
Aug 18, 2020
My father does not take it seriously. I often say to him that i have daily and often suicide thoughts. And he really does not take it seriously. If i ctb he will be the one who says no one could have predicted that lol.
My sister completely denies suicide. Life is precious and she does not really understand why somebody ctb. But I could imagine she supports my euthanasia if my parents died. However she made me a bad conscience and is afraid that she has to care for me if I damage myself.
My mom denies my suicidality. But is sometimes afraid that I will do it. Because she knows I think a lot about it and that my future is pretty shitty.
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Vereor Nox
Sep 7, 2020
Wow, your case highlights why only SS knows about my suicidal intentions. I'm sorry you have to feel so neglected by the very same people who are meant to protect you.
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May 28, 2020
My family said if I wanted to die I would just do it.... they were angry after my attempt. I no longer have any contact with my family.
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Nov 9, 2020
I'm sorry it seems like most of your family doesn't understand suicide, it must be really difficult for you to see them react in those ways. A lot of people in my life are the same, so I get how it feels! Whenever I have seen my co-workers talking about it, they seem to put forward the idea that those who ctb are weak and to be pitied, like people who ctb don't really know what they're doing. It seems a lot of people misunderstand, and there isn't much we can do to change that unfortunately, because the 'pro-choice' view isn't as widely accepted. Seeing family members react in that way is the worst though, it sucks you have to deal with that. At the very least, you can be understood on this site. That always brings me a lot of comfort, when family members fail to see things from my perspective! :heart:
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Aug 18, 2020
I do not think it is that bad. It could have been worse. I feel a bit empathy from them. At least they do not pressure me to get better. Mainly because they know it is their fault that my brain is shit.
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Jan 3, 2021
Fortunately, they don't know anything about my current suicidality. Otherwise they would probably have admitted me to psychiatry. I don't want any help, just death.
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Vereor Nox
Sep 7, 2020
My family said if I wanted to die I would just do it.... they were angry after my attempt. I no longer have any contact with my family.
What the hell? What justifications are there to elicit such hostile behaviour? Human psychology is fucking bizarre. I would cut off all contact cold-turkey if I were in your situation as well.
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May 28, 2020
What the hell? What justifications are there to elicit such hostile behaviour? Human psychology is fucking bizarre. I would cut off all contact cold-turkey if I were in your situation as well.
Honestly I understand... in my culture it's considered as a weakness because everyone has a hard life. I get their point of view but doesn't make it any less hurtful. I assume they never expected me to really go through with it and try. I bet they do feel guilty about it but I don't have the empathy to deal with them right now.
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Aug 18, 2020
I don't know i sometimes have the feeling i think i have to prepare them.
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Autistic loser
Jan 26, 2021
They scared and shit, only reason I'm not killing myself aside from only having full suspension in the woods with 550 paracord and a combat knife as methods lmao.
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Mar 22, 2020
My parents say I'm a fool because I have everything. I shouldn't have tried to ctb nor think about suicide at all, according to them.

As for the rest of my family. They just can't believe how a "successful person" like me is suicidal. After ny failed attempt, they just give me "I'm sorry" looks.
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Jan 3, 2021
My parents say I'm a fool because I have everything. I shouldn't have tried to ctb nor think about suicide at all, according to them.

As for the rest of my family. They just can't believe how a "successful person" like me is suicidal. After ny failed attempt, they just give me "I'm sorry" looks.
How do you feel towards the statement that 'you have everything' ?
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Global Mod
Oct 12, 2020
My family thinks I'm stupid for even thinking of ending my life when there is "so much to live for". In the past my family believed that suicidal people are just wastes of oxygen seeking attention because they didn't get enough hugs from mommy and daddy. They also believed they were lazy and needed to get a job so they can enjoy life. My mom told me that if I wanted to do it, I should've done it long ago and stop wasting people's time because it's all showboating and dramatics at that point.

Yay for keeping my suicide quiet and only on this forum.
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Mar 22, 2020
How do you feel towards the statement that 'you have everything' ?

I feel that according to the standards of society i might have everything. I mean, I have a good job, a degree, been in shape, my own apartment, a lovely dog, some girls here and there, nice family, etc but....

All of that has never given me peace of mind. I wanna know what human beings are, what life and universe are, just what the hell death is and so on.

Also, I have bipolar disorder and depression. Even if I were a millionaire and the most handsome man in the world, I bet I would still be suicidal!

Anyway, I've been feeling quite good these days. Hope it lasts lol.
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Callie Arcale

Callie Arcale

It’s a tale told by an idiot signifying nothing
Feb 10, 2021
I've confessed my suicidal ideation to a family member several times. The first few times they didn't take it seriously, the last few times they threatened to call the psych ward.

It was a learning experience.

I never talk about it anymore with anyone in real life. It serves no purpose.
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Jan 3, 2021
I feel that according to the standards of society i might have everything. I mean, I have a good job, a degree, been in shape, my own apartment, a lovely dog, some girls here and there, nice family, etc but....

All of that has never given me peace of mind. I wanna know what human beings are, what life and universe are, just what the hell death is and so on.

Also, I have bipolar disorder and depression. Even if I were a millionaire and the most handsome man in the world, I bet I would still be suicidal!

Anyway, I've been feeling quite good these days. Hope it lasts lol.
I understand. I second you on the need and craving for depth. I often feel the success standards as seen by society are kind of frustrating and shallow... and some of them require so much work.

Sometimes I feel like an entitled arrogant person for not finding them enough when I see all the 'normies' functioning and be ok with it. I am not sure if any of them is truly happy, but I'm convinced they cannot suffer from that 'existential emptiness' as much as I do.

Glad to read you've been feeling good lately, I hope it stays that way for a long time!
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Rabbits on the Moon
Dec 3, 2020
Nothing, they don't know anything and I hope it continues like this, the closest thing to expressing my suicidal thoughts has been my apparent total lack of common sense, I stayed in bed during an earthquake for exemple. They, as well as a large part of my family, don't have a true understanding about suicidal thoughts, their causes and implications, they deny me access to psychological treatment for stupid precepts, so it's pointless trying to reason with them about those topics.

To be honest, I'm determined and expressing to them or some other family member will simply make them have more surveillance and I cannot commit suicide, at least not in the way I wish, I also don't want to spend the time I have to have fun before I die with them stuck to me like ticks.
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May 1, 2020
nobody knows, and i'm going to keep it that way : )
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Dec 11, 2018
They hope that I'll get better and stop being suicidal. That won't happen.
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Oct 31, 2020
None of my relatives know. Although I have no plans to tell mine, I do feel it must be a relief if you have relatives you can open up to and get no judgement on the subject as it's a very lonely path this one.
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Awkward & weird
Jul 5, 2020
My father don't accept that and often gets angry with me when I'm sad. That's the way he copes with my suicidality and tbh I don't blame him for this... The rest of my family don't give a shit about me or how I feel.
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Jul 27, 2020
The only person in my life that knows is my wife, and she doesn't take it seriously either, like your father.

I regret every day telling her or sharing anything with her and telling her anything about my life.

For the record I do think that sharing these feelings with someone can have good outcomes, and there are people out there that can help, it's just that my circumstances are such that sharing that information has only served to weaken my resolve and make me feel more alone and empty.
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Jan 27, 2021
Everyone in my family is aware of if to some degree, no one really cares though? I don't think I can blame them for this also. My brother and my mom have said several times I should try therapy and medications and I never do. I don't try to get better at all. Tried meds and gave up on them, never went to therapy cause I just can't do it. So they kinda believe I have issues but don't know how bad it all actually is plus they hold me accountable for denying help over and over. So I get it kinda. I had a breakdown in new years (drank a few beers and me + alcohol = guaranteed breakdown) and tried to cut myself and my brother stopped me. We never talked about it since.
When I tried in 2017 and ended up in the hospital my mom told me I was going to hell if I killed myself. So she's pretty enraged and scared of my own suicidal ideation/behaviors lmfao
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Jan 17, 2021
Nobody knows anything and I wouldn't have it any other way. I despise the thought of being the subject of anyone's pity. So I roleplay happiness. I'm a very good actress. All the world's a stage, and all that.
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Jun 28, 2019
My parents laughed when I told them I wanted to hang myself. They probably thought it was silly, like a little child having a tantrum or something. A few years after that, I ended up in hospital because of a suicide attempt. My mother was angry/worried while my father said I was just "attention seeking". The funny thing is, I was never going to tell them unless the doctors at the hospital pretty much forced me to, so attention was the last thing I was seeking. I constantly think about suicide these days, but I know better than to tell anyone.
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Oct 8, 2018
I have never shared my intent to exit with anyone, family, friends or doctors. I don't want anyone putting me in an institution. That is also part of the reason for picking my method. A length of rope around the house really doesn't arouse suspicion. I do not keep any kind of diary or log for anyone to find either. I may be a little bit paranoid but I feel secure that no knows of my plans.
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Can’t do this anymore
Jan 28, 2021
I suppose I should be grateful that my family is deeply concerned about me, but by telling them that I no longer want to live, I've only made things even more complicated for myself. It would have been so much easier to ctb if I had never opened my big fucking mouth. Now they're basically forcing me to submit to ECT for my treatment resistant depression. There's a reason it's treatment resistant and all that is going to do is put off the inevitable.
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Jun 6, 2020
My Uncle and Father both agree that being "suicidal" is just people calling out for attention. They follow the Joe Rogan train of logic where if you are "depressed" in any way, it just means you need to man up and get some electroshock therapy.
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Jan 22, 2021
My brother thinks I need to find something to care about/be passionate about that's not suicide. My ctb plans right now are set in for the future so I technically have time to find something to care about but so far I haven't had any lucky. I haven't told or alluded to anything related to suicide to my other family members as there is literally no point.
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Feb 5, 2020
I've told my dad I've been suicidal and he doesn't really take it seriously and doesn't say much. When I try to talk to him about my anxiety, he just tells me stuff like, "don't be" and "there's no reason for you to be anxious," that kind of thing. Whenever I try to talk to him about anything like that, I can't get his full attention. He always starts doing something else as I'm talking. I think it just makes him too uncomfortable and so he tries to change the subject or hopes I stop talking about it if he suddenly starts acting busy. One day he looked in my room and asked me what's up, because I was just kind of sitting up oddly in bed, slightly rocking back and forth. I told him it felt like my akathisia was coming back, and I was noticeably almost in tears and he didn't respond, he just walked away. I've learned he's not someone to talk to. I'm able to talk to my sister more, but even she doesn't really seem to take me seriously when I've talked to her about suicide. My brother hates me and probably thinks mental illness is fake and would just talk shit about me if I killed myself. My mom is dead, but when I talked to her about my depression, she didn't seem to care too much and seemed annoyed.

I've stopped talking about it.
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