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Nov 27, 2019
Will this work? I also have SN but Just want to fade out and away and pass out, i'm scared of SN for some reason.

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Jan 12, 2020
This is what I'm also wondering.

I have 60 100mg Tramadol pills (6000mg), 30 0,25mg Alprazolam pills (7,5mg) and OTC metopimazine (dopamine blocker antiemetics).
Tramadol lethal dose is between 2000-8000mg from what I have read and less is needed if coupled with other CNS depressants like benzos & alcohol.
I have also read that Alprazolam could reduce seizures from Tramadol, not sure, need to make some more research.
I was thinking having an antiemetics regimen a few days before then on D-day start with a few drinks, crush the pills & mix them in drinks hoping it will knock me out fast so that I am not conscious of anything and go peacefully. This is what scares me most, being conscious, feeling pain, failure etc.
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Jan 27, 2020
Tramadol in regular medical doses used to work for me fine (as a painkiller, like intended), but for some reason my body doesn't like it anymore and I quickly get circulation problems. Which also led me wondering whether combining it with other central nervous depressants like benzos and/or alcohol would be sufficient to push my circulation far enough down that it will fail. That should even be a rather peaceful end if the dose of benzos is high enough to sedate me. I'm talking about 5-10 mg Lorazepam here, or more.


Jan 12, 2020
Tramadol in regular medical doses used to work for me fine (as a painkiller, like intended), but for some reason my body doesn't like it anymore and I quickly get circulation problems. Which also led me wondering whether combining it with other central nervous depressants like benzos and/or alcohol would be sufficient to push my circulation far enough down that it will fail. That should even be a rather peaceful end if the dose of benzos is high enough to sedate me. I'm talking about 5-10 mg Lorazepam here, or more.

I'm pretty sure a heavy dose of Tramadol coupled with benzos and booze + an antiemetics regimen will do anyone in... most people saying it doesn't work say so maybe because they were found too soon or didn't take enough.
But from what I've read, this is a lethal combination. Some people even died accidentally from respiratory arrest just by taking a few extra Tramadol.
I think the benzos + booze will most likely knock you out before the Tramadol does its job so maybe you just fall asleep and stop breathing at some point. I even read on Reddit that benzos can reduce the seizures from Tramadol.
After a light surgery, I was prescribed co-codamol (1 pill = 500mg paracetamol + 30mg codeine so literally nothing as far as dosage is concerned), after just 1 pill, I was sleepy on the couch with apnea so imagine what 6000mg Tramadol, 7.5mg Alprazolam + booze would do.
I never take any medicine. The only thing I take is cold medicines when I have the flu, that's it so I'm very drug naive.
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Jan 27, 2020
Yeah I mean I can't imagine that this won't do the job at the right dosage. Which might be difficult to find since there is little evidential information and also the compounds themselves are pretty unharmful regarding overdoses.
Just falling asleep calmly, stopping to breathe and not waking up again would be my hope with this. Not sure antiemetics are even necessary because choking on vomit would be like an additional way to CTB.
In the end I'm not sure what I'm more afraid of - this working out or waking up in a hospital, feeling super crappy.


Jan 12, 2020
Yeah I mean I can't imagine that this won't do the job at the right dosage. Which might be difficult to find since there is little evidential information and also the compounds themselves are pretty unharmful regarding overdoses.
Just falling asleep calmly, stopping to breathe and not waking up again would be my hope with this. Not sure antiemetics are even necessary because choking on vomit would be like an additional way to CTB.
In the end I'm not sure what I'm more afraid of - this working out or waking up in a hospital, feeling super crappy.

Lethal dosage for Tramadol alone is ranging between 2000-8000mg, less is needed when taken with other CNS depressants but better be sure than sorry so even if coupled with benzos and booze, we just have to make sure to take a high enough dose of Tramadol.
Damn I agree with you, falling asleep, stopping breathing without being aware of it and never waking up would be a dream! That's why I'm wondering if the Alprazolam + booze would accomplish that, knock you out before the Tramadol starts working... My fear is feeling everything or being conscious of everything and eventually failing :/
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Nov 13, 2019
In my non-professional opinion, there's not a high guarantee it will work. Alcohol potentiates the respiratory effects of benzodiazepines, but it would take a lot of alcohol and you may pass out and vomit. Theoretically a barbiturate, even phenobarbital at an adequate dosage, would potentiate the lethal nature of benzos much more effectively than alcohol. Clomethiazole or barbiturate like compounds would probably work better too. Aside from the way barbiturate compounds effect chloride ion channels, benzos compliment that effect tremendously effectively.

None of these methods are a sure fire way in my estimation. There's a reason people hang and drown themselves etc...N and SN along with meto are probably the safest bets for soft methods, with SN allegedly causing no permanent damage if found. The loads of benzos + alcohol + whatever random pill method has too high of a failure method imo. It could result in getting sectioned and your attempt seen as a 'cry for help'. A cry for help isn't necessarily bad if you get actual help and aren't just labelled manipulative and fed mind-numbing drugs...or maybe that's what some people need and it makes them happy, who knows.
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Jan 24, 2020
One thing to consider is many modern narcotic medications now have gelling agents added to the pill. This makes them very difficult to crush and mix with water, so you might want to consider an antimetic as that's a lot of pills to swallow in a short period of time. Don't want to deal with throwing up in the middle of it all.


Jan 12, 2020
This is not my method of choice obviously, like almost everybody it would be Nembutal but can't find it anywhere.
Guns, trains, hanging, jumping are too traumatizing, I'm scared of deep waters so drowning is not an option and is too painful, Fentanyl or Heroin would be an option if I knew where to get it so I'm left with ODing or Sodium Nitrite if I find a reliable way to purchase some in EU but I don't know, there's something about it that frightens me... the fear of vomiting and having to drink another shot, suffering, being aware of it the whole time and seeing/feeling myself die miserably, I've read it could take several hours to die with SN and that the pain could make you want to call emergency.
Why is it so hard?!


Nov 13, 2019
For SN I thought they recommend a low dose of a benzo + a beta blocker like propranolol to lower the emotional and physical discomfort. Propranolol at the correct dosage won't allow much in the way of a physical response as your body struggles for life. If you get found and SN fails it's supposed to have the highest rate of recovery versus other chemical methods that might cause chemical damage.

Just adding my two pennies to the discussion.


Jan 12, 2020
For SN I thought they recommend a low dose of a benzo + a beta blocker like propranolol to lower the emotional and physical discomfort. Propranolol at the correct dosage won't allow much in the way of a physical response as your body struggles for life. If you get found and SN fails it's supposed to have the highest rate of recovery versus other chemical methods that might cause chemical damage.

Just adding my two pennies to the discussion.

I've read beta blockers are not mandatory and very hard to procure especially here in EU.
I'm even worried about the antiemetics because all I have is metopimazine (named Vogalib), an OTC antiemetic which is a dopamine blocker. In Wiki it's said that metopimazine can be given to chemo patients so I hope it's enough as I don't know where to get meto.

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