ever so lonely
terry joseph williams
- Apr 17, 2022
- 282
i used to have a facebook profile as many of us do, i would advocate publicly for legal assisted euphanasia, i was pretty vocal about it, there is precedent for it, canada, the netherlands, belgium etc, until i was shadow banned that is, my engagement went down abruptly, and so did the discourse, which often leads to change, silencing people never works, we should abandon these insidious social networks, they are anything but social, lets boycott these networks, if enough of us get our arses off there, the message will be loud and clear, that silencing people under a shadow ban or whatever else the practices are deemed is never acceptable, and isnt tolerable, and that for having and believing in pro choice, we arent state owned, we arent gov property, tho in the uk we are considered subjects, we have sovereignty over ourselves, end of discussion, frankly i feel facebook twitter tik tok and insta have over stayed there welcome, not only do they data share and do god only knows with our data, analytica scandal anybody ?!, but they also have the front to silence people or make us invisible, literally, so your content on pro choice topics falls on deaf ears, your posts will obviously appear to a lesser audience, if any, it werent till a friend suggested he couldnt even see my posts let alone my profile i realised i had been shadow banned, so your essentially talking to a brick wall, how charming, facebook in particular wont acknowledge it goes on, but it does, esp if you have pro choice pro suicide anti suffering views, as we advocate for here, lets get off social media collectively peoples, it has never been a positive source of discourse since its inception, anybody agree ?, this is the only community where we can debate and have discourse over such things, silencing is never acceptable and i refuse to tolerate it, flat out, i feel we should extricate ourselves from anybody and anything that would try to limit the view of our posts, or silence us, period, especially if your passionate about the topic at hand, this time i aim to stay off it permanently, i wont be going back out of principle, i feel in a world where many of us already feel alienated, silenced, invalidated, unheard, there is plenty of posts here stating as much unfortunately
, this behaviour isnt acceptable online, or out there, or wherever, whatsoever, and should be made illegal, it is a very dangerous insidious buisness practice, i get it if the content is violent or whatever, or harms others, of course, but for merely being pro choice ?, having self determination ?, for those who have been shadow banned most are unaware it is event taking place, each of them endorses this approach to any suicide content that goes against the grain, to varying degrees if you look into it, even youtube, i feel they need to go, and we should get off those sites, thoughts and feels peoples ?,

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