Eating Disordered Junkie
- Jun 2, 2024
- 1,632
Thank you to our incredible mods for officially addressing this, inside the US or not. I have the utmost respect for you lot.
As you know, censorship around the world has been ramping up at an alarming pace. The UK and OFCOM has singled out this community and have been focusing its censorship efforts here. It takes a good amount of resources to maintain the infrastructure for our community and to resist this censorship. We would appreciate any and all donations.
Your feelings and worries are totally valid. To be honest, I'm coping pretty hard right now. What I'm counting on is that after Trump is gone (assuming he doesn't try for a third term) Republicans will return to sanity and stop acting like a cult. Yes it'll still be majority republican, but maybe the republicans won't be as crazy once Trump is gone. No matter what though, the damage will last over a decade. And there's no guarantees that things will improve. But we won't know for sure what will happen until time moves forward.I respectfully disagree . I see it as He's got two years to totally screw everything up for so many people. And he's going to have a lot of power because he has the Senate controlled by Republicans, possibly the house since we don't know yet, and the Supreme Court filled with judges that he appointed. I am no political expert by any means, but as far as I know, Roe versus Wade being overturned was solely the result of the Supreme Court and had nothing to do with Congress.It is going to take years and years to not have a Republican majority there since they stick around forever. Yes, Congress can overturn it, but who's to say there won't be another case that the Supreme Court will hear in the future that could overturn that. And this is assuming that the Democrats actually get some power in two years. He obviously has more supporters than many of us even realized. Who's to say they won't Stop supporting him.
A lot can happen in two years. Even more in four. But I think the lasting damage and amount of suffering for individuals can last way longer.
Believe me, I wish I could be as optimistic as you.
You are completely right. I was speaking only in long terms because I'm trying to stay optimistic on a website where so many suicidal people gather. I just don't want anyone to CTB due to Trump before his second term even starts. I am deeply concerned for what trans people are about to go through. Some states like California and Minnesota are likely to be more welcoming, but it's completely unacceptable that many human beings will have to move states just to be treated like a normal citizen. I still hold out hope that the future will be bright, but there is no denying what will happen until that future comes. I'm not trying to say that people don't have reason to be worried, I'm just trying to say that there is reason to be hopeful too.Just remember, things that took years, decades, even centuries to fight for, build, create, revise, etc, they can be destroyed in an instant.
And just because something was created once, doesn't mean it can ever be created again. Trans kids who are bullied -simply because their bullies have been empowered by orange man and his cronies- and kill themselves as a result will be lost forever. Now throw in trans-kids who are actively denied hormone blockers by their policies. Or young transmen who are raped by empowered assailants and get pregnant with no access the abortion.
I'm going to stop by agreeing that yes -eventually and at the macro-level- much of the damage he and his cronies will cause is likely to be undone, but just logically following the probable impacts of actions that they have repeatedly threatened to do they will absolutely continue to harm kids -kids who aren't even born yet- for their entire lives, and some of those actions will likely shorten many lives (e.g. banning vaccinations will likely cause deadly outbreaks); so in the short-term and on the individual scale, people have every right to be very concerned, especially if they've already lived with the impacts of his and his cronies' previous time in office.
Samaritans won't call anyone but all the others will, just to clarify. I've been held to ransom by SHOUT in the past for example.I might be missing something here but I am not sure this is true? At least here in the UK our main crisis line will not call anyone if you are feeling suicidal, they will just talk to you. I think the only case they would try to get someone else involved is if they thought that you were likely to harm a child or vulnerable adult.
I think we should be careful what we say about the policies of specific lines folks, and make sure we're giving accurate info & not potentially misleading anyone.
If we are dealing with people in crisis on here, it's important they get accurate info & aren't dissuaded from accessing a potentially life saving resource.
Not trying to fight with anyone here. Just thought it was something worth saying, considering the situation we are now in.
On a different note, I am also feeling terrible about what is going on right now. It's like I'm in a dream and can't really believe it is real.
They are incredibly caring aren't they, and risk a lot by moderating this site.Thank you to our incredible mods for officially addressing this, inside the US or not. I have the utmost respect for you lot.
If you call from a cellphone and do not give your address, they can't send authorities.I strongly encourage SaSu folks to call a "warm line" instead of any "suicide hotlines" or "crisis hotlines", as the later are more likely to call authorities on callers who are deemed a possible threat to themselves.
If you call from a cellphone and do not give your address, they can't send authorities.
Also, the warmlines don't have queues and rarely pick up. I've called Trans Lifeline, Thrive Lifeline and peer support life lines many times and no one has picked up.
I don't know, I'm mixed on this. I think it's possible that Trump has set a new status quo for republicans. Although it could be more like Andrew Tate, where he was like a singular enigma, and everyone who tried to emulate it failed miserably. I hope it's the latter. One thing is for certain, and that is that the next 4 years will be undeniably rough.Your feelings and worries are totally valid. To be honest, I'm coping pretty hard right now. What I'm counting on is that after Trump is gone (assuming he doesn't try for a third term) Republicans will return to sanity and stop acting like a cult. Yes it'll still be majority republican, but maybe the republicans won't be as crazy once Trump is gone. No matter what though, the damage will last over a decade. And there's no guarantees that things will improve. But we won't know for sure what will happen until time moves forward.
Yeah, for sure. An anti-vaxxer for the top health position in the country is terrible for us all. He also has some controversial views like (in his own words):I feel like RFK is going to completely dismantle public health and leave us all to Covid and H5N1. So anyone wanting to go, you can just let him do it for you. That's what I think is on the way.
https://translegislation.com/ - these happened because of his hatred.I certainly don't agree with Trump on all things but may I ask, what exactly are people afraid of regarding being LGQBT+ under his administration?
Agreed omg! People from both sides acting as if the other one is end of the world.Trump, Biden, Bernie, Harris, Obama, it doesn't matter. No politician gives a shit about the average American
It's literally just going to be the same as the last time he was president. People on the left think the world's going to end, four years will pass, they'll realize they were worrying for no reason and then the people on the right are going to go mental once a democrat gets elected in 2028I am not from USA, LGBT, or pay attention to politics anywhere as I have too much in my own life to worry about. What is Trump doing or trying to do?
That's a good song. Got me through a lot of hard times"The Little Things Give You Away"
Ding ding ding we have a winnerI suspected it but now I see I was wrong. Humanity's good deeds can't make up for it's fault. Humans suck at collective thinking, hence why this species is doomed and this happened. Maybe the real problem is not the media', politician's, or the billionaire's maybe the real problem is that we're inherently asinine. and I have reasons to believe we're too asinine to fix it.
Ding ding ding we have a winner
I also want to say it's such a shame a forum created to discuss ending ones misery through suicide has devolved to arguing about politics. There's multiple threads in the suggestions forum asking for another suicide section since the majority of what's in this sub isn't about suicide. There's lots of places on the internet (and even a sub on this forum) to argue about politics if one wishes. The current politic atmosphere is meant to be divisive. Such a shame that incredibly mentally harmful divisiveness is allowed to be brought here. This place isn't what it used to be.
That's a good song. Got me through a lot of hard times
good taste, didn't think anyone would get the reference.That's a good song. Got me through a lot of hard times
Anything can be debated, and anyone has that right. You get to tell exactly no one what they can question, or how they should think. Knowledge, all knowledge has come from the ability to freely exchange thoughts and ideas. It is when you are not given that freedom is when tragedy and oppression occur.https://translegislation.com/ - these happened because of his hatred.
https://glaad.org/fact-sheet-trump-transgender/ - long history of problematic statements and behaviors
https://www.aclu.org/trump-on-lgbtq-rights - also more detail
https://www.npr.org/sections/health...-protections-reversed-by-trump-administration - a specific example
Nobody has a right in this thread to debate these sources, and I'm certainly not going to debate anything on this with any cishet men or women so I won't do any 'whataboutism' or 'you have nothing to worry about.
Imagine killing yourself because of a president lmao
That is just retarted and victims of fearpornBt ppl hve alrdy dne tht
A trns advoc8 on Twittr lost 3 frnds withn dys of th/ electn bcse of th/ anxty of hw a Trmp cabnt wld tke awy thr rghts & incrse h8 2wrds thm
That is just retarted and victims of fearporn
Thank you for the distinction between warm and hot/s prevention lines.I'm grateful to those that shared this info with me, and am glad to share it in turn.
I wouldn't actually say that suicide and crisis hotlines were witch hunts.
Suicide and crisis hotlines have often times been created with the goal of "reducing suicides" when someone is in crisis. So, if "they" (whether "they" is the organization, funders, just the individual answering the phone, or some other key entity) think they can do it just by talking with a caller, great. However, if they think they haven't "saved" the caller via conversation, then "they" are likely to feel justified calling in the authorities to "save" the caller.
Warm lines were created with the goal of having "certified peers" (i.e. people who have actually personally lived with mental health or substance abuse challenges, gone through some basic training, and gotten certified) actually helping individual callers dealing with mental health or substance abuse challenges, ideally before they reach a crisis point.
Of course, individual hotlines and warmlines will have their own policies and procedures, but those policies and procedures tend to align with their goals. For example, a hotline is more likely to gather identity and location info because they believe they may need to send help to "save" a caller. Meanwhile, a warmline is more likely to have policies and procedures that explicitly limit the collection of such information precisely because they know that calling authorities on someone can disproportionately harm that caller (and frequently has).
Likewise, the individuals answering the calls are humans, who will each have their own reasons for being there and their own biases based on their personal experiences. (To be clear, we all have biases based on our experiences. But in certain contexts, knowledge, training, and even procedures can reduce the impact of an individual's biases.) For example, if a talking with a college age caller who is a crying and is then unexpectedly disconnected, a parent who lost a college age child to suicide is likely to respond very differently than a peer who themself had to have special accommodations during their own college years.
So basically, hotlines have a goal of "saving" people (and likely corresponding policies) and may or may not be manned by people who have any personal experience with mental health or substance abusr challenges while warmlines have a goal of "helping" callers (and again, likely to have corresponding policies) and are staffed by certified peers who have at least some personal experience with mental health or substance abuse challenges.
(To be clear, I am not a peer support specialist, but I spent a lot of time with about a dozen of them in early and mid September, and I have mad respect for them! How to Become a Peer Support Specialist)
Thank you to the staff for the above post.LBGTQ Crisis Line Reports Nearly 200% Increase in Election-Related Calls From Queer and Trans Youth
Staff understand that the election results have caused a lot of fear in people, and understand the valid reasons for distress.
No one knows at the moment, what is going to happen or what policies are going to be implemented, and exactly how people will be affected yet.
Uncertainty is scary.
- Will people lose their rights?
- Will vulnerable people receive more abuse?
- Will people lose support which is keeping them holding on right now?
One of the best things about SaSu is the compassion and empathy that members offer each other.
People are here for each other, and make each other feel seen and heard.
For anyone struggling; try not to process what you are feeling alone. Stay connected with supportive people on-site, irl and any support organizations that you use.
Finding community can help ease some of the loneliness and isolation that often follows distressing news like these.
There are obviously lots of horror stories of what "might" happen. Staff urge people to try to stay in the present whenever possible. And respond to what policies actually unfold, as they happen, instead of reacting to current assumptions and uncertainty of the future if you can.
We know it's hard.
The world survived Trump the first time, and there are only 2 years until mid-term elections where some of the power can change hands again.
SaSu intends to be a safe space for people affected by the recent results - feel free to vent, speak feelings with each other and hopefully some comradery can happen through the initial shock, and see whether anything can be problem-solved later.
Below are the names and numbers, of some organizations which might offer some extra support in the mean-time.
The Trevor Project 1-866-488-7386
Provides crisis intervention and suicide prevention services for LGBTQ youth (Mainly for those 24 and younger)
LGBT National Help Center 888-843-4564
Offers peer-support and can also help with information and local resources.
Nonprofit that provides access to abortion via medication. All online, medicine will be sent via mail.
Discreet and they can offer funding if necessary.
Trans Lifeline (877) 565-8860
Peer support for transgender people. Hotline can be used if you need somebody to talk to, or in crisis.
They have a policy against non-concensual active rescue, meaning they will not call emergency services or law enforcement even if you express you're going to harm yourself or CTB.
Crisis Text Line 741741
Non-profit that provides text-based mental health and crisis support.
2-1-1 211
Can be called and redirected to resources in your local area - whether it's crisis hotlines, practical support or community groups.
Compilation of other recovery and crisis information:
Recovery and Crisis Resource Compilation
The following are resources for you to reach out for help and support. We encourage you to seek recovery and be happy. Different resources work for different people, so we encourage you try several until you find what you need. Your happiness comes first. The list has been created from...sanctioned-suicide.net
"The Little Things Give You Away"
I know right?! Easily my favorite song, also one of my favorite albums !good taste, didn't think anyone would get the reference.
prob the most underrated lp song imo, it's my fav. And it's more relevant than ever.
The United States has a strong and powerful leader once again. The good and decent people of the world love Trump!