
Oct 17, 2022
i'm sure i'm not the only one here with a completely hopeless life. i have no talents, no positive personality traits, no desire to build a "good life for myself", i'm nothing and not someone many people will miss. i've wasted my entire life up to now and my real purpose in life is to end it.

i don't see what else i'm expected to do at this point other than kill myself. why do people try to talk me out of it when they should know that i'm a lost cause? some people don't seem to understand that it's okay to give up sometimes.
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Reactions: ijustwishtodie, Praestat_Mori, Forever Sleep and 2 others


Jun 12, 2024
My friend, this self assessment is so extremely negative that it sounds like faulty thought processes...that you would expect people should know before talking to you that you are garbage and a waste of time. I have difficulty believing you are as useless as you describe yourself to be. Have you tried antidepressants to at least see if your self image rises to a level below zero? At any rate...I hope for good things for you, or a peaceful exit if that is what you choose, but it sounds like maybe you aren't giving yourself a fair shake.

Forever Sleep

Earned it we have...
May 4, 2022
I guess people don't want to come across as callous and agree with you that you are hopeless. It may not actually be true to them either. They may see value or potential in you that you don't.

In a way, I think what's more important is- what does the individual want? Someone could be massively talented but still be utterly miserable. Should they still stick around because they are valuable to other people and to society?

I guess the crux of it for all of us is- what is it that is making us so unhappy and, can we fix it?

I know what you mean though. I think we are all programmed to some extent to try to preserve other's lives. Honestly- would you say to someone- 'Your situation looks hopeless, I think suicide would be your best bet.' I doubt many of us would. Here, we may go as far as saying- 'I can understand why you feel that way and- you have a right to feel that way.'


death will be my ultimate bliss
Oct 29, 2023
They talk you out of it because they are selfish and want you alive for various reasons. The primary reason for them wanting you alive is so that you can be a wage slave and contribute to society. The secondary reason is that your death would make them uncomfortable and they don't like discomfort hence they have to try and prevent your death as much as they can... but of course they'll prevent that with as little effort as possible as they themselves are exhausted due to being a wage slave in life.

Them talking you out of suicide has nothing to do as to whether you're a lost cause or not
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