

Jul 29, 2021
in a world full of masks and fake Smiles the most dangerous thing you can give someone is your trust and the moment you do you hand them the power to destroy you ever felt like you're just one step away from greatness but every time you reach out someone pulls you back like you're stuck in a cage and no matter how hard you fight you're always waiting for someone else to hand you the the key stop waiting the world doesn't hand out Freedom it doesn't gift you success it's time to smash the door down

yourself trust no one because in the end the only person who can set you free is the one staring back at you in the mirror you think you know people don't you you think you've got them all figured out friends family lovers you trust them you believe them you think they wouldn't dare betray me what a sweet little illusion you've wrapped yourself in but I've got news for you my dear trust is the most dangerous weapon you can give someone it's a ticking Time Bomb waiting for the perfect moment to

explode and when it does does boom your left in pieces now let me ask you something who was the last person you trusted blindly go ahead think about it picture their face feels kind of unsettling now doesn't it a little nod in your stomach a little voice in your head Whispering what if yeah I know that feeling all too well that moment when the veil of trust shatters and you see them for who they really are not your friend not your lie just another player in the game and in this game everyone's out for

themselves first is the easy way out it's a weakness it's for the lazy the comfortable the ones too scared to look behind the curtain but you you're smarter than that you've seen the truth haven't you you know how this world Works everyone's wearing a mask smiling laughing but underneath underneath they're sharpening their knives you think you can rely on them when things get tough nah you're nothing but a pawn in their game A Little Piece they can sacrifice when it suits them and when the chips are

down when the storm hits and the walls start closing in they'll leave you alone in the dark but that's the beauty of it isn't it yeah because once you realize that no one's coming to save you that no one really cares about your survival that's when you become free you see there's power in being alone when there's no one to trust there's no one to betray you when there's no one to count on you start counting on the only person that matters yourself the world is chaos my friend a swirling burning

mess every everyone clawing for a piece of something everyone playing their own little game but the trick the trick is not to play by their rules the trick is to be the only player that matters imagine this for a second you're standing on the edge of a cliff the winds howling in your ears the ground Beneath Your Feet crumbles away below nothing but Darkness black empty and you you're hanging on by a thread now look around who's there to pull you back there's no one no one but you and in that moment in that sweet terrifying moment

you realize something you don't need them you never needed them the only thing you need is the strength in your own two hands because in the end the only person you can truly trust is you trust no one I'll say it again trust no one it's a simple rule really but oh it's so hard for most people to swallow you want to believe in others you want to think that someone somewhere has your back but that's the LIE the comforting little bedtime story you've told yourself to sleep at night wake up open your eyes the world

isn't a fairy tale there are no knights in shining armor there's no one coming to rescue you from the castle if you want to survive if you want to thrive in this broken and twisted World you've got to save yourself and that means letting go of the illusion you've heard the phrase haven't you fool me once shame on you fool me twice shame on me well why even give them the chance to fool you once why even let them close enough to plant that knife in your back people are predictable they'll smile to your face

while holding the dagger behind their back but you you're smarter you see the game you see the pieces moving and you're two steps ahead that's the art of self-reliance my friend not trusting anyone means you don't have to watch your back back because there's no one there to stab you it's freeing it's pure it's power they want you weak Oh They'll Never say it out loud they'll never admit it but deep down they want you to need them they want you to depend on them because as long as you do they control you you're a

puppet but second the second you stop trusting them the moment you say I don't need you they lose control and that's when you become dangerous unpredictable because when you don't rely on anyone they can't use you they can't manipulate you so what will it be will you keep trusting them handing them the power over you or will you wake up up and take control it's your choice but remember this when the chips are down when everything falls apart the only person you can count on is the one staring back

at you in the mirror that's the person you trust no one else look around you the world's a mad house a chaotic Twisted game where everyone's out for themselves but you you can be the master of your own fate you can break free of the chains you can stop playing your game and start playing your own trust no one depend on no one be your own savior Your Own Strength your own everything because when you stop looking for someone else to save you that's when you become Unstoppable so tell me who in your life have you

trusted blindly who have you given the power to betray you think about it and when you're ready when you've finally had enough you know what to do trust no one and become the only one worth trusting oh it's going to feel so good once you realize just how strong you are all by yourself that's the secret my friend it's always been you
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Reactions: kunikuzushi, Hollowman, Forever Sleep and 1 other person
Dr Iron Arc

Dr Iron Arc

Into the Unknown
Feb 10, 2020
I trust some other people way more than I trust myself. At least for myself I know that he's one of the least trustworthy and awful people on the planet, that's about all I can count on him for.
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