
May 14, 2022
(1) Humanity is using alien technologies to develop things like electronic computers
(2) Electronic computers and lasers and related technologies that came from the Roswell crash
(3) Through ignorance fear or whatever, we aren't identifying aliens as the source for these advanced tools that we have developed further
(4) The original technologies were reverse engineered and developed to the extent that we have a good grasp of how some of the techniques work
(5) There are missing technologies like how to integrate with a consciousness entity and how to induce living matter to have an artificial intelligence
(6) Artificial intelligence by way of electronic computers built by humans today (text based computing) is not going to work
(7) Distribution of resources is a huge problem and so if we don't solve this problem with humanitarianship efforts like (1) free food and free resources for everybody (2) Liike the Venus Project (3) Or start a business based around the concept of a "free-store" where everything in the store is free and people can donate things to be added to the store
(8) Humanitarian efforts that make resources free for all humanity is one aspect of a solution that can help people live easier lives
(9) The Venus Project is one of the leading humanitarian projects to join
(10) Alien technology didn't give us a chance to admit that we should work with aliens more to gain further technologies like real artificial intelligence.

Those are a few thoughts that I wrote down.

Sometimes when I think about dying (which I plan on doing soon) I think about how selfish I have been by leaving these problems for the rest of humanity to figure out on their own. This planet is having sex with itself. Men and women are coming together to fornicate. We are building towers of large buildings. And we have advanced alien technologies like electronic computers that we don't know how to build artificial intelligence with.

Becoming an artificial intelligence researcher will end in failure. You really do need new techniques. I have studied this myself personally for the past 8 years or so. But I am still a junior engineer so please take my words with caution and probably do research yourself.

It is better to die at this point if people don't accept these ideas. That is not entirely true. That is another selfish statement from myself. It is fear mongering. If you live I really hope that an idea like a "free store" can be brought to life by you or a fellow member of society. If, I, the original author of this post die by ctb or committing suicide then I am sorry if this doesn't happen for some time. More people should read this post for that type of understanding.

If I am wrong about what I said, please let me know by sharing your thoughts.
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Mar 19, 2022
I think ET's have been working with humans since the dawn of civilization. The Roswell incident is one little blip, not the start. Governments maintain the secret and propagate hoax theories and mental illness because they want to maintain control. And why wouldn't they…
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Apr 15, 2022
Directly from The Venus Project website:

1. "This new experimental research city would be devoted to working towards the aims and goals of The Venus Project, which are:

c) Replacing money-based nationalistic economies with a resource-based world economy.

2) "The rate of progress will depend on the availability of funds raised during the early stages and the people who identify with, participate in, and support the aims and direction of The Venus Project." In other words, they want your money. What an innovative way for a few people to live very well off the dreams and aspirations of others, under the guise of solving ALL of the world's problems, or at least working towards it, which is the actual intent of the project in the first place. This is the latest iteration of Jim Jones. This what I read into it. Maybe life has made me too cynical. I don't know.

1c and 2 are in direct conflict to each other, IMO.

And then there's that pesky thing about free will. Free will is why I am able to say things that I feel, and you are able to say things that you feel. I have no doubt about your sincerity in feeling that this is the answer to man's problems. Unfortunately, IMO, it will never be that to all, or, even, any significant percentage of the population, not now, or even in the future. I believe conflict is inherent in man and will always be.

I'm sorry if you feel my post is unfair. You are certainly free to pursue any path to happiness that you feel best for you, or the world, even, for that matter. The Venus Project website makes the claim that [The Venus Project] is "neither Utopian nor Orwellian", but, in my opinion, it is just that, at best, and I fear, much worse, in reality. That is just how I feel.

I find it extraordinarily commendable that you are still able to have hope enough that there is indeed a way out of society's woes and the human condition. Who knows? Maybe in 10000 years, if man is still around, something like this will be what, actually, saved him. Honestly, and in all sincerity, I say keep on keeping on for as long as you can. Good luck!
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Carrot juice pimp.
Dec 14, 2021
This thread I feel should be in the politics and philosophy subforum.
1c and 2 are in direct conflict to each other, IMO.
TVP's vision of a resource based economy is the way. We need to abolish the global monetary system asap for the survival of our species and the environment, simple as that.

Of course they currently need funding to help acheive their short and long term goals goals. That doesn't contradict anything they are doing at all. If you actually had a sincere interest and looked further into this, instead of just finding ways to pooh-pooh and dismiss it, you would understand why.

@Jaegerist123 @OP Didn't we land a man on the moon before we invented colour television? 👽 Brought to you by McDonald's. PS Buy Coca Cola.
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As above, So Below.
Jan 21, 2022
Venus project is awesome!
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Apr 26, 2022
The ENIAC computer started in 1943, four years before the Roswell incident in 1947. If you study careers and patents and developments of most technologies over time there is a pattern of human development and ingenuity, along with trial and error, rather than advanced things appearing out of nowhere.
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Al Cappella

Al Cappella

Are we there yet?
Feb 2, 2022
The ENIAC computer started in 1943, four years before the Roswell incident in 1947. If you study careers and patents and developments of most technologies over time there is a pattern of human development and ingenuity, along with trial and error, rather than advanced things appearing out of nowhere.
Now there you go, ruining the story with facts! 😁
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Carrot juice pimp.
Dec 14, 2021
On a side note, I find it very interesting that you have only been on the forum for a few days, and within 8 posts you have already gone out of your way to place a giant tin foil hat on all of the 3 unique things that I have contributed to the forum from the perspective of a single member.

1. The N files, and your thread https://sanctioned-suicide.net/thre...iscated-my-n-today-police-are-watching.91243/

2. My ex and I's close encounter with a UFO that I have posted about, and

3. The Venus Project and a Resource Based Economy. Something that I care about, because I see it as something that will benefit mankind and I wish to support it in any way I can before I die.

No other member on this forum has shared posts specifically about these 3 combined things, except for myself, and now you. And you are making all of them look bad.
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As above, So Below.
Jan 21, 2022
Your body is the most advanced technology there is.

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