Blueberry Jelly

Blueberry Jelly

Mar 2, 2020
I started taking Wellbutrin recently. I feel like it's making things worse but my doctor during a follow up said they prescribed it for me because they feel it would be effective. They want me to come in once a week to see how I'm adjusting etc... They said symptoms would take a couple of weeks if not up to a month to fully adjust.

Does anyone have experience with antidepressants? How long did side effects last? Did you also feel it made things worse, and did that ever go away?
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Mar 25, 2019
Takes up to 8 weeks to fully work. But you can notice the difference in 4-6 weeks time

Wish you well ❤️
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Apr 11, 2020
Personally, all the medications I took seemed to made me feel better after a couple weeks, but then eventually stop having an effect. I switched medications multiple times with the same pattern. Eventually I just stopped taking them. As for Wellbutrin, the only noticeable side effect I got was that it made my tinnitus worse while I was taking it.
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Jun 23, 2020
i've been on 10 different anti-depressants including wellbutrin and none have alleviated symptoms but I hope they can for you


Try me Frozen
Nov 7, 2019
I'm on wellbutrin and I notice neither negative nor positive effects. To me its like a sugar pill. But everyone is different, of course.

My med cocktail causes me to have shaky hands really bad sometimes. Overtime the incidences have decreased.

Overall, antidepressants never worked for me UNTIL I was put on lithium. Lithium is toxic as hell but really does help with suicidal ideation.

So now im on 2 mood stabilizers, 2 antidepressants (Effexor and Wellbutrin), and 1 anti psychotic. This mix works well.

Now the side effects of this cocktail are long lasting. Weight gain (ive gained 20 pounds) and acne, specifically. But thats probably the antipsychotic and lithium.

One more thing, if they switch you to effexor make sure to get all the information on withdrawal. That shit hurts.


Narcissist Gay NEET-cel
Mar 4, 2020
I personally dislike Wellbutrin. It makes me a zombie, fogs my mind. It's really weird and unpleasant.


Mar 23, 2018
It worsened my anxiety so seems different for everyone, which all ADs generally are


May 26, 2019
I'll be the black sheep here. Wellbutrin is the only antidepressant that has a decent (although not strong enough) block on my depression.. I can watch Animal Planet without breaking down in tears.

A step forward, I think.
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Theresa Riot

Theresa Riot

Apr 5, 2020
Wellbutrin gave me chest pain and hives with the first dose.
Blueberry Jelly

Blueberry Jelly

Mar 2, 2020
I feel like it's made things worse. I've been depressed/suicidal for awhile now. This morning, knowing it wouldnt do anything, I tried strangling myself. Put a garbage bag over my head and tried to tie a belt around it. Panicked and tore it off.

Everything feels more intense. there are no highs, just even dullness. The lows are so much lower though. I feel like knowing I need a pill to be normal makes me more worthless than I felt before. I've been having thoughts/urges to self harm for awhile now but now I feel like actually acting on it. Doctor says just push through it, I don't think I can.

I lost a friend, one of the only people I have any contact with outside of work, to suicide fairly recently. For a long time I felt my life was a series of wake up, work, waste a few hours until I sleep, wake up, work, waste a few huors until i sleep... etc... I have nothing in my life to do or fill fulfilled by.

I realized something this morning: If I were to manage to kill myself right now... after a couple days I'd have a voicemail on my answering machine from my boss telling me I'm fired for not showing up. Then after maybe 5-6 weeks of rotting in my home, my cable/electricity/water would be cut off because I stopped paying. And truthfully, I don't know how long I'd just be in here, laying dead by myself, rotting away... before somebody came in to check. And the person who would check would not be a friend or relative. I have none of those anymore. The person I'm buying this house from would probably let themself in, smell the rot, and call the police. They'd end up hauling me off, probably laughing and joking and going about their usual business of dealing with yet another problem. Maybe they'll find the wellbutrin bottle and make a joke like "well, these didn't work huh?" haha. Big laugh. I'd be burned in a furnace and my ashes kept in a box until they realized nobody cared to claim me. Then I'd be dumped in some garbage bin or buried in an unmarked grave.

That's just what my life led up too.

What's worse. The more I think about suicide the more I realize... yeah it means the pain of living is over, but it won't bring relief. It'll just be the end. A long miserable movie with no real conclusion. No happy ending. No poignant statement. I am worthless. I mean nothing. I will of meant nothing.
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Life is a terminal sexually transmitted disease.
Sep 28, 2019
Wellbutrin was one of the few that seemed to work fairly well for me. I took it for 8 months one time and it really made a difference for me after long term usage.

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