
Dec 1, 2020
Is about deal with it or be smart enough to check out the game
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All Things Must Pass

All Things Must Pass

Apr 14, 2021
screw dealing with problems, pain ,suffering . that's for the birds or other dumb animals. I'm smart enough to check out.
Unimaginably based
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Apr 5, 2020
There are some people, I think, whose experience of life is totally different, they don't even think about suffering, they seem to get some joy out of every moment, even the darkest ones. I want to be one of them. Sadly it's not happening.
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the haru that can read
Apr 27, 2019
There are some people, I think, whose experience of life is totally different, they don't even think about suffering, they seem to get some joy out of every moment, even the darkest ones. I want to be one of them. Sadly it's not happening.
Those are the same people who trivialize our problems and basically spit in our face as we beg for death.
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想死不能 - 想活不能
Nov 23, 2020
There are some people, I think, whose experience of life is totally different, they don't even think about suffering, they seem to get some joy out of every moment, even the darkest ones. I want to be one of them. Sadly it's not happening.
I think the lot you mention have a superhuman ability to bounce back from just about anything, however this is contingent on not having experienced severe and sustained trauma. Everyone I know who suffered chronic abuse during childhood now lacks the capacity to wield the optimistic brush that will paint life with color.

I have known some people whose biggest worry in their life is work stress, being unable to buy fancy cars, losing their phone charger, or feeling bad because they waited till the last minute to turn in a uni assignment. These people can see the positive in everything, because they have been blessed to never have truly peered into the depths of hell.

There are things we all must cope with, burdens every human must bear, like eventual loss of loved ones, failure, accidents, etc, but I sincerely believe that once you have sustained enough damage in this life, like the aforementioned events or traumas repeated over and over again like a demented broken record, it's impossible to ever have the mindet of a blind optimist again.

Anyone I know who seems content with life and exudes unbridled positivity is always immersed in a distraction. Whether it be work, school, drinking at pubs, having a very robust social life, having family they can spend lots of time with, traveling, binging TV shows, they are never alone with their thoughts. I think that's why the, "just reach out to someone!" platitudes are so prelevant, because to these people, they always have confidants that they can confide in. They can't fathom being totally alone or unable to cope through distractions.

Those who haven't been through it simply can't understand. It's as if we are living in an alien universe compared to them. It sounds like crazy talk because they've never had to contemplate what a fate worse than death would look like.
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Dec 15, 2020
And I sure know I'm bored of coping.
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Apr 5, 2020
I think the lot you mention have a superhuman ability to bounce back from just about anything, however this is contingent on not having experienced severe and sustained trauma. Everyone I know who suffered chronic abuse during childhood now lacks the capacity to wield the optimistic brush that will paint life with color.

I have known some people whose biggest worry in their life is work stress, being unable to buy fancy cars, losing their phone charger, or feeling bad because they waited till the last minute to turn in a uni assignment. These people can see the positive in everything, because they have been blessed to never have truly peered into the depths of hell.

There are things we all must cope with, burdens every human must bear, like eventual loss of loved ones, failure, accidents, etc, but I sincerely believe that once you have sustained enough damage in this life, like the aforementioned events or traumas repeated over and over again like a demented broken record, it's impossible to ever have the mindet of a blind optimist again.

Anyone I know who seems content with life and exudes unbridled positivity is always immersed in a distraction. Whether it be work, school, drinking at pubs, having a very robust social life, having family they can spend lots of time with, traveling, binging TV shows, they are never alone with their thoughts. I think that's why the, "just reach out to someone!" platitudes are so prelevant, because to these people, they always have confidants that they can confide in. They can't fathom being totally alone or unable to cope through distractions.

Those who haven't been through it simply can't understand. It's as if we are living in an alien universe compared to them. It sounds like crazy talk because they've never had to contemplate what a fate worse than death would look like.
I take and appreciate your points. I really get the sense that these optimistic minds are just so wildly different to yours or mine, I don't know how to bridge between our brains to arrive at a common ground, but I so wish that I did. I think it's as you said, they're as baffled by our mindset as we are by theirs.

I was talking to my mother about dementia the other day, trying to convey to her how horrible of a disease it is, and how awful it is that we have to deal with even the possibility of it. She replied saying it's pointless to think about things that haven't happened yet, or about things that are outside your control. And I just thought, no wonder you're so happy all the time, if this is how you're thinking every day. I envy that kind of positivity in many ways. My mind just doesn't let me accept harms like dementia like that (just one example of millions, of course). Just the existence of these harms torments me, keeping me in some kind of agitated state all the time, worrying if I'm the next victim. To think that I'll be able to sail past all of life's insults unscathed is so naïve, I tell myself. We already know that pain is certainly ahead of us.

I do think that like you suggested, there may be mental breaking points beyond which recovery might be impossible at least for some of us. I used to have some optimism but now I can't feel any really, and I wonder if it was the negative events in my life which caused that. Yet, I've heard the stories of some relentless optimists who have suffered immensely, but they tell me that it only made them more positive and determined to live, which baffles me. And the distractions you mentioned I think are really important to determining how we feel, all these environmental factors make some difference, some could make an enormous difference, and they add up. But again complexity rears its ugly head, because brain A and brain B won't react the same in the same environment.
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Just wanting some peace
Sep 24, 2020
This is very true. Most of the time our 'coping' is really just endurance. There is unbelievable suffering and pain in this life and yet the only way to escape it is either violent methods or methods that require courage. It is brutal and inhumane how we don't get an choice to opt out with dignity. Nobody asked to be here either. Our own bodies can betray and torture us with all the illnesses we can get until we finally drop and die. And yet many people still see suicide as worse than suffering. I wish I knew what it was like to find joy in this life, and not be trapped between the two options. Sometimes I forget these people even exist.
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