

Apr 12, 2023
Proceeds do exactly that; defend.
Trigger-happy sons of bitches.
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silly red fox guy
May 1, 2023
If you ever doubt that they dont care abt us, realize that they send police and not EMS.
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Feb 11, 2020
Yes I know , thought I would just give an example.
Totally fine, but the reason I mentioned that is because it seemed like you were replying to some things I'd said to the other poster as if I'd said them to you, and since you hadn't made the same arguments ("kill or be killed", etc) the other poster had, my statements to them or questions of their words aren't directed at you. I've been arguing that the police system, overall, treats people badly from the start of my comments, but your response seemed like you thought I was saying the opposite of that.

So what you mean by the last part is... by me doing something to cop ... its going to make cops in general be bad towards everyone else ?
Yes, do you really think the police system doesn't use the times they're physically and violently attacked as justification for being more physically aggressive in the future? It's one of the reasons they continue to train their officers with a "shoot first, ask questions later" mentality.

This has been studied and proven to be true, if police officers experience physical aggression from citizens, they are much more likely to be more aggressive towards *other* citizens (people who are completely unrelated to the person who was physically aggressive to them in the first place).

This is just one of many studies on the subject:

"This table shows that the experiences of aggression of police officers in the past 6 months are… strongly related to the use of force in the career (r = 0.53, p < 0.001). Experiencing aggression is therefore related to the way police officers behave toward citizens."

This is a well-studied phenomenon. Cops don't just refresh their mental state, stigma, judgments and beliefs after every violent call. They're literally encouraged by every part of the job they're in to be more aggressive in general in the future, instead of considering people individuals.

I'm just having a hard time figure out who the innocent people are i think ?
I'm not involving anyone else..

ok I hear you , kind of like do good and good things will follow.
I'm sure this has happened many times in my life.
But I can guarantee you by being a nice guy or turning the other cheek type thing.
Those people LE or not.
Will continue thier actions because they have never had any repercussions for it.
No, definitely not "do good things and good things will follow", I don't believe that's true at all (that's like the idea of "karma", which is basically magic, and doesn't actually have any proven results or interaction with reality). I've expanded on this already, so I will probably repeat myself some here. My whole point is that turning the other cheek or being a nice guy doesn't *improve* LE's behavior, I've stated that several times. That's not the only possible outcome. The options aren't only 1. Improve police's behavior or 2. Ignore any contributing damage a personal decision of ours would have. We can both acknowledge that we can't improve their behavior, and acknowledge that we shouldn't knowingly make it *worse*.

In situations where you have a choice, where you can think about it ahead of time, and where you have the resources (Google) to look up readily available information about the direct impacts your actions will cause for other people, my opinion is that there's no justification for saying "screw all the (non-LE) people that are likely to be affected by this, I'm doing it anyways". That's what I'm asking about when I'm asking about an argument behind it; knowing this information, what is the justification for saying your wish to die by cop is more important than the effects it will have on other people? For me it makes it *more* obvious that I don't want other people to be harmed by police when I've been through it myself.
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Apr 12, 2023
Also, his criminal status should be irrelevant. Literal pedophiles and rapists have been forgiven because they're rich and/or powerful.
Just a reminder to me being poor I am powerless. Even as a soldier, I can't fight my battle with the all mighty power of gelt.
I know that there's good cops out there, but the more I learn about what the police force does, the more I lose faith in them. Where did all the good cops go?
Never existed. Just shrouded beneath the veil because they're hardly ever held accountable. They think just 'cause the wear that uniform they're all mighty.
They're not soldiers, they're pigs who shroud themselves in clothes of cold linen. Hold it close to their hearts 'cause they know its cold.
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