Well, here I go as well:
Good: Doing Sports, Walking Around, Practicing Mindfulness, Listening to Music (Ambiance and Electronic), Playing Games (Single-player Story-based games), Reading Books (Science Fiction, Fantasy and Magical Realism), Watching Anime, Watching TV Series (Computer Animated as well), Cleaning My Living Space and Spending Time on SaSu of course
Bad: Watching Porn
And .. I loved your answers and .. I want to judge! May I judge? Please let me judge! I'm going to judge now. : )
If you think that I'm inappropriate please ignore me or tell me and I will edit/delete part of my post. (Hmm .. maybe this is bad mechanism)
Eating is my main one. Which I know is no good ultimately because it makes me fat which makes me feel even worse.
Eating can be good too if you eat the right stuff. For example: I binge on fruit instead of sweets, I eat 2 or 3 apples per day and sometimes bananas too. What do you like to eat? What are you obsessed with?
Sleeping (Idk if it's good or bad)
Staying in my bed and daydream (probably bad)
Playing lot of multiplayer videogames (definitely bad, very toxic environment)
Reading manga and watching anime (still better than playing videogames probably)
I sleep a lot too, but not as much as
@reallysleepy. I'm clocking around 8 to 9 hours day. What can I say, I'm lazy, and I like it. : ) But I think it's bad if we sleep too much, or too little.
I daydream too. I'm not sure if it's bad, I don't think it is. I think it's like .. writing a story, yes. If you don't live a good story then you dream one. I dream some, I make some (I roleplay when I play videogames) and I live some (when I'm reading books).
I used to play multiplayer games and I think it depends on the game, on the community, on the level you are playing at and how good you are at dealing with other players. I heard about toxic environments but I never experienced them. I did some high level / higly competitive gaming in Battlefield and Guild Wars. Battlefield players were cool and Guild Wars players were outstanding. I could not have asked for better company (allied or enemy), I'm extremely happy that I was part of and I miss those communities dearly.
Sleeping a lot (between 10 and 14 hrs a day) (unhealthy)
Drinking and smoking weed until I'm fucked up (unhealthy)
Playing video games and watching TV shows (I count this one as healthy)
Planning how to ctb (idk)
Hanging with the ppl I love (healthy)
Coming to sasu (healthy?)
Why do you sleep so much? Do you want to or does your body want to?
My main coping mechanism is probably sleeping or listening to sad/melancholic music, watching sad movies or documentaries related to mental issues/ctb.
This was my coping mechanism for a good year, I know how frustrating it is. You eat to numb the feelings > gain weight > feel worse > turn to food more. Hard to break the cycle. What helped me was trying to find other hobbies(?) that require a lot of concentration since it would simply help me not to think about food all the time. You can try drawing, or try finding some good series, maybe play some video games. Whatever sounds fun to you. Just remember not to be too harsh on yourself.
As i previously mentioned I think eating can be good too if you eat the right stuff, if you replace the bad with the good.
- drinking (alcohol)
- cutting
- starving myself
i think theres more, cant remember right now.
Cutting? As in cutting yourself with a knife?
And why do you starve yourself?
Going for a drive, listening to nostalgic music, daydreaming
Unhealthy: drinking, cutting
Aaah I miss driving! I used to do this with my ex. I converted my car and we travelled (on and off) for a few years.
In order from healthiest to unhealthiest,
Working out, listening to music, browsing SaSu, video games, cutting.
Cutting? You are the third person mentioning this.
I pretend to be normal. Hide my feelings, never let anyone close enough to know. Unhealthy diet, no exercise, no friends
It worked great, until it didn't.
Arnold Schwarzenegger said about exercise that it is a privilege. I remember this every time I feel like taking a longer break, and then I don't, I resume whatever sports, whatever exercise I can do.
Why did stop?
reading Manga, watching something to distract myself most of the time YouTube, sometimes lighting candles, music
Cutting, sometimes watching gore, throwing up, alcohol, starving myself
I also think there's a bit more but yeah ig that are my main ones
Lighting candles is nice! You know what!? I'm going to steal this! I'm going to do it too from now on. Thank you! <3
What/why are you throwing up and why are you starving yourself?