
Nov 13, 2021
yeah, the thread is gone and user is banned. seems to be a religious nut type.
He definitely is, check out his blog for confirmation. Boycotting Coke due to them not allowing Christ to be printed on cans, attacking mormons, and calling recently executed Marcellus Williams a "hood rat thug," despite there being no clear evidence that Marcellus committed the crime he's accused of.

Yeah definitely a religious type that has no empathy, love or compassion, just the cruel and crusading and likely racist.
I am a bit upset with myself because I feel like I should've seen through it. Part of his trolling was saying he was schizoaffective.

his site:
"Another hood rat gone" where he cheerleads the death penalty.

"Mormons tell lies" ex-mormon converted to Catholicism/Christianity, think he tried to troll a mormon website and may have been doxxed.

"You're damn right I did nothing" wrote a post about he witnessed child sexual abuse (mormon church) and did nothing about it and has no regrets about it, and he thinks he has morals. No child should be around this person. The bold is his, not mine!

With that in mind, I merely point out that because I was not a leader, I was under no obligation to act. I didn't tell the bishopric. I didn't tell the High Priest leader. I didn't call the police. I did nothing and I have no regrets.​

"If I could go back in time, would I have walked in and put a stop to it? Would I have reported him? No and no. It was never my problem."​

"I don't know what she did to invite him to do what he did, but hopefully, since she was too cowardly to speak up, she brushed herself off and wrote what happened to her off as the consequence of what was probably flirtatious behavior, or something else that she did to wake up the feelings within him."​

"Boycotting coca-cola"
"I've been drinking Coke products for a long time, but no longer. At least not until they right this wrong and respect Jesus' name, while getting rid of terroristic figureheads like Allah.
If you truly love Christ, then you will join me and refuse to drink even a drop of their otherwise fine products until they come to their senses."​

With in-between posts about music video of the week which was Fatboy Slim, and a rant about ufo's.
Yeah, I didn't see your post before typing mine up but yeah, definitely a nut job

Oh my fucking God, the guy has the audacity to say shit about this site and it's members, acting as though he is this brave and moral vigilante for trolling us and shitting on this community while also not feeling guilty at all for witnessing a child being sexually assaulted at Church and not reporting it.

You can read the article if you'd like but I warn you, it gets a bit graphic. Here are some excerpts from it:
Ugh that's fucking disgusting. The moral high horse this guy stays on while condoning the sexual abuse of a minor is putrid.

jesus died on cross for nothing 🫠 TW abuse against children, pedophilia
"No one cares that I almost reached out and grabbed a 12-year-old girl's neck in order to smash her face into the wall." and "They also claim that I'm a "child predator" because I did nothing to stop that girl who wouldn't even save herself from being molested. "
bro what the fuck 🙈 teaching us about morals
SAVE HERSELF??? BASH HER FACE??? Nah, this guy is disgusting
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Apr 5, 2024
I thought about wishing him well, forgiving him, and telling him that I wouldn't have an issue with him being around here if he ever needed some actual support. Even though he trolled us and wasted our time & energy.

I feel like a guy that finds trolling suicidal people with a fake suicide note entertaining and has a section on his blog about suicide is probably not doing so well himself. I'm not okay with what he did I thought extending a kind gesture might actually be what he needs and might prevent more of the same from happening in the future. I'm guessing he's an isolated person and wanted attention.

Sigh. I got a bleeding heart sometimes.
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Sep 24, 2024
The guy came here to disrupt so I am not going to feed into their attempts. It's sad and pathetic but a disrupter getting our attention and causing a fuss is exactly what he wants: attention & distraction. I am probably making it worse by even commenting but might suggest we not feed this guy's ego or validate them in anyway. I'll reserve my less nice comments to not posting to avoid feeding that or any other potential troll. My (less than) 2 cents anyways.
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|| What Else Could I Be But a Jester ||
Oct 21, 2023
In the same article where he combines about being doxxed for that other article where he admits to not reporting someone for SAing a six-year-old he also links to this really dumb article he wrote:
What kind of men did I expose, humiliate and cause to lose valued relationships as well as standing in their communities, as well as jobs? Well, I caught:
  • A lawyer
  • A doctor
  • An elementary school teacher
  • A Navy guy while on duty
  • An Army guy while on duty
  • A few single dads with young daughters
  • Married dads pursuing girls who were their daughters' age.
  • Three police officers in separate departments across the nation, while on duty
  • A marriage counselor
  • A college professor
Why did I do it? After all, it wasn't as if they were trolling for underage girls. Plenty of other people have run "sting" websites where they bait the guy into thinking he was about to have sex with a girl who was anywhere from 12 to 18. That wasn't my goal. That's all been done before.
What the men did in my experiment was perfectly legal, just like what I did was perfectly legal. Was I cruel? Maybe, but that's what made it so funny!
All I was trying to do was expose men in committed relations trolling for sexual partners, something immoral and dangerous, as in bringing STI's home to their wives or girlfriends.
Okay, but what about those single dads? Why should they get exposed when they technically didn't do anything wrong since they are single?

He also proudly admits to doxxing them and spreading the photos they sent him, which is concerning since some of those photos might include the explicit ones he mentions which I'm pretty sure is illegal...
As a result of my website and the amount of work that went into it, numerous men were exposed and placed onto my website for all to see, including graphic photographs they sent.
So what did I post? I posted each and every photograph they sent me, which could have had copyright implications, but none of the guys knew they had rights. Not my fault. I also published real names, addresses, phone numbers, email addresses, employment information and whether he was married or in an unwed committed relationship. Yes, it felt so good to do it! I impacted many lives and ruined a few in the process. Do I regret it? Nope!
What some of these men did was gross, but I feel like there are better ways to handle this in comparison to straight up sharing their personal information which could put their lives at risk. This especially applies to the single dads who literally didn't do anything wrong. They were looking for casual sex and they are single, so who cares!

It's funny reading this article and knowing that later on he'd end up getting pissed off over someone doing the same shit to him.
I thought about wishing him well, forgiving him, and telling him that I wouldn't have an issue with him being around here if he ever needed some actual support. Even though he trolled us and wasted our time & energy.

I feel like a guy that finds trolling suicidal people with a fake suicide note entertaining and has a section on his blog about suicide is probably not doing so well himself. I'm not okay with what he did I thought extending a kind gesture might actually be what he needs and might prevent more of the same from happening in the future. I'm guessing he's an isolated person and wanted attention.

Sigh. I got a bleeding heart sometimes.
Oh my fucking God, the guy has the audacity to say shit about this site and it's members, acting as though he is this brave and moral vigilante for trolling us and shitting on this community while also not feeling guilty at all for witnessing a child being sexually assaulted at Church and not reporting it.

You can read the article if you'd like but I warn you, it gets a bit graphic. Here are some excerpts from it:

jesus died on cross for nothing 🫠 TW abuse against children, pedophilia
"No one cares that I almost reached out and grabbed a 12-year-old girl's neck in order to smash her face into the wall." and "They also claim that I'm a "child predator" because I did nothing to stop that girl who wouldn't even save herself from being molested. "
bro what the fuck 🙈 teaching us about morals
It is true that I personally witnessed a six-year-old girl (who now has to be around 27) being molested by a High Priest in one of my former wards that's nowhere near my current state. I saw this happen two times and I know it happened other times as well. I took no pleasure in what I saw, but it didn't enrage me, nor did it even phase me.
Yes, I witnessed it, and yes, I chose to walk away, doing nary a thing. Do I regret it? Not in the least. She could have spoken up and told someone. She could have yelled for help. She could have done anything but she chose to remain silent.
She saw me witnessing it through the window in the classroom door where it happened. She seemed to be looking at me as if to ask for help. But I turned my back and walked away. I have to wonder what she did or said to bring that upon herself. I'm sure she bore some responsibility there.
Let me make it clear: I do not care about what happened to her. I do not care, even to this day, that I saw it and did nothing. I could have gotten a member of the ward leadership. I could have walked in and put a stop to it. I could have called the police on my own. But I did nothing of the sort. That's because it wasn't my daughter. Not my clown, not my circus. And I haven't lost a moment of sleep over it all.
None of them care about my wanting to shove a pre-teen's face into the wall.


Here are some of my beliefs on a variety of subjects:
  • The moon landing never happened. No man has ever been to the moon and no man ever will be. The same goes for Mars. All related photographs to other alleged venture are clear fakes. The "moon landing" was shot on a New York City soundstage.
  • The Catholic Church is the only true Church as it was founded by Jesus Christ in AD 33. All other "religions" are man-made and are therefore false.
  • Mormonism is, like all other non-Catholic "religions," false. It was founded by a guy with a criminal record who pretended polygamy was ordered by an angel with a flaming sword. He married many women, including two 14-year-old and one 16-year-old. He had to flee wherever he went and he even ordered the arson of a newspaper that was critical of him. His death was not a "murder," but a necessary thing for the betterment of the world.
  • Many people claim that the earth is either 6,000 or 4.5 billion years old. In actuality, we don't know how old it truly is even in the face of scientific deceit.
  • The Holocaust never happened. What did happen was war and the Jews (as well as others) were merely prisoners of war. War is hell and people die.
  • Interracial marriage is an affront to nature and decency.
  • Vaccines should only be available to White people.
  • All forms of welfare, including food stamps, Medicaid, cash assistance and WIC, should be immediately eliminated. So too should HUD and all other forms of rental assistance. Sink or swim!
He does not deserve your sympathy.
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