Thank you so much for the suggestions and I'm so sorry to hear about your health issues as well. It must be so awful to have to be so ill that you have to take antiemetics all the time I can't even imagine
Of course I'd love to hear more about your story/health issues. You can PM me if you like. :)
My problems started with gallstones. I didn't realize what it was at first, but it kept happening. It hurt very badly, not just around my stomach, but also in my back. I also became extremely nauseous and vomited all the time. I had to take an ambulance to the ER, and it turned out I had pancreatitis. Worst pain I've felt, honestly.
That became a cycle, pancreatitis and gallbladder attacks, so I had my gallbladder removed. But that didn't stop the problem. They determined the pancreatitis was caused when the bile ducts were blocked by stones, so essentially, my pancreas began to digest itself. By that time, permanent damage was done.
For awhile, I had gastroparesis because of damage from the surgery. That's mostly resolved, although sometimes I feel the symptoms coming back. That caused even more nausea and vomiting.
And because of all the scarring on my pancreas, I stopped making enough insulin and became diabetic. I'm constantly nauseous and usually vomit daily, so I have to take the antiemetics several times a day. Also pancreatic enzymes. I haven't had an attack in awhile, but I know it's just a matter of time. I have a lot of pain in my stomach, but also on the upper right side. My GI doctor is out of ideas, so currently he's having me try proton pump inhibitors and some sort of ulcer med even though I do not have ulcers.
Anyway, that's what caused my persistent stomach issues. We know what caused some of it but not really. It's looking like there's no way to fix it.
I also have the numbness, burning, tingling in my hands and feet. It's neuropathy, but in my case it started because of nerve damage from chemo. Then it advanced into diabetic neuropathy. I'm very scared it'll keep getting worse. You should do a consult with a neurologist for that. There might be a way to get relief. I'm on gabapentin for the neuropathy, but there are other treatments.
I also am starting to suspect my anxiety disorder is amplifying the GI issues. I definitely feel worse the more anxious I get. Anxiety really does affect blood pressure, too. I'm actually having a problem with that now.
I really hope you can figure out what's causing your pain. The thing that makes this so difficult is that all these diseases and conditions share symptoms, so it's often impossible to figure out what's causing what. I don't believe it's hopeless, though. It just comes down to endurance. How long you can make yourself search for answers. I hope this was a little helpful.