r/okaybuddyretard makes me laugh, too, and the idea of you laughing at a drawn jar of jam is also a hilarious thought to me.
My sense of humour has also always been a bit "off" in comparison to what generally seems to make people laugh, like people who have fucked up while cooking, a picture of two paper towel rolls in a blue dumpster that looked like Cookie Monster, people drawing pictures of cats while their eyes are closed, a random stack of birdhouses... one time I was in line at the grocery store (back when I could still somewhat manage that) and a glass of some preserved food rolled off the belt and onto the floor and smashed, and a baby in a stroller pointed at it and I couldn't stop laughing no matter how hard I tried. Stuff like that really gets to me, and I find it way funnier than (most) jokes, puns or popular comedy shows. I don't know why, but that's the way it is.
Another thing I can think of off the top of my head is, I absolutely fucking HATE when people lick their finger before touching paper/turning a page. This generally doesn't seem to bother people, but for me, just thinking about it makes me cringe. It's so gross, it leaves a spit dot on the paper and it pisses me off to even see it happening, but it happens so quickly that I can't look away in time. Fuck's sake.
Also, styrofoam peanuts and cotton balls give me the creeps, big-time.