What age should people gain the right to die

  • any age

    Votes: 59 43.4%
  • 18 and above

    Votes: 54 39.7%
  • 21 and above

    Votes: 12 8.8%
  • 25 and above

    Votes: 15 11.0%
  • 35 and above

    Votes: 5 3.7%
  • 50 and above

    Votes: 2 1.5%

  • Total voters


Jul 29, 2021
choosing to die should be a human right
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May 16, 2023
Choosing to die should absolutely be a human right but we live in an NPC society
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Mar 27, 2023
dying should be a legal right. if you've lived long enough to get taught what life has to offer and you just don't want it, not taking part of it should be a choice.
specially since being born isn't.
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Sing me to sleep ♡
Jun 12, 2023
Your own age or below, obviously.
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Jul 14, 2023
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Just wanting some peace
Sep 24, 2020
The right to die is a human right, I don't see it as being something to be "gained" as nobody is obligated to continue enduring this existence that they were burdened with.
Why should people have to suffer just because other people decided to so cruelly force life here, without the right to die existence would be no different to slavery and imprisonment, and it would be criminal to me forcing one to suffer in this existence where there is endless potential for harm when they want to cease existing.

The right to die is compassionate as it means the option to find true relief and freedom from suffering, suicide is suffering prevention and I see no justifcation for denying people that, it isn't like existence is something so objectivley valuable and beneficial in the first place and I find it very insensitive when people push their life glorifying beliefs which I see as being delusions onto other people.

Not everyone even wants to exist in the first place and death is the most normal thing anyway, I see existence as being completely futile and unnecessary, it could never be desirable to me, I see existence itself as being a horrific mistake.
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Bad english, didn't go to school sorry
May 14, 2023
I started to be depressed as 6 year old so.. you can't make people forced to suffer even if it's a young age
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Mar 3, 2023
It should be, but below 18 is not realistic.
There is no way to guarantee that the person can make that decision yet, and someone will be made responsible.
18 is not a magical number either, there are also people with 18 or older still that can't make that decision yet, but at that point it's no longer anyone else's responsibility.


Silhouettes on the ceiling
Aug 2, 2023
If we're talking assisted suicide, 18+ with plenty of wiggle room for underaged individuals. No one should be forced to suffer a battle they won't win. Case by case though ofc.
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If my name is crossed out, hopefully I'm dead.
May 28, 2023
I believe it should be at birth, regardless of reasons, health status, etc. What's more, I believe it is the most fundamental right there is, and if it is not granted, then all other rights are nothing but a cruel deception to give us a false sense of freedom. We are always told that we are free to choose, people believe that they are free, but this is a fallacy and a harmful delusion.

On the other hand, I have seen people argue that, even if all minors should be eligible, the only realistic age requirement is 18 years and above, and therefore only that criteria should be the goal. To be honest, however, I do not believe that even people aged 18 and over will be able to access assisted suicide any time soon - or perhaps ever. Therefore, if one were to imagine, the ideal scenario would be for such a service to be an inalienable birthright.
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sleep deprived and/or drunk
Jul 23, 2023
i would have never known that kids ever thought about this. my family always had issues as all do. when my mom had friends over, she'd tell them that she thought about giving me away in a joking fashion. think i heard that stupid joke around 50 times. my sis was always treated best. but life just went on for me. i must be the weird one. the thought never crossed my mind when i was that young.

Sad Avocado

Those things I've never said
May 27, 2023
I think its after being 18 years old that you gain full conciousness of your life and know how the world exactly works so its then that you should be entitled to such a decision


Apr 18, 2023
18 or above. I spent my youth being bullied, as a loner, generally without friends or people who gave a shit. If I had a supportive family I would have become successful/and hell maybe even happy. Hell if people IRL cared now I may still be successful. Alas however, there isn't anyone like my entire life. That said I think people should survive until 18 to see if they have a chance to put themselves in a better spot. If they can't. They can CTB. Obviously, there maybe should be some exemptions in extreme cases. But generally 18+. When you are legally an adult.
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Jul 23, 2023
The right to die is a human right, I don't see it as being something to be "gained" as nobody is obligated to continue enduring this existence that they were burdened with.
Why should people have to suffer just because other people decided to so cruelly force life here, without the right to die existence would be no different to slavery and imprisonment, and it would be criminal to me forcing one to suffer in this existence where there is endless potential for harm when they want to cease existing.

The right to die is compassionate as it means the option to find true relief and freedom from suffering, suicide is suffering prevention and I see no justifcation for denying people that, it isn't like existence is something so objectivley valuable and beneficial in the first place and I find it very insensitive when people push their life glorifying beliefs which I see as being delusions onto other people.

Not everyone even wants to exist in the first place and death is the most normal thing anyway, I see existence as being completely futile and unnecessary, it could never be desirable to me, I see existence itself as being a horrific mistake.
Thank you well put.


Seeker Of Heaven
Aug 8, 2023
As soon as they realize that they want to. When they become cognizant of their human condition and when said condition becomes an inexorable burden to them to the point where they become conscious and aware of the fact that suicide is an option, that is when they have garnered the right to die.

I had this epiphany when I was around 9 years old, even if I only had the ability to put it into words by around 14.
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sleep deprived and/or drunk
Jul 23, 2023
i don't want to comment on this as i have no idea why that thought is there at such an early age. i suppose i never felt the pain they went through/are going through.


Emissary of the right to die.
Aug 30, 2018
I would say any age, however, at age 18, it should be a guaranteed right with safeguards and what not. What do I mean by this? For people under age (which is under the age of majority), they can still get access to it, but it would be for special circumstances such as severe illnesses, terminal illnesses, abuse victim trying to find peace, etc. The reasoning for this is because one is not the age of majority, they legally are not considered adults but rather minors and while they do have rights and some freedom to some degree, it isn't quite the same as an legal adult. This is why as far as rights are concerned (guaranteed rights of course) are for the age of majority, and hence why people who are legally considered adults can enter contracts, buy tobacco and alcohol products, join the military, consent, and many more other rights.

So I'm not saying that minors have no right to die, it's just that the bar would be harder, but still allowing it for special circumstances. Additionally, regardless of age, there should be some vetting process and at least a waiting period to ensure that the person is actually choosing it on their own volition and understands the repercussions of their actions.
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"and if this is the end, i am glad i met you."
May 27, 2023
Any age with the caveat that there are checks and other possible avenues have been explored, especially for those under 18


Jan 16, 2021
It's a very difficult question to answer. If, hypothetically, euthanasia were to be available, there would have to be some means of preventing people from panicking and CTBing. I'm unsure what that would be, however.


Jun 1, 2023
In my opinion. You should be able to choose by yourself once your are over 18. If you are under 18, you should have parental consent.


Cringe Isekai Author
Apr 27, 2023
choosing to die should be a human right
At 18. Why? Well, that's the legal age for an adult, it will be less hassle with paperwork and legal procedure, it will be harder for minors but you can apply in advance on your 17th birthday, it will get approved no matter what the cause and you can go get euthanized or access to a method in the next 10-15 years without needing to apply again. This can be done without parental consent if you are 17 or over, but you wouldn't get euthanized if you aren't over 18.
The 18 or over thing is as I said to reduce any negative effects that might come with this decision, if you are legally an adult not many people will bat an eye.


Jul 23, 2023
It should be, but below 18 is not realistic.
There is no way to guarantee that the person can make that decision yet, and someone will be made responsible.
18 is not a magical number either, there are also people with 18 or older still that can't make that decision yet, but at that point it's no longer anyone else's responsibility.
And yet they can drive and have people's lives in their hands.


life is but a dream
Oct 25, 2023
True, but teenagers are known to be impulsive. To minimize harm I'd say we should make suicide itself legal, but assisted suicide should have a minimum age. Not only to protect those who are making that choice but the workers who will assist them. Having to put children to death would make anyone want to CTB. Im aware this is a stance that isnt as popular here; as SaSu generally promotes bodily autonomy, but I do think that we should still protect children who may not understand the weight of their decision from making mistakes. And if they are committed, its allowed to CTB on ones own time.


I'll see you in the Wired.
Feb 4, 2023
Any age, but it should have a waiting period to stop people from acting impulsively. I especially think this should be an option for prisoners or for people charged with crimes, the fact that prisons actively prevent people from committing suicide in custody so that they can continue to suffer is cruel.


Doesn't read PMs
May 20, 2021
I don't think there is an age restriction in most places is there? How would you even enforce it?

I think Belgium and Sweden only actively support the right with assisting from age 11.