

Jul 9, 2020
Before the coronavirus hit, I was a devout atheist and thought that death meant complete nothingness. Since then, I've literally shot down the rabbit hole and, since I have a tremendous amount of free time, have discovered a great many things. What happens after death might be good or bad, but KNOW THIS - death is not the end. The journey continues. If you are critically suicidal, take comfort in knowing this.
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May 1, 2020
most likely nothing.
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Before I Disappear
Mar 10, 2020
most likely nothing.

This. When I go unconscious I don't go anywhere else. I don't think about anything. I'm not there. I'm assuming death is the same way.
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Oct 4, 2018
"What do you think happens after death? "

You awaken.
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the sea, the sea
Jun 16, 2020
I take very little comfort in the prospect of an afterlife. I both believe in and hope for oblivion.
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Jul 8, 2020
Personally, I think the afterlife is what you think the afterlife is. For me I want to be reborn into a life similar to this but in a different world. A more perfect world without problems or hate, where I'm happy, where I have a nice house and a job I enjoy... Somewhere I have enough time for hobbies. Like that
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May 5, 2020
Can you share more about what you learned? If death is not the end and the journey continues, where do we go?


Jan 20, 2020
There are different views according to sources.

First you are totally unconsious then you came back to a form of conscience. You might be able to se your dead body and float around.

Then there are different options :

- you might feel dragged downward, or falling in a endless pit. You might have some hellish vision. Most of the time people who experience this type of Nde scream for help. A mystic light appears and uplift you in the direction of the light tunnel.

- you might be stuck in limbos. It's a place where suicidal awaits the effective dead of their vital principle. Indeed, life is not only a physical phenomenon but they are archetypes participating in this life. You are bound to this place waiting that thoses archetypes run out of energy (that is to say the normal date of your death according to your soul's contract).

- you might be fearing the life review, and refusing to pass through. Don't fear it because during the life review, the only judge is your soul. It's a matter of learning, mistakes are inevitably made during this life.

- you might cross the light tunnel, and be healed and cured for having been commiting suicide. In this place they are nice landscapes and animals to confort you, when you are ready you can go and continue your journey.

Most of spiritual and religious say that suicide is a negative act. You might have to face the consequence of this deed. But in this society many people are commiting forms of suicide : eating bad food, driving too fast, drinking alcohol, taking risks.

In term of soul's eovlution if you 've decided to experiment growth by taking empowerment let's say with disease and poverty, and you feel that it's too hard for you, if you quit, you might have to restart another life, with the same challenge, in another place, in another body.

I don't know myself...
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Jul 9, 2020
Can you share more about what you learned? If death is not the end and the journey continues, where do we go?
Sure. There has been a lot of non-mainstream research into out-of-body experiences - enough so that you could say it's become scientific. They have found that you are made up of your physical body and an astral body. To the untrained, you experience astral projection when you sleep and remember it sometimes. To the trained, you can control this body, during sleep and meditation, and explore the vastness of the universe. When you die, the physical body dies but the astral body lives on and is conscious. Once you've died, many things can happen. It depends on your belief system and emotional state at the time of your death. If you're catholic, you arrive at the pearly gates. If you choose to, you can reincarnate back to Earth as another person. Sometimes, people die in a way that makes them vibrate at a near-physical or partially-physical level and remain here as a ghost or poltergeist. You can change your vibration and move on though, usually with help from other beings. There's really no limit to what you can do. The Universe is infinite.
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Jul 1, 2020
There's an idea of a shared, universal consciousness, probably most among psychedelic users. Maybe after death, our "souls" return to this source. At this point, I realize nobody can make any claims about the spiritual world. I cannot say I truly believe in this, but I can't say it's wrong. It's a strange kind of feeling.

I wondered what I would actually perceive during death and after, since I have never experienced not being alive before. Anything before my first memories is a complete blank. If there is nothing, I wonder what I would feel and see when I go back to being blank. Could it be like a psychedelic experience where you perceive but detached from a sense of "I?"
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May 5, 2020
I wonder what types of work to pursue before ctb to make sure my soul is ready to move on, rather than try to reincarnate or get stuck. Perhaps I should be treating myself as if I was my own death doula so to speak? Would really be tragic to leave this plane and end up in the same situation..
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Never play cards with a magician.
Apr 19, 2020
This is a fascinating topic, and one I think about a lot. I am torn between thinking that we are able to rest somewhere pleasant, and thinking that we all somehow come back, in the form of something. I'd be happy with either, so long as it wasn't worse than here.
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Deleted member 17949

Deleted member 17949

May 9, 2020
Maybe nothing, maybe one of a huge number of possible somethings. The speculation is enormous, so I may as well just wait and find out ngl
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Jun 30, 2020
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Jul 9, 2020
I wonder what types of work to pursue before ctb to make sure my soul is ready to move on, rather than try to reincarnate or get stuck. Perhaps I should be treating myself as if I was my own death doula so to speak? Would really be tragic to leave this plane and end up in the same situation..
Don't reincarnate here. You can go anywhere you want. Why would you want to stay here?
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Jul 9, 2020
I read this book once where everyone who died went to an island far away and aged backwards. Everyone was kind, and you could have your dream job. You would slowly get younger among people who cared about you. Once you became a baby again, you would be sent peacefully back to earth to try living a different life.

I'd like to think something like this happens after death, though the scientific part of me thinks it might be just non-existence (which sounds scary to me)
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Jun 6, 2020
Don't reincarnate here. You can go anywhere you want. Why would you want to stay here?
Is there any possibility I could bug you for reading material? this is 100% what I need to help. If not I understand, and still greatly appreciate what you've said so far


Jul 9, 2020
Is there any possibility I could bug you for reading material? this is 100% what I need to help. If not I understand, and still greatly appreciate what you've said so far
Yea, my knowledge comes from a compilation of many sources over a long time. Give me some time to find some easily digestible stuff.


Oct 4, 2018
Is there any possibility I could bug you for reading material? this is 100% what I need to help. If not I understand, and still greatly appreciate what you've said so far

There are fascinating and extremely large and elaborate websites all about this subject. I could give u some links if u like. Let me know. I don't have them at hand at the moment. You could find them by searching for "life after death".
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Apr 21, 2020
I've always been divided, the logical part of me says "of course nothing happens, humans aren't capable of truly understanding 'nothing' and that's why we have concepts of an afterlife" but the hopeful part of me believes in reincarnation of some kind.
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Jul 9, 2020
Is there any possibility I could bug you for reading material? this is 100% what I need to help. If not I understand, and still greatly appreciate what you've said so far
OK, so there's a TON of viewing and reading material on the subject. I invite you to start exploring instead of me mapping it out for you. I will provide a seed.
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Oct 4, 2018
SointoYou - Very interesting sig you have...sign on name too.
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Jun 11, 2020
If you believe in biology evolution , then there is no reason to believe something different happens to humans than to ants.

Also if you have no body there is no thinking no feeling no personality no time so nothing happens.
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Jun 12, 2020
Personally, I like to think you can choose. I like to believe you can stick around to watch over your loved ones, travel to different dimensions (including "heaven"), be reborn with reincarnation, or what have you. I'm not exactly sure what that makes me... so I lump myself in with spiritual.

I believe THIS is hell, and you get to eventually choose as a reward of sorts for enduring this world.

I think the "afterlife" is what you make it or choose.

Then again, if I'm wrong, and it's just blank nothingness... I'll never know or care.
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I was born human and I'm sorry for that. ——太宰 治
Jul 9, 2020
The afterlife I wish is reincarnation by going back to when I was born, with some properties improved a little bit (e.g. being more handsome, being smarter, having a better family) for next round of life. Just like use the save/load function to play pc games and load the game back to when I was born.
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Dec 27, 2018
Four things predictably happen for each of us quite soon after death. Their order might vary, but in general we will:

  • Rejoin our greater minds. By most accounts this happens almost at once, and often even before we re-enter the Summerland. When we chose to enter this earth-life just ended, we stripped down to just a bit of our vast, eternal minds, a remnant designed for rapid spiritual learning. So we return home still living in our same old limited earth-minds and feeling confused about what is going on, being met by people who look familiar but not sure why that might be so. Then in an instant, our minds expand enormously! We are at once inconceivably brilliant, we recognize people we knew in other lives, and we remember where we are and so many details, so many people, just a dazzling mental expansion that puts us right back into this greater life that we had forgotten about altogether.
  • Sleep. Even if we died without particular issues, many of us will fall asleep soon after we arrive. Then we will wake up raring to go, and never need to sleep again.
  • Experience a life-review. Whether it happens in a public building or more intimately in our heavenly home, we will join with our spirit guides and perhaps with some who had shared this lifetime with us, and we will re-experience our whole earth-life just ended primarily from the viewpoint of those we affected. We will get to feel how we made other people feel. Those who have been through a life-review often say that it wasn't so much the big things they did wrong that upset them to re-experience, since they had remembered and been prepared to face those big things. But rather, most of us undergoing a life-review are stunned to realize how many times we treated other people shabbily, we shamed an overweight classmate or disrespected a dignified older person, acted selfish and grabby, or simply ignored an easy chance to do some little kindness. Even with guides and loved ones to help us analyze the events of our lives just past, a life-review is always tough! Then once we have re-experienced the lifetime just ended from the viewpoint of everyone whose life we touched, we are asked to forgive them all. Believe it or not, that's the easy part! We know now that none of it was real and everyone is fine, so of course we gladly forgive them all. Family murdered before our eyes? No problem! But then we are asked to forgive ourselves for the harm that we did to all these others, and many people have trouble with that. We find the way that we behaved so disappointing! Forgiving ourselves is essential, though, since otherwise our consciousness vibrations will gradually drop, and we could end up putting ourselves into the Outer Darkness levels. There is lots of counseling and help available, and those that we wronged in life are there hugging us, so fortunately most of us do manage to forgive ourselves. But it's not easy. When I first understood that, believe me, I really cleaned up my act!
  • Party hearty. Soon after we arrive, we are feted at a gala party. Although we live widely scattered, there is a kind of mental Internet in place, so you will be amazed to find almost everyone you knew in your lifetime showing up. And believe me, the dead know how to party! You'll expect food and drink, so it is going to be served. You might hope for some of the music you loved, and for me early-Elvis himself will perform. John Lennon will sing "Imagine," and when he comes to "Imagine there's no heaven," everyone will laugh. You will recognize your greatest enemies of this lifetime as actually close eternal friends who had played those negative roles in your life as their gift to help you better grow spiritually. Your party might be held in a public building, or perhaps at your extended family's compound.

Now begins an infinity of time in which we can do an infinity of things! What we call the afterlife is a kind of foyer to the gigantic astral planes, and outside of time there is no limit to how long we can spend living based here and venturing into the astral, just happily playing. These are some of the kinds of activities that many mediums have heard about from those who live there:

  • Doing rescue work. When we first arrive, our personal consciousness vibrations are still rising, so we might be invited by an advanced being to venture into the Outer Darkness and try to get the attention of someone there who can't see our lofty companion, but who probably can see us. We then try to make the connection between them as a first step toward helping to rescue someone who has been deemed to be ready to rise.
  • Satisfying our curiosity. There are great libraries full of human knowledge stored as scrolls, libraries where we can re-experience all our other earth-lives, and opportunities to sit at the feet of humankind's greatest masters, including Jesus and Buddha!
  • Learning new skills. We can study music, art, and just about anything else. A hundred years ago, many who were poor in life were eager to learn from Mozart how to play the piano, and happy to learn to draw from Michelangelo and learn to paint from Rembrandt and Rubens. Children born as prodigies probably learned their skills this way, between lives and under the greatest experts!
  • Having earth-like fun. Every kind of activities or hobbies that you enjoy and like to do here is also available there.
  • Building things. Although stick-building things is possible there, almost no one ever does it. If we want to build something, we design it in collaboration with more advanced building teams, and then we watch as those teams simply think our new creation into shimmery existence that then becomes solid before our eyes.
  • Working out earth's future advances. People with special expertise are given laboratories where they can create, and then they channel in to people on earth the next great advances to be made. For example, it is said that Steve Jobs is now working on a mind-powered iPad.
  • Attending and performing in concerts and plays. We can hear and see all the greats perform, and we even can perform ourselves if we like! All concerts and plays are performed in great open-air coliseums where every attendee is front-and-center in the first row. Our hearing in the afterlife is much enhanced, and when orchestras play, people can actually see the music as glorious colors and shapes appearing above the players. Many recently-dead entertainers perform, especially including John Lennon, Frank Sinatra, and Elvis Presley (in early, later, and Las Vegas versions).
  • Cultural fun. One recent fad is re-experiencing great cultural moments. For Americans, attending the Continental Congress, visiting a wild-west town, and re-creating the nineteen-fifties are three that have been mentioned.
  • Lots of traveling! We can go to the ends of the earth, the edge of the universe, and even almost infinite other dimensions, all instantly and entirely by mind. We can visit the Summerlands of the great civilizations, and there we can – for example – watch the pyramids being built.
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Sep 21, 2019
you start exact same life over again
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Jun 12, 2020
you start exact same life over again
The same life? That's crappy. I'm guessing you at least get to make different choices? Or do you mean you just start life over, like reincarnation?
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Sep 21, 2019
The same life? That's crappy. I'm guessing you at least get to make different choices? Or do you mean you just start life over, like reincarnation?
Yep, the very same life.
it will definitely feel like you are making choices (same as now) but nah, your choices will be the same due to determinism (same as now).
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Jun 12, 2020
Yep, the very same life.
it will definitely feel like you are making choices (same as now) but nah, your choices will be the same due to determinism (same as now).
That sounds horrible. I don't want that Haha is it an endless loop?
  • Aww..
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