
Oct 25, 2020
Hello. Been depressed for years. Also have social anxiety.
Never had the courage to go see a doctor about it.
After a year of being unemployed, I applied for uni(to get a masters) but I had too much anxiety to go there.
That means I am now unemployed again. I was extremely suicidal for a week, which led to me ordering weed for the first time, since I was going to ctb if no change was made.
I got my weed 4-5 days ago and it took away a lot of anxiety.
Now I am thinking about booking an appointment with the doctor, but I have a lot of social anxiety still which is the whole reason I haven't done this in the past 5 years. Therefore I'd like to know what I can expect if I decide to go for a consultation? Meds? Suggested therapy? I live in Scandinavia, if that has any influence
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Aug 21, 2022
they will prescribe meds for sure. you're lucky if you get benzos.

but you shouldnt mention that you suicidal it'll ruin your life. shrink probably will follow a protocol a lot of countries employed as to commit in loony house at signs of suicidality. they probably will mention CBT or group therapy
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Oct 25, 2020
they will prescribe meds for sure. you're lucky if you get benzos.

but you shouldnt mention that you suicidal it'll ruin your life. shrink probably will follow a protocol a lot of countries employed as to commit in loony house at signs of suicidality. they probably will mention CBT or group therapy
yeah i am not planning to mention that for sure.. I'd rather not go to any therapy at this time, I'd be way too anxious for sure. Ideally I'd just be prescribed some pills. Should i mention i started using weed and have previously been drinking alcohol
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Aug 21, 2022
yeah i am not planning to mention that for sure.. I'd rather not go to any therapy at this time, I'd be way too anxious for sure. Ideally I'd just be prescribed some pills. Should i mention i started using weed and have previously been drinking alcohol
i wouldn't mention drug usage. in this case they cut off certain drugs from your therapy(benzos and sleep pills) and medical therapy focus would be on horseshit like SSRIS and neuroleptics
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Oct 25, 2020
alright, that makes sense. never really had a problem with being 'addicted' to anything so perhaps it's not really relevant, i assume the reason they'd cut me off certain drugs is because of fear of addiction?
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Just a random person
Aug 5, 2022
Hello. Been depressed for years. Also have social anxiety.
Never had the courage to go see a doctor about it.
After a year of being unemployed, I applied for uni(to get a masters) but I had too much anxiety to go there.
That means I am now unemployed again. I was extremely suicidal for a week, which led to me ordering weed for the first time, since I was going to ctb if no change was made.
I got my weed 4-5 days ago and it took away a lot of anxiety.
Now I am thinking about booking an appointment with the doctor, but I have a lot of social anxiety still which is the whole reason I haven't done this in the past 5 years. Therefore I'd like to know what I can expect if I decide to go for a consultation? Meds? Suggested therapy? I live in Scandinavia, if that has any influence
Idk where in Scandinavia you are, but if you are in Norway, use HelseNorge to send messages to the doctor, they usually reply within 1-3 days. If not in Norway, try calling the doctor office, just say you got social anxiety so don't feel comfortable showing up, shouldn't be an issue to get a phone consultation with the doctor then instead of an in person. Also as far as I know, doctors in most of Scandinavia have a duty to visit you if you aren't able to get to the office, so you can also ask for a home visit?
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Aug 29, 2022
Stay away from anti-depressants if they try to prescribe you any. They did no good to me. At least check carefully all side effect both short term and long term before using them. Benzos are good, almost like magic pills considering how good they work. Too bad you build a resistance to them so they get less and less effective with time.
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Dead Ghost

Dead Ghost

Mestre del Temps
May 6, 2022
Stay away from anti-depressants if they try to prescribe you any. They did no good to me. At least check carefully all side effect both short term and long term before using them. Benzos are good, almost like magic pills considering how good they work. Too bad you build a resistance to them so they get less and less effective with time.
What you comment is very personal and depends on each one. They don't even mention benzos to me, and when it comes to anti-depressants, I've got a phobia of them so badly that they've put me through it.
But other people are allowed to move on and rebuild their lives. That's why I say that asking him to establish an entry position based on opposition to taking anti-depressants is very bold without knowing his personal situation and what taking them could mean in his life if everything was going quite well for him .

As for me, today I went to the general practitioner to be referred to psychiatry. I just want a new assessment in case they ask me in a few months from the Administration.
But I'm afraid that due to my state of health (I've gotten a lot worse since I had my last one 4 years ago) it will be counterproductive for me and they'll force me to be hospitalized as well as forced to take drugs.

Let's see how I make it go, I just have to limit myself to speaking briefly and clearly.


Això que comentes es molt personal i depén de cadascú. A mi les benzos que ni me les esmentin i en quan als anti-depressius els hi he agafat fóbia de tan malament que m'ho han fet passar.
Però a d'altres persones els hi ha permés sortir endavant i refer la seva vida. Per això dic que demanar-li que estableixi un posicionament d'entrada basat en l'oposició a prendre anti-depressius és molt agosarat sense conéixer la seva situació personal i què podría suposar a la seva vida prendre'ls si tot li anés força bé.

En quan a mi, avuí he anat al metge de capçalera perquè em derivin a psiquiatría. Només vull una nova valoració per si me la demanen d'aquí uns mesos desde l'Administració.
Però em fa por que degut al meu estat de salut (he empitjorat molt desde que em van fer l'última fa 4 anys) sigui contrapruduent per mi i forcin el meu internament així com la presa obligada de fàrmacs.

A veure com m'ho faig anar, només me de limitar a parlar poc i clar.
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Aug 29, 2022
What you comment is very personal and depends on each one. They don't even mention benzos to me, and when it comes to anti-depressants, I've got a phobia of them so badly that they've put me through it.
But other people are allowed to move on and rebuild their lives. That's why I say that asking him to establish an entry position based on opposition to taking anti-depressants is very bold without knowing his personal situation and what taking them could mean in his life if everything was going quite well for him .
Fair enough, but I still strongly invite the OP to carefully weight his problems and the short AND long term side effects of the ADs
As for me, today I went to the general practitioner to be referred to psychiatry. I just want a new assessment in case they ask me in a few months from the Administration.
But I'm afraid that due to my state of health (I've gotten a lot worse since I had my last one 4 years ago) it will be counterproductive for me and they'll force me to be hospitalized as well as forced to take drugs.
Really sorry for this. I hope it goes well.
Let's see how I make it go, I just have to limit myself to speaking briefly and clearly.
Good luck
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Hello people ❤️
Aug 28, 2022
they will prescribe meds for sure. you're lucky if you get benzos.

but you shouldnt mention that you suicidal it'll ruin your life. shrink probably will follow a protocol a lot of countries employed as to commit in loony house at signs of suicidality. they probably will mention CBT or group therapy
I think suicidal ideation should be mentioned so they can try to treat it. Just don't say you've been thinking about specific lethal methods so they don't hospitalise you
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Oct 26, 2019
^ mentioning suicidal ideation rather than just depression can be risky depending on things.

@Dead Ghost would you like someone to check in and plan with you about how to best navigate that / lie / tell them what they want to hear, to reduce the risk of being forced into anything, or someone to follow up w you after the appointment?
Dead Ghost

Dead Ghost

Mestre del Temps
May 6, 2022
^ mentioning suicidal ideation rather than just depression can be risky depending on things.

@Dead Ghost would you like someone to check in and plan with you about how to best navigate that / lie / tell them what they want to hear, to reduce the risk of being forced into anything, or someone to follow up w you after the appointment?
I don't want to lie, I always go with the truth first because I'm not clever enough to support any invented argument and because I have a very bad conscience if I make anything up.
In fact with the doctors it's a tug of war when we talk because I always want to do things my way and they work with me.

I just hope that the day it's my turn to speak, it's well understood that it's what worries me and what I want and that... please, yes, yes... that I don't sound sad, or have tremors , no dizziness, no nausea, no watery eyes.
I guess trying to control gestures, postures and emotions could be a way of lying, but they are all wrong and the doctor I want to go to, in particular, always makes them go to put things between the lines in the reports, which I often don't I like them but they are true and have not come up in the conversation.

It's just that I said above, it's about speaking little and clearly, but not deceiving... never think you're smarter than the people around you, you'll always end up losing.


Jo no vull mentir, sempre vaig amb la veritat per davant perquè no sóc prou destre per sostenir cap argument inventat i perquè tinc molt mala consciència si m'invento res.
De fet amb els metges es un estira i arronsa quan parlem perqué sempre vull fer les coses a la meva manera i s'emprenyen amb mi.

Només espero que el día que em toqui parlar s'entengui bé que és el que em preocupa i el que vull i que... si us plau això si que si... que no s'em posi veu trista, ni tingui sacsejades, ni vertígens, ni nàusees, ni ulls plorosos.
Suposo que intentar controlar els gestos, postures i emocions podría ser una manera de mentir, però se les empesquen totes i el metge que vull anar, en concret, se les fa anar sempre per posar coses entre línies en els informes, que sovint no m'agraden però són veritat i no han sortit pas en la conversa.

És el que he dit més amunt, es tracta de parlar poc i clar, però no pas d'enganyar... no et creguis mai més inteligent que la gent del teu voltant, sortiràs perdent sempre.
Last edited:


Sep 13, 2022
I would just add that you can pick a doctor the same way you can choose a Tv repairman. You don't just have to see and stay with the first person you see. If you don't have a repore and you feel they're not working with you in your best interests find a new one. It can make a massive difference. There are some genuine and caring people who will make you feel like not only should be getting compassionate and top notch help, but yoou've deserved it all along.
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Oct 26, 2019
You don't have to be smarter, you just have to leave things out. They're not entitled to know.
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Dead Ghost

Dead Ghost

Mestre del Temps
May 6, 2022
You don't have to be smarter, you just have to leave things out. They're not entitled to know.
I don't know if you said it because of my comment, but I agree with what you said. There are things that do not need to be commented on because they only add more fuel to the fire when it is already burning enough.
I mean, if what you're looking for is support or treatment to deal with suicidal ideation, you're going to tell him that and not your detailed plan of how you're going to do CBT, because if you don't you're going to lose control of the situation and probably the solution will no longer depend on you.


No se si ho has dit pel meu comentari, però estic d'acord amb el que has dit. Hi ha coses que no cal comentar perquè només fan que afegir més llenya al foc quan aquest ja està prou encés.
Vull dir que si el que busques es suport o un tractament per fer front a la idealització suïcida, li comentaràs això i no pas el teu pla detallat de com faràs el CTB, perquè si no deixaràs de tenir en les teves mans el control de la situació i probablement la solució ja no dependrà de tu.


Oct 25, 2020
I ended up booking a consultation. They had the option of doing it on video. It will be in about 7 hours. I had the opportunity to buy some ksalol, so I'm going to take one of those before my consultation and hope that it is enough for me to show up
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Oct 25, 2020
Hey all.
I went through the consultation. It was a 15 minute consultation. During the appointment, I was asked if I did any drugs etc. to which I answered no(besides alcohol).
I was also asked about suicidal thoughts, to which I also said no.
I was asked to come in and do a blood test, which they say is for checking my metabolism. Does this mean I have to stop doing drugs before that time?
I have weed + ksalol which I am using now - I used a ksalol with great success to even go to the appointment in the first place. In the meantime I'd like to at least keep smoking weed as it helps a lot with my anxiety.
I pushed the blood test back to the 26th. I don't think they're screening for drugs but in case they are, when should I stop so they can't detect it in my system?
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Dead Ghost

Dead Ghost

Mestre del Temps
May 6, 2022
I've never been asked to do a blood test, but of course, I don't take anything except water and food. Maybe they already sense it when they see you.

I am referring to the visit to the psychiatrist, obviously to any other doctor the blood test is our daily bread.


Mai m'hi he trobat que em demanin fer un anàlisi de sang, però es clar, jo es que no prenc res de res, excepte aigua i menjar. Potser ja ho intueixen quan et veuen.

Em refereixo a la visita al psiquiatre, evidentment a qualsevol altre metge l'anàlisi de sang és el pa nostre de cada día.
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Waiting for the bus
Apr 2, 2022
Hey all.
I went through the consultation. It was a 15 minute consultation. During the appointment, I was asked if I did any drugs etc. to which I answered no(besides alcohol).
I was also asked about suicidal thoughts, to which I also said no.
I was asked to come in and do a blood test, which they say is for checking my metabolism. Does this mean I have to stop doing drugs before that time?
I have weed + ksalol which I am using now - I used a ksalol with great success to even go to the appointment in the first place. In the meantime I'd like to at least keep smoking weed as it helps a lot with my anxiety.
I pushed the blood test back to the 26th. I don't think they're screening for drugs but in case they are, when should I stop so they can't detect it in my system?

It's possible that they do a drug screening. But that shouldn't keep you from doing the test.

My suggestion: drop the ksalol, smoke some weed, so you are able to make it to the appointment.
When you have your follow-up, explain that you were so extremely anxious, you couldn't have made it to the appointment without it.

You can also explain that you would be happy to discontinue the use of weed if the doctor can help you by prescribing something else. Tell them that you don't like the feeling of being high. Tell them that you really don't like drinking alcohol either, but you are desperate and you don't know how else to manage your anxiety.

In the beginning, it is really worth being honest and open with your doctor, so they understand how severe your social anxiety is. If you explain that you have to self-medicate with weed/alcohol to be able to go outside, the doctor will be able to better gauge how much and what kind of medication you need.

If your doctor feels like you are open and honest, it will be easier to get "difficult" drugs prescribed.
I have always been extremely open and explained that "I don't want to use weed, but unless I can get something that works at least as good or better, I will have to resort to whatever helps me to get through the day".
Most doctors rather know what you are on (legally, from the pharmacy).

You can use that to your advantage.
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