
Jul 15, 2020
we should make a conspiracy theory thread.

the guns in Mexico thing was so messed up. Just not thought through at ALL.

they did get found out about the LSD! they were developing it for its potential use on war criminals or something like that. It was a secret because everything they do is a secret and I'm not exactly sure how it got out but it's so cool that it did. Seriously crazy trying to imagine wtf else they're doing.

Yeah, Trump doesn't have all the say in everything but he has found a lot of loopholes with the help of his puppeteers. It's an unusual situation where the usual checks and balances are being overridden. He is definitely not competent on his own and is a nasty person and a really frightening predator.

I don't think it says anything bad about you that you find him relatable. It's true that a lot of people do, I think that the problem is that his job is to run the country, not be relatable or human. A normal, relatable human can't deal with the responsibility and pressure of such an important and powerful position.

I remember watching something and a guy jumped out of a window, they tried blaming it on the LSD thing. but then it said they thought he was actually murdered ( i cant remember the full story, so bit of a crap example!)

lol a conspiracy theory thread i can only imagine some of the stuff might get stupid wild, i already see stuff on here and im like WTF, each to their own i guess. I mean most of the stuff i have seen has actually happened, some of it hasn't though!

yeah you are right, i think with trump he has a certain temrament and will react to stuff, it reminds me of me to be fair!! like i wont take no shit, i could argue forever about things lol

i think Americans are seen as a little bit crazy (i don't mean to offend, obviousley not everyone) so for you to have the president like you have is quite fitting lol ( i'm really not trying to be offensive!!!). i like the whole american thing the food the culture, the patriotism etc.

like i said i think trump was put in charge to cause controversy etc, things like that just dont happen. there too many other factors involed......conspiracy ha
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Apr 8, 2020
Just throwing in some dank memes I saw
20201001 093451
20201001 093510
And this comment that had me laughing and crying in despair
20200930 204531
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Oct 23, 2020
Both sides are idiotic, it's just exciting to see the reprecussions of this election. Will real lead poor into antifa, or will we have a civil war erupt if they manage to take away our guns. God I can't wait for november
No, both sides aren't idiotic. One side is idiotic and evil. They sent jackbooted thugs to brutally attack clergy on their own church property so they could send in a government jackboot thug to steal a Bible for a Trump PHOTO OP! One side deliberately with malice and forethought absconded PPE from MI first responders in order to spread terror death and despair on the state. One side is responsible for lying and spreading covid like a bio-WMD to derive their demonic ejaculatory glee. One side spews seditious, terrorist emboldening Qanon lies while Qanon leaders' such as Trump and Roy Moore are unrepentant child raping pedophiles. The other side is NOT raping children in a pizza joint, not raping kids at all. One side gleefully supports Putin, the Godfather of the largest child see trafficking ring in the world, the Russian Mafia while that same side accuses everyone but their own pedophile leaders of doing what Trump, Roy "the Kid Diddler" Moore and Putin's child sex traffickers do in spades.

I served, volunteered during Desert Storm and one side calls me a "sucker and a loser" for my efforts to be a part of something bigger than myself. One side snivels about socialism after they perpetrated the largest redistribution of wealth EVER, FOUR TRILLION DOLLARS borrowed from the middle class tax payers like me and given in the form of multi-million dollar welfare checks for parasitic dirtbag multi-millionaire fraudsters who DON'T PAY TAXES! Add to that the infinitely corrupt worse than Maduro socialism to that side's textbook Confederate nationalism and what do you get? NAZI!

Qanon terrorists are plotting a genocide on America if Trump loses. I've heard a domestic Qanon Terror Mullah on Alex Jones show explaining in great detail what's going to happen. Alex "the Pizzagate Terrorist Mullah" Jones is worse than Osama Bin Laden! He certainly hates America more than Osama Bin Laden did.

Al Qaeda perpetrated ONE 9-11 on America and America responded appropriately.but now the Taliban's BFF Trump, who allows Putin to put bounties on the heads of US soldiers, has perpetrated seventy 9-11s on America and counting! SEVENTY and we are told the pandemic is officially over on the same day we get 70,000 new cases.

Trump and the Qanon Taliban have used covid as a bio-WMD to murder more Americans on US soil in eight months than all of America's foreign enemies have killed on US soil all the way back to the MAYFLOWER....combined! And the devastation isn't even half way done.

I served, volunteered for something bigger than just me and that makes me a sucker and a loser to Qanon types. I have been a registered Republican since I was 18, served under the honorable G H W Bush and under the less than honorable Clinton. I am a proponent of the Austrian school of economics. I am a REAL conservative who believes anyone who breaks laws should be held accountable to those laws and Trump and his terror goons attacking a Christian Church, shooting, bombing, gassing, beating clergy so Trump's thugs could steal a Bible from that church to use for a Nazi photo op is a CRIME. I know that all of America's enemies fell in love with Trump after his Constitution-destroying brutal attack on a private church as I saw some of the Qanon's jihadists smiling and cheering like Nazis laughing while flipping the bird to a trainload of Jewish children on their way to a Nazi death camp. I've never been so disgusted with humanity as I am now with Trump's sadistic and demonic Qanon freaks. No real conservative would be caught dead supporting Trump! Trump's scumbags are Nazis, corrupt and sadistic slackers who demand all the welfare go to them and demand their alleged right to brutalize, lie, cheat, rape, molest, steal, rabble rouse; if you make the law, they intend on breaking it just to scoff in your face!

I have been perpetually annoyed with liberals because it seems liberals never seem to focus on things that actually matter. Im always chastised by liberals for not being PC enough, for not caring enough about their LGBT bathroom etiquette all while FOX is finalizing their plan for a genocidal coup de tat.

I find liberals can be annoying like a case of hemorrhoids. But, Qanon and FOX Agitprop scum are annoying like COLON CANCER! There's no other way to put it. Qanon and FOX Agitprop are America's public enemy number one. There has never been a worse existential threat to America than the Qanon Taliban GOP Pedophilliary who rabidly applauded and chanted in support of Roy "the Kid Diddler" Moore, "better a pedophile than a Democrat! SNARK! SNARK!" How could I ignore Pete Sessions, Birther Congressmullah when he bragged on multiple occasions, "the TALIBAN is the operational model for the GOP!" Sessions said that after 9-11! Roy "the Kid Diddler" Moore said America DESERVED 9-11! So of course Qanon scum whinge at Rep Omar's comments. Rep Omar doesn't think America deserved 9-11, isn't happy that 9-11 happened, Qanon Terror Mullah Moore does and that's why Qanon loves Kid Diddler Moore but hates Omar.

Again, this isn't political. I'm a Republican and a real Conservative. This is about relative imperfect good vs. the most heinous, sadistic, demonic and rapacious of evil America has ever known. Qanon have a massive hard-on to mass murder hundreds of millions of Americans. I heard them on Alex Jones show publicly and proudly explaining their terror plot coming to America NEXT WEEK! Qanon has no line they won't prance across with cloven-hoofed, demonic glee, no bar too low they won't slither under with light years of head clearance. Qanon supports child rapists, supports Trump gushing praise to Ghislaine Maxwell, an actual pedophile ring leader and pal of Trump's while Qanon bears false witness in the most heinous and disgusting of ways falsely accusing innocent patriotic Americans of doing what their Dear Leader Trump does in spades. Qanon scum are a terror cult. You can't negotiate with Qanon terrorists. You can't use logic or appeal to their non-existent morality. Qanon terrorist scum are just like Al Qaeda in that they only understand the STICK! Qanon cultists have been programmed that if they believe a lie is true hard enough, the lie magically becomes true and the act of terrorism magically becomes an act of glory for Allah.

The vast majority of Democrats don't want to outlaw all guns. They want to outlaw semi-auto rifles that look like tools of terrorists, machine guns, RPGs. The reason why Qanon Terrorists walk around with assault rifles is as a standing terroristic threat to America . A wood stocked rifle shoots the same as a militarized rifle but the message the AR sends is a message of terror and intimidation.

I remember Dana Loesch, NRA terror Mullah, seething with rage holding a large green sanded hourglass right off the set of the Wizard of Oz, the hourglass the Wicked Witch used as a death timer for Dorothy and after Terror Mullah Loesch turns the hourglass over she says with as much acid and bile as she can muster, "we are coming for you...librools". So what did Loesch mean by that? Are Dana Loesch's NRA terrorists going to come after "librools" with plates of cupcakes? No! NRA terrorists are going to come after liberals with their NRA sticks! DUH! The NRA chose the Wicked Witch evil side and they chose the good guy Dorothy was the liberal side. These goons are proudly evil. Qanon barely pretends to be the good guys any more. They adore being the villains right down to their villainous cackling and Buwhahahahaha-ing. It's an admission of evil. Good guys don't cackle like villains. Good guys don't laugh at other people's misfortune even the bad guys misfortune.

I defended you and everyone else in America, including Trump, without a thought to their political party affiliation. Trump is evil, demonstrably more evil than anything the Bible accuses Satan of doing. Trump stole millions from a kids cancer charity as Birther Taliban's messiah. A billionaire who stole from sick kids! Satan never stole anything from sick and dying children. Trump absconded PPE to spread a deadly pandemic to terrorize and kill Michigan residents for Trump's and FOX Agitprop's sadistic ejaculatory titillation. Satan never spread a single disease to a single person. Satan never raped a child, sexually assaulted dozens or even one female. Satan didn't tell rabble rousing lies designed and proven to incite domestic terrorism. Trump does daily. Satan is not the killer of Nations, Trump is and he's killing the USA using his confederate flag waving terrorists to do the dirty work.

It's time for all good Americans to disconnect from the Qanon Birther human centipede chain whereby the head segment swallows the Qanon lie du jour and passes it ass-to-mouth down millions of Birther segments, and when the lie gets to the last segment, through millions of miles of Birther alimentary canal, the tail segment swings his tail end to the mouth of the head segment in a giant circle so the lie keeps circulating like a Birther Ouroboros. Being part of that Birther human centipede isn't political, it's evil.

I'm hoping that Nembutal will become easy to come by when the Qanon Terrorist Mullah on Alex Jones show starts his campaign of mass murdering Americans who Qanon thinks may be liberal. Americans who can't fight should have a way to make a peaceful and pain free exit and tell me, which side are against assisted suicide? Which side wants people in horrendous pain to be forced to suffer the most horrific and terrifying of pain for that side's insatiable sadism? Which side wants to force ten year old rape victims to deliver and raise the rapists baby at the victims family's expense?

Now cue the snivel whinge at me for being America's biggest fan, for adoring the country I risked my life defending, for telling the truth about America's most evil and lethal of enemies, for being honest and patriotic, for being a REAL American, the kind of patriot who would have stormed Omaha Beach and been turned into hamburger in the hopes the next guy takes back Europe. That's why Trumpkins revile me, for they hate America and want America destroyed so they can invoke their Qanon Taliban Sharia Law and do to America what the Islamic Taliban
did to Afghanistan.

Be safer everyone. And please if some Qanon Terrorist decides to murder me for the ejaculatory glee of murdering a patriotic Desert Storm vet, please make it a quick kill, show the tiniest amount of human empathy, remember how I gave up my freedom and risked my life to defend yours. Is that too much to ask? I was partially disabled in the military but I never claimed it, when I could have gotten free money from the government for what happened. I didn't claim that money because I love my country, I didn't want my injury to further indebt America.

PS, Antifa are doxers behind computer screens. The vast majority of violence committed at BLM protests were Boogaloo Bois and right wing terrorists masquerading as BLM suppprters, as reported by the police departments and FBI's own admission. It's just that Qanon scum are trying to incite terrorism against all Americans who don't support Trump by spewing these kinds of infinitely heinous bearing false witness lies.
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