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May 10, 2019
I've been visited by the crisis team at home for the last few weeks after my SN was found by a family member, and I OD'd on pills and ended up in hospital. They told me earlier this week I would be discharged from their services and passed on to the long-term team.

So today, I was visited by 2 psychiatrists and 2 mental health nurses and was told pretty abruptly I was being sectioned under the Mental Health Act and I would be taken by ambulance to a psych ward in an hour. Didn't even have time to pack all my stuff. My family members were even pleading with them not to do this, as it would cause even more distress, but they ignored them. I am really confused how it's come to this, as I was complying with everything the crisis team asked of me to ensure I would be left alone

Amongst many other things, I suffer with severe OCD and as a result it's unbearable here. I have so many routines and rituals I must carry out. Everything is so unclean, and I haven't been able to drink or eat anything all day which no one even cares about, as my OCD dictates the types of food I'm allowed and how it is prepared and stored etc.

Due to COVID-19, my family are not even allowed to visit me, or drop any more of my things off.

Has anyone been in a similar situation, or have any tips about how I can be discharged as soon as possible? Things I should say/do etc.
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Nov 7, 2019
Im assuming you've now been sectioned, im guessing under section 2?
Unfortunately staff are pretty wise to those trying to get off section, all you can really do is keep incidents to a minimum, appear fine during checks, comply with them and soon enough they'll reconsider.
Fake it til you make it i guess would be the saying here.
Though, i do hope you make the most out of this opportunity, to perhaps get some help for your ocd whilst in there.
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Jun 27, 2019
I haven't been in a similar situation with regards to OCD but I have been sectioned and refused to eat and drink, they put me on a fluid drip in the end. I think it is unlikely that they will discharge you if you continue to refuse fluids.

When will you get to talk to the psychiatrist in charge of the ward? I'm guessing it will be Monday at the earliest now? Ask to speak to the nurse in charge, say that you want to cooperate but your OCD is causing you difficulties and ask how they can help you to move forward.

I'm sorry this has happened to you
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May 10, 2019
Thank you both for your replies, I really appreciate it.

@blivogade Yes it's under section 2.

Its 10pm here now, and no one has even said anything to me about the fact I haven't eaten or drunk anything all day. I'm being checked on every hour, but evidently food and fluid charts are not being kept.

@Iwantoutrightnow Yeah I'm not going to be seen by anyone until Monday now, so seems pretty silly of them to section me at the weekend.
I will try and talk to one of the nurses now, thank you.
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Jun 27, 2019
They won't necessarily do food and fluid charts unless they recognise that you aren't eating and drinking. I went for 3 days before they started my charts and a further 3 days before they put me on a drip.

Is there a hot drinks machine on the ward? If there is you could fill a cup with boiling water then poor that water down a sink and then reuse that cup for drinking? The initial boiling water would kill any bacteria? It's just a suggestion, I don't know how your OCD affects you but the sooner you can start drinking the better.

Take care
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Mar 21, 2019
Are you aware of how the system works at all? You will have weekly "ward rounds" where they review you, this might be your best chance to get out, I'm not sure.
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May 7, 2020
I'm currently stuck in a psych ward as well. Have been here for 6 months. It's tough
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Nov 7, 2019
Thank you both for your replies, I really appreciate it.

@blivogade Yes it's under section 2.

Its 10pm here now, and no one has even said anything to me about the fact I haven't eaten or drunk anything all day. I'm being checked on every hour, but evidently food and fluid charts are not being kept.

@Iwantoutrightnow Yeah I'm not going to be seen by anyone until Monday now, so seems pretty silly of them to section me at the weekend.
I will try and talk to one of the nurses now, thank you.
Unfortunately you'll probably have to wait til Monday when the psychiatrist or doctors are in, nurses cant do anything.
Are you in general right now?
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Dec 28, 2019
I've been visited by the crisis team at home for the last few weeks after my SN was found by a family member, and I OD'd on pills and ended up in hospital. They told me earlier this week I would be discharged from their services and passed on to the long-term team.

So today, I was visited by 2 psychiatrists and 2 mental health nurses and was told pretty abruptly I was being sectioned under the Mental Health Act and I would be taken by ambulance to a psych ward in an hour.
Something must have prompted them to section you today? Finding SN a few weeks ago wouldn't cause this and your comment about being moved to long term care isn't a cause for their concern.
You can appeal your sectioning if you think it's uncalled for, ask one of the nurses on how to.
About eating and your OCD, identify a nurse you feel might listen to you and explain about your OCD and you want some food/drink. Hopefully they'll try to accommodate you but no guarantee's, if that nurse doesn't respond well ask another.
Is this your first time being sectioned? I remember mine and it was scary and bewildering, don't give up, I thought i'd never get out but i did 9 weeks later and was the better for it.
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Oh so tired

Apr 17, 2020
I'm so sorry you are going through this. If you do not agree with the section you do have the right to appeal, the ward should have information about this and independent advocates available at request. I appealed my section and won the tribunal so was able to discharge myself. It took about a week from appealing to the tribunal hearing, and after the hearing I discharged myself pretty much immediately. Do you have any idea what triggered the section? Mine was following a suicide attempt, there would normally need to be a good reason. I hope whatever happens that you can access the support that you need. :hug:
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Jun 26, 2019
There was a couple of times my daughter ended up in hospital with OD's. She was never sectioned. It all sounds a bit odd. Have you asked them WHY you've been sectioned? I'm going to assume it's to do with your family telling them you had SN?
I know of people who've begged and pleaded with mental health to help them with no luck! Here in the UK that is.... You don't want their help and a whole crowd of them land on your doorstep? Strange...

I find this whole situation really annoying. Why do the 'authorities' have to declare anyone who doesn't want to live anymore as mentally ill?? If someone is miserable, depressed, distressed, and suffering because of life, isn't it cruel to insist on keeping them alive even if that means keeping them locked up in a mental institution of some sort!!! You wouldn't do it to a dog, so why do it to people!!
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Jan 2, 2020
I've been visited by the crisis team at home for the last few weeks after my SN was found by a family member, and I OD'd on pills and ended up in hospital. They told me earlier this week I would be discharged from their services and passed on to the long-term team.

So today, I was visited by 2 psychiatrists and 2 mental health nurses and was told pretty abruptly I was being sectioned under the Mental Health Act and I would be taken by ambulance to a psych ward in an hour. Didn't even have time to pack all my stuff. My family members were even pleading with them not to do this, as it would cause even more distress, but they ignored them. I am really confused how it's come to this, as I was complying with everything the crisis team asked of me to ensure I would be left alone

Amongst many other things, I suffer with severe OCD and as a result it's unbearable here. I have so many routines and rituals I must carry out. Everything is so unclean, and I haven't been able to drink or eat anything all day which no one even cares about, as my OCD dictates the types of food I'm allowed and how it is prepared and stored etc.

Due to COVID-19, my family are not even allowed to visit me, or drop any more of my things off.

Has anyone been in a similar situation, or have any tips about how I can be discharged as soon as possible? Things I should say/do etc.

What pills??


May 10, 2019
Thank you everyone for your replies and advice, it's much appreciated.

There was a couple of times my daughter ended up in hospital with OD's. She was never sectioned. It all sounds a bit odd. Have you asked them WHY you've been sectioned? I'm going to assume it's to do with your family telling them you had SN?
I know of people who've begged and pleaded with mental health to help them with no luck! Here in the UK that is.... You don't want their help and a whole crowd of them land on your doorstep? Strange...

I find this whole situation really annoying. Why do the 'authorities' have to declare anyone who doesn't want to live anymore as mentally ill?? If someone is miserable, depressed, distressed, and suffering because of life, isn't it cruel to insist on keeping them alive even if that means keeping them locked up in a mental institution of some sort!!! You wouldn't do it to a dog, so why do it to people!!

Yeah the whole situation is beyond bizarre. I was really shocked that this would happen in the UK, considering how shit our mental service is. I never expected this would happen. They haven't explained anything to me, basically just said I'm a risk to myself. Treating me like I dont have mental capacity.

@manderley, here is some information on how to appeal a sectioning.

Do note the 14-day deadline to appeal a Section 2.


Also, here is a good guide on the entire topic of sectioning.


Thank you so much for your help, I'm so grateful. I will check these out now.
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May 14, 2020
I'm sorry this is happening. It sounds like you have a very loving and supporting family. When you make it out, make sure you lean on them for support.

It sounds utterly shit. But this time will pass
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When I die, you'll love me.
Nov 19, 2019
I'm sorry you are going through this. I was in the same situation but they have decoded it's better that i'm on suicide watch by my parents :'(. I know how anxiety provoking this is and i'm sorry you are going through it.
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Deleted member 1465

Jul 31, 2018
From what you said, I can't see why they sectioned you, they are normally really reluctant to do that. Still, that's academic now.
I've no practical advice, not having been in that situation myself (nearly was though), but I'm sure others will have.
I too have OCD and I can well imagine having to try and manage that somewhere that, well, you basically can't manage it. You must feel dreadful.:hug:
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Feb 29, 2020
Thank you everyone for your replies and advice, it's much appreciated.

Yeah the whole situation is beyond bizarre. I was really shocked that this would happen in the UK, considering how shit our mental service is. I never expected this would happen. They haven't explained anything to me, basically just said I'm a risk to myself. Treating me like I dont have mental capacity.

Thank you so much for your help, I'm so grateful. I will check these out now.

I've been sectioned a few times and work in mental health also ...

Your closest relative can appeal your section also . I have been released from section this way. Here is some info

It's very odd this has happened so something must have seriously triggered this? To send 2 psychiatrists and 2 nurses is pretty heavy when it's usually AMPs that attend ? And in today's climate it only needs to be one !

As above you will be able to Ask your named nurse the rationale for this and also ask for an advocate. Ensure you have been read your rights as a sectioned patient. Did you not have as assessment ? They can't just section you without an assessment- that's illegal .

Being sectioned does not meAn you do not have capacity - a capacity assessment is a different assessment .

I'm surprised if they deemed you that much of a risk that you are on hourly observations as these are classes as 'general obs'.

You need to discuss fluid intake as this will only prolong your stay .
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May 10, 2019
I've been sectioned a few times and work in mental health also ...

Your closest relative can appeal your section also . I have been released from section this way. Here is some info

It's very odd this has happened so something must have seriously triggered this? To send 2 psychiatrists and 2 nurses is pretty heavy when it's usually AMPs that attend ? And in today's climate it only needs to be one !

As above you will be able to Ask your named nurse the rationale for this and also ask for an advocate. Ensure you have been read your rights as a sectioned patient. Did you not have as assessment ? They can't just section you without an assessment- that's illegal .

Being sectioned does not meAn you do not have capacity - a capacity assessment is a different assessment .

I'm surprised if they deemed you that much of a risk that you are on hourly observations as these are classes as 'general obs'.

You need to discuss fluid intake as this will only prolong your stay .

If this hadn't happened to me, I would have perhaps doubted it could occur myself, knowing how appalling the UK healthcare system is, let alone the mental health service. I'm not sure how this happened. Guess I've been very unfortunate in this case. Story of my life.

I haven't eaten anything since Thursday. They made me drink some water yesterday, but that's been it so far. Guess they're not concerned. This place seems like a shambles tbh.

Thank you for your reply and for the info. It's much appreciated. I will look into everything you have mentioned.
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Mar 1, 2020
When I was in a psych hospital no one noticed I'd barely eaten in a week...after spending time in the medical hospital (due to my botched ctb attempt) not eating either. Well they might have noticed, but they didn't say anything. I also refused my weight to be checked each week.

But then again they paid zero interest in me at all, didn't provide any therapy or vague attempt at helping and discharged me a while later.
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