@DJJE , what I'm quoting by you inspired the following response, but it is not directed at you. I am responding to the words, I don't care who they came from or whether you personally agree with them.
Also, I'm just talking into the wind here. What i have to say solves nothing. This thread solves nothing. Imo, all of us here are fired up in some way and can't do shit about it, same as the thread about "white privilege," any political thread, even threads complaining about the mental health system. We can all see bullshit, and can't do shit about it except be intellectually and spiritually (morally) offended.
They are quite happy to show that the greatest democracy in the world is giving its idiot public a choice between two incompetent geriatric.
Is there any public that's not "idiot"? That sounds like victim blaming.
People can't know what they do not know.
Any education system, whether state-run or just how people learn from one another in society, eschews teaching critical thinking and pumps up ideology. Publics generally don't have power. And this is why I just said in another thread that I don't vote -- I'm not being given a choice, I'm not being empowered to participate; I'm being manipulated to use my mental, emotional, spiritual (moral) and physical energy to participate in my own domination and feel good about it.
The US is not a democracy, it's supposed to be a republic -- a government of the public, by the public and for the public. But it is not. People are not educated about how to critique it, participate in it, draw their equal benefits from it, or take it down or repair it when it is no longer a republic.
But the US does not function as a republic, therefore it is not one. Presidents override the constitution and start wars, or force participation in the marketplace with health insurance under "Obamacare," which penalizes people via income taxes if they refuse compliance.
Of course the republic will crumble, because the constitution and the bill of rights are not upheld by the government, and the public has no power over this. The public has no power to fight the government, but only to follow a revolutionary leader with sufficient military and persuasive power who, if and once the current structure is toppled, will impose a new government with new ways to shit on the people it promised to liberate -- classic bait and switch. That's how civil wars and revolutions generally end up, with old power more powerful, or new power shitty in new ways. I think the only way the US could possibly come out of its shit is if there were a leader with enough power to win a war that brings the country back to the constitution and bill of rights, including a judicial system that didn't "interpret" the constitution as something to get around rather than uphold; a congress that worked in the interest of individuals that make up the public and not corporations that are "interpreted" to be individuals; and presidents that stayed within their bounds of their functions. Not gonna happen.
Everything is a war. Government agencies are used to undermine citizens, to fuck with their heads, to fuck with everyone. Power just wants more power. Whatever upheaval is happening, along with all the technologies in play, is going to end up as a huge bait-and-switch, a switch to greater and worse power, and the "idiot" public HAS. NO. CHOICE, NO AGENCY, NO POWER, and will be used and harmed in the interests of those who do have power. That is what it means to be a victim. Not an idiot.
I and others can see all these things and be voices crying in the wilderness, but that doesn't protect me or us or anyone else. With the advanced technologies in existence, we can't do shit. I mean technologies so advanced that an army will drop their weapons because they all at the same time heard "God" tell them to. This is utter dystopia. And anyone who has the power and technology to overcome it is not likely to be a benevolent hero.
Sometimes it is easier and preferable to be an "idiot." Awareness sucks when one has no power to also effect change. Hope keeps one going. Humans can't really survive without it, even if it doesn't come true.