

想死不能 - 想活不能
Nov 23, 2020
Do you feel like even if you weren't suicidal, existing would be an extesential slog?

I don't think I am depressed. Anti-depressants- in addition to many other different classes of medications, even potent stimulants- have no positive effect on me. Nor does therapy. Drinking alcohol or smoking cigarettes doesn't even bring me a modicum or joy either.

I think it is because I know there is too much injustice in the world, I have problems that cannot be solved like chronic pain, illnesses, and trauma, everyday I see people denying the pain others experience and invalidating it, while spouting platitudes like- beneath the surface, life is a beautiful treasure to be cherished.

Perhaps studying biology at university has made me cynical, but I see no point in being a slave to DNA. I find birth, life, and death, all to be tragic. A consequence of entropy and thermodynamics. Would we be better off not knowing what we do about the universe? I don't have the answers. Distractions, ignorance, or coping seem to be necessary for survival, unfortunately.

People tell you to find meaning, and I have observed things in life that I found poigant and meaningful. Those things don't make me want to continue existence though. I am only 21, yet I feel like I have experienced all that I want to experience, anything that I aspired to accomplish has been robbed from me by physical illness anyhow. I wanted to adopt children, but i will never be approved because of all my physical health problems. Having biological children would be unethical. I refuse to do it, I will not subject another human being to suffer the drudgery of these illnesses.

It's funny when you start to realize how little free will and choice we truly have in our lives. I love science, but if I had a choice I would not be studying the discipline at university right now. I would rather be a translator and continue learning languages. Everyday I am struggling at university because my chronic fatigue syndrome has made it pretty much impossible to excel in a rigorous STEM program. My memory and focus are no longer sharp due to my physical ailments. People just tell me not to give up and keep pushing, as if that helps anything.

No one gets a choice when it comes to wageslavery, either. You are forced to do menial tasks for money, rather than meaningful labor. Even though I can barely stay awake for a few hours, I will be expected to work in the future, despite how much my health has deteriorated. I have to pray every day that I can try to learn programming and get a work from home job if I am too cowardly to ctb, but I probably will never get hired anyway due to my disabilities.

That is another kicker about life. People tell you how strong you are for simply existing as a disabled person, then get angry when you state the reality that being disabled puts you at a disadvantage. They don't want to enact meaningful changes and reforms that would help disabled people have a better quality of life, they just want to use you as a conversation topic of, well at least my life isn't as bad as that person's!

Autistic people have consistently been treated with as much respect as a bin of rubbish, and no one cares unless you are like Sheldon Cooper from The Big Bang Theory, possessing some profitable savant talent. The hurt and disenfranchised linger in the background. We are not rain men or nuclear phycists. We are simply forgotten, or blamed for failing to conform to rigid social standards of behavior that we were never taught.

Knowing all this, what even is the point of continuing? I would have anhedonia and ennui regardless of my suicidal ideation. The world will keep on turning with or without me. All the wars, famines, diseases, betrayals, ponzi schemes, etc in all their glory will keep on going. People will say all that suffering is worth it for a pretty sunset or a nice cup of coffee. You jest, surely? We will agree to disagree.
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Somebody you used to know.
Oct 18, 2020
There is no point to life. We're just meat machines that have evolved to survive and propagate the species and then we die.
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Sep 30, 2020
There is none, we are born to reproduce, do some work, and die.

As a conglomerate species or unit, we could achieve much more than we could ever produce alone.
AI has this key, that no need for reproduction or thirst, hunger. If we could come together and work as a single unit we could figure out more things than we already know, our knowledge and sophistication would never cease, despite the presence of naysayers.

It's a shame, that we cannot propagate our genius as much as we desperately need to, in order to survive. People are too bound to unnecessary wants to the point that we exploit them beyond their limitations; money, non-valuables, etc.
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Dec 28, 2020
I would think the point may eventually be to solve death, but death is a very just escape. For as long as humans and biological life exist, all the negative things that come with them will. And with all that's happened to me, I don't see the point at all. Most of what's happened to me has been so some abusive cons can make more money. Every time I performed well and was a perfect little societal yes-man it got me no where.

What is the point of any scientific research? Science is just an observation. How are these continual problems solved? How do you apply science to solve all the absolute insanity in our world? I think two different things. There is no answer and the further along technology and industry gets the more people may suffer, drawn out and drawn out over many years. Ted Kaczynski may be right in this regard. If the world were according to Ted's philosophy, I would not have had any of what happened to me happen at all. "They even give you pills. It is not science fiction. It is already happening." Happened to me at 5 years old. For whatever reason I as a person was not exactly how my mom thought I should be so I started to get doctor shopped. The non-pill-pushers said I was fine. The pill-pusher (psychiatrist) just drugged me up on the spot. Of course he did. That's how he makes money. By torturing children of shit parents. I was even given one drug illegally through Johnson & Johnson. But of course, the legal system had it set up so I could only sue during a certain time span and by the time I learned I could sue I was already out of luck.

Make a quick buck off of drugging a normal child. Over and over. Give birth to a kid so they can be raped, bullied, hurt, or do those things to others. If this little thing isn't exactly how you want it to be after it's done popping out of your womb you have free reign to drug them to oblivion in America. And in many other Western developed countries. So, as I said. Uncle Ted may be right.

Or, there will have to be a further evolved entity to truly change the world. Perhaps humanity will continue to merge with technology until the difference between what is human and what is not is not discernible. But how would this even happen? I mean look around you. You have studied science at university. I, during the years I've been out of the slog of society, have consumed gargantuan amounts of information through books and the internet as a hobby, science included. So what? Other people my age are busy checking Snapchat and Instagram constantly, drinking or doing drugs. How does any of this do anything for the person working at Burger King? What and when does anything actually change permanently?

I don't know. But ever since the ripe age of 5 years old I have not wanted to do this. I have not wanted to do whatever it is this is. And the more I learn about whatever it is this is, the more hopeless and pointless it seems. The more I learn, the worse it feels. Not better.

And it doesn't matter how smart you are. As a child, you are still vulnerable. If you're guardian or authority wants to chemically lobotomize your brain, you're doing it. It feels like people are only born to get used and abused by the world.

I'm sick of faking it. All these conversations people have. All these opinions. Do this or do that. I'm not interested. What's happened to me is beyond what I ever could have conceived happening to a human.

The point may be to keep myself alive by eating and drinking. But when I'm asleep I'm not asking what the point is. Because I'm asleep. Yet while I'm asleep other people are asking the same thing while awake. What's the difference between being asleep and being awake? What's the difference between a live body and a dead body, anyways? In an Earthly sense, biologically surviving and propagating is the point. Anything beyond that is a moot concept which neither the Earth nor universe cares about. Just 50,000 years ago all we'd do is hunt and that's all there was to it. Maybe both science and religion are pointless and try to explain or make better the inherent pointlessness of our existence.

My dog is not pondering the point, though. He just does dog things. Then again, he'd probably be wondering what the point was of being around all these psychos if he had his brain toyed with to the amount I have over 20 years. Which almost happened to him because the female homo sapien who was originally in charge of me believes she has a right to chemically experiment with the brain of anyone under her wing. Because her parents let her do whatever over her life. She went to college in Hawaii. Screwed around. Got a tattoo she regrets while drunk. Conceived my half brother while drunk. Had to give my half brother up for adoption because of substance use problems and inability to care for him. Decided to switch her original useless degree to nursing because she thought the nurses were so compassionate to her about her biological fuck-up. Then over years systematically was able to gain access to whatever she wants in the medical system. Whatever she wanted to give her child. The child she had with the depressed, lonely, jaded man in his 20s who was working a horribly monotonous job and living in a terrible city. The man who "won" her back after showing no interest during the first round of dating. Winning her back when she agreed to cheat with him on her then-current boyfriend. The relationship did not ever go smoothly. But before marriage date I was conceived and what better to glue a marriage together then an unplanned child? So the marriage date was moved up. And despite the honeymoon where she was treated terribly by this man, the child must come because that is all they're clinging onto in life.

And that's how a victim of a Munchausen by Proxy mother and jerk aloof father ends up on a suicide board with imminent plans at age 25. No matter what any science says or can do about anything.

The point apparently is to do whatever then die.
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Mar 22, 2020
I like so much reading you!
I think you have some interesting points there.
As you said, birth, life and death are tragic. I mean, life, even if you're not suicidal is mostly suffering!
Why? Because we have to be slaves so as to get money, love can really hurt, injustice to good people happpens all the time (being robbed, for instance), and our health gets worse day by day.

Today I lost my grandpa. He lived for 91 years in this world. He was a hard worker and great person. Did he deserve to suffer during these last years? Hell no.
I just know I could never do that. 33 feels too much to bear.
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Apr 5, 2018
I feel like feeling suicidal is a natural conclusion for my kind of life. It wasn't like- I had everything, and once upon a time I stared into the abyss and got paralyzed by some existential dread. It was more like becoming lucid in a wide awake nightmare. Something feels right about having an idea of what's happening.

I don't think I'm empathetic enough to care about global issues like injustice. What bothers me is not being healthy enough, and not being powerful enough to secure my health. And low levels of hopium and copium. I do think that some degree of self-deception is necessary for most humans to keep functioning in practical world.

I had some experience with religious sects. All the songs, dances, partying, reading/listening sacred texts, cooking food and eat it together. The shelter that religious beliefs can provide. Things feel like happening for a reason, and like some otherworldly power is watching after you. Even better if it watches more after you and your friends and family, than some strangers, some other nations and members of other sects. Some sense of belonging. Believing in something for the sole purpose of feeling better off, and denying unpleasant things that nonetheless make a lot of sense.

I dropped out of law school a few months before graduation, and if there is anything I regret, it's not dropping out earlier. Like, in fourth grade of elementary school. Couldn't continue after a series of traumatic experiences. All the school lessons (and life lessons) were going through me like water through a sieve. If life is an ever-moving car, and I'm a dog tied to it, then traumatic experiences are something that throw me off balance. I can't get up, the car is moving fast, so I was getting dragged instead. Too shocked to get up. Too shocked from thinking, feeling, telling my parents that I'm not fine, and I need recovery. My stomach was very often paining every morning I had to go to school, about 100% rates for Monday mornings. It's like something deep inside was urging me not to go there. If I wouldn't believe in the absence of free will, I would surely blame myself for all the years, effort, and health, wasted.

I'm 25 now. I'm now learning things that I didn't learn in school, like algebra and trigonometry. Learning to speak English. Learning at my own pace and only what interests me. Absolutely no desire to work. It feels useless. What's the money for anyway? To sustain my life for a while longer? I think it's absurd, doing something I don't want to to maintain a state I'm not very fond of. I was "fortunate" enough to have a family that is willing to sustain me, a family that is fine with me doing absolutely nothing marketable or useful to society. I feel like I'm on a pension, seriously. Like on a welfare as a compensation for a series of traumatic workplace accidents.

Fuck this world. It doesn't deserve us imo.

And it doesn't matter how smart you are.
Now that you mention. I do feel like it would matter, or at least in my case. Over my lifetime I've been more jealous of highly intelligent people than any other kind. Not rich, or pretty, or content with life. I feel like if I were to be smarter, if my IQ would be 2-3 SDs higher than my current one, then maybe, just maybe, I would have foreseen the bad things and come up with better ways of dealing with them in less amount of time, and I wouldn't have been thrown off balance in the first place.
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Dec 29, 2020
No point at all. We sleep, then what? We eat, then what? We do stuff, then what? Same thing over and over again. Then we die, that's it, no point. I can't believe that my peers, community, classmates are so excited to work at a restaurant, or a mechanical business, are they mad? Or am I? I am disabled, I get that too, that "you are so strong," annoying; but then when I say it's difficult to even live, I get "Well, that's life." Dreadful, absolutely dreadful.
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想死不能 - 想活不能
Nov 23, 2020
I like so much reading you!
I think you have some interesting points there.
As you said, birth, life and death are tragic. I mean, life, even if you're not suicidal is mostly suffering!
Why? Because we have to be slaves so as to get money, love can really hurt, injustice to good people happpens all the time (being robbed, for instance), and our health gets worse day by day.

Today I lost my grandpa. He lived for 91 years in this world. He was a hard worker and great person. Did he deserve to suffer during these last years? Hell no.
I just know I could never do that. 33 feels too much to bear.
I'm sorry about your grandpa. I know it is very hard, I had to watch my grandfather pass on too, and he was like my dad, since mine died when I was very young. My grandpa suffered a lot with illness especially in his final days and even considered ctb due to the pain. We can take comfort and solace in the fact that their suffering is over. They are no longer experiencing sickness or pain
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Aug 1, 2019
This thread makes me so sad. All of you beautiful, intelligent people in whom the world has made come to these conclusions; all of you who deserve so much to live and enjoy life and share your wonderful words.

Kuri (I hope I can call you that), I recently read a book that I think you might identify with. When Breath Becomes Air, by Paul Kalanthi. He was a neurosurgeon and in his work he lays out his grappling with science and life, much like you've done here.

Now that you mention. I do feel like it would matter, or at least in my case. Over my lifetime I've been more jealous of highly intelligent people than any other kind. Not rich, or pretty, or content with life. I feel like if I were to be smarter, if my IQ would be 2-3 SDs higher than my current one, then maybe, just maybe, I would have foreseen the bad things and come up with better ways of dealing with them in less amount of time, and I wouldn't have been thrown off balance in the first place.
I feel this too. My IQ has been tested by a psychologist to be higher than 3 SDs (SD 15) above the mean and still I remain baffingly convinced that if I were somehow more intellectually capable I would've long ago solved this, whatever this is. I have never once in my life felt anything more than completely stupid.

I feel so strongly that it's all laughably pointless. Look at this world we humans have created. All these structures we have pulled into existence just so that they may trap us and enslave our minds. Encroaching upon the real beauty (or, perhaps, not)-- the stars, the birds, the single leaf in grey January.

If you're searching for more of these philosophies, no one says it better than Dostoyevsky in The Brothers Karamazov.

But then again, and I write in sarcasm, what does it matter if we've indeed created God? All meaning is fabricated. I think that may just be the beauty of it. Once here one sees how all of it is freeing.
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existence is a nightmare
Aug 25, 2020
I wish there is an actual meaning... For most people their meaning is to work all their life long and then die and that's stupid imo.
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signifying nothing

signifying nothing

Sep 13, 2020
I used to feel that life was meaningless and that all I had left to do was die. But now, after the things I've been through in recent years, its the opposite - I see/feel meaning in everything, sometimes so much it overwhelms me.

Each of our individual views of life is subjective and the stuggle comes in being able to find ways in which to open up that view and gain a wider perspective. Limiting our perspective on the world limits the potential for meaning we can derive from it and in turn our feelings about it. So you need to find those limits and go beyond them, seek out new ways of thinking about and being in the world.
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Sep 15, 2020
There is no point to life. We're just meat machines that have evolved to survive and propagate the species and then we die.
Preach Poo-KAY!
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Somebody you used to know.
Oct 18, 2020
Preach Poo-KAY!
soul train episode 13 GIF
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Sep 15, 2020
HOW did you find footage of our first gig?


Somebody you used to know.
Oct 18, 2020
HOW did you find footage of our first gig?
:pfff: It's all over the Internet. Someone secretly filmed us and leaked the footage. Sorry Teal, but you're famous now whether you like it or not.
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Sep 15, 2020
:pfff: It's all over the Internet. Someone secretly filmed us and leaked the footage. Sorry Teal, but you're famous now whether you like it or not.
It was bound to happen, Pookie.

Maybe we can use our fame to get special approval for Pegasos? Nancy/Our Lead Choreographer (the lady in the black outfit in the back) is really going for it with those kicks!
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Deleted member 17949

Deleted member 17949

May 9, 2020
Frustratingly it seems like once your really have to ask yourself this question a lot your mental health is gonna start falling. Most people don't need to see a point in living; dying is bad and people will live as long as they can. Personally though I feel that without there being a point in my life I don't really wanna live it. I am not really depressed since my mood is not consistently lower than it should be and I don't struggle with motivation to do anything. Life seems pointless and when I feel happy and motivated I still want to die. Therapy never helps with this since their solution is that you not be looking for a point at all, but that never works with me.
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Part Time NEET - Full Time Suicidal
Mar 29, 2020
I think you can find meaning in various aspects of life if you're lucky but life is still predominantely full of suffering. If you've been through profound hardship and are aware of what a terrible place the world is then it's unlikely that you'll experience any kind of consistent happiness. "Normal" people seem to get by because they haven't been through the types of things like people on this website have gone through and they believe that death is the worst thing that can possible happen to them because they've lived in a bubble for their entire life.

You have to be both lucky and ignorant to genuinely want to be a part of a world as twisted as this one. Most normies kind of remind me of the main character from the Truman Show; believing that their privileged lives reflect reality. Behind the door that Truman opens is where the accurate represenation of reality actually is; one filled with alienation, poverty, 60 hour work weeks, abuse, homelessness, factory farming, pollution, racism, disability, etc.
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Dec 15, 2020
You might be entitled to disability benefits/welfare if you can't work after graduating, at least.
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Part Time NEET - Full Time Suicidal
Mar 29, 2020
You might be entitled to disability benefits/welfare if you can't work after graduating, at least.

The amount that you receive only keeps you in a perpetual state of poverty and it's difficult to get benefits if you don't have a paper trail to back your disabilities. You're pretty much shit out of luck if you aren't paralyzed or have schizophrenia anyways and you might have to wait years even with a lawyer handling things to receive what amounts to chump change.
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Dec 28, 2020
The amount that you receive only keeps you in a perpetual state of poverty and it's difficult to get benefits if you don't have a paper trail to back your disabilities. You're pretty much shit out of luck if you aren't paralyzed or have schizophrenia anyways and you might have to wait years even with a lawyer handling things to receive what amounts to chump change.
Can confirm. I have a massive paper trail and I've been consistently denied since 2016. Granted I live in the worst district in the USA for approval rates according to my lawyer. But yeah, you basically gotta be halfway dead and then they MAY agree to give you enough to keep you barely alive.
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Somebody you used to know.
Oct 18, 2020
It was bound to happen, Pookie.

Maybe we can use our fame to get special approval for Pegasos? Nancy/Our Lead Choreographer (the lady in the black outfit in the back) is really going for it with those kicks!
Of course, fame opens doors that are closed to mere peasants. We should certainly abuse our celebrity privileges and get Pegasosed. Our celebrity endorsement will also bring them more business. A win-win situation all round.
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Apr 5, 2018
I feel this too. My IQ has been tested by a psychologist to be higher than 3 SDs (SD 15) above the mean and still I remain baffingly convinced that if I were somehow more intellectually capable I would've long ago solved this, whatever this is. I have never once in my life felt anything more than completely stupid.

I feel so strongly that it's all laughably pointless. Look at this world we humans have created. All these structures we have pulled into existence just so that they may trap us and enslave our minds. Encroaching upon the real beauty (or, perhaps, not)-- the stars, the birds, the single leaf in grey January.

If you're searching for more of these philosophies, no one says it better than Dostoyevsky in The Brothers Karamazov.

But then again, and I write in sarcasm, what does it matter if we've indeed created God? All meaning is fabricated. I think that may just be the beauty of it. Once here one sees how all of it is freeing.
I don't think I find birds and January leafs to be beautiful. Stars maybe. I find the beauty in simpler things, like machines. Or at least used to find. Now I like jokes, well written sentences, and insightful points being made. So language, basically. I've decided to check The Brothers Karamazov and read several chapters. I'm not going to try to rationalize why I did it. I liked the writing, the structure of sentences. As for the story, I've been regularly asking myself why do I even bother, while reading the first two chapters. It's like reading 200-page manual for a video game. Can't wait for the game to start.

So do you feel liberated by the notion that all meaning is fabricated? If I understood you correctly. For me asking about meaning of life is equivalent to asking what is the utility of my life for me, and what to do (or not to do) in order to make life feel like it's more worth experiencing than not.
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Life sucks

Apr 18, 2018
Life sucks.
Its not only biologically but mathematically as well. Incompleteness theorem shows how its impossible to reach a goal. Yes, life and humans are just moving without actual goal, its just endless wars endless suffering and a meaningless one. Concepts like utopia are impossible also.

The problem isn't only about suicide but life itself is wrong and problematic. Ignorant humans and animals suffer also and at the end, their suffering is meaningless and unnecessary. Is there a way that prevents all suffering? Unfortunately, no. Thats why the best thing to do is to not reproduce and stop the inevitable suffering of others.
There is none, we are born to reproduce, do some work, and die.

As a conglomerate species or unit, we could achieve much more than we could ever produce alone.

Sorry just wanted to add a bit:
Actually we are born for no reason. We are not born to reproduce. There are many people who can't/won't reproduce and thats a counterexample.

As for the species, they might achieve something but its meaningless. Why suffer for 80 years if the progression needs say 1000 years. The species also is "theoretically" worse than a single person. This is specially apparent with herd mentalities.
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Apr 5, 2018
Life sucks.
Its not only biologically but mathematically as well. Incompleteness theorem shows how its impossible to reach a goal.
Interesting implication. Can you explain how it follows in more detail? I'll definitely look more into this theorem in the morning.


Aug 1, 2019
I don't think I find birds and January leafs to be beautiful. Stars maybe. I find the beauty in simpler things, like machines. Or at least used to find. Now I like jokes, well written sentences, and insightful points being made. So language, basically. I've decided to check The Brothers Karamazov and read several chapters. I'm not going to try to rationalize why I did it. I liked the writing, the structure of sentences. As for the story, I've been regularly asking myself why do I even bother, while reading the first two chapters. It's like reading 200-page manual for a video game. Can't wait for the game to start.

So do you feel liberated by the notion that all meaning is fabricated? If I understood you correctly. For me asking about meaning of life is equivalent to asking what is the utility of my life for me, and what to do (or not to do) in order to make life feel like it's more worth experiencing than not.

I find beauty in simpler things too, although for me the simpler things tend to be those that aren't man-made, although I do contradict myself sometimes as I use language to capture what I find beautiful around me.

You're right about The Brothers Karamazov, haha, it does start a bit (okay a lot) slow, it's ridiculously long, and it reads more like an essay on philosophy than a book at some points, but it does get way, WAY better at the end. (I love that book so much lol)

And yes, I do see liberation in the fabrication of meaning. If there is no inherent formula to have a "good" or "meaningful" life; if everyone is clueless and just grappling at straws, then we are free to make of life whatever we want from it and to write our own meaning to be as we wish. If one decides (and fully, wholeheartedly believes) that their life's purpose is to survive each day, I think they'd be pretty happy and fulfilled with their existence. But to reach that state one must either be extremely ignorant or have gone through a huge amount of self reflection and consideration of the world and their own relationship to it.
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Life sucks

Apr 18, 2018
Interesting implication. Can you explain how it follows in more detail? I'll definitely look more into this theorem in the morning.
Sure, incompleteness theorem and related problems which are just another shape of it (halting problem, entscheidungsproblem).

Simply put, incompleteness theorems tells that axioms are either incomplete or inconsistent.

I'll give a practical and simplified example:

Lets say someone has 10 friends.
"All of my friends like red"
To prove this statement, we would check all of them and verify the truth. Its consistent but incomplete (we don't know about other people).

"All people like red"
To prove this, we need to check all people. We would find someone who doesn't like red (making it inconsistent) or take forever (because of the arbitrarily large number of people).

I prefer using the other two problems but this one directly addresses the main points of incompleteness and inconsistency.

Now lets see another practical example but with halting problem:

Lets say we have "Utopia" program for humans. A program that would ensure the happiness of everyone. This program is impossible to do.

We would check the program for everyone to verify it and there are two scenarios:
-If we found one person with negative result. The program would fail (quit).
-We would wait forever to check all humans (infinite loop/arbitrarily large time).

We can't prove Utopia and it would fail or take arbitrarily large time to prove. (Also, practically, the humans live about 80 years. If we need only one second to check every 7 billions, it would take about 220 years).

Entscheidungsproblem on the hand is easy: A universal mathematical system/algorithm that checks the truth of everything is proven impossible. (The input is anything and the output is a simple Yes/No or True/False).

Humans, biology and evolution, physics or anything else can't bypass those limitations. Its like we live in a mathematical trap.
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Somebody you used to know.
Oct 18, 2020
Sorry just wanted to add a bit:
Actually we are born for no reason. We are not born to reproduce. There are many people who can't/won't reproduce and thats a counterexample.
Over 7 billion people on the planet and you're saying people weren't meant to reproduce? Lmao.


Jan 29, 2020
The point if any because we are forced to do it is to work, pay bills, survive eat sleep reproduce then die. You're not meant to be happy just suffer and overcome if any meaning exists to it. Also avoid death and condemn suicide as perks because "life is so precious and beautiful! Who wouldn't want to work miserably absurdly and suffer for fickle satsification!

And most people aren't even capable of this level of comprehension they just live on autopilot and follow life script. Only caring about fufilling their selfish carnal desires and ignoring the truth in place of delusional optimism.
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Life sucks

Apr 18, 2018
Over 7 billion people on the planet and you're saying people weren't meant to reproduce? Lmao.

Yes. Animals reproduce because they are ignorant. They aren't meant to reproduce. Who gave this "meaning" anyway? Its all a big lie to keep reproducing. In case of humans, they suppress their minds with nonsensical ideologies like religion to keep reproduction.

Seven billion means nothing. It just shows how humans are absurd and silly. Plus thats exactly how herd mentality works. "Look, seven billion are reproducing, I'll do the same because thats our meaning".

Reproduction occurs because of a not high probability of a certain type of sexual practices. What meaning is there about unstable and highly situational condition? The human body might need sex but not reproduction. Humans could easily avoid reproduction while having sex which clearly contradicts "humans are meant to reproduce".

"The meaning of all humans is to reproduce" is a false statement and its straightforwardly wrong by many counterexamples: Asexuals, homosexuals, protected sex or any sexual act that doesn't lead to reproduction, being childfree or avoiding reproduction, infertile people and more.

Reproduction is unnecessary, optional and relies on ignorance. it doesn't even compare to eating and preserving the body which are necessary functions. Saying that its the meaning of existence is offensive to those who who won't/can't reproduce. Its actually the same herd mentality that oppressed people in order to keep reproduction (religion, politics, pseudoscience, etc).

People usually ignore the history of reproduction which is made by killing, torturing and raping each other! The history is filled with atrocities and tragedies in order to keep the reproduction loop. So is it really a "meaning"? More like a meaningless life and a disgusting species.
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