
Apr 1, 2024
Visine can be deadly. Why hasn't it been used for suicides? Someone here claimed they drank 10 bottles and had no effect, but that sounds like a false flag. Tetrahydrozoline is the ingredient in nasal sprays and eyedrops that becomes poisonous when orally ingested. Half a bottle can seriously harm a small child as told by a mother who had to take her unresponsive kid to an ER.

Cases exist of people dying from having drops placed in their water bottle by murderous friends or by an angry wife. It's available anywhere and cheap. With higher volume, I wonder if this is a good method to CTB.

Visine Exit
  • Add X bottles of visine to beverages based on your weight and height. I read that 45 bottles are needed for a 150lb person, but that needs to be verified or calculated. Math isn't my strength so don't quote me.
A bottle of Visine is .5 ounces. The active ingredient in Visine is Tetrahydrozoline hydrochloride and is 0.05% or 0.5 MG/ML per bottle. So a calculation is needed to dose properly.
  • Consider a multi-drug approach as a failsafe. Sleeping pills and alcohol plus other forms of medication that further depress the central nervous system and respiratory system
Wouldn't this be painless as the body becomes unconsciousness? How could things go wrong? How to avoid potential vomiting if one is unconscious?

Where to do it
  • Deep woods or back country away from a city at night when traffic is absent. Hide well to not be easily found and take a backpack or small bag with supplies. Learn stealth camping techniques to blend in if hiding is important
  • Inside of your car and park somewhere remote or where you won't be disturbed for hours. Either way get rid of your phone before the final destination and throw keys far away from the car if serious
If a search party is called, how long would people search before calling it off?

I couldn't find med papers about Visine and suicide, but it kills and is apparently tasteless. Why is SN so popular when we have things like Visine? I wonder how much 45 bottles cost. They could be stockpiled over time. I think this is a peaceful and painless method. SN, hanging, guns, and more can be complicated or hard to source.
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Apr 15, 2022
I don't think it's known as providing a particularly peaceful death, which is important to most people. Pretty sure it's been used for suicide. And I suppose peaceful is a relative term meaning different things to different people. Is it more peaceful than SN, idk. It's listed in the PPH as a method.

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Apr 1, 2024
I don't think it's known as providing a particularly peaceful death, which is important to most people. Pretty sure it's been used for suicide. And I suppose peaceful is a relative term meaning different things to different people. Is it more peaceful than SN, idk. It's listed in the PPH as a method.
This thread from someone who drank 4 bottles over the course of days said it wasn't painful. I haven't seen it in the PPH book. I'll check it out. I've not seen it mentioned as painful. It can make people slip into a coma. They describe feeling fatigued which matches the poison profile.

I was surprised I couldn't find medical articles about Visine and suicide or news about people who used it to kill themselves. There's med articles about people drinking pesticides, erotic asphyxiation, and many things for CTB. I wonder if authorities are suppressing this information. Visine is easy to get.

I'm also wondering if I have found my path out of here. I need a calculation to see how many bottles it would take to successfully do it. That's my next step. I'm not about to drink 4 bottles over the course days. That's a waste of time. I weigh 165lbs.

Someone please guestimate how many bottles it might take?…40? If he got that result with just 4 bottles surely I don't need that many bottles. Lol

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Apr 15, 2022
Well, the OP of the post I linked supposedly drank 3 bottles all at once. Is that enough? I have no idea. Sounds like it ought to be, though, as compared to what we hear in the media about black widow wives merely putting drops into husband's coffee. You're right, though, definitely need more investigation. Also, investigate to make sure the Visine of today hasn't been made safer compared to 5, 10 years ago.

Here's a "med" paper on an instance of Visine ingestion.

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Apr 1, 2024
Well, the OP of the post I linked supposedly drank 3 bottles all at once. Is that enough? I have no idea. Sounds like it ought to be, though, as compared to what we hear in the media about black widow wives merely putting drops into husband's coffee. You're right, though, definitely need more investigation. Also, investigate to make sure the Visine of today hasn't been made safer compared to 5, 10 years ago.
That's a good point. They alter formulas to stop people from leaving. I was also considering antifreeze, but I heard it's very painful. Many sleeping pills have been altered to not work too. They didn't work for me last year even mixed with alcohol.

I was also too scared or intoxicated to successfully jump a bridge earlier this year. It's hard to leave successfully, but for some of us it has to be done. I'll begin stockpiling Visine. It seems promising if it can murder people. That's dark but true. I can't wait to be gone from this place. I've put in enough time here. I shouldn't be forced to stay. I don't know who decided to bring me here and force this existence but it's worthless, meaningless, and painful.
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Apr 15, 2022
That's a good point. They alter formulas to stop people from leaving. I was also considering antifreeze, but I heard it's very painful. Many sleeping pills have been altered to not work too. They didn't work for me last year even mixed with alcohol.

I was also too scared or intoxicated to successfully jump a bridge earlier this year. It's hard to leave successfully, but for some of us it has to be done. I'll begin stockpiling Visine. It seems promising if it can murder people. That's dark but true. I can't wait to be gone from this place. I've put in enough time here. I shouldn't be forced to stay. I don't know who decided to bring me here and force this existence but it's worthless, meaningless, and painful.
In that med article I linked, that 76 year old man supposedly drank 8 bottles of it, yet survived.

Right, sleeping pills have been made safer, and they've done that to anti-freeze, too, although I think that was "mostly" because pets were frequently drinking it and dying. As far as Visine goes, *maybe* the reason that it's not used more often, or even talked about very often, is because of the "mixed" information about it that's out there. On one hand you have multiple stories of people killing their spouses with mere "drops" of the stuff, and then you see stories, some of them here on SaSu, and even in the one I linked, where people drink bottles of the stuff and still survive. It's hard to reconcile that kind of information.
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Apr 1, 2024
In that med article I linked, that 76 year old man supposedly drank 8 bottles of it, yet survived.

Right, sleeping pills have been made safer, and they've done that to anti-freeze, too, although I think that was "mostly" because pets were frequently drinking it and dying. As far as Visine goes, *maybe* the reason that it's not used more often, or even talked about very often, is because of the "mixed" information about it that's out there. On on hand you have multiple stories of people killing their spouses with mere "drops" of the stuff, and then you see stories, some of them here on SaSu, and even in the one I linked, where people drink bottles of the stuff and still survive. It's hard to reconcile that kind of information.
Yeah it is! I didn't know they altered antifreeze. Authorities just want us to be miserable and stuck in this matrix. Our life is our own. We own our bodies and future. Screw them. Capitalism and artificial scarcity runs everything.

I guessed more than 8 bottles are needed after thinking about body weight versus how little the bottles are and how much of the active ingredient is inside versus other ingredients and reading how others failed. I can try to use AI to calculate how many bottles I need.

I'll tell AI the bottle size and amount of a random ingredient plus my body size to make it spit out the answer. I don't know how much longer I can stay alive, but at least I have a soft way out.

The way people die when murdered by Visine sounds peaceful. It can look like a suicide unless an autopsy finds the chemical in their body. This woman only got caught because she had a criminal record for forgery and identity theft that made her a suspect. Otherwise the woman's death would've been ruled an overdose.

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Apr 15, 2022
I guessed more than 8 bottles are needed after thinking about body weight versus how little the bottles are and how much of the active ingredient is inside v
Well then how are these murders supposedly being committed with just "drops" of the stuff?
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Apr 1, 2024
Well then how are these murders supposedly being committed with just "drops" of the stuff?
I'm not sure. The one who poisoned her husband poisoned him I think over the course of three days, but a woman who accidentally poisoned a woman as a joke did so by putting drops in her drink at a party. I'm really not sure.

Some could die easier due to underlying health conditions, but how did that 76 year old survive.

You were right when you mentioned variations. I think success will be many bottles like +25 to 40. I gotta research more. At that rate, I might as well find a wholesaler 🤣
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Apr 15, 2022
I'm not sure. The one who poisoned her husband poisoned him I think over the course of three days, but a woman who accidentally poisoned a woman as a joke did so by putting drops in her drink at a party. I'm really not sure.

Some could die easier due to underlying health conditions, but how did that 76 year old survive.

You were right when you mentioned variations. I think success will be many bottles like +25 to 40. I gotta research more. At that rate, I might as well find a wholesaler 🤣
There's been more than just one wife killing her husband with it. Why do women choose poison so often to kill their husbands? I guess that's a different topic lol.

The other question that comes to mind is it even possible to drink that many bottles? Maybe I guess. They are small. I'm watching this thread.
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Why is this so hard?
Aug 31, 2024
I tried to ctb with three bottles of Visine and a bunch of Benadryl. It did nothing but make me pass out for a little bit. I thought it had to work based on the articles I have seen about wives murdering their husbands.It's supposed to mess with your heart. I have no lasting damage that i know of.
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May 6, 2024
I don't think it's known as providing a particularly peaceful death, which is important to most people. Pretty sure it's been used for suicide. And I suppose peaceful is a relative term meaning different things to different people. Is it more peaceful than SN, idk. It's listed in the PPH as a method.

So that poster who drank three bottles never posted after this last message:

"12 hours now. Still having a bit of trouble walking, and focusing my eyes on things. I'm also feeling extremely groggy I've mostly been sleeping all day. But it's definitely not getting worse or anything. Will probably be back to normal by tomorrow morning."

It's hard to say how peaceful or reliable this could be.
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Apr 15, 2022
So that poster who drank three bottles never posted after this last message:

"12 hours now. Still having a bit of trouble walking, and focusing my eyes on things. I'm also feeling extremely groggy I've mostly been sleeping all day. But it's definitely not getting worse or anything. Will probably be back to normal by tomorrow morning."

It's hard to say how peaceful or reliable this could be.
I guess that's true.


Don’t try to offer me help, I’ve tried everything
Mar 10, 2020
The bradycardic effects are making me consider adding some of this into my cardiac cocktail I have planned in a couple of weeks. I like the sedative properties of it as well as I plan on putting a bag over my head as I near unconsciousness and want to be as sedated as possible to avoid taking it off. My only worry is that it may increase the odds of me vomiting… Maybe I'll take a few bottles a few hours prior to everything else just to get the process started.
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*perpetually annoyed*
Mar 14, 2024
(I couldn't find Bradley Cooper cradling a toilet or his wine being spiked *shrug*)
wedding crashers comedy GIF


Apr 1, 2024
I tried to ctb with three bottles of Visine and a bunch of Benadryl. It did nothing but make me pass out for a little bit. I thought it had to work based on the articles I have seen about wives murdering their husbands.It's supposed to mess with your heart. I have no lasting damage that i know of.
Benadryl does nothing but a stomach pump if found. I wish more people knew this. Save your money. Buy more Visine 😅 Kidding, but glad you're ok after just 3.

Even if you take 15 bottles, that amount of liquid and the active ingredient inside is small or may not be as effective depending on your weight. Is it possible to buy the poisonous ingredient directly or concentrate it? That would be good. Someone may sell it online. This weekend I'll research more.

Murderers shouldn't have it so easy when people wish to leave this Earth and be free. Nasal sorays also have the ingredient. I wonder if there's a product that has a higher amount of it
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Apr 10, 2024
It does have a taste, so difficult to drink straight up. Makes your lips tingly. At first it didn't do anything except make me dead asleep until the next day. After repeat ingestion, though, side effects get worse. My eyes started jerking around uncontrollably. I get incredibly pale and tired, to the point of falling asleep while doing shit. I've taken maybe 20? Over the course of a few months. It's almost become a crutch for when I want to ctb but can't. Mix it in with a drink and feel dead for a couple hours.

That being said, sourcing has become a little difficult lately. Not sure if I've bought the whole town's supply or what, but the shelves are almost always empty.
  • Aww..
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Don’t try to offer me help, I’ve tried everything
Mar 10, 2020
It does have a taste, so difficult to drink straight up. Makes your lips tingly. At first it didn't do anything except make me dead asleep until the next day. After repeat ingestion, though, side effects get worse. My eyes started jerking around uncontrollably. I get incredibly pale and tired, to the point of falling asleep while doing shit. I've taken maybe 20? Over the course of a few months. It's almost become a crutch for when I want to ctb but can't. Mix it in with a drink and feel dead for a couple hours.

That being said, sourcing has become a little difficult lately. Not sure if I've bought the whole town's supply or what, but the shelves are almost always empty.
How many do you drink at a time? How quickly do you fall asleep? What do you drink it with to mask the taste?


Apr 10, 2024
How many do you drink at a time? How quickly do you fall asleep? What do you drink it with to mask the taste?
I drink two with a couple ibuprofen and an energy drink to make it kick in faster. No idea if it works, but I noticed faster results when taken this way. Its not a super strong taste, so any drink with flavor will work. I like something with viscosity like a juice. If I take it at 2 pm, I feel the effects within the hour, and knocked out for the day by 6 pm. It's not instant, and you can fight it to some degree, but if you get comfortable you will eventually conk out.
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