
Apr 18, 2024
I know that if we want to do CBT, we all want it to be as painless and easy as possible. There are certain ways that are subjectively "right" to certain people. I am trying to get as many options as possible. One thing is due to the difficulty of obtaining SN, Pentobarbital so on. The other is how you feel right before you commit to it. For methods act quickly, many went through them but many did not due to the last moment stress. So much stress overcomes your desperation and impulsion. Some might regret for not going through and might be happy to stop. The point is even the painless and easy ways are really mentally challenging in the last second, and it requires a tremendous amount of courage.

But how about VSED/dry fasting? It takes a while to reach the end but is it more mentally peaceful? It can be painful but you don't get the last moment stress like the quick methods. It takes a different kind of courage than the quick methods. People met their makers through this method by choice usually felt it was the right thing to do. I have been researching about the process of VSED|dry fasting online but I cannot find enough information about healthy people do it for CBT. Most people successfully passed away through VSED|dry fasting are monks/priests, elders and people who want to lose weight. Their purposes were not just purely death. For monks/priests, it is to get closer to their god(s). For elders, it is for not suffering from illness and causing trouble to others. For weight-lost people, it is to lose weight. Their goals were positive, at least to them, so they had what it took to go through so many days. In a way, it is kinda romantic.

Honestly, one of the reasons that I am posting this is because I couldn't find a supplier for SN/Pentobarbital. Also for someone who attempted overdose once already, I am aware how difficult it is to go through at the last moment without mess up. I ended up calling someone then got sent to the hospital for a month. I lived another 10 years but sometimes I wondered maybe I shouldn't chicken out at the last moment back then. But with VSED/dry fasting, it is almost as if I am achieving a higher purpose in life instead of just quitting life. It can't be impulsive because it might take a healthy person a month to meet their end. You need the mentality to convince yourself that it is the "right" thing to do constantly throughout the whole time.

What do you guys think about this topic? One thing I like about this forum is that I can discuss this kinda question with everyone :).
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Stuck in a black hole...
Mar 26, 2024
VSED is not comparable to sallekhana. You're not transcending, as sallekhana achieves. We don't give up food and water. We continue to eat and drink foods that deplete our fat reserves. Then we are tended to by fellow monks, who will continue to give us water but we do not eat any more. We are stuck in bed due to lack of energy to move. Then one day, we have moved on. This process takes months to years. We don't do it because we want to die or want to be "closer to god" [Jains and Buddhists don't worship gods]. We do it because we're physically disabled and unable to continue our religious vows due to that disability. A sallekhana vow is not taken among those who are able-bodied. Unlike those who have suicidal ideation, there is no passion in this act of sallekhana. Some Jains are more old school and will wander out into the wilderness of Southern Asia, never to return [they die by tigers or leopards, usually].

You need water. It is extraordinarily painful to be dehydrated. Few people can commit suicide successfully with VSED.
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Don’t try to offer me help, I’ve tried everything
Mar 10, 2020
There are many threads out there explaining why VSED doesn't work. There are also threads from people who are actively/have attempted it in real time and they have all failed through eventually caving and breaking fast. A couple of users have been at it for weeks now and keep getting set back by breaking fast and then trying again. It is an unbelievably drawn out method if you somehow manage to make it. The idea of the body lasting only three days without water is not true in many cases. Most who try it, myself included, only made it 5 days before caving.
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