

background noise
Jul 13, 2018
guess I'll start to get the ball rolling ^_^ this post will be a mess

TW: sensitive topics

the weirdest person that sticks out to me the most is this girl I met on Amino, who I'll call Karen. If you don't know what Amino is, its basically an app where you can create/join communities that you're interested in. If you're familiar with the app then you'll know there's, for some reason, a ton of weirdos on there regardless of the community you're in.

so anyway, the community in which this story takes place is one dedicated to Kingdom Hearts fans. I used to moderate a roleplay chatroom on there back when I was into that sorta thing, so I saw a lot of interesting stuff. The first thing that caught my eye about Karen was the character (OC) she played as in the roleplay. Usually people will RP a character from their favourite game/movie, like Sephiroth, the Joker, Wolverine... but Karen's character was...herself, but as a princess. Seemed kind of vain, and boy was I right.

There wasn't a set-in-stone story in the roleplay, meaning the users dictated how the story went with no rules or lore. It was basically a free for all. you could go in there and do what you wanted, interact with whoever you want, fight whatever/whoever you want, etc. Karen really took advantage of this and I've had to stop her a few times to keep things child friendly. But alas there were a few times she slipped through my fingers when I was offline to deal with her.

Heres a list of some of the stories she had created for her character, in a RP chat filled with children

1. a school shooting
2. r*pe, and asking her roleplay "mom" to take her to a counselor. she roleplayed as the counselor and the boy who tried r*ping her. She also roleplayed as her lawyer AND the judge. needless to say she went all out on this one.
3. actual murder. in the RP she had a "sister" who was another user in the chat. Karen murdered her because she "lost control" or something bizarre

There were probably more that I didn't see, but eventually she got the chat deleted. From the second I met Karen I knew there was something seriously wrong. It became obvious over time that the reason she was putting herself in these tragic situations was so others could bask her in pity. She wanted to be the center of attention at all times and did whatever she could to achieve that.

Wish I could say that's all she did. She also had a "boyfriend" in the roleplay, who was just herself playing another character. I'll call "him" Joe. So Karen would occasionally make Princess Karen and Joe argue in the RP, and the arguments would get pretty intense. The weird thing was that Karen herself would actually get upset over Joe, as if he was a real person and her actual boyfriend IRL. She'd write paragraphs in other chats about how hurt she was. I remember asking her if Joe was an actual person IRL and she said no.

So yeah lol...I went back to the Amino recently and she's still active, this time in another RP chat. unfortunately whatever she's going through hasn't gotten better because she literally hasn't changed one bit.:/
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kristallene Bergluft über verfallener Gruft
Aug 20, 2019
I've found a small youtube channel, I'll ofc not name it.

It is run by a guy and, oh boy, it is weird as hell. Basically I found him under a Video about Hinduism, he was calling the Hindus Nazis because they use a Swastika, which predates the German one, may I add.

Looking at his channel one might notice five things. Confederate flags, the star of david, christian crosses and loads of MLP stuff.

He has his own little circle of people that he interacts with, where he causes loads of drama.
  • Aww..
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Dec 28, 2019
I prefer to think of them as eccentric or different, sometimes (unfortunately) mentally ill, but yes some can just be weird. I find them interesting and likeable as long as they're not harming anyone or anything.

A few spring to mind. Currently I know of youtuber who seems severely schizophrenic and possibly uses drugs in some of his vids. He talks on many subjects but never makes sense (drugs and women come up a lot) and rarely forms a coherent sentence, 'work salad' aka 'schizophasia'. He sometime shouts, he cries, he paces, dances. He writes chemical formulas over the walls and mirrors of his home. He seems to focus his female comments on two youtube women and they can occasionally be quite negative. He can play the piano really well and looks in good physical shape (he exercises). There is a vid where he 'contemplates suicide' and he's walking around outside near the edge of what looks to be a big drop/cliff edge.

His comments about the vids don't make any sense. He very rarely replies (and makes no sense) to the couple of comments he gets. No one is trolling him (yet).

As a moderator on a small forum I've seen someone create new topics then reply to themselves as a different person, paying themselves complements etc, but as I could see the IP address I knew it was the same person. He seems manipulative ie he will try to befriend people on the site to gain access to their discord, find out private information as discord sometimes has personal information as it's invite only, then post this information on the site to cause trouble between people. This person has also tried to destruct the website by manually spamming it and even once paid for a professional bot spamming service as he believes the owner of the website had a vendetta to 'stop him posting'. I've seen very little evidence of this.

I've seen someone obsessively 'crusade' for over 10 years on a subject of a sexual nature. A legal and pretty common sexual preference that he doesn't like. He thinks people with this preference are psychopathic/mentally ill. He calls for the 'public gruesome slow death' (his words) of people with this preference and 'elected officials' who he believes facilitated it should be 'shot'.

A person I had quite a few chats with quite recently was convinced I was working for the FBI.
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I go on holidays by mistake
May 4, 2020
I can think of two, and both were from MyYearbook (later renamed MeetMe)

The first was an American that was over in England on holiday, I think I'd spoken to her for all of a day and politely dropped into conversation if she was ever in my area - which was highly doubtful as it's the arse end of nowhere, to let me know and I'd buy her a drink. Skip forward a night and I had messages firing in that she was on her way, what was my address, and could she stay for a fortnight. I thought she was joking, til she started sending pics of the train tickets.

The second was someone I'd spoke to for a few hours, she'd noticed on my wall I'd mentioned cake a lot, mainly cake or death (an Eddie Izzard sketch) and she'd taken it upon herself to bake me a cake, which she wanted to drive down and give to me in person. Again, I thought it was tongue in cheek so I gave my mates address. About 6 hours later I got a a WhatsApp off said mate telling me about some mad Scottish lass that had turned up with a cake, asking for me. Bizarrely, she and him ended up a couple for a few months :) she turned out to be quite the nutter, which was to be expected really if you bake cakes for strangers and drive 200 miles to give them it.

I've met some right fruitloops in my time online, really deranged some of them, and that's women - I can only imagine how bad women have it with even crazier men. I know an ex of mine got stalked by some guy she spoke to online, he'd drive miles to sit outside a shop she worked (which he'd worked out by checking hardware shops in a small area, proper creepy) and watch her.

I've had people calling me fake, a catfish, a woman in a mans profile, an Australian (that one was odd), some lass went on a smear campaign against me because I'd said no to receiving naked pics of her, I had one that was adamant I was her ex-husband spying on her because he used the word bollocks a lot and so did I. There's some strange ones out there.
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Final Escape

I’ve been here too long
Jul 8, 2018
I once met a guy that wanted me to send him my shit in the mail. He went by poopster2 on AOL lol! Crazy mofo's out there.
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I go on holidays by mistake
May 4, 2020
I once met a guy that wanted me to send him my shit in the mail. He went by poopster2 on AOL lol! Crazy mofo's out there.
Eww, that's proper rank. Worse I saw along them lines was a guy called Socks, he just pestered women for pics of their feet. That's one fetish I could never see the fascination with, I hate feet on anyone - obviously I'd prefer someone to have them, I just don't wanna look at or do anything with them.

Imagine being the poor bugger having to deliver boxes of poop to that guy though, cos you can guarantee there's women that will have obliged him if the price was right.
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May 2, 2020
There's a doomsayer on reddit that comments on some subs, always saying that we are all dead by Tuesday, that when electricity goes out, cannibalism will rise and other things like that. The weird thing is that it's not clear if the user is a troll or someone suffering a lot. I tried to talk a couple of times but that user never responds to anyone. The worst is that people got used and treat him/her as some sort of mascot.
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May 1, 2020
1. a school shooting
2. r*pe, and asking her roleplay "mom" to take her to a counselor. she roleplayed as the counselor and the boy who tried r*ping her. She also roleplayed as her lawyer AND the judge. needless to say she went all out on this one.
3. actual murder. in the RP she had a "sister" who was another user in the chat. Karen murdered her because she "lost control" or something bizarre
holy shit. imagine if she found this forum and read this just lol.
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I go on holidays by mistake
May 4, 2020
There's a doomsayer on reddit that comments on some subs, always saying that we are all dead by Tuesday, that when electricity goes out, cannibalism will rise and other things like that. The weird thing is that it's not clear if the user is a troll or someone suffering a lot. I tried to talk a couple of times but that user never responds to anyone. The worst is that people got used and treat him/her as some sort of mascot.

I bet he's active now, with coronavirus and Trump posturing with China/Russia, he might not be far off the mark eventually.

I've always wanted to see someone with a The End Is Nigh sandwichboard, such a trope in films and stuff but I've yet to see a real one in the wild. Your fella sounds like he'd be one, he's just gone digital.
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May 2, 2020
I bet he's active now, with coronavirus and Trump posturing with China/Russia, he might not be far off the mark eventually.

I've always wanted to see someone with a The End Is Nigh sandwichboard, such a trope in films and stuff but I've yet to see a real one in the wild. Your fella sounds like he'd be one, he's just gone digital.

Surprisingly, he has been less active lately, I'm worried.
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Global Mod
Feb 13, 2020
Some guy who send me a list to fill out.
Cup size?
Favourite sexual position?

And those where the most descent questions:nomouth:
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I go on holidays by mistake
May 4, 2020
Cup size - enough to fit a good shot of whiskey in.

Sexual position - any which means I won't spill my cup of whiskey.

That'd be how I'd respond to pervs, just dazzle them with complete bollocks til they bother someone else. It's rare that pervs message men though, although I lost count of "straight" men who'd message me and ask for a "blokes" opinion on their penis, and they weren't at all gay, not in the slightest uh-huh - they just sent their todger to other men for appraisal like it's normal. I'm not gay but... here's my wang.
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Broken Chimera

Broken Chimera

The abyss also gazes into you
May 27, 2019
I've seen several, but none of them are as messed up as Chris Chan. That's the saddest person I've ever seen. It's literally too much to write here why he's messed up but I'll give a few reasons. Liquid Chris saga, demensional merge saga, maced a gamestop employee, and various other videos of things I won't mention here.

I feel bad for him because he lost his old house and his dad. His dad tried but he ultimately failed. Others tried but failed. Chris is almost 40 and is incapable of taking care of himself. It's a sad situation that will only get worse.
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Deleted member 1465

Jul 31, 2018
I once met a guy that wanted me to send him my shit in the mail. He went by poopster2 on AOL lol! Crazy mofo's out there.
:ohh::ahhha::shy: wow. I'm glad I wasn't drinking a coffee when I read that, or I'd be cleaning it off the wall.:shy:
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I am a sunrise
Jan 5, 2019
Tbth Chinaski was pretty weird.
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Dec 13, 2018
Many many years ago i failed at stealing some money online. That guy tracked things in time. I mean in secons. So i got no luck. I was bored and did something really stupid. I still had his passwwords an started to chat with some girl in his contacts from his name. I know it's sick. At the end she wanted to sleep with me-that guy and i guess he was really surprised about this. Again it was this time only and i know it was wrong. Still got his money out next month. It was very long time ago.
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Oct 19, 2018
Tsk. know sometimes I worry I'm a histrionic weirdo, but then I remember these people exist...

Doesn't mean I'm gonna let my social skills atropy, still gonna try 'n' be better.
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