

Don't shoot the messenger, give me the gun
Sep 25, 2018
you start exact same life over again
I hope that's the case even if that may be selfish. No need for a time machine then. No way of preventing the same thing happening over and over again either. If I knew what happened it would help with my decision. If we all knew it could change life as we know it. For better or worse depending what it is


Jun 12, 2020

Fantastic... nothing like enjoying the abuse over and over again... endlessly.

Sorry, but I really hope you're wrong. Of course, if you're not, I wouldn't know.
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Marejeo ni ngamani
Oct 13, 2019
I've always been divided, the logical part of me says "of course nothing happens, humans aren't capable of truly understanding 'nothing' and that's why we have concepts of an afterlife" but the hopeful part of me believes in reincarnation of some kind.
This is my exact mindset. Logically, I know that when you die you cease to exist since consciousness is a product of the brain. However, it seems we're genetically programmed to be incapable of comprehending the idea of "nothing".

Then I start to wonder about the what if. Against all logic and reason. It's like how people think a vacuum is nothing, but empty space is actually something.


Jul 11, 2020
Thats what actually scares me the most, Because maybe ill wakeup in a worse place than this world? maybe ill go to hell? or maybe reborn to this world? (which scares me the most, I dont be appear to this horrible world again)
I personally believe there is heaven and hell, and if theres not then I dont know, maybe ill wakeup in an alien spaceship (I hope lol)
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Jun 30, 2020
I think I agree with @not4us here if I had to pick a theory, although I seriously hope it isn't true. People discuss the possibility that if circumstances conspired to grant us existence before, then surely it could happen again. I agree that this sounds plausible, only that if it really granted 'us' existence again, it would have to be the exact same circumstances; otherwise it wouldn't be 'us'. This means the universe would have to loop. Therefore, upon death, the period of unconsciousness passes instantaneously and throws us right back into the exact same life. And as the world will proceed the same way due to cause-and-effect/determinism, we effectively have to live the same life over and over without realising. That sounds very scary, despite the fact that if it's true I've theoretically been doing this for countless lifetimes; not just having to relive the suffering, but not even remembering or knowing that it's happened before. Either that, or consciousness isn't connected to identity, so we simply have to experience consciousness from different perspectives again and again without knowing it, like that 'The Egg' video, only with no closure and no becoming a higher being. It's definitely frightening but I can see it happening if the universe 'loops'. If it doesn't loop, then perhaps permanent sleep/unconsciousness, although that barely helps to describe it at all considering sleep is always marked by an end point, and that end point is the only way we have to tell that we've slept. I have to say that in the end, I have no idea and don't know what's going to happen after death at all, I just think of what I've wrote in this post as the default for me.
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Losing all hope was freedom
Dec 22, 2019
Just read this quote by Louis CK, it's funny:

"Lots of things happen after you die, they just don't involve you"

I like this, calms me down :D
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Jun 28, 2020
I personally believe in heaven and that if you don't make it you are reincarnated. I believe in heaven you make all your own decisions and are granted whatever you wish for and that it is a land with lots of grass, trees and animals.
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Sep 21, 2019
I think I agree with @not4us here if I had to pick a theory, although I seriously hope it isn't true. People discuss the possibility that if circumstances conspired to grant us existence before, then surely it could happen again. I agree that this sounds plausible, only that if it really granted 'us' existence again, it would have to be the exact same circumstances; otherwise it wouldn't be 'us'. This means the universe would have to loop. Therefore, upon death, the period of unconsciousness passes instantaneously and throws us right back into the exact same life. And as the world will proceed the same way due to cause-and-effect/determinism, we effectively have to live the same life over and over without realising. That sounds very scary, despite the fact that if it's true I've theoretically been doing this for countless lifetimes; not just having to relive the suffering, but not even remembering or knowing that it's happened before. Either that, or consciousness isn't connected to identity, so we simply have to experience consciousness from different perspectives again and again without knowing it, like that 'The Egg' video, only with no closure and no becoming a higher being. It's definitely frightening but I can see it happening if the universe 'loops'. If it doesn't loop, then perhaps permanent sleep/unconsciousness, although that barely helps to describe it at all considering sleep is always marked by an end point, and that end point is the only way we have to tell that we've slept. I have to say that in the end, I have no idea and don't know what's going to happen after death at all, I just think of what I've wrote in this post as the default for me.
thanks for elaborating on my point, very well explained!

I also wonder, if foregoing is true, what do you think of suicide then? I mean... if one terminates their life at the point when it presumably gets better comparing to their past, does it entail their "reliving" of only that worse segment of life would be inferior to "reliving" the life in which they choose to continue to the bitter end or at least to the point when life obviously gets unbearable?
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Jun 30, 2020
thanks for elaborating on my point, very well explained!

I also wonder, if foregoing is true, what do you think of suicide then? I mean... if one terminates their life at the point when it presumably gets better comparing to their past, does it entail their "reliving" of only that worse segment of life would be inferior to "reliving" the life in which they choose to continue to the bitter end or at least to the point when life obviously gets unbearable?
No problem, thanks for replying! As for suicide, I think I would envy a shorter life more because adulthood entails more suffering than childhood, usually. But since we're hypothetically living the same life over and over infinitely anyway, the length of your life shouldn't otherwise matter; I think it would only matter if your suffering increases as a direct cause of your life's length, as I said with adulthood, or being worn down by life. The only thing that would matter is the percentage of your life that is happiness or suffering, as that would be the percentage of your eternity. So I think if I knew my life would be good for a while if I didn't commit suicide, then a larger percentage of my eternity would be happy. The only problems are that I don't know what my life would be like if I don't commit suicide, and that I don't know if there's such thing as a purely 'happy life', where you can decisively say that it's good and worth it; if my life was still sprinkled with bad moments then I probably wouldn't continue. If my life continues on its current course, for example, then perhaps by ending it now, reliving my life would mean a lesser portion of it is bad.
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Jun 16, 2020
Consciousness ceases. Our bodies rot. Nothing divine.
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Sep 21, 2019
No problem, thanks for replying! As for suicide, I think I would envy a shorter life more because adulthood entails more suffering than childhood, usually. But since we're hypothetically living the same life over and over infinitely anyway, the length of your life shouldn't otherwise matter; I think it would only matter if your suffering increases as a direct cause of your life's length, as I said with adulthood, or being worn down by life. The only thing that would matter is the percentage of your life that is happiness or suffering, as that would be the percentage of your eternity. So I think if I knew my life would be good for a while if I didn't commit suicide, then a larger percentage of my eternity would be happy. The only problems are that I don't know what my life would be like if I don't commit suicide, and that I don't know if there's such thing as a purely 'happy life', where you can decisively say that it's good and worth it; if my life was still sprinkled with bad moments then I probably wouldn't continue. If my life continues on its current course, for example, then perhaps by ending it now, reliving my life would mean a lesser portion of it is bad.
Thank you for answering.
For me, I kinda know what awaits me ahead, the best case scenario is: drudgery, boredom, hopefully only mild depression, death of my parents and some friends, and few happy moments. I don't consider continuing living into old age in any case. My past seems worse though. Actually I'm having a hard time comparing those...
Also, I think the suffering that I will cause in the world (to animals and other people), even if I magically become happy after deciding to continue living, should also be taken into account.


Jun 25, 2020
Either eternal oblivion or we all just get recycled into the next immediate living organism (kind of like reincarnation but not based on karma)


Jul 5, 2020
I'm not too sure what's out there but these are my main theories:
  • I believe in God and Jesus. Hell would be separation from God, and then reincarnation until you build up enough good karma, rather than some eternal hellfire. I think it's very easy to go to heaven as long as you aren't a war criminal or serial killer or something, because God is all-knowing and always forgiving. Idk what heaven would be like exactly, but I imagine it sorta being like in the Lovely Bones where heaven is whatever you want it to be and you can make and do anything, even check out life back on Earth. But probably by the time we get there it'll be way different than we imagine it while on Earth. There's no pain or needs or whatever in Heaven, and you'll know everything God tells you. So you might not want endless food, a gigantic house, or closure with somebody for example. Your priorities are different.
  • Nothingness, just like how before we were born, there was nothing
  • When you die, you go to sleep and wake up as a baby. Maybe that baby is just you again but in a different time. Maybe it's a new life and person completely. Either way you'll have no memory of your past life or death.
Scientifically the correct answer is probably nothingness. I've never been in surgery, in a coma, or unconscious, but probably it's like that except you just don't wake up. Usually people don't remember or realize being put in those states. Death's probably just like that but without the whole waking up thing.
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Do not sign me up for 2021
Jul 19, 2020
If hell exists, then it is certainly for horrible people like criminals, rapists, terrorist,.. Etc

So as long as you are a good person you will find peace either in heaven or the next life
Or it might be entering a state of void or nothingness just like before birth
little froggie

little froggie

it's okay, i don't like me either </3
Jul 21, 2020
what's the worst, most agonizing thing u can possibly imagine? i believe death leads to heaven or hell, and i believe hell is worse than anything any human could ever imagine. so take the worse thing u can think of and times that by a billion, i believe hell is worse than that, and i believe it's eternal.

that's just my belief, not trying to scare anyone. that sure as heck is where i'm going lol
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Jan 22, 2019
I personally believe that we'll come back but in a different form, maybe in a different universe. I just think there's no way that there's NOTHING after death, this world is too complex and amazing.. I believe we're all apart of something that's bigger than us and something that we cannot comprehend.
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Jul 30, 2020
Given how weird the universe is, there *could* be multiple other dimensions. Even that doesn't mean that there has to be consciousness after death. Even if God exists, there might not be an afterlife. I really hope there is nothing. In my teens and 20s I was shit scared of going to hell for suicide. I wish I had not been so scared back then....
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permanent eternal absoluteNONexistenceNOTHINGness
Dec 17, 2019
For me (I hope and wish) there won't be any more 'lives' after the end of 'this one'. I only want non-existence. Eternal unconsciousness/unawareness and nothingness. Those who say that 'nothing' isn't possible it's because they want to 'think' that. If 'something' is possible, nothing is possible too. Just because the 'human brain' "cant imagine" what 'nothing' 'looks like' (it doesnt look like anything because it's not 'something', it's just nothing lol) doesn't mean nothingness isn't possible. All 'these' 'things' we 'perceive' are 'something' because 'we' 'know' they 'exist'/are 'there' because of the 5 senses that the 'human body' and 'brain' have. But once im gone I leave the body and the brain, i stop having consciousness about "reality" and "existence" and "things"/"places".
There are 'people' who 'say' that 'nothingness' "isn't" an option because 'nothing' isnt 'something' (of course nothing isnt 'something', nothing is nothing lol, literally that, just nothing. nothing cant be 'something' at all in absolutely any way.) and because 'nothing' isnt "measurable", of course it isnt 'measurable', nothing isnt any 'something', literally theres just nothing. It has to be 'material'/'physical' to be "measurable" and of course 'nothing' isnt measurable, nothing isnt 'something', nothing isn't 'material', its not 'something' and it cant be 'felt'/'seen'/'touched'. And of course to define the absolute 'nothingness,' it has to be given a 'name' to be able to refer to it. I cant imagine what 'nothing' 'is' because it isnt anything, there isnt anything to 'imagine', nothing is just that, nothing. There isnt any physical space, there arent any material 'things'. Its 'me' and all possible kinds of 'consciousness' ceasing to exist permanently/eternally. The 'brain' is the consciousness, once the 'brain' shuts down there isnt any more 'consciousness', everything ends there. 'people' say that there cant be nothingness because (well, ofc there isnt nothingness, nothing isnt anywhere and it is not anything. it just isnt) nothingness its 'unimaginable' and 'unmeasurable', well lol thats the point obviously it isnt imaginable because it isnt something only 'something', only 'something' physical, existent, and material can be 'something', imaginable, tangible, visible and measurable (or whatever the damn fck those 'words' mean lol) but nothing is nothing, nothing isnt something so of course it cant beimaginable. You cant imagine nothingness because it isnt at all. you only can imagine 'something' and nothing is literally nothing, it isnt any place nor thing nor space nor whatever. Nothing is just that, nothing, so obviously it cannot be imaginable. For us the nothingness its represented with the color black bc black means absence (absence of color. but its a proximate representation of nothingness bc nothingness is absence of everything/anything) but that doesnt mean anything, its just a 'human' representation of nothingness.
I want that, just nothingness. Not again another sort/type of 'life'/'consciousness' in another 'existence'/'planet' nor any other thing. And I DONT say I don't want any other 'life'/'existence'/'world'/'planet' (nor any other 'thing'/'type of thing') "because I want the pain to stop" (what pain lol im not in any pain about anything) "because I don't want to suffer anymore" (lol no, im not suffering at a about anything, have never suffered and never will) """because consciousness/existence/life means "suffering" and "pain" (no its not because of that neither lmao and i dont give a shit if it's "suffering" or "not suffering" or whatever tf that means lol) and I don't want to suffer""" (im not "suffering" at all) nor any other thing/reason like that/in general at all. No, Im not suffering, nothing "bad" happens to me/in 'my life' and nothing "bad" has ever happened. i 'have it all'. And? i don't care. i dont give a shit lol. Ill never understand why simply literally just not giving a shit about existence/'life'/'the world'/'planet earth', 'things' in general, whatever it is, and whatever other thing in general isn't possible and its seen as a "mental illness".
'My parents'/'my family' (or whatever the fuck 'parents', 'family' means) allow me to '"anything i want" and want 'happiness'/'health'/'enjoyment'/'joy'/'satisfaction'/'fullfilment' and other "positive" crap for 'me' and i couldn't care any fucking less. It's not "self hatred" "low self-esteem" nor any other shit like that lol I dont 'hate' 'myself' or whatever the fuck 'hate' means. I dont say that i dont want anything "bEcAuSe i dOnT dEsErVe iT" nor any other thing like that, so I clarify this in case someone makes assumptions. I just fucking dont. I neither "like"/"love" nor "dislike"/"hate" anyone nor anything. There's nothing that I want and I don't want to want anything. Why the fuck do "I" have to? Why is wanting/caring about/liking/being "interested" in/wanting to do etc things obligatory? What if i literally just dont and its not because of any fucking reason? i dont only not want any of these 'things' that 'I', 'you' and other 'human beings'/'living beings'/'people' (or whatever the fuck that is/means)
I simply just dont want existence I simply just don't want 'life' of any way, any type, no matter how the fuck it is. My life is 'good'/'great' and I don't give a shit lmao i couldnt care any less lol, what im supposed to do, be "grateful"? lmao and why do i have to be "grateful" about 'something'/'something' """positive"""/"""good""" yes or yes, if i literally just dont want anything and have no "interest" at all and couldn't give any less of a fuck that's it, i just dont and theres no reason at all, end of the fucking 'story'. I dont want any life of any type/way/kind. why the fuck do "I" have to, that will always be my question. I just dont care about life in general no matter what meaning 'I', 'you', and whatever 'person' in general, can give it. No matter what 'perception'/'interpretation'/'vision'/'conceptualization'/'definition' 'I' have/can have about 'life'/'existence'/'the world'/'planet earth' and everything/anything in general whatever/however it is. Im just not "interested" and dont want to and never will (the question is why the fuck do "I" yes or yes have to be/want to 'be' "interested" in 'life' in general uNleSs iTs 'bAd' {I couldnt care any fucking less if 'my life'/'life' in general is "bad" or "good" or "interesting" or "exciting" or "boring" or whatever other way/type. I dont give a shit. Its not like Im gonna be "worried" if 'life'/'human life' is "bad", "unfair", "difficult" or whatever other "negative" way. I dont give a shit about/don't want/have no "interest", no "desire" and never will about 'life' very generally regardless the way/type it is and what happens etc. Theres no 'life'/'type of life" that "I want to live and have"/"that I desire"/"that I dream about"/"that I wish"/"that I hope for" nor any other thing in general at all. I just don't and never will and I don't see what's the fucking problem.} and why the fuck the fuck do "I" have to yes or yes live/do/experience and want to "uNlEsS iTs 'bAd'/'a WaY tHaT i dOnT lIkE', uNlEsS iM sUfFeRiNg, uNlEsS ''mY lIfE iS 'bAd' aNd 'pAiNfUl''' or whatever other "reason" and other crap like that. Why the fuck do 'I' have to have a 'reason' for not wanting to live life (nor any other thing, it's not that "I don't want life but another thing yes" no, I don't give a shit about/don't want/don't want to "experience" nor "live" nor "do" nor "know about". I'm not suffering, my life isn't "bad" at all, I've never been "abused"/"bullied" nor any other "bad" thing and i couldn't give any less of a shit lol.

So well going back to the 'topic' of the 'thread' lol. For me theres only one 'life' existent and its 'life on Earth' or however the f*ck it is called lol (couldnt care less how it is called and how it is/how it can be/what happens/what can happen/what there is/what there can be/what it has/what it can have/what you can see|do|experience|know|learn about|achieve|have|'be' blah blah and whatever other crap lol). And i hope there wont be any more 'lives'/kinds of 'lives' nor literally any other type of thing in general, I literally just want nothingness. I simply just dont care about 'life' in general no matter how the f*ck it is, without referring to anything in particular/specific. Its NOT that "I don't want to live a certain/particular/specific type/kind/way of 'life'/ if 'life' is 'this way'/'like this'/if there is|it has this and this/ if this and this happens /if it's "about this or that"/if "it works this or that way" blah blah etcetc whatever, NO. I dont mean anything particular/specific/ if if it's this and this/if it's this and this way blah blah, no. i just simply dont want to 'live'/'experience'/'do'/'know'/'explore'/'enjoy'/'discover'/'learn about' 'life' (nor 'the world'/'planet earth' nor 'existence' nor any other thing of any type at all imaginable/unimaginable) IN GENERAL, in a very general reference, very very generally, no matter what/how/what way 'it is'/'it isnt'/'it can be' neither what happens/doesnt happen/can happen neither what "meaning"/"concept"/"perception"/"definition"/"perspective" 'it can have'/'I' can give to it, no matter what it is about no matter how it works, no matter what 'rules', 'norms' 'concepts', 'ideas' there are no matter what 'species' there are no matter what the fuck happens in 'place' called 'the world' (or anywhere else lol), 'planet earth' or whatever 'these' 'places' are called nor literally any other 'thing' 'place' in general at all if there are more LOL i hope not. No matter what there is/what there isnt / what there can be, no matter what 'things' there are, no matter what 'inventions' (or whatever tf an 'invention' is lol) there are, no matter what ''species'' 'i' 'dominant' and what 'species' 'exist'/there are in general in 'planet earth' 'the world' or whatever/any other 'space', 'place', 'world' 'planet'. No matter how 'i' can 'live' 'experience' 'life' 'my life' and no matter the 'type of life'/'way of life' 'i' can 'live'/ 'experience'/'have'/'do'. I JUST DONT GIVE A DAMN SHIT. i LITERALLY JUST DONT WANT TO LIVE LIFE IN GENERAL NOR ANY OTHER THING NO MATTER HOW/WHAT IT IS. with 'life' im not 'talking about' ''modernlife'' ''specifically'' or watever the fuck it is called. its not that ""I want to live/experience 'life' in general just not if it's the "life we're living|experiencing now"/"life today|nowadays"/"modern life"/"this 'standard of life'""" no lol. i dont want/dont have any 'interest' at all and dont give a shit about absolutely any 'life' of any 'type' 'kind' 'way' at all. ITS NOT THAT '''i DoNt lIkE mOdErN lifE lIfE iF ltS lIke ThIs iF tHiS aNd tHaT hApPeNs bUt lIfE IN gEnErAl anD iF iT wAsNt lIkE tHiS i WAnT tO lIvE/eXpErIeNcE iT aNd i WoUld lIke iT iT juST hAvE tO bE dIfFeReNt aNotHeR wAy'' no for fcks sake lol its not that i dont want any fucking 'life' of absolutely any fcking type and I couldnt give any less of a damn fck how the fck it is, I just simply generally dont care, never had cared and never will about 'life' in general. IN GENERAL as ''''a 'thing' '''human beings''' and other 'living beings'/'life forms' (although differently) 'do' and 'experience' during their 'journey''/path"/''passage'' through ''the world'' and ''planet earth'' and ''existence'' since 'they' were 'brought' to it until death (i hope eternal absolute/complete nothingness). i mean when saying i JUST SIMPLY DONT want to 'experience'/'do'/'live' 'life', in that very general/'objective' way, in a very generic/general way, not reffering to any 'kind of life' in particular.

Im not "suffering", nor "in pain" nor anything like that and have never suffered nor have never been abused nor bullied nor any other "bad" thing an 'my parents' are 'good'/'great' 'parents' (i put the 's because i couldn't care less and i dont give a shit about the 'meaning' of anything/whatever "positive" thing), and they 'love'/'want'/'appreciate'/'support'/'value' 'me' (or whatever those "positive" 'verbs' mean lol) and
'I' have a 'loving'/'supportive'/'caring'/'great' 'family'/'parents' (or whatever the fuck those ""positive"" 'words'/'adjectives', whatever the fuck those 'words' are, mean lol) and 'I' couldn't care any less. I dont give a shit. I dont "hate"/"dislike" 'them' at all, nor anyone/anything in general, and don't have anything against anything/anyone in general at all, I just dont care for fucks sake. 'My parents' give 'me' 'kisses' and 'hugs' and I couldn't care any less of a fuck lol. "YOuRe eMpTY aNd brOkeN aNd iTs fOr a rEaSoN" lol no im neither "empty" nor "broken" or whatever the fuck those 'adjectives' mean and it's not because of any fucking reason. "YoUrE sO cOldHeArtEd aNd cArEleSs aNd cRuEl", as if i gave a fucking shit 'who'/'how'/'what' 'I' 'am'/'I' 'am' 'not' lol. As if I gave a shit if 'Im' "cold-hearted", "careless", "cruel" or whatever orher """"""negative"""""" 'way'/'thing'/'personality'/'adjective'. And what if im "careless" or whatever the fck that means lol why the damn fck do I have to 'care' yes or yes about 'something'?
and? Why do i have to care? I "have it all", a 'shelter'/'place to live in'/'house', food, 'comfort', 'place to sleep', clothes, 'good health', 'healthy body', 'healthy brain', 'loving'/'supportive'/'good'/'great' 'parents' blah blah and many other ""positive""/""good"" 'things' and I couldnt give any fucking less of a fuck lol.
I simply just don't want to have any passage through not only "the World"/"planet Earth"/"life"/"human life" or whatever all 'this' that I was forcedly/inevitably taken into without my consent is. What if I simply just don't want to exist at all, as anything/'anyone'? (and I wouldn't give a shit if that was the case, I don't understand why do "I" have to want to live/do/experience etc 'life' and be part of it and 'explore'/'know'/'see'/'experience' 'the world' and 'planet earth' or whatever all this is that I was forcedky brought to against my will is. I just don't care. I'll never understand why is this (or whatever other thing it could've been, if lets say, this was 'another thing' or 'we' were very different 'species'/'life forms' or another 'thing' or whatever or 'we' were 'brought' to another/a different 'life'/'world'/'planet'/'existence'/'space'/'place'/'universe'/'galaxy' or whatever other 'thing' lol) an obligation. Why pro-lifers, why make this obligatory, i just cant comprehend. 'I' was 'born'/'came' 'here'/'was' 'brought' 'here' against my will, without my consent and forced, because two human bodies/'people'/'human beings' wanted/decided to bring another 'human body'/'human being' 'here' to 'life'/'planet earth'/'existence'/'the world' or whatever all 'this' 'is' (I don't want/donte care about and never will neither any of 'this' no matter what/how it is regardless the 'way'/'type' of 'thing'/'place' it is/it can be, nor literally any other 'thing'/'type of thing' at all in general whatever/however it is) but, what if i literally just don't want to? Why just because 'you' care/want to has to mean i care and want too? I just dont. Again there is no 'reason' at all behind it. I just don't.

I really hope there's absolutely NOTHING after death. I hope I literally disappear from general existence and become nothing forever, not only "my perception of existence", I mean existence in general. I just don't want to be anything nor 'anyone'. I don't want to be anywhere, I don't want to 'be' any type of 'life form', I don't want to 'be' any 'living being', any 'creature'/'individual', any 'something'/'someone'. Just literally nothing, eternally. Eternal oblivion. Eternal nothingness. Eternal non-existence.

I don't want any other 'life' NOR any other type of 'consciousness'/'existence' after I'm finally gone. I just want to literally not exist at all. Nothing. That's what I want. "I" don't want to 'be', 'become', 'exist as' ANYTHING AT ALL, whether it's imaginable or unimaginable, describable or undescribable. I really hope there's nothingness after what we called death, I really hope it's the end and that "I" won't 'become'/'be' 'something' ever again and that I won't be brought to any other 'place' nor type of 'consciouness'/'existence' or whatever. I ONLY want to finally just literally disappear forever/permanently and not become any other 'thing'/'being', any other 'entity'. Just literally nothing. and there will be people who say weLl nOtHinG dOeSnT eXiSt, nOtHinG iSnT a ThInG bY dEfInItIoN, well of course it isnt a thing lmao. Nothing is not a 'thing', it's not any kind of 'something', you don't have to try to imagine it because it is unimaginable, undescribable, it just doesn't exist, it isnt anything at all.
Of course nothing doesn't exist, thats the point of NOTHINGNESS. It isnt anything, it's not a 'thing', it cant be visible/tangible, nothing is the opposite of something so of course it doesn't exist, nothing is nothing, literally that, just nothing and you wont see it nor feel it nor touch it nor whats beyond of the 5 senses "human bodies" have because it just isnt anything. It isnt. Just because 'we' only have access to 'something', to existent 'things', doesn't mean that there can't be just nothing after i finally die and cease to exist eternally. just because nothing can't be imaginable/measurable/tangible/visible doesn't mean that there cant just be nothing. If 'nothing' is a human concept then those who claim that there's consciousness after this one is also just a concept too, and an "afterlife"/"reincarnation" is just a concept too. 'Nothing' is just a word just like something is, just because there is a made il word for that to be able to say that that's what I want when i die, it doesn't mean that it's something that exists, of course it doesnt exist lol why would nothing be 'existent'/'something'/a 'thing'? If it was existent it would already be something then why call it nothing if its something. Nothing is not any something. It just isnt. There isnt anything, any type of thing not even beyond our 'imagination'. "NoTHiNg iSnT sOmEtHinG, eVeRtyThiNg sTarTs fRoM sOmeThIng, nOtHinG cAnT bE bEfOre a bEgInNinG oF sOmEthIng, tHaTs wHy NotHiNgNeSs iSnT a PoSsIbIlItY, bEcAuSe iT dOeSnT eXIsT aNd sOmEtHinG hAs tO fOlLoW aNoThEr tHiNg." Well, saying that there has to be something before something is just an opinion, it's just an assumption, why there has to be something before something. not because 'this' 'is' and is 'something', because 'we' 'know' it's 'something' because of the 'brain'/'awareness'/'consciousness' or whatever the fuck that crap shit is, doesnt mean that there has to be another 'something' afterwards. and of course it's not that "death happens after death", if it 'happens' it would already be something, nothing isnt any anything, it doesnt happen, it's not that it "converts" into 'nothing', if it converts it would already be 'something', nothing is just nothing. there isn't anything ,there isnt anything that 'happens', it is not describable neither imaginable. because nothing doesnt exist.
of course nothing doesnt exist, it isnt anything, there isnt anything, theres no "matter"/"energy" at all and there isnt any type of consciousness, its just nothing, neither an "empty space" nor "darkness", NOTHING. nothing isnt anything, it just isn't.
nothing is absolutely anything at all, there isnt anything, there's no type at all of 'space', nothingness is not an "empty space", that would already be 'something', an empty space has to exist for it to be an empty space because even if it's "empty", it is already occupying an space, also nothingness isn't "darkness", that would also be something too. Nothing just isn't. It doesn't exist in any form possible. And obviously you cant imagine nothingness because nothingness doesn't exist, you can only imagine things that exist. It's obvious that 'nothing' isn't existent, nothing isn't any 'something', it isn't any 'thing'. Nothing isn't. Well thats what i hope death is. Nothing at all. This is just what i wish and hope death is, non-existence. Eternal absolutely oblivion and just nothingness. I want to disappear for all eternity in every way possible, i truly hope that there won't be 'something' after this 'something' and that consciousness won't continue in some other form because that'd be an absolute fucking garbage. i literally just don't want to exist at all, in any 'form'/'way'/'type'. obviously you all dont have to agree that this is a "fact"/the "truth" because it's just what I HOPE AND WISH death is. it's just my opinion
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Nov 14, 2020
Personally, I think the afterlife is what you think the afterlife is. For me I want to be reborn into a life similar to this but in a different world. A more perfect world without problems or hate, where I'm happy, where I have a nice house and a job I enjoy... Somewhere I have enough time for hobbies. Like that
Me too. When I was small I even made a script with my desired next life. I really wanna have second chance. With better body, healthy family and... Generally better start.


Dec 6, 2019
Topics like these always include a lot of text with what seems like logically correct written sentences, but as a whole, they don't have anything logical or real to say. If you ask me, I could never use the word theory anywhere near these things. Because for a theory you need some kind of observations or other data that first of all exist in the real world. You can believe all you want if it makes you feel better, but for a change in the real world you'll need something more.
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The cause of suffering is the desire to exist
Jul 27, 2020
I'm agnostic so I believe you can expect anything but I strongly lean towards eternal nothingness. You look at any beliefs besides that and could mark them up to being ways that people reconcile with their fear of death. There is nothing to fear about death. It's irrational to fear it but SI does wonders.
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Sep 7, 2020
Before the coronavirus hit, I was a devout atheist and thought that death meant complete nothingness. Since then, I've literally shot down the rabbit hole and, since I have a tremendous amount of free time, have discovered a great many things. What happens after death might be good or bad, but KNOW THIS - death is not the end. The journey continues. If you are critically suicidal, take comfort in knowing this.
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death is not the end. My 25 yr old son died in a car accident 3 years ago. Not only have I had crazy signs of him with photo proof of some of it- but I have very legit mediumship readings at least hmm 8?. Things the medium would not know unless he was telling them. Things that could not be found anywhere. I can elaborate more - I have most of the readings copied to a document program and can share- and give why she said certain things. The 1 reading especially she said a certain word my son used for something and it gave me chills- there was no way she would have known. She said I want to say leave the cancer sticks alone- my sons EXACT words for my cigarettes. Which wasn't on facebook or anywhere that she could have found. She also knew I was contemplating suicide. My son comes in dreams- crazy insane ones. Monkey story is one- look up the thread. It's totally insane. I've been told he is with my grandmother by more than 1 medium. I called her Nanny and they got that name. That he is surrounded by love and peace. In some of the dreams with him I've seen things.

Aside from my afterlife communications with my son- I was on life support twice. After my life support in 2013 for respiratory failure from emphysema and cold germs I began looking into near death experiences and what people experienced. I was told something- I don't know what. I guess when the time is right I'll remember. In the youtube documentaries I watched the ones that really gave me most proof were doctors. Ones that never believed until they had patients die- and revived to tell the doctors what was happening, what people were wearing. I know there are a lot of phony fakes that claim to have had a near death experience but not all are fake.

Yes, there is more after this life.. I think we are in hell, I know I am since my son died.
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