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Mar 5, 2025
out of everything that could exiest, out of anything that can cause harm, weather for it's own need, for pleasure, or for glory, or others, out of everything that could be in this universe, what is the most evil?

I feel like, out of everyhting that could exiest, the most evil thing in exiestance, would be one created from a pure motivation to just do good, and live, something that inherently believes they are not evil, and tries to do what it thinks is best, not just for itself but for everyone, this being, if it causes nothing but harm, sickness, and destruction, would be far greater evil then anything that purposefully causes destruction, or pain.

for if something out of the goodness of it's heart creates pain and suffering, out of empathy and love, creates hell, and fire, and breaks everything it touches, I'd fear this creature far more then anything that gained enjoyment from measiry.

it believes it's doing the right thing, it's doing good, it TRIES to do good, it has some weird idea that if it does these things, a outcome, whcih it percieves as good, will come out of it, however, when it tries to do this, all that it does is cause pain, descruction, loss, choas, etc,

and it tries to learn from it's mistakes, it talks to those who are willing to in the aftermath, and it tries to learn to do better, but when it tries to do better, things only get worse.

sometimes, this creature might ACTUALLY do good for a bit, by learning and copying others, instead of going based on it's own beliefs, but when this happense, it's like the world itself rebells against the creature, people start dying, getting sick, thigns in the world get far worse, impossible things start happening, empires start to collapse.

this thing, this true manifestation of evilness, has a far greater potental to cause far deeper cutitng pain then anything else, if your mom tries to do the best for you, and starves you to death by accident, does that not have a more gut wrinching tug then if a giant coperation starves you to death for money?

it's not inherently morally WORSE it's just... it hurts more, and thus to me, is what the greatest manefestation of evil would take on.

I do believe I am this manifestation of evil, and I am sorry, ti's not what I wanted, nor what I chose.

if I could more then anything i'd leave this planet and never return, I'd love to see the universe, fly into a blcak hole (even if it kills me), visit other planets, (even if it kills me), taste other things, smell other smells, feel things that aren't from here. before fading into the universe itself,

that's not possible, even if it becomes possible I won't be able to I won't have enough money or live in the right places or have the right training o r clearance or so on. furhtermore it's a insane impossible dream , things are too spaced out and I'd likely die my first attempt at touching anything alien, much less TASTING or SMELLING...

I don't want to be part of this planet, this world, this soceity, this reality, this anything, either,
it feels almost unfair, to force me to be here, like both to me, and to everyone else, and I think honestly that might be why everyone kind of leaves.

to say I don't want to LIVE would be to say I don't want to experiance, this isn't true, I do want to experiance but I do not want to experiance THIS experiance, and while things COULD change, things WILL NEVER change FOR ME to suite ME around the way I NEED it to in order to make it something I would want to experiance.

the only reaosn I even know I want to experiance is because books, and stories, and science exiest, and I can use my mind, to create experiances that I do want.

I'm the true manifestation of evilness and I will reveal why soon perhaps.

it's hard to really explain or prove it, I've tried before, but perhaps if I tell you my future vision of huamnity, you'll truly see how I am.

otherwise you'll have to actujally KNOW me for a while to understand what I mean, but you will adventually understand if you try.

I feel like humans shouldn't have or use money, it seems like a flawed metric of worth, why does a object measure someones value, esp someones worth to live, or value as a being or person, I feel like it's a horrible metric to judge humans, it literally means elon musk is a saint and best person to ever exiest ever, while my entire family are horrible hellspawn demons, just becuase they where born diffrently.

I find this incorrect and wrong, there is no way in hell this is the best metric of judgement ever, I know this makes me anti consumer, and a niave idiot, and many things, but it's how I feel.

I feel like you should have based off of your worth as I think everyone does, you are worth more or less and so have more or less, and so whatever measures what you ahve measures your worth, meaning, if money lets you have anything in exiestance, you have the worth of having anything in exiestance, you deserve it, etc.

I think that in an ideal world, you'd deserve based on what you do morally for the world, if you are a doctor you deserve more then if you are a video game developer, but if you make a game about microtransactions and lootboxes, you deserve far far far less then if you make a game about life, humanity, and love,

now this would be a socialism I believe, and so I guess that makes me a horrible person...

in an ideal world children wouldn't have parents either, I didn't have parents I was raised in a mental home, so maybe I lack the needed experiance to say that, but from what I've seen from parents families and so on, there realy really like awful and messy and bad and sad and just a lot of pain and complexity and moral issues and overall speaking, in an ideal world the concept of a family wouldn't exiest.

a family is people who hate you adn wish you never exiested, there 2 people who really wanted to... nsfw things... and so now you exiest and everyone hates you.
great love them wonderful things,

sometimes you get a family who wants a child and to exntend things, then they create an actual hellscape of exiestance for this being, in hopes that there future, that they might not even want, will be better.

also theres a thing, did anyone EVER FUCKING ASK THE QUESTION, like IF your wanting to have a child, does the CHILD WANT to be born? I didn't yet here the fuck I am, I still don't want to exiest, I KNOW it's possible for people to not want to, so why FORCE it upon them, it is MORALLY WRONG to do so, so why? and theres no way to KNOW unless you contact the future so... I guess fair enough BUT like my point is STOP LYING and saiyng your doing it FOR THEM, inhernetly speaking HAVING A CHILD is FOR YOU not FOR THE CHILD if it WAS you WOULDNT HAVE THEM IN THE FIRST PLACE...

like okay look at it this way

if everything is random and just big explosion then energy cuased suns which where like ovens for minerals which created like planets which happened to overtime form things like gasses and dfensity and liquids and so on which maybe somehow created life cus uh.... a astiod just shat out a cell or something I don't know and then that cell decided to go into the liquid whih over millions of years split and evolved and adapted and created life which slowly evolved up over I forgot how many years to create us now

that makes humans, and every spoecies in exiestance, robots, made from a colliding choase of exiestance, okay, literally us, vs jupitor, are THE EXACT SAME, us EXPERIAINCING and EXIESTING, are just our programming telling us this right?

okay so there is no inherent meaning to life, there is no inherent reason to exiest, there is no point in anything ever, you exiest cus of a damino affect, someone rolled a dice and sneezed and you where just the 18th damino to fall. okay?


anyways, i'm evil, as you can probably tell, or see, if not, wow, that's crazy, maybe your evil to, or maybe I'm just around bad people, who knows....

but that's just an ideal world, and is based around our current understanding of exiestance, ignoring relegoin, if we bring relegoin into it it gets really complicated really fucking fast. but to over splify it you HAVE to live cus living is a punishment (mistaken as a gift cus it makes you feel better ig) and...

maybe theres something after? like, I know my relegoin, which i'm a noahide, theres you can be brought back, if you don't get cremated because in the future there will be some tech or something to bring back the dead from there bones, and in this future, war will not exiest, and you'll be free to live as you and even recieve rewards based on the life you lived, this WILL NOT be a diffrent universe reality or exiestance it'll just be a future with better technology.

if you can't access this future, cus you don't have bones or like idk, they didn't find your bones or didn't wanna bring you back or something, then, you will become one with hashem, and to really describe what that means, becuase christanity twisted the idea sooooooooooooooooooooooo much the idea has been like lost

"they want to know who you are" (I am qoating from memory I'm sorry if this is wrong)
"tell them, I am"

he IS, when I say God, which I don't do often because I like to asociate it with this, I mean THIS God, the God that Is this is the only true god that can eixest in my oppinion,

if you are writing a book, who are you in that book,. if your not a character in the book ofc.

well you ***ARE***... you ARE the book.

when you die you become one with Hashem, you become one with God, you become part of the book, the story, the reality, the everything, you ARE.

that means, either, you experiance all experiance, or experaince nothing, or would exiest in a experiance completly uncomprahendable to us.

also there is no heaven in what I believe, theres kinda a hell but ti's complicated... (and is NEVER forever)

but morally weather it's good or bad doesn't really matter in relegoin sense exiestance is a curse desguised as a gift either from the best attempt to create good from someone who tried there genuine best, or from some sadisitc being who finds itg really fun to create these worlds. and as such, morally speaking, bringing another life into it is STILL morally wrong unless your morals is apeasing your God which if it is fair enough in which case it's morally WRONG not to BUT it's also MORALLY WRONG to apease said being based off of the morality of yourself....

but anyways, maybe nmow you see how evil I am, or perhaps you don't, I don't know, maybe you will adventually, or maybe not, but either way, I never wanted to be evil, I really don't want to be, and I truly belive I am, not bad but evil, something that cuases bad but is inhernetly not bad... I'm sorry.

and one day I really really hope I can destroy the evil and finally, fainlly, remove it from this world, and maybe cause good to come in it's place.

and I truly belive that if I CTB, and make the funds fom my game go to those I've hurt, and my family even tho they never wanted me, and I ruined there life, that'll happen, and I realy really hope it'll be soon.

thank you for listening tonight

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