Deleted member 847
Yeah well I think multiculturalism is a horse shit approach to society anyway.I only have two issues with eugenics:
Firstly, because of all the [demographic] supremacists out there, any eugenics program is likely to turn into another case of outbreeding whatever other demographic(s) you believe to be inferior, completely ignoring the health and life quality of the children forced into existence in favor of unsubstantiated beliefs in racial superiority. Then there is the pro-disability crowd who think that being disabled is a "gift" or a "blessing" that should be shared by other people. I myself am disabled and would not wish such an existence on anyone. While accepting and helping disabled people is very important for any civilized society, these people fail to understand the difference between helping disabled people already here and creating more disabled people. There have even been cases of deaf parents having actively tried for a deaf child to continue "deaf culture" or parents of children with genetic diseases proclaiming said diseases to be a "gift". This is absolutely cruel and happens already with pugs. I find it naive to believe that large-scale selective breeding of "cute deformed children" for social media likes would not occur.
Secondly, it doesn't go to the root of the issue and is merely applying a bandaid on the fundamentally bad idea that is birth. There are simply no good reasons for procreating and forcing a child to suffer and die in the end. To expand on my analogy, it's like cutting someone with a knife and then applying a bandaid on the wound. Yes, the bandaid might help a little but it was completely unnecessary to cut the person in the first place. It's an exercise in futility and a multiplier for suffering.
In short, while eugenics works great in theory, in practice humans are too moronic to use it appropriately and are more likely to cause further suffering with it than what we're doing now.
The only reason why we compete with each other, why we have wars is
The opposite of that would be social cohesion,
when everyone feels that they belong in the hierarchy of the group
You don't have to fight someone that looks like you, believes in what you believe, has the same habits that you have, agrees with almost everything you say and do
Conflict only happen when people have different values
The future of civilization is the hive mind
the borg from Star Trek
I mean just think how organised and fast such a society would be
It would outcompete all the other slow and diverse societies, that are made out of components that can refuse to function/follow orders
It would be like the roman empire
against the disorganised barbarians
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