
Aug 30, 2022
I've just read about a lady who killed her husband by putting eye drops in his coca cola over the course of 3 days, anyone have any sort of experience with this? Not worried about pain or it being dragged out, just want to know if I put eye drops on my coke everyday, will I die? Any help appreciated
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Aug 14, 2022
There was a user here who drank a bunch of visine and they never log back in.
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Sep 13, 2022
It's possible but not the best method...I did extensive research and decided on SN. But best wishes whichever you choose.
I've just read about a lady who killed her husband by putting eye drops in his coca cola over the course of 3 days, anyone have any sort of experience with this? Not worried about pain or it being dragged out, just want to know if I put eye drops on my coke everyday, will I die? Any help appreciated

It's possible but not the best method...I did extensive research and decided on SN. But best wishes whichever you choose.
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Aug 30, 2022
It's possible but not the best method...I did extensive research and decided on SN. But best wishes whichever you choose.

It's possible but not the best method...I did extensive research and decided on SN. But best wishes whichever you choose.
What do you mean
It's possible but not the best method...I did extensive research and decided on SN. But best wishes whichever you choose.

It's possible but not the best method...I did extensive research and decided on SN. But best wishes whichever you choose.
Only thing I'm after is reliability, planning on putting drops in my drinks every day, just need to figure out how much to put in
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Aug 14, 2022
Hope he/she made it where they wanted to go. I don't plan on drinking a whole lot at once though, I'm thinking more slowly putting some in my drinks threw out the day for a few days. Only heard about this today so I'm clueless on it, hopefully it works
Yeah honestly don't really know they were a pretty active member until they decided to drink like three or four bottles of visine at once they logged on the next day and then after that they never logged back in again.

Then again there have been users who have posted goodbye threads never logged back on but were caught with a new account.
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Sep 10, 2022
I am in the process of buying 10 bottles of visine which I will then drink and see what happens. I believe the user who drank some and stopped posting said they drank 3 bottles. Another user mentioned that they had drank 6 bottles in the past and survived. Doing my research, it was written that just as much as two drops can be life threatening. Visine is easy to come by, and at least 2 public people have died from visine poisoning so that's why I'm going this way. So far I've bought two bottles (they're more expensive than I thought and I don't wanna seem suss buying them all at once). Right now I'm deciding on whether I'll down it all at once or dose myself over a period of time. Whatever happens, I hope 10 bottles is enough to do the trick. There were many different options in store for different eye ailments. Whatever one you're buying, you wanna make sure it had this ingredient in it: Tetrahydrozoline. That's the ticket to the bus. I can't say when I'll go forth, but I do plan on making a thread about it once I do. Maybe I can be of some help to people here when I do the hopefully final experiment.
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Mar 13, 2020
Dang,. Crazy shit .... Never heard of this I don't believe. Best of luck to you all thinking about trying this.



Aug 30, 2022
I am in the process of buying 10 bottles of visine which I will then drink and see what happens. I believe the user who drank some and stopped posting said they drank 3 bottles. Another user mentioned that they had drank 6 bottles in the past and survived. Doing my research, it was written that just as much as two drops can be life threatening. Visine is easy to come by, and at least 2 public people have died from visine poisoning so that's why I'm going this way. So far I've bought two bottles (they're more expensive than I thought and I don't wanna seem suss buying them all at once). Right now I'm deciding on whether I'll down it all at once or dose myself over a period of time. Whatever happens, I hope 10 bottles is enough to do the trick. There were many different options in store for different eye ailments. Whatever one you're buying, you wanna make sure it had this ingredient in it: Tetrahydrozoline. That's the ticket to the bus. I can't say when I'll go forth, but I do plan on making a thread about it once I do. Maybe I can be of some help to people here when I do the hopefully final experiment.
Im planning to take it more slowly, the woman who killed her husband apparently put 10 drops in his coffee every day for 3 months until he died of a heart attack, I'm planning 5-10 drops in every drink I have. I've heard the symptoms ain't too bad basically just make you pass out and maybe feeling a bit sick and head aches. Guess we'll see how it goes. Good luck
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Sep 10, 2022
Thanks for the advice. Maybe slow and steady is the way to go. I wish you luck in your endeavors as well, fellow eye drop enthusiast.


Apr 15, 2022
This seems like a risky endeavor to me. Is there anything other than anecdotal evidence out there about this method?
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Aug 30, 2022
UPDATE: I spoke to a doctor today and told him I know someone drinking visine and asked if it was dangerous. He said it's not a matter of IF it kills you but WHEN. He said someone could drink a couple of drops a die and die within days. Others could drink more and take years to die. But he said drinking it regularly will lower blood pressure to dangerous levels, constrict the veins and cause mild to severe illness that WILL eventually kill you without medical treatment. So if you ain't in a rush, have the will and ability to refuse hospital treatment I guess this is a sure way to Ctb. Just a gamble on how long it takes. Only telling others what I have been told and am in no way encouraging anything. Research purposes only 😬
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Sep 10, 2022
Thanks for being bold and asking your doctor about it. Always good to hear an experts opinion. I've already invested in this method and idgaf about anything at this point anymore. I'm desperate to ctb and want an easy method so for now I will still take my chances with visine. Hope for the best.
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Aug 30, 2022
Thanks for being bold and asking your doctor about it. Always good to hear an experts opinion. I've already invested in this method and idgaf about anything at this point anymore. I'm desperate to ctb and want an easy method so for now I will still take my chances with visine. Hope for the best.
Good luck it's the method I'm going for too. Just have to stress he was very specific there is no set time it will take to kill you. Could be days could be years. You will get sick aswell with minor flu like symptoms. I personally ain't too bothered about being ill but some people just want it over quick. He didn't really go into too much detail don't think he wanted to give much away but him saying it will definitely kill eventually is good enough for me
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Dec 30, 2021
UPDATE: I spoke to a doctor today and told him I know someone drinking visine and asked if it was dangerous. He said it's not a matter of IF it kills you but WHEN. He said someone could drink a couple of drops a die and die within days. Others could drink more and take years to die. But he said drinking it regularly will lower blood pressure to dangerous levels, constrict the veins and cause mild to severe illness that WILL eventually kill you without medical treatment. So if you ain't in a rush, have the will and ability to refuse hospital treatment I guess this is a sure way to Ctb. Just a gamble on how long it takes. Only telling others what I have been told and am in no way encouraging anything. Research purposes only 😬
This is very helpful, thanks. I wonder about the risks of a stroke, given that tetrahydrozoline is a vasoconstrictor, like you say. If there aren't such risks (wish there was a way to know, because this is a big one), I think this would be an okay method.
Last edited:


Aug 14, 2022


Aug 30, 2022
This is very helpful, thanks. I wonder about the risks of a stroke, given that tetrahydrozoline is a vasoconstrictor, like you say. If there aren't such risks (wish there was a way to know, because this is a big one), I think this would be an okay method.
The doctor didn't say anything about stroke but it has to be a possibility. Can't be common though I feel he would have mentioned it, he only said flu like symptoms. From what he was saying it sounded like death would be caused by heart rate and low blood pressure. Definitely not the most researched way to go but survival instinct can't stop it, thats why it's so appealing to me. Wish I had the balls to just jump of something tbh


Sep 19, 2022
Definitely not the most researched way to go but survival instinct can't stop it, thats why it's so appealing to me.
Precisely this for me. I stumbled upon this method on accident when I failed to jump/fall off the roof of my building. I was out there for hours. I surveyed the area to find the best spot to land. I told myself it would be mere seconds of discomfort and then it would be over. Could not do it. That survival instinct in our brains is hardwired to keep this body running for as long as it can. It makes me feel like trash every time I'm up against it. Visine appeals to me due to the accessibility and ease. But some of the side effects sound a little too intense for me. I decided to pursue SN after finding that it was also easy to drink and didn't have accounts of quite so much discomfort. I haven't ruled Visine out, it's just my back up.


Aug 30, 2022
Precisely this for me. I stumbled upon this method on accident when I failed to jump/fall off the roof of my building. I was out there for hours. I surveyed the area to find the best spot to land. I told myself it would be mere seconds of discomfort and then it would be over. Could not do it. That survival instinct in our brains is hardwired to keep this body running for as long as it can. It makes me feel like trash every time I'm up against it. Visine appeals to me due to the accessibility and ease. But some of the side effects sound a little too intense for me. I decided to pursue SN after finding that it was also easy to drink and didn't have accounts of quite so much discomfort. I haven't ruled Visine out, it's just my back up.
Yeah it's not easy, our body's do everything it can to protect us. It's weird for me because for some reason, I'd like it to be dragged out. I don't want to die to quick I'd like to know I'm dying it's really weird. Not in pain but just like the idea of knowing it's happening it's strange. I think I like the idea of my family knowing it's happening and coming to terms with it rather than just being sudden. I've always said I would love to go of cancer. Given 6 or so months to live. Brings me some sort of peace knowing me and other people would have time to prepare
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Sep 19, 2022
Yeah it's not easy, our body's do everything it can to protect us. It's weird for me because for some reason, I'd like it to be dragged out. I don't want to die to quick I'd like to know I'm dying it's really weird. Not in pain but just like the idea of knowing it's happening it's strange. I think I like the idea of my family knowing it's happening and coming to terms with it rather than just being sudden. I've always said I would love to go of cancer. Given 6 or so months to live. Brings me some sort of peace knowing me and other people would have time to prepare
That adds up to me. It's nice to think of having control over our lives and our deaths. If we could take our time to work out how we want to involve our loved ones, I'm sure a fair number of us would consider that. It sounds like you want to give yourself time, consideration, and options. Having family involved in the process from a perspective of support seems like it would certainly make the process more comfortable.

Certain accounts of the Visine method do sound painful, so just be mindful of that in case you decide that's what's best for you. Thankfully, you have time.


Oct 19, 2021
It is an interesting method, but the danger with doing a method partway is that maybe you can become disabled at some point without ctb. For me if I was doing this I would want to do this all at once, but I would research it more online to try to determi9ne the quantity.


Aug 30, 2022
It is an interesting method, but the danger with doing a method partway is that maybe you can become disabled at some point without ctb. For me if I was doing this I would want to do this all at once, but I would research it more online to try to determi9ne the quantity.
One woman poisoned her husband with it for 3 years and he didn't suffer any disabilities. I have ready over 15 reports of people being poisoned with visine from a few days to years but haven't read about any permanent damage apart from death. Not to say it's impossible but that risk comes with most methods 🀷


Oct 19, 2021
One woman poisoned her husband with it for 3 years and he didn't suffer any disabilities. I have ready over 15 reports of people being poisoned with visine from a few days to years but haven't read about any permanent damage apart from death. Not to say it's impossible but that risk comes with most methods 🀷
Yes, but that was one case. Something like 45% of heart attacks cause death right away, and others do result in disability. For strokes only 1 in 8 are fatal and 15% to 30% are permanently disabled. I do think that a method going in small pieces like this creates mre risk of "halfway dying", or becoming disabled, compared to a method designed to ctb all at once.

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