

Mar 14, 2019
Hi everyone,

I used to be on SanctionedSuicide over at Reddit. That place helped me a lot, I believe I was there before all the strict rules came about. There's nothing like being able to express yourself to people who think and feel the exact same way and to be able to talk about it in a place where people will never say that there's hope! And you can get better! And try therapy, it's a miracle! And I don't want to bash people who do say those things, I know they just want to help and they probably truly believe that everyone can get better. One phrase I always remembered from the subreddit was that it's human nature to cling on to life. And that doesn't mean just ourselves and our instinct, but others who see a sick one and it's their instinct to keep them alive at all costs. Like some who are on life support for years because people just can't let go. Anyways, I spent a whole year that time isolated at home, on the subreddit, planning everything out, saving money and ordering my supplies and wrote notes to every loved one and even an unofficial will of sorts, not that I had much. I was going to do it on my birthday, but one day something triggered me and I just got up, got in my car, and headed to the motel. I booked my room and started drinking, not to gain courage, but to make it less painful, I already had a high pain tolerance but I wanted this to be fool proof. So I drew a line with a marker on my neck right over the carotid artery, got my scalpel and basically performed surgery on my self. My plan was to locate the artery and sever it. The funny part is, I had cut my neck so deep and I didn't feel a thing. I don't know if it was adrenaline or alcohol or both. But I didn't feel anything. Then I heard a knock at the door, it was the police. I had no idea how they found me because I made sure I was untraceable. My phone wasn't even with me. I didn't answer and quickly barricaded myself in the room with furniture and started working faster but for the life of me could not find that damn artery. I was in so deep in my neck at this point and just couldn't locate it, I felt and still feel so stupid. (I know now that there's some sort of tissue or sheath covering it so maybe that was why I couldn't see it) The police eventually broke down the door, I have no clue how to be honest, and they yelled at me to get down, they were pointing something at me I didn't have my contacts so I couldn't see if they were guns or tasers, but I had to get down and they got on me and handcuffed me until they guy turned me over and saw the gaping wound in my neck and started screaming. It was a whole mess that ended with me involuntarily committed and man was I angry. I found out by my family that the police located me because my parents came up with the idea to give them my license plate number and they located my car in the parking lot (I'm an idiot). In hindsight, I would've taken a bus. In the hospital I said whatever I needed to say to get out of there because I was planning to try again as soon as possible. But by then I started having symptoms of PTSD, I'll admit, my attempt was very traumatic. I started having panic attacks every night when the time of my attempt came around so I started taking Vicodin pills to calm down. That was a full pill bottle, and I finished it in 3 weeks before moving on to heroin. Those years were the most hectic of my life. I have no idea how to explain it. But heroin took it all away, I didn't try to kill myself again because I no longer felt anything but extreme euphoria. Like everything was alright in the world. Eventually, the police were called on me by my family and I was sent to the hospital/detox against my will because I was "suicidal". I guess they just wanted me to get clean, well it worked so I'm glad their wish came true. 6 months clean now, and on Suboxone. However, I knew this would happen which is why I had a very hard time getting clean, because I knew, as soon as I got clean I would be right back to wanting to kill myself. And I was right. So I did end up looking for that subreddit again and was devastated to find that it was gone. They had banned it along with another one I used sometimes. So finding this website has been amazing. Quite honestly, I'm just so happy to have a place to talk about things like this with no judgement and no lecture.

Anyways, there's more to the story but I really wrote way too much and I doubt anyone will even read it so I am sorry about that. I just wanted to write this post to let you all now that I know i'm new but I'm a real person and have a real story and can be trusted, and that I'm honestly so happy to have found this website.

I also wanted to ask, I've lurked the forums for quite a bit and hear a lot of talk about methods, particularly ones that are painless and I was wondering why no one talks about heroin/fent overdoses? Because I've overdosed plenty and have friends who have as well and let me tell you, it is absolutely painless (unless you're afraid of needles). But seriously, if you have absolutely no tolerance to opiates (never touched opiates in your life) and shoot up a big amount, that's it, game over. I wish I had no tolerance just so I could do that method. Overdosing feels like this, basically you're up and fine for a minute, you blink and you're out cold. Then you wake up to EMT all around you if someone finds you lol. But I don't know I was just wondering why it's not talked about more.

Okay I'm done now, I'm really really sorry for writing so much and I'm so glad to be here.
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Eliminate your map.
Mar 10, 2019
We are glad you are here. Thank you for sharing your story! Welcome to the group. :)
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Mar 14, 2019
Thanks so much! :)
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Heaven gained a new ho
Feb 15, 2019
I'd be interested to hear the rest of your story
I did read it
Also, fentanyl is impossible to find and heroin overdose is talked about a lot here. An overdose would be great to go on but I don't know if drug dealers sell straight heroin
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Mar 14, 2019
Thanks for that, it means a lot. And of course, whatever you want to know I'm happy to answer.
And I guess it depends on where you live, I live next to a town that's plagued by heroin (where I used to by) and in the heroin we buy fent is mixed in a very large majority, most of the dealers stand on the street so you can easily walk up to them. It would probably have to be a dealer who sells harder drugs and not just weed or stuff like that, but like I said I guess it depends on where you live, in the US it's very available.
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Heaven gained a new ho
Feb 15, 2019
Thanks for that, it means a lot. And of course, whatever you want to know I'm happy to answer.
And I guess it depends on where you live, I live next to a town that's plagued by heroin (where I used to by) and in the heroin we buy fent is mixed in a very large majority, most of the dealers stand on the street so you can easily walk up to them. It would probably have to be a dealer who sells harder drugs and not just weed or stuff like that, but like I said I guess it depends on where you live, in the US it's very available.
I live in San Diego
And whatever else you'd like to share.
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Mar 14, 2019
I live in San Diego
And whatever else you'd like to share.

Hm, the west has very different heroin (I live in the east) but the lifestyle is pretty much the same. It's really risky though, you'd have to go into known ghetto areas, i've been robbed and almost got arrested a few times.

And I'm not sure, I've had a difficult life since I was young, my father was abusive physically and mentally since I could remember and I've had a lot of bad things happen to me throughout my life. I lived in this deep depression for so long I don't really see a different life for myself, I'm not a productive member of society nor will I ever be. So I don't want to spend another 5, 10 or whatever years like this. Every day that passes that i'm still here I feel is another day wasted. I'm not sure how much sense that makes or if there's more you want to know. But I appreciate how welcoming and interested you are in my story, it means a lot, I feel very invisible in my life so.

What's your story? If you don't mind me asking, and if you feel like sharing. I completely understand if not.
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Heaven gained a new ho
Feb 15, 2019
Hm, the west has very different heroin (I live in the east) but the lifestyle is pretty much the same. It's really risky though, you'd have to go into known ghetto areas, i've been robbed and almost got arrested a few times.

And I'm not sure, I've had a difficult life since I was young, my father was abusive physically and mentally since I could remember and I've had a lot of bad things happen to me throughout my life. I lived in this deep depression for so long I don't really see a different life for myself, I'm not a productive member of society nor will I ever be. So I don't want to spend another 5, 10 or whatever years like this. Every day that passes that i'm still here I feel is another day wasted. I'm not sure how much sense that makes or if there's more you want to know. But I appreciate how welcoming and interested you are in my story, it means a lot, I feel very invisible in my life so.

What's your story? If you don't mind me asking, and if you feel like sharing. I completely understand if not.
Well... Like you, extreme physical and mental abuse. The first time I tried to die I was 8. I didn't know any other way of getting out of the abuse I faced so, I tried to hang myself. Depression on and off has followed me throughout my life, my second attempt was around 12 with pills. I couldn't find them so I gave up. I used to be able to track my depression periods between certain months but now, within the past year, it's been relentless. I've gotten fired from practically everything, very simple jobs despite me trying my hardest to be a good person. As a result of the depression, getting fired, getting rejected from the military cause they found out about my childhood and overall me just being a piece of shit, I've began drinking heavily and using pills to cope with a troubled mind. I've realized I am the problem in every situation, I've become angry and hostile. My next attempt will work. I can't live in my own head anymore, I hate everything about myself.
It mainly boils down to me wanting to be something (I wanted to be a human rights lawyer or work in crime fields, FBI, CIA etc). But if I get fired from practically every minimum wage job I've ever had, how am I to be trusted with extreme confidentiality, a very high level of professionalism and overall being great at my job? I've realized I can't. It destroys me, but I can't. So im taking myself out of this race before it gets started
My mental state isn't well, I had a breakdown a few days ago which was posted on here but maybe I could live with that. It's the fired part. I cannot keep a job no matter how hard I try
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Mar 14, 2019
Well... Like you, extreme physical and mental abuse. The first time I tried to die I was 8. I didn't know any other way of getting out of the abuse I faced so, I tried to hang myself. Depression on and off has followed me throughout my life, my second attempt was around 12 with pills. I couldn't find them so I gave up. I used to be able to track my depression periods between certain months but now, within the past year, it's been relentless. I've gotten fired from practically everything, very simple jobs despite me trying my hardest to be a good person. As a result of the depression, getting fired, getting rejected from the military cause they found out about my childhood and overall me just being a piece of shit, I've began drinking heavily and using pills to cope with a troubled mind. I've realized I am the problem in every situation, I've become angry and hostile. My next attempt will work. I can't live in my own head anymore, I hate everything about myself.
It mainly boils down to me wanting to be something (I wanted to be a human rights lawyer or work in crime fields, FBI, CIA etc). But if I get fired from practically every minimum wage job I've ever had, how am I to be trusted with extreme confidentiality, a very high level of professionalism and overall being great at my job? I've realized I can't. It destroys me, but I can't. So im taking myself out of this race before it gets started
My mental state isn't well, I had a breakdown a few days ago which was posted on here but maybe I could live with that. It's the fired part. I cannot keep a job no matter how hard I try

I'm sorry to hear that. Your story is heartbreaking and I understand completely why you feel now the way you do. It sounds very similar to my life. I think a lot of people think that things can somehow get better but I think the reason so many of us have gotten to this point is because we've been shown time and time again that it can't. And I don't think any of us want to spend the rest of our lives in this misery. I also understand the job aspect, I've never been able to hold down a job myself no matter what. And having a job, something that many insist gives you a reason to keep going, is pretty important, and it sounds like in your case it's very important to you. I wonder why all these jobs keep letting you go, did they ever give you any reasons as to why?
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Emissary of the right to die.
Aug 30, 2018
Thanks for sharing your story and I'm glad that you are able to find a home here, our sanctuary where we can be open with our thoughts in regards to suicide and death without judgment and potential legal/civil consequences. I too have endured reddit's bullshit far too much and this place is our safe haven, free of censorship and has like-minded people who actually understands death and suicide from a rational, logical point of view.
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Heaven gained a new ho
Feb 15, 2019
I'm sorry to hear that. Your story is heartbreaking and I understand completely why you feel now the way you do. It sounds very similar to my life. I think a lot of people think that things can somehow get better but I think the reason so many of us have gotten to this point is because we've been shown time and time again that it can't. And I don't think any of us want to spend the rest of our lives in this misery. I also understand the job aspect, I've never been able to hold down a job myself no matter what. And having a job, something that many insist gives you a reason to keep going, is pretty important, and it sounds like in your case it's very important to you. I wonder why all these jobs keep letting you go, did they ever give you any reasons as to why?
It's simply my incompetence. My last one, I got put on a 30 day improvement or get terminated and I failed.. as usual. I tried my best but alas, I couldn't do it. Yes, it is very important to me. I wanted to be something but instead. I got stuck with being me.
Nonetheless, I apologise, I've a habit of making things about myself. I wish you happiness or at the very least, content with whatever you choose to do
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Mar 14, 2019
Thanks for sharing your story and I'm glad that you are able to find a home here, our sanctuary where we can be open with our thoughts in regards to suicide and death without judgment and potential legal/civil consequences. I too have endured reddit's bullshit far too much and this place is our safe haven, free of censorship and has like-minded people who actually understands death and suicide from a rational, logical point of view.

Thank you for being so nice and welcoming. I'm very happy to have found this place, it really is like no other and I still am suprised a place like this exists where like-minded individuals from all over can come and talks about these things so freely. And I agree, Reddit used to be one of my favorite places to go on before it became so unbelievably censored. I took a few years break from it so when i came back, I couldn't believe it was the same Reddit.

It's simply my incompetence. My last one, I got put on a 30 day improvement or get terminated and I failed.. as usual. I tried my best but alas, I couldn't do it. Yes, it is very important to me. I wanted to be something but instead. I got stuck with being me.
Nonetheless, I apologise, I've a habit of making things about myself. I wish you happiness or at the very least, content with whatever you choose to do

Please do not apologize, reading that back it almost sounds like I wrote it myself, I feel the exact same way you do. A long time ago I also wanted to be something, but I also got stuck with myself, just like you, now I no longer want anything. You're not making anything about yourself, I love hearing the stories about others and I also always feel like I make things about myself and then feel guilty when I start talking about myself, so please don't apologize. Thank you for talking to me at all and I hope you find peace whichever path you choose as well.
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Heaven gained a new ho
Feb 15, 2019
Thank you for being so nice and welcoming. I'm very happy to have found this place, it really is like no other and I still am suprised a place like this exists where like-minded individuals from all over can come and talks about these things so freely. And I agree, Reddit used to be one of my favorite places to go on before it became so unbelievably censored. I took a few years break from it so when i came back, I couldn't believe it was the same Reddit.

Please do not apologize, reading that back it almost sounds like I wrote it myself, I feel the exact same way you do. A long time ago I also wanted to be something, but I also got stuck with myself, just like you, now I no longer want anything. You're not making anything about yourself, I love hearing the stories about others and I also always feel like I make things about myself and then feel guilty when I start talking about myself, so please don't apologize. Thank you for talking to me at all and I hope you find peace whichever path you choose as well.
Yes, of course, feel free to message (whenever you get those rights) if you ever need someone to talk to. There's been a few absolute walnuts on here but most of us are welcoming and they've been banned
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Mar 14, 2019
Yes, of course, feel free to message (whenever you get those rights) if you ever need someone to talk to. There's been a few absolute walnuts on here but most of us are welcoming and they've been banned

I don't want to bother you but would love to message you whenever I get the option (I'm still pretty new I think) and yes I definitely agree, I like how well run this site is, it makes me feel safe and i'm glad that most of the people on here are so welcoming.
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Heaven gained a new ho
Feb 15, 2019
I don't want to bother you but would love to message you whenever I get the option (I'm still pretty new I think) and yes I definitely agree, I like how well run this site is, it makes me feel safe and i'm glad that most of the people on here are so welcoming.
Oy. You won't be bothering me, it'll give me a new thing to do from the montamany that is my life
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Jan 28, 2019

I've come here from nowhere across the unforgiving sea
Drifting further and further, it's only becoming clear to me
The violent winds are upon us - and I can't breathe
Internal temperatures rising and all of the voices won't recede

I've finally found
Because I am a stranger who has found an even stranger war

Welcome to the Merry Menagerie of Melancholic Misfits, the Grotesquerie of Gloom, the Carousel of Cynicism('lots of paranoia over shills), the Sanctum of The Suicidal.
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Mar 7, 2019
Hi everyone,

I used to be on SanctionedSuicide over at Reddit. That place helped me a lot, I believe I was there before all the strict rules came about. There's nothing like being able to express yourself to people who think and feel the exact same way and to be able to talk about it in a place where people will never say that there's hope! And you can get better! And try therapy, it's a miracle! And I don't want to bash people who do say those things, I know they just want to help and they probably truly believe that everyone can get better. One phrase I always remembered from the subreddit was that it's human nature to cling on to life. And that doesn't mean just ourselves and our instinct, but others who see a sick one and it's their instinct to keep them alive at all costs. Like some who are on life support for years because people just can't let go. Anyways, I spent a whole year that time isolated at home, on the subreddit, planning everything out, saving money and ordering my supplies and wrote notes to every loved one and even an unofficial will of sorts, not that I had much. I was going to do it on my birthday, but one day something triggered me and I just got up, got in my car, and headed to the motel. I booked my room and started drinking, not to gain courage, but to make it less painful, I already had a high pain tolerance but I wanted this to be fool proof. So I drew a line with a marker on my neck right over the carotid artery, got my scalpel and basically performed surgery on my self. My plan was to locate the artery and sever it. The funny part is, I had cut my neck so deep and I didn't feel a thing. I don't know if it was adrenaline or alcohol or both. But I didn't feel anything. Then I heard a knock at the door, it was the police. I had no idea how they found me because I made sure I was untraceable. My phone wasn't even with me. I didn't answer and quickly barricaded myself in the room with furniture and started working faster but for the life of me could not find that damn artery. I was in so deep in my neck at this point and just couldn't locate it, I felt and still feel so stupid. (I know now that there's some sort of tissue or sheath covering it so maybe that was why I couldn't see it) The police eventually broke down the door, I have no clue how to be honest, and they yelled at me to get down, they were pointing something at me I didn't have my contacts so I couldn't see if they were guns or tasers, but I had to get down and they got on me and handcuffed me until they guy turned me over and saw the gaping wound in my neck and started screaming. It was a whole mess that ended with me involuntarily committed and man was I angry. I found out by my family that the police located me because my parents came up with the idea to give them my license plate number and they located my car in the parking lot (I'm an idiot). In hindsight, I would've taken a bus. In the hospital I said whatever I needed to say to get out of there because I was planning to try again as soon as possible. But by then I started having symptoms of PTSD, I'll admit, my attempt was very traumatic. I started having panic attacks every night when the time of my attempt came around so I started taking Vicodin pills to calm down. That was a full pill bottle, and I finished it in 3 weeks before moving on to heroin. Those years were the most hectic of my life. I have no idea how to explain it. But heroin took it all away, I didn't try to kill myself again because I no longer felt anything but extreme euphoria. Like everything was alright in the world. Eventually, the police were called on me by my family and I was sent to the hospital/detox against my will because I was "suicidal". I guess they just wanted me to get clean, well it worked so I'm glad their wish came true. 6 months clean now, and on Suboxone. However, I knew this would happen which is why I had a very hard time getting clean, because I knew, as soon as I got clean I would be right back to wanting to kill myself. And I was right. So I did end up looking for that subreddit again and was devastated to find that it was gone. They had banned it along with another one I used sometimes. So finding this website has been amazing. Quite honestly, I'm just so happy to have a place to talk about things like this with no judgement and no lecture.

Anyways, there's more to the story but I really wrote way too much and I doubt anyone will even read it so I am sorry about that. I just wanted to write this post to let you all now that I know i'm new but I'm a real person and have a real story and can be trusted, and that I'm honestly so happy to have found this website.

I also wanted to ask, I've lurked the forums for quite a bit and hear a lot of talk about methods, particularly ones that are painless and I was wondering why no one talks about heroin/fent overdoses? Because I've overdosed plenty and have friends who have as well and let me tell you, it is absolutely painless (unless you're afraid of needles). But seriously, if you have absolutely no tolerance to opiates (never touched opiates in your life) and shoot up a big amount, that's it, game over. I wish I had no tolerance just so I could do that method. Overdosing feels like this, basically you're up and fine for a minute, you blink and you're out cold. Then you wake up to EMT all around you if someone finds you lol. But I don't know I was just wondering why it's not talked about more.

Okay I'm done now, I'm really really sorry for writing so much and I'm so glad to be here.
Too much to read. Next time you post slim it down quite a bit.


Jan 28, 2019
Too much to read. Next time you post slim it down quite a bit.
Too little to read. Next time you post fatten it up quite a bit. You have post-orexia. This is a verbose-acceptance zone. :tongue:
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Heaven gained a new ho
Feb 15, 2019
Too much to read. Next time you post slim it down quite a bit.
Shut up dude
He/she can post as long a message as they want
Piss right off with that bull shit
Thanks :)

I'm sorry. I probably wont post anymore no worries
Post as much as you got damn please
Write a fucking book, I'll read it

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