subject, though I can't say for sure.

I believe that we are all one consciousness. You and I are facets of that consciousness, living each and every life in order to observe itself for the sake of experiencing all there is, both good and bad. There's a world beyond what we're witnessing in everyday life, beyond the veil, if you will. I think it's a realm of spiritual energy, like infinite waves that we're not always attuned to. Humans are a bio-electromagnetic, dipole antenna that both receives and produces waves in this world of both tangible and intangible energy. That is to say, we're tuned into "real life" and our ability to tune into spiritual energies is partly inhibited by the endless radio waves that surround us, keeping us "asleep" and out of touch with our spiritual selves, as well as toxins (such as fluoride) in our environment that calcify in our pineal gland.

So, I think that when we die, we return to that field that is all around us, into that realm of spiritual energy and consciousness. I'm not entirely sure what suicide means spiritually, and how that would affect things. I can only hope that it's the same.

I think DMT is a glimpse beyond the physical realm of "real life" based on research and what I've learned from people I've met and know. It isn't the only way to "see", but one of many. I could say a lot more about it, but that's a "short" sum-up.

Typing it all out makes me think I probably seem batshit crazy, but that's what I believe.
you are not crazy and that makes sense, your writings are very much in line with the many testimonies of people who have had near death experiences, some say that we are part of one and the same ball that we can call consciousness.

that everything is connected, plants, the universe, water, particles and us humans.
that makes sense. sometimes even in our present existence we can have tangible proof of this.

About myself sometimes I think of someone I haven't seen for a long time, and very often I see that same person again the same day after thinking about it.
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bad luck

bad luck

Memento mori
Mar 2, 2021
I don't understand the logic of reliving the same thing until you learn and then level up. Suddenly, you go up so high that you are president of the United States and you order countries to be bombed and innocent people killed. So, you are a sensitive and abused being, depressed and wanting to get out of this hell before my body dies of old age. So that entity sends you here again. Okay, if I commit suicide, please send me to India and be a mendicant saddhu and when I die throw my body into the Ganjes river so I don't reincarnate anymore. Thanks. (Sarcasm)
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soon in the other reality where we come from ༄
Mar 13, 2021
Soul is an interesting term. I prefer to call it "consciousness".
However, science studies seem to show that without a brain there shouldn't be any consciousness so, maybe there's just eternal nothingness once we die and it doesn't matter if we ctb, were shot by a hitman, had a heart attack and so on.

Still, this wouldn't make any sense because life and the universe would be pointless. How did we end up in this world? How can something come from nothing?

For these doubts I have, I think we're living in a simulation and our "players" controlling us are actually ourselves. It will all have a meaning and purpose once we're out of this world.

I wonder why the hell I decided to come here lol.

Anyway, I might be wrong and maybe there's such things as souls, a heaven, hell (we're already living in one, though.), etc!

I'm open to all the possibilities. That's the cool part of being an agnostic haha.
interesting, aren't hell and paradise on earth? I like this vision that you have which approaches the avatar, a control of our terrestrial bodies by an external consciousness ? a consciousness coming from elsewhere? I also think like you that it would be absurd in fact to say that there is nothing before and after death, nothingness? certainly not, if not why the universe exists thus, the infinitely large and the infinitely small, interesting subject.
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Aug 12, 2020
They say that if you die by suicide, it was always a possibility. Sometimes your soul just knows it's time. Sometimes people are born into challenges that they chose prior to coming here and where wanting to overcome/experience but can't and then there's life when shit doesn't go to plan and suicide become one of those paths that eventuate from living in polarity e.g medical negligence messing up someone's life. I believe in an afterlife, a soul/spirit. Once we die, we disengage, may stay around for a while to see our family etc, then eventually go back home. There's around 7 stages from what I've read of transitioning once we are home. Healing is one of them. Because we need it. They say those who have committed egregious acts go to a wandering stage prior to transitioning stage. Once we merge with our higher self, we gain more perspective on our life and who we are, because we are not who we are down here. Theres so much to it and so much happens, and everyone is different. But there is no hell. That's my opinion anyway
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Dr Iron Arc

Dr Iron Arc

Into the Unknown
Feb 10, 2020
Supposedly, the karma based belief systems believe that if you commit suicide, then you will continue to commit suicide in your next life and repeat this infinitely. If that's true, then why should I try to fight it? For all I know I've already committed suicide in a past life and that's why I'm suicidal again now. Might as well keep the cycle going.
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bad luck

bad luck

Memento mori
Mar 2, 2021
Supposedly, the karma based belief systems believe that if you commit suicide, then you will continue to commit suicide in your next life and repeat this infinitely. If that's true, then why should I try to fight it? For all I know I've already committed suicide in a past life and that's why I'm suicidal again now. Might as well keep the cycle going.
It's like a trap then.
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soon in the other reality where we come from ༄
Mar 13, 2021
They say that if you die by suicide, it was always a possibility. Sometimes your soul just knows it's time. Sometimes people are born into challenges that they chose prior to coming here and where wanting to overcome/experience but can't and then there's life when shit doesn't go to plan and suicide become one of those paths that eventuate from living in polarity e.g medical negligence messing up someone's life. I believe in an afterlife, a soul/spirit. Once we die, we disengage, may stay around for a while to see our family etc, then eventually go back home. There's around 7 stages from what I've read of transitioning once we are home. Healing is one of them. Because we need it. They say those who have committed egregious acts go to a wandering stage prior to transitioning stage. Once we merge with our higher self, we gain more perspective on our life and who we are, because we are not who we are down here. Theres so much to it and so much happens, and everyone is different. But there is no hell. That's my opinion anyway
very nice approach.

I don't think there is hell either, it's all part of the human imagination. hell is clearly on earth, there is nothing worse than the human race, in all its absurdity.

I like the idea that you described that we are not what we are here - it reasons in me. this is very true and you seem to have understood a lot of things on this subject.

thank you for your writing
Supposedly, the karma based belief systems believe that if you commit suicide, then you will continue to commit suicide in your next life and repeat this infinitely. If that's true, then why should I try to fight it? For all I know I've already committed suicide in a past life and that's why I'm suicidal again now. Might as well keep the cycle going.
maybe just to fight for a better existence before you commit suicide again in this new life?
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feast or famine

feast or famine

Tell Patient Zero he can have his rib back.
Jun 15, 2020
We'll never know. One of my favorite quotes:

"I do not fear death. I had been dead for billions and billions of years before I was born, and had not suffered the slightest inconvenience from it." -Mark Twain.
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Aug 12, 2020
Supposedly, the karma based belief systems believe that if you commit suicide, then you will continue to commit suicide in your next life and repeat this infinitely. If that's true, then why should I try to fight it? For all I know I've already committed suicide in a past life and that's why I'm suicidal again now. Might as well keep the cycle going.
I don't believe in that stuff. This is why religion etc is just fear mongering. Even Buddhism doesn't believe in a soul which to me is ridiculous. I had a friend do a past life regression and in a past life she drowned herself in the ocean after her brother was killed. Her life right now is amazing and she is very happy. Each person and situation is so unique. But what I do undertand is we are not punished, we are healed and look at the situation from a practical standpoint for spiritual development. We chose what we do, we are not forced into something. We just have a different perspective upstairs without our ego and illnesses plaguing our minds and sometimes we cash in too much and can't handle it and that's ok. Thats life. I think upstairs look at things far more casually than the shit show on earth.
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bad luck

bad luck

Memento mori
Mar 2, 2021
It's like in the movie Groundhog Day but without remembering your previous life

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Oct 5, 2020
We go to Heaven and are congratulated by God for rejecting this evil material realm
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Jul 23, 2020
I don't think souls even exist.
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