

Apr 22, 2019
43551B85 1943 401C B56A 9A2C068E5767
Guys take a look at this scar. When I was 17 I had my first attempt, I tried cutting my wrist. I survived but still not sure how I survived so I wanted to ask you maybe you have any ideas about how I could survive.
Right before cutting I took all the calming medication that I could get my hands on from the first aid kit at my house, I swallowed some liquid medicine and tons of pills(turns out it's not easy to swallow a lot of pills in a short period of time)
Then I went into a bathtub full of warm water and I started cutting my wrist. It was a slow process because it hurt like hell I used an ordinary razor blade. But eventually I made this big cut.
But I don't know what do you guys think does it look like it was deep enough? Or maybe it wasn't deep enough and I didn't even touch the vein.
I was bleeding for some time in the bathtub I also made a cut on a leg at the same time and it was bleeding a lot too maybe even more than my wrist but it was a cut right before my foot started on an ankle height but in the front of the ankle.
But I didn't even loose conciseness, I just kept bleeding for awhile then I got up and went to bed I didn't do anything to the cute so I kept bleeding all through the night woke up covered in blood. But I wasn't even sleepy I was just emotionally drained so I fell asleep but I didn't feel week physically in any way from a loss of blood and not from all the medication that I took.
All the medication that I took had these warnings that taking too much may result in a coma but for me it didn't even make me sleepy.
Any ideas?
I'm sorry if I can't post this image im not sure or it's disturbing to some.
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Feb 28, 2020
I admire your courage. I don't see myself able to cut my wrist. I'd rather put a gun in my mouth and shot, looks less painful
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Feb 11, 2020
I'm not a medic but there might be a high chance that you missed an artery. An artery is very small so we don't really know where to cut or how deep.
That's also explain why you didn't bleed that much because if you did cut your artery you would bleed at a high rate.
Did you get your cut stitch up or did you just let it heal by itself?
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Dear Flabby

Please listen to “Across the Universe”
Feb 20, 2020
You may want to do some research before painfully scarring and harming yourself.

I am guessing that you are young, and I am sorry that life has brought you here.

It sounds as though you were acting on impulse previously, and that never ends well.
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Jan 20, 2020
Going by the location of the scarlet it looks like you missed the artery by a good bit. The cut is too medial. Relative to the artery in the leg and the one in the wrist is fairly superficial. You just need to cut where you feel the pulsing, but even if you do hit the artery it is very possible for it to clot before you bleed out without any form of blood for the thinners. Cutting really isn't the most reliable method.
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Dec 11, 2019
that looks like a styro i think you're supposed to hit an artery


Apr 22, 2019
I admire your courage. I don't see myself able to cut my wrist. I'd rather put a gun in my mouth and shot, looks less painful
It was honestly the only thing I could possibly do I had no other method at all and I was scared shitless. I didn't sleep the whole night before that day knowing what I'm about to do I couldn't sleep I just cried the whole night.
I'm not a medic but there might be a high chance that you missed an artery. An artery is very small so we don't really know where to cut or how deep.
That's also explain why you didn't bleed that much because if you did cut your artery you would bleed at a high rate.
Did you get your cut stitch up or did you just let it heal by itself?
I did bleed quite a lot though, from my wrist and my leg. No I didn't get it stitched up, I just fell asleep and when I woke up it wasn't bleeding anymore but the cut was still open, eventually it just healed on it's own.
You may want to do some research before painfully scarring and harming yourself.

I am guessing that you are young, and I am sorry that life has brought you here.

It sounds as though you were acting on impulse previously, and that never ends well.
I was young I was 17. I'm 23 now. Just turned 23 recently... but I wasn't acting on impulse when I attempted at 17. It was after years of thinking about it, and after months getting ready to do it. It's just not that full proof because this was the only thing I possibly could do and I had no access to any other method no matter how much planning I had.
Going by the location of the scarlet it looks like you missed the artery by a good bit. The cut is too medial. Relative to the artery in the leg and the one in the wrist is fairly superficial. You just need to cut where you feel the pulsing, but even if you do hit the artery it is very possible for it to clot before you bleed out without any form of blood for the thinners. Cutting really isn't the most reliable method.
Medial? I don't understand is not supposed to be in the middle?! I don't think I feel a very defined pulse on any part of my wrist but I do feel it where I cut it. Plus I cut where I could see the vein through the skin.
that looks like a styro i think you're supposed to hit an artery
Styro? I don't understand sorry
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Jan 21, 2020
wow that takes balls i also have scars from my teenage years but i cut horizontally and that also didn't work.
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Apr 22, 2019
wow that takes balls i also have scars from my teenage years but i cut horizontally and that also didn't work.
If you look close enough in the photo there are also two horizontal scars on the same wrist above the big vertical one. I cut horizontally too but the patch of skin there is far more sensitive and it hurt even more and the cuts weren't deep at all because I was also kinda afraid to cut to the bone or something because the skin is so thin there.
I mean yeah it did take balls but mostly because I was terrified of dying and what will come after, the physical pain was really bad and it took a lot to keep pushing the razor blade but in all honesty if I'm completely honest, I'm a coward and I didn't do it as deep as I wanted nor as big as I wanted because I'm weak and it hurt and it's hard to hurt yourself like that. I'm not brave at all.
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‘People can be dead before they’ve even died’
Jan 23, 2023
You're very lucky you didn't severe a tendon, that's a deep cut for a scar like that. The issue with cutting, especially in such a vulnerable area is tendons are much easier to cut through than the deep artery which is not in that location. You probably cut a vein but they often stop bleeding themselves eventually as the pressure inside is not as high as an artery.

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