gate gate paragate parasamgate bodhi svaha
- Apr 12, 2019
- 4,704
Should have prefaced my claim with, "My own research has led me to believe," and closed it with, "I could be wrong."
About post-death musings...the development of language that, along with opposable thumbs, propelled human evolution, made us heavily reliant on symbols to make sense of each other, ourselves, and phenomena. I think it's quite possible that gods/devils, heavens/hells/limbos, and life/pre-life/afterlife may just be powerful symbols of our highest aspirations and deepest fears, symbols that help social beings self-regulate. If that's true, I'm pretty resentful of our biology. I don't understand why we would develop such an adaptive trait that would make us likely to be dependent on lies, but I've seen no convincing evidence to refute it.
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